First Demonic Dragon

Chapter 212 Parental Guidance

Chapter 212 Parental Guidance

"Honey, you're so small and red!"

"What a cute little apparition you are, son."

Abaddon knew that his parents meant well, but he couldn't help but feel like he was being mocked a bit.

"How did Lailah come up with this? The girl is truly a genius!" Yara praised.

Seras merely shook her head.

"She didn't come up with it mother. The former which queen did. Lailah merely improved upon its design and efficiency by using blood instead of soul beads to make the connection."

"Oh? Then it's good to know that old bitch was finally good for something." Yara said happily.

She still hadn't forgotten about all of the trauma her first daughter had endured at the hands of her supposed mother, so it filled Yara with an indescribable joy to know that Sei had been bested by the daughter she chose to abuse.

"But still..." Asmodeus gave Yara a forlorn look and she nodded in understanding.

"I agree, that way is best."

"Indeed it is."


Asmodeus suddenly snapped his fingers and opened up a swirling dark gray portal.

Before Abaddon knew what was happening, his mother had appeared next to him wearing a massive smile.

Yara quickly embraced her son in her signature suffocating bearhug just as Asmodeus and Seras emerged from the portal.

"As I thought, I still prefer to see you like this!"

"It's good to see you as well mother, but must you coddle me like this at our every meeting?" Abaddon asked exhaustedly.

"Yes I must!" Yara suddenly removed her arms from around her son's neck and began pinching and pulling his tanned cheeks. "Why would you want to deprive me of one of my life's greatest joys!?"

"Alright Yara. He can't be a king of lust if you ruin his face."

Asmodeus eventually pried his wife off of their son and held out his hand to pull him up from the ground.


The primordial nephilim began analyzing his son's face and aura.

"You actually look like shit already."

It had been quite a long time since Abaddon had been told that by anyone, so hearing such a comment was more than enough to cause a vein to bulge in the dragon's forehead.

"Old man... would you care to elaborate on that?" He asked as he wore a smile that was not a smile.

Before he could make the situation worse, Seras quickly stepped in as she understood his meaning. "He doesn't mean your physical appearance my love. He's referring to your frustrated and negative aura."

Seras then wrapped her arms around him and stood on her tippy toes to give him a peck on the cheek. "You needn't worry, you still look as handsome as always."

Her compliment did put a small smile on his face and he could not resist the urge to give his wife a small kiss on the lips.


Both Yara and Asmodeus covered their mouths as they let out excited gasps.

When they saw their son like this, their dream of a future filled with grandchildren seemed a little more realistic.

Naturally Seras giggled at their childish outburst while Abaddon merely rolled his eyes. "Can you two act like adults for even a single moment?"

"We acted like adults all weekend so we're taking a break right now." Asmodeus said to which Yara nodded happily in agreement.

Again, Abaddon's mind was filled with some very unpleasant images and he felt like he was going to be sick.

Did his parents not realize that there were some things that you just don't tell your children!?

"But is there a reason for your lingering frustration?" Asmodeus suddenly asked as he took a look at the room they were currently in as well as his son's outfit. "Is training not going well?"

Abaddon let out a low frustrated growl and the entire room immediately had their answer. "It is admittedly not proceeding as smoothly as I would like, but there is always a chance that I am merely being impatient."

Seras' eyes suddenly held a complicated light.

As the one who had initially taught Abaddon how to fight, she was the one who was most inclined to help him.

But after the scathing words of Lucifer, Abaddon was determined to accomplish mastery over his powers on his own and asked all of his wives to help him as little as possible.

Seras' feelings about his decision were mixed, as she was rather proud to see him be so resolute, however she hoped that he would not totally cease his reliance upon them in the future.

Yara prepared to say something but Asmodeus suddenly grasped her hand and shook his head.

"Is that so? Well sometimes it's like that. But the important thing to remember is that training, just like everything else, requires a step backwards sometimes so that you can observe the full picture."

Abaddon nodded, and just as he was about to dismiss his father's words, a switch seemed to flip in his brain.

This entire time the answer had been right in front of him and he was merely too foolish to see it.

In it's essence, lightning is meant to run freely and unrestrained.

Such a thing is a vital component of it's being, yet Abaddon believed that he could simply use brute force to make it submit.

'It doesn't need control, it needs to be guided...'

eαglesn?νel Suddenly, bright red lightning began to course over Abaddon's entire body.

Seras expected to feel a bit of pain since Abaddon's arm was still wrapped around her waist, but she smiled excitedly when she realized that she felt absolutely nothing.

