Finest Servant

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 The Enchantresses, Young and Older

At dawn the following day, Lin Wanrong opened his eyes slowly, only to find himself lying in bed. A warm shaft of sunlight was entering through the window, its warmth spreading across his body, leaving him feeling thoroughly comfortable. After a night's rest, he felt much of his strength returning. Sitting up, he cast a look around the room and saw a beautiful figure leaning by the bedside, her captivating eyes were watching him with a smile.

"Wow" Lin Wanrong exclaimed, shrinking back into the bed, "Sister, what are you planning to do?"

"You're awake?" An Biru seemed to disregard his words, pulling up the blanket corner for him with a smile, "What else could I be doing? I'm treating your injuries."

"You don't need to be by my bedside so early in the morning just to treat my injuries. It can scare someone to death, sister!" Lin Wanrong said.

"Are you so faint-hearted? Stop joking! Now, behave yourselflie down!" An Biru held two silver needles in her hand, issuing the command with a smile. The shiny needle tips radiated strands of dazzling light in the sunlight.

"Lie down for what? Only when a man is serious does he lie downI surrender, I surrender, I'm afraid of you" Seeing this Master Sister poised with the silver needles ready to puncture, the normally wilful General Lin chose to submit. He turned over, offering his bare back to An Biru.

An Biru's face turned serious, and with a swift motion, she had already inserted several needles into his back in the blink of an eye.

The needles, though seemingly icy cold, ignited a warm sensation as they entered his body, stimulating the circulation of his blood and easing his entire body. His injuries seemed to have healed a bit more.

An Biru's palm gently patted his smooth back, the soft touch stirring waves of sensation within him. Lin Wanrong groaned comfortably, every pore of his body radiating satisfaction.

An Biru thought he was in pain, and said, "What are you crying out for? If not for Xian'er's plea, I wouldn't bother exerting this effort for you. It's time-consuming and exhausting. Moreover, I've even lost my disciple to you. I really made a bad deal."

"Not a bad deal, not a bad deal." Lin Wanrong was lying on the bed, letting out a comfortable sigh, smiling, "Xian'er is my wife, you're my Master Sister. I wouldn't mind supporting you for a lifetime. Everyone living happily together, leisurely drinking tea, playing mahjonghow relaxed it would be."

An Biru giggled. A hint of coyness flashed across her face, her voice, brimming with allure, "Little brother, are you really willing to support me for a lifetime? Oh, I'm so grateful to you"

All of Lin Wanrong's hairs stood on end. Just how old was this Master Sister of his, and why was she so tempting, just like a young maiden?

"No need to thank me, no need to thank me. It's only right, it's only rightOh" While speaking, he suddenly felt a sharp pain on his back. An Biru had twisted one of the silver needles deeper.

Lin Wanrong felt weak all over, and sweat started to bead on his forehead, "Sister, you're not planning to kill me, are you? Oh no, I should've consummated my marriage with Xian'er last night. She'll be a widow before she even has a taste of marital bliss."

An Biru chuckled, "Little brother, don't think I'm oblivious to your cunning schemes. Be straightforward with me. Just because I didn't kill you a few days ago doesn't mean I won't do so in the future. If you dare mistreat Xian'er, I swear I'll tear you limb from limb and grind your bones to dust. Remember, I won't be merciful."

"Ah" Lin Wanrong let out a cry as An Biru's delicate hand moved swiftly, embedding two more silver needles into his acupuncture points. It was a massive effort, and beads of sweat glistened on her forehead.

After the intense pain, Lin Wanrong felt relieved all over. His grave injuries seemed to have healed significantly. Astonished, he said, "Master Sister, I didn't expect you could heal. I owe you my life; I should really thank you."

An Biru wiped off her sweat and smiled seductively, "Don't try to sweet-talk me. Do you think I'm as easy to appease as Xian'er? If it weren't for your selfless act of saving me, I would have killed you long ago."

Lin Wanrong paused, indeed. He and this sister should have been enemies fighting to death. But the relationship had strangely evolved into him saving her, and she not killing him. It was truly inexplicable.

An Biru removed the silver needles from his body and said, "In a few days, you should be fully recovered. Saving your life has taken quite a lot of my energy."

Lin Wanrong responded, still in a daze, "Sister, did I actually die that day?" It puzzled him as well. He had instinctively shielded her and her disciple from the cannon blast, which exploded behind him. In his subconscious, at that moment, he was already dead.

Seeing his blank expression, An Biru remembered the incident and laughed, "Life and death are only a line apart. Originally, I didn't intend to save you, my enemy. Despite your despicable and shameless nature, which could harm countless people if you survived, Xian'er pleaded so desperately that I couldn't refuse her. It's your good fortune."

