First Immortal of the Sword

Chapter 1265 - Let Sword Qi Fly

Chapter 1265 - Let Sword Qi Fly

A fierce battle raged.

The illusory divine sovereign controlled lightning and breathed wind and fire. Every movement was like that of a deity, and its majesty shook both heaven and earth.

But Su Yi was the most eye-catching of all.

Before the ten-thousand-foot illusory divine sovereign, he seemed extraordinarily paltry and insignificant.

But every time he attacked, he shook both heaven and earth with his tyrannical might.

All manner of profound and inscrutable sword intents rose from his hands, crossing the skies. He and the illusory heavenly sovereign were evenly matched, locked in inextricable combat.

Just witnessing his terrifying attainments in the Dao of the Sword made the World Kings of the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect break out in cold sweat.

They had to admit to themselves that if they were Su Yi's opponents, they couldn’t possibly have blocked his attacks. He would have killed them with ease!

This was exactly what they found so unimaginable. Throughout their lives and even before that, who had seen such a powerful Heavenly Longevity World King?

No one!

But to Su Yi, although the battle was fierce, it wasn’t particularly satisfying. As strong as the heavenly sovereign was, it was ultimately just a manifestation of a formation, not a true opponent. It lacked intelligence and a soul.

Even though a pack of World Kings were controlling it, it was the formation’s own transformations that made it strong. It couldn’t compare with a true Cosmic Enlightenment World King.

Of course, that was only true by Su Yi’s standards. He knew full well that even most Cosmic Enlightenment World Kings would have struggled to clash with the Primordial Unity Divine Sovereign like he was.

“Die! Die! Die!”

Murderous roars shook the heavens as the illusory divine sovereign’s attacks became even more terrifying.

There was no doubt about it. Their attacks still weren’t working, and the World Kings directing the formation were getting a bit frantic.

“I don’t have time to waste on a formation,” said Su Yi. His eyes flashed with cold light.


His power of the Grand Dao changed, replaced with the Laws of Flying Light. In an instant, he fired dozens of streaks of sword qi.

All of them were so quick, it seemed as if they were teleporting. Each was like a beam of flowing light.

The crowd didn’t even have time to react before they’d disappeared into thin air.

And Su Yi just stood in the air. He took out a jug of wine, then threw back his head and said softly, “I’ll just... let sword qi fly.”

At the same time——

Off in the distance, that fully ten-thousand-foot illusory heavenly sovereign’s movements suddenly froze.

A moment later, it trembled violently. The power of the formation surged tumultuously. Misty light rumbled and boomed.

To the onlookers, it almost seemed like a drunkard in the throes of intoxication. Hm? What’s going on?

Those higher-ups whose cultivation had reached the World King Realm all looked stricken.

They could see cuts as smooth as the surface of a mirror silently opening at the heavenly sovereign’s three necks, six arms, knees, and ankles.

Immediately afterward, the rifts continuously expanded.

The World Kings directing the formation were obviously trying to repair the cuts, but they couldn’t do it all at once. This led to the heavenly sovereign’s violent trembling, as if it were about to fall.

This state only lasted a few breaths of time.

Then, everyone watched as the ten-thousand-foot heavenly sovereign silently split into pieces.

Three heads fell to the ground.

Six arms flew through the air.

Two legs were severed at the knees, and even its feet were severed at the ankles.

Like a dismembered corpse!

Immediately afterward, the chunks of its body exploded with a bang.

Heaven and earth shook. The air was thrown into disarray, and explosive currents of the formation’s power ran rampant, throwing the entire area into upheaval.

Regardless of rank, everyone in the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect was wide-eyed, tongue-tied, and flabbergasted.

The Primordial Unity Heavenly Sovereign Formation was broken!!!

This was completely unprecedented!

After all, the formation was so terrifying as to rank thirteenth in the entire Eastern Profound Star Domain. It was the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect’s defensive formation!

Although experts had caused trouble here before, none had ever broken the formation. Yet now, a mere Heavenly Longevity Realm World King had done so in a single attempt!

The shock was far too great. It assailed all of their hearts and minds.

Throughout the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect, cries of astonishment rang out.

“No wonder he was so confident as to proclaim he’d both settle the score and save the hostages. So this... was the source of his confidence...” A’Cai murmured in a daze. She finally understood.

Su Yi stood amidst the tumultuous landscape, hovering in the air. His tall, upright figure was extremely eye-catching.

His robes fluttered around him, and he drank from a jug of wine, unbridled and unrestrained, elegant and unfettered, without the slightest sign of injury.

Who would have imagined that this very young man, who seemed as transcendent as an immortal, had destroyed the Primordial Unity Heavenly Sovereign Formation in a single attempt?

His calm was what made this all so astonishing. He seemed perfectly composed even as the formation broke. How could the onlookers fail to realize that the formation hadn’t really posed any threat to him at all?

“We... underestimated him again...”

Sect Leader Weng Pu’s expression was dark, and he could no longer stay calm. He forced his words through the gaps of his teeth, and his voice was full of rage and hatred.

“His Laws of the Grand Dao are obviously different from before. However, they too can counter the Laws of Primordial Unity, and they’re preternaturally quick. That’s the most terrifying part,” Li Xunzehn said with the utmost gravity.

He was a late-stage Cosmic Enlightenment World King, and he’d overcome too many battles to count. He fully understood how it was that Su Yi managed to break the formation.