The lightning was simply passing over her harmlessly and only making contact with her husband.

"You've done it!"

Seras excitedly threw her arms around her husband and began squeezing the life out of him.

"It seems so. I guess the answer was a bit more simple than I'd expected. "

He soon turned to his father and offered him a small nod of thanks." Evidently it seems like you were right. I'll forgive you for that unflattering comment you made earlier.

Asmodeus had a confused look on his face as he nodded slowly. "Ah... Sure but is that what you were having trouble with? Something of that nature should be child's play for you, no?"

"I was thinking the same thing. Are we missing something?" Yara agreed.

Surely a stage two evolved like their son shouldn't have been struggling this much with using an elemental affinity.

Abaddon and Seras winced and briefly glanced at each other before he ultimately decided that it was time to talk to his parents about some things.

After doing this for so long, Abaddon had learned to streamline the process a bit.

'It's a good thing that I practiced this ability...'

The dragon tapped both of his parents on the forehead, and in the next second various images began to flash in their minds.

Asmodeus already knew everything about his son, so he wasn't really that surprised but Yara was another thing entirely.

Suddenly all of her son's strange behavior and antics made sense and she couldn't believe that all of this had happened and she didn't know about it.

The visions soon shifted to show the moment when Abaddon accepted both of his identities and became whole.

Yara's feelings suddenly changed after witnessing that scene.

At first she thought that her baby boy had been unfairly ripped from his own body and replaced with someone else.

But with the knowledge that her son was divided from birth came clarity and Yara was able to accept that her son was still with her, just like he'd always been.

But she was admittedly a little pissed that Asmodeus had known all this time and not told her.

And it was something that she would certainly punish him for later.

'Why do I suddenly feel a chill...?' Asmodeus wondered.

After sorting through all of his old memories, Abaddon finally showed his parents his falling out with Lucifer and the subsequent loss of his system.

Now Asmodeus was no longer smiling as he held a deep frown on his face that could terrify even the foulest demon.

His father's threats were not something taken lightly and he knew him well enough to know that he had every intention of acting on them.

The very thought of seeing his son die at the hands of his ow father filled him with so much anger that he accidentally cracked the floor beneath him with his pressure.

When all had finally been revealed, Abaddon stepped back and allowed his parents a moment to come to grips with what they'd just seen.

After a long silence, Asmodeus and Yara suddenly moved to pull their son in for a hug.

It was not one that aimed to smother or even a purely affectionate one.

It was a hug that promised protection even from the ruler of hell himself.

Unused to such sympathy, Abaddon looked towards Seras for help, only to see her smiling warmly a few feet away.

The dragon sighed in defeat as he returned their hugs and tried to comfort them both.

"Mother, I'm sorry for keeping this from you for all of this time..."

Yara looked up at her son with tears in her eyes and fought the urge to laugh.

"Silly boy... No more secrets, hm?"

The dragon nodded in agreement before turning to his father who was trembling with rage.

"He may be my grandfather but something like that means very little to me. Anyone who threatens to take me from my wives and children has to die."

"I hope you weren't hoping to hear any words of objection from me. If so then I will have to disappoint you." Asmodeus replied.

For the first time, Abaddon showed his father a smile of true appreciation.

It couldn't be easy to hear that your son was going to kill your father, yet Asmodeus took such a thing in stride.

Abaddon was truly grateful.

But when Asmodeus remembered his father's frightening power that was truly one of a kind, his worry admittedly got the best of him.

"But son..." he began. "Lucifer is unlike any-"

"Wait a second." Yara suddenly said.

Her eyes immediately dried of tears, and she began to look at her son with a stern and serious expression.

"Did you say... you have children? As in multiple?!"

Abaddon immediately recognized his mistake and immediately tried to explain. "About that... well..."

At that moment, the door to the training room was thrown open and Mira, Thea, and Apophis strode in bearing their own individual weapons and armor.

Entei was trailing slowly behind them, looking like he'd been forced to participate.

Thea : "Father, we've come to spar with you today!"

Mira: " I will ensure that you taste defeat! Hehehe!"

Apophis : "I'm not sure if my prowess is adequate, but I will do my best."

The three kids suddenly froze when they realized that their father's training room was not empty as it usually was.

Yara's vision swayed back and forth between her son and the three children who'd just arrived.

Finally, Abaddon let out a wry chuckle as he tried to avoid his mother's wrath.

"Well... you did say no more secrets."

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