Lin Wanrong sighed, Am I that bad? Your White Lotus Sect deceives the public, engages in anti-revolutionary activities, and harms the people. It's you who are causing harm. He forced a smile and said, "Sister, if you saved me, why tarnish my reputation? Sure, I'm not good, but neither is your White Lotus Sect. We're two of a kind; there's no need for either of us to flatter the other."

An Biru giggled, her voluptuous body gently trembling like a swaying flower branch, dizzyingly mesmerizing. Lin Wanrong quickly averted his eyes. Damn, what kind of enchantress was this woman? It was terrifying. Once An Biru finally stopped giggling, she said, "Little brother, you're right. I run this White Lotus Sect to do bad thingsthe more, the better. With so many good people in the world, if I don't act the villain, who will highlight their nobility?"

Lin Wanrong approved of this theory. He gave a thumbs-up and said, "You dare to think what others can't. You're so audacious about being a villain. Sister, you're indeed a woman who matches men in gallantry. I admire you greatly."

An Biru glanced at him, her expression changing to one of grievance. "However," she lamented, "my cherished plans have been foiled by you, Little brother Lin. How am I to proceed?"

"I was only jesting, Master Sister," Lin Wanrong chuckled, inching stealthily towards his musket lying nearby. "I merely set off a few cannons to startle you all. The one you should be seeking is the Emperor himself." He knew An Biru's volatile nature; she would lovingly call him little brother, yet be ready to strike at any moment. Vigilance was necessary.

"That won't do," An Biru countered playfully, casting him a sultry glance. "As they say, he who tied the bell must untie it. You created this mess, it is only fitting that you should help clean it up."

"Hold on, Sister, let me clarify," Lin Wanrong responded urgently, "I have no interest in your rebellious antics. Please, do not involve me. If you truly harbour such intentions, it'd be more merciful to kill me."

She burst into delicate laughter. "You know full well I wouldn't harm you, as it would hurt Xian'er. But, you pretend to be scared regardless. If you aren't bad, then there are no bad people in this world."

"But," she changed her tone, "my not killing you does not mean I have no other means of persuasion. Since Xian'er is so fond of you, I'll simply break your legs and ensure you remain by her side forever. Let's see if your fair weather friends will still want you then. Are you scared now, little brother?"

Cursing inwardly at her wicked proposition, Lin Wanrong retorted, "Sister, don't scare me. Xian'er, Xian'er, come in and protect your husband"

An Biru cut him off, chuckling, "General Lin, you are quite clever. You've used Xian'er's infatuation with you to manipulate me."

"That's not fair," Lin Wanrong sighed lightly. "You're Xian'er's master, and she is my wife; we are family. Why bring up manipulationXian'er, come in and pour tea for your Master Sister"

A strange light flickered in An Biru's eyes as she replied coldly, "I've put years of effort into nurturing the White Lotus Sect, only to have it ruined by you. I won't let you off easily. If you help me, well and good. If not, I will"

"Xian'er!" Lin Wanrong yelled. Qin Xian'er, dressed in a simple gown, hurried in from outside, looking at him in surprise, "Husband, you're awake?"

"Yes, yes, I've been awake for a while, missing you. You look so beautiful today, my good wife. I just want to hold you and sleep." Lin Wanrong grinned.

Qin Xian'er, now a married woman but still a maiden, had changed her dress. Her long hair was elegantly coiled up, tied in a simple knot with a piece of silk. Her delicate face, pale yet faintly flushed, sparkled with joy, her almond eyes brimming with happiness. Her slender figure stood erect, graceful as a willow tree, her curves subtle yet prominent. Even dressed in a fisherwoman's simple attire, she was breathtakingly beautiful. Her unmatched beauty, enhanced by the plainness of her clothing, was truly heart-stirring.

Lin Wanrong could no longer shift his gaze, blankly stating, "Xian'er, let us consummate our marriage tonight. Even if I were to die in your embrace, I would be content."

Qin Xian'er's face flushed, and she hurriedly lowered her head, shying away, "Husband, you're being so impertinent. Master is still here, can't you wait a while longer to say such things?" Upon hearing his words, her heart was filled with immense joy, and a hint of pride; her eyes brimmed with affection as she looked deeply at her husband.

Seeing her disciple being thoroughly claimed by another, An Biru let out a girlish laugh, "General Lin, you certainly know how to handle things."

"No, no, Master Sister, you too have many... 'savage' strategies," he mischievously muttered the words, intentionally blurring the pronunciation between 'savage' and 'numerous.' Qin Xian'er couldn't discern his meaning, but An Biru understood all too well.

"Husband, what are you talking about with Master? I heard you call my name several times," Qin Xian'er walked to his side and helped him sit up.