Speed lay at the heart of it all!

In an instant, he slashed thirteen times in rapid succession. Every strike landed on one of the heavenly sovereign’s weak points, breaking it in a single attempt.

The World Kings controlling the formation didn’t even have time to block, which is what led to this result.

“No harm done. We’ve been preparing for this battle for days, and we’ve arranged numerous countermeasures. This was only just the beginning. We’ve yet to determine a victor!” Shui Tianhan said gravely.

Although he said this, his face was extraordinarily ashen.

There was no doubt about it. He was suppressing a bellyful of fire.

“But he... still has yet to draw his sword...” Gu Lingyun said gravely.

Her meaning was quite clear. Su Yi had cards up his sleeves too!

The crowd’s brows furrowed even deeper.

But no one was more shocked than the World Kings controlling the Primordial Unity Heavenly Sovereign Formation.

When it broke, the resulting backlash sent them staggering back. Many of them coughed up blood, their faces deathly pale. They were a wretched sight.


“Why is this happening?”

They were astonished, and they found this reality difficult to accept.

But before they could come to their senses, Sect Leader Weng Pu’s frantic shout reverberated through their ears.

“Hurry up and retreat. Retreat—!”

The World Kings shuddered as if awakening from a dream.

When they looked over, they indeed saw Su Yi flying right toward them.

“Retreat!” All of them were visibly overcome with alarm, and they turned tail and fled.

But they were ultimately just one stop too late.

The next moment, Su Yi’s sleeves billowed around him, and streaks of serpentine sword qi whooshed through the air.

That terrifying sword intent brought with it an impassioned sword hum, like the music of impending doom echoing throughout heaven and earth.

Splurt! Splurt! Splurt!

Bundle after bundle of bloody mist burst in midair.

Watching through the Heaven-Surveying Mirrors, it was as if blood-red, piping-hot flowers were blooming before their very eyes, filling that chaotic landscape.

A startling, soul-stirring sight.

These streaks of sword qi were just too terrifying. Their radiance stung the eyes, and nothing could stand in their way!

As they fell, the World Kings, regardless of whether they were in the Heavenly Longevity Realm or the Oneness Realm, exploded like paper-maché.

In the blink of an eye, all twenty-four Heavenly Longevity World Kings and all nine Oneness World Kings had died!

Not one survived!

Heaven and earth were dyed a soul-stirring shade of crimson.

“Again? It’s happening again...?” Witnessing this dealt Xue Changyi a heavier blow than anyone else. His hair stood on end, and the blood drained from his face as he recalled what he’d seen several days prior at the Solar Transformation Courtyard.

Back then, a casual tap from Su Yi had destroyed the Solar Transformation Courtyard’s Oneness Realm ancestor, Jing Que.

Now, Su Yi merely waved his sleeves and sword qi interwove, forceful as an axe through bamboo as it slew a whole group of World Kings!

Xue Changyi was so scared that his soul almost left his body. Every inch of him was drenched in cold sweat.


Within the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect, everyone felt suffocated.

Some of the young cultivators were so completely overcome with astonishment that they toppled over unconscious!

It wasn’t that they lacked courage, but that they were watching through the Heaven-Surveying Mirrors. This let them watch those World Kings’ deaths in full detail.

It was as if that bloody spectacle played out right before their eyes, or as if they were there in person. It would have been stranger if they weren’t frightened out of their wits.

But they were still relatively well off. Had they actually been on the battlefield, Su Yi’s imposing aura alone would have shaken them to death!

The higher-ups’ hearts quivered with fright too. They could no longer keep their calm. All of them were frantic!

Less than ten minutes had passed since the start of the battle, but Qing Xiao was dead, and the Primordial Unity Divine Sovereign Formation was broken.

On top of all that, twenty-four Heavenly Longevity Realm World Kings and nine Oneness World Kings had died brutal deaths outside their gates!

Who wouldn’t have been surprised?

Who wouldn’t have been terrified?

“Had we known, we would never have placed our forces outside our gates! We would have just attacked ourselves. That way, we never would have suffered such massive casualties!” Shui Tianhan gnashed his teeth furiously.

“Who could have imagined this? A year ago, the Temple Master’s reincarnation had to borrow the power of his past life’s Dao imprint to kill a World King. Now, he can already break the Primordial Unity Divine Sovereign Formation with his own power!”

Li Xunzhen sighed.

They’d really miscalculated this time.

The fundamental issue was that although they’d taken their opponent seriously, now that he was actually here, they realized they’d still severely underestimated him!

It was then that Gu Lingzhen said icily, “He’s fought his way to our gates. Should we... hand over the hostages?”

The group watched through the Heaven-Surveying Mirror, and indeed, they saw Su Yi hurtling toward them from afar. He would reach their gates any second now!

Qing Xiao had only just proclaimed that so long as Su Yi reached their gates, the Primordial Unity Daoist Sect would return the hostages!

The group looked at each other, their hearts full of intense unwillingness.

Their plans hadn’t accounted for the possibility that Su Yi would actually reach their gates!

Nor had they ever considered actually handing over the hostages!

“In a life or death battle like this, what need is there to keep our promises?” Lin Xunzhen said coldly.

He swept his gaze across Shui Tianhan and Gu Lingyun. “Come on. Let’s kill that bastard. No matter what, we can’t let him leave this place alive!”

He was seething with murderous intent.

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