"Oh, nothing much, Master Sister was just telling me ghost stories, which frightened me. You know, I'm quite a timid person, so naturally I'm a bit unsettled. Xian'er, ever since I was injured, I've been feeling weaker. I can't handle any more shocks" General Lin said pitifully.

Qin Xian'er recalled his state from the night before and couldn't help but tear up, "Husband, don't be afraid, Xian'er is here. I've learned many techniques from Master, and I will protect you in this life and all lives to come. If anyone dares to harm you, I will fight them to death."

"Xian'er, my wife, you're simply the best." Lin Wanrong gratefully embraced Xian'er, shedding a few tears, then he sneakily grinned at An Biru.

An Biru could only laugh bitterly at his antics; this man, always resorting to childish tricks, yet she was helpless against him. Despite her many experiences, her usual independent, carefree attitude was futile in the face of this unconventional and cunning General Lin. Remembering his vulnerable state from the night before, she couldn't help but wonder, was this really the same military general who had once brilliantly strategized against her?

As Qin Xian'er held her husband, she wiped his tears and asked, "Husband, are you hungry? I've prepared a fresh fish soup for you. Master and I caught the fish ourselves from the lake last night. It's very fresh, let me bring it to you!"

"You caught it yourselves?" Lin Wanrong exclaimed in surprise, glancing at the pair. Damn it, he thought, why did I sleep so early last night? I missed Master Sister and Xian'er's swimming exhibitionwhat a regret.

"Xian'er was worried about your health, so she insisted on catching the fish. If you disappoint her, how will you face her?" An Biru looked at Xian'er with adoring eyes.

"Sweetheart, once my injuries heal, let's go swimming in the lake together, alright?" Lin Wanrong whispered into her ear, his breath tickling her.

Qin Xian'er's body went limp. She hummed in agreement and then giggled as she went to fetch the fish soup.

"You are indeed cunning, tricking Xian'er like this, making her wholly devoted to you," An Biru huffed.

"Sister, have you never heard the phrase 'mutual affection'?" Lin Wanrong chuckled. "Come to think of it, it's thanks to your fine instruction that my little Xian'er is so gentle and considerate. I'm indebted to you, sister."

An Biru gave a bitter smile of resignation. Who knew how thick this man's skin was? She had been getting along well with Xian'er, but now this man had fallen from the sky, intruding into their lives, completely disrupting the harmony between the two of them. Who could predict what might happen in the future?

"Sister, how old are you?"

"Thirty...ah, why are you asking? Are you looking for trouble?" An Biru's eyebrows shot up as she raised her voice in annoyance. She had been lost in thought, and upon hearing a question, she responded instinctively, nearly revealing a secret. How could she not be angry?

A woman's age is indeed a secret, Lin Wanrong thought, nearly succeeding in his little scheme. He gave a dry chuckle, "Sister, don't tease me. You're as beautiful as a celestial being, with an incredible figure. I guess you're twenty-one, just a year older than me."

"Little brother..." An Biru's face broke into a strange smile. She leaned in close to him, her body almost touching his. She laughed softly, "Why don't we try something new? Your tricks may work on Xian'er, but don't try to use them on me."

The two were extremely close, so close it felt like a piece of paper could barely fit between them. Lin Wanrong could see her smooth, jade-like cheek, her chest rising and falling gently like surging waves, and the unique, mature fragrance wafting from her body.

As they drew closer, Lin Wanrong swallowed hard, feeling the burning heat emanating from this mature woman, "Sister, what are you doing? I'm married. Don't come closer, I'm going to call for help, ah--"

Upon hearing her husband's cry, Xian'er hurriedly rushed in, only to see her master smiling, a silver needle in her hand. "Xian'er, I just gave him another needle, used a bit of force. He should recover by tomorrow."

"Really, master?" Xian'er exclaimed in joy.

An Biru nodded with a smile. "Of course, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Husband, did you hear that? You will recover tomorrow." Xian'er was overwhelmed with joy, tears streaming down her face.

Lin Wanrong ground his teeth, this wicked woman, why did she have to jab the needle into his backside?

"Husband, what's wrong?" Xian'er noticed his upset face and anxiously asked.

"It's nothing, Xian'er, I'm just too happy. It's so good that you're here, so good--" Lin Wanrong repressed his inner turmoil and managed to say sorrowfully.

"Husband, have some soup. It will help you recover faster." Xian'er scooped up a spoonful of fish soup, blew on it a few times to cool it down, and brought it to her husband's lips. The delicious soup warmed his heart a bit, and he glared at An Biru, who was struggling to contain her laughter.

"Husband, how does it taste?" Xian'er eagerly asked.

"The taste is amazing, Xian'er, you're wonderful. Let's try something new tonight. Oh, Master Sister, come and have some soup. Xian'er, feed me a mouthful, then feed your Master...Sister, do you object? In that case, Xian'er, feed your Master a mouthful, then feed me."

An Biru chuckled. With a swoosh, a silver needle flew from her hand, embedding itself seven parts deep into the cabin beam. "Xian'er, how do you find your master's skill?" Lin Wanrong obediently lowered his head and drank the soup, uttering no more words.

Life aboard the boat was odd. He and Xian'er were all lovey-dovey, while An Biru watched them unabashedly, without the slightest hint of shyness.

Lin Wanrong, holding Xian'er's hand, whispered, "Xian'er, does your master have some sort of mental issue?"

Qin Xian'er giggled, "Husband, you mustn't speak nonsense. Master has always been this way. Sometimes, she's even more delightful when she holds a head in her hand."

Sweat, nothing but sweat! Xian'er was a little witch, and Master Sister a big witch. The witch family was complete.

Lin Wanrong didn't glance at An Biru. Xian'er helped him walk a few steps. Gradually, strength returned to his body, and he was able to walk unaided. Could one shot in the backside really be this miraculous?

"It's the recovery of your own inner energy. I simply helped guide it." An Biru seemed to see through his thoughts and laughed.

Lin Wanrong was wary of this Master Sister, preferring to respect her from afar.

"Master, my husband is gradually healing, and it's nearing the end of the month. Shall we go ashore tomorrow to buy some things?" Qin Xian'er suggested.

End of the month? Lin Wanrong felt a chill in his heart and hurriedly grabbed her small hand. "Xian'er, what date is it today?"

"It's the 28th of the winter month! What's wrong, husband?" Qin Xian'er asked, puzzled.

The 28th of the winter month? Lin Wanrong abruptly jumped up, shouting loudly, "To shore, to shore, hurry to shore!"

Xian'er anxiously asked, "Husband, what happened?"

"There's a thing, waiting for me to do a thing--" Lin Wanrong sweated profusely, unsure of how to explain to Xian'er. He knew all about her jealousy, even though they were now married, her killer instinct couldn't be easily rubbed off!

"Husband, wouldn't it be good to spend a few happy days on this boat? Do you despise me so much?" Qin Xian'er sobbed.

Just as he expected, Xian'er had started. In the past, he could ignore this, but now that they were married, he couldn't just brush it aside. Lin Wanrong hurriedly wrapped his arm around her waist, "Sweetie, I can't explain right now. Once I've dealt with this, I'll explain everything to you, okay?"

An Biru laughed, "You look so anxious. Are you going to save some sweetheart? Xian'er, if he doesn't tell you, don't let him go ashore."

How Lin Wanrong hated her, deeper than the waters of Weishan Lake. He wished he could pull out a gun and end her with one shot.

Qin Xian'er stole a glance at her husband, seeing his silence and dark expression, she felt a pang in her heart, "Husband, Master was only joking with you. Don't be upset, we'll go ashore now."

The small boat, which had been drifting on Weishan Lake for several days, gently made its way to the shore. Lin Wanrong quickly surveyed the surroundings, recognizing Pei County where he had once led his troops against the elite forces of the White Lotus. Days had passed, and there was no longer any trace of battle, only a few lonely water birds soaring low over the lake.

In his impatience, Lin Wanrong, just recovered, jumped off the swaying bow of the boat. He hastily walked a few steps before feeling something amiss and quickly turned to look back. He saw Xian'er, her red lips lightly bitten, tears in her eyes, silently watching him.

Lin Wanrong was taken aback, "Xian'er, what are you standing around for? Let's go"

"Do you want me to go with you? Husband" Like a swallow returning to its nest, Qin Xian'er threw herself into his arms, crying softly, "You were in such a hurry to leave, I thought you didn't want me."

Damn, this girl was too sensitive, such a small matter could lead her thoughts astray. Reflecting on their time together, Xian'er had always been gentle and agreeable, never refusing him. Lin Wanrong tightly held her small, jade-white hand and smiled, "Silly girl, we're husband and wife, of course, wherever I go, you go."

"Husband, Xian'er will forever be your shadow!" Qin Xian'er hid in his arms and whimpered.

Moved to tears, Lin Wanrong wiped away the teardrops on his face and held her delicate, boneless body, "Sweetie, let's go back to Jinling!"

Qin Xian'er gave a small nod, then looked back, her voice tinged with reluctance, "What about Master?"

Master? She can go and have fun wherever she wants! The first woman to dare to stick a needle in his backside was surely gifted.

"Going to Jinling? Great!" An Biru lightly tapped her foot, stepping forward without stirring a grain of dust, she gave Lin Wanrong a teasing smile, "Young Master Lin, you promised to take care of me for life. Have you forgotten?"

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