First Immortal of the Sword

Chapter 1527 - A Warning

Chapter 1527 - A Warning

Su Yi was on guard against the man's death throes. After all, the man was a divine emissary! He was sure to have all sorts of methods up his sleeves.

But that calamitous power bursting out of the massive beast’s corpse was beyond Su Yi’s expectations.

This wasn’t the power of a deity. It was an origin Law on the level of an Immortal King!

Su Yi had no time to think, nor did he have time to dodge. All he could do was attack with all his might.


Sword curtains rose into the air around him, one after another, like natural barriers.

All of them were full of the aura of the Sword of the Nine Hells. Su Yi’s Manifesting Void Realm cultivation was on full display.

He wasn’t holding back in the slightest.

At the same time, that Immortal King-level source power was sweeping toward him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

One sword curtain exploded after another, as fragile as paper window paneling.

The full-force attack of an Immortal King could destroy any Immortal Lord beneath the heavens with ease!

Even though Su Yi was activating the Sword of the Nine Hells’ power with all his might, his cultivation base restricted him. He could only display a limited degree of its power.

As a result, when the sword curtains broke, he suffered heavy injuries.


Heaven and earth swayed.

Destructive power ran rampant, sweeping through the sky and illuminating both heaven and earth.

By the time the smoke and misty light receded, the beast the man in the changshan had turned into had disappeared.

And Su Yi was still alive!

However, his situation was incomparably wretched. He was severely wounded and bleeding profusely. Within his body, his organs and meridians were badly pummeled, and his soul had taken terrifying damage. Even the hand holding the Sword of the Human Realm was shaking!

His wounds were much worse than they’d been when he’d undergone his Tribulation of Manifesting Void.

The corners of Su Yi’s lips twitched in self-deprecation. “I was really playing with fire this time...”

He could have just let the man in the changshan go. There’d been no real need to pursue him. Actually, he was fully capable of removing the power of the Karmic Hook whenever he wanted. He could have done so before he ascended, avoiding this battle altogether.

But he’d wanted to test some things and to temper himself. Furthermore, he’d wanted to seize the chance to break through.

And indeed, he’d successfully proven his Dao in the end. But at the same time, he’d taken massive damage on his first night in the Immortal Realm!

Still, Su Yi didn’t regret it. This had always been his nature. He’d experienced an enormous number of life-or-death trials.

“Going forward, I shouldn’t clash with the gods’ forces lightly,” murmured Su Yi.

This battle really was a battle with the forces of the gods. The experts of Cloud Apparatus Immortal Manor and the divine emissary in the changshan both served the deity they called the Angler. In a sense, Su Yi was clashing with the Angler himself across space!

And Su Yi wasn’t at all at the advantage in his confrontation. His low cultivation base was now his greatest weakness!

This battle had served as a warning.

As mighty as Wang Ye had been after reaching the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao, when the gods joined forces and attacked him on the River of Epochs, he came dangerously close to losing his life. And according to the divine emissary Mi Zhen, two of his past lives had died at the hands of the gods! How could he take them lightly?

One day, I’ll have to slaughter every last god who takes me for an eyesore! thought Su Yi.

He took a deep breath and realized that everything hurt. It was to the point that he might topple at a moment’s notice.

He pursed his lips, relying on his almost perversely powerful will to keep himself upright and carry himself into the distance. His first priority wasn’t treating his wounds; he had to leave the battlefield as soon as possible.

About ten minutes later, a boundless river appeared in Su Yi’s field of view.

However, his awareness was already starting to fade. He felt almost as if he were suffering from lead poisoning; his body wasn’t quite listening to him.

I got complacent. All I could think about was momentary satisfaction. That’s what put me in this predicament... Su Yi frowned. No, it’s not that I got complacent, but that Wang Ye is influencing my mentality.

As he realized this, Su Yi suddenly came to his senses.

Given his disposition and knowing full well that he was up against the forces of a deity like the Angler, Su Yi would never have gone in entirely unprepared.

But Wang Ye would naturally disdain all such preparations.

The reason for this was simple. Wang Ye’s spirit and mentality were based on his position at the pinnacle of the Immortal Dao. He naturally wouldn’t have concerned himself with such opponents.

But it was because of this that, although Su Yi managed to survive, his injuries were unprecedentedly terrible.

“You really screwed me over this time...” murmured Su Yi. “But really, it’s my fault for not being on guard.”

He recalled today’s experiences and realized that, ever since he’d returned to the Immortal Realm, Wang Ye’s memories, experiences, and feelings were rising to the surface with increased frequency.

For instance, the ruefulness he’d felt in White Deer Mountain’s Ascension Grounds, all that recognition and reminiscence, and his conversation with Qi Fufeng. Everything he’d known and remembered came from Wang Ye!

This silent, traceless influence was affecting Su Yi’s fundamental nature!

Su Yi knew that there was no way of avoiding this short of erasing all of Wang Ye’s memories and experiences. Otherwise, this would come up increasingly often as he continued exploring the Immortal Realm!

Su Yi murmured to himself, “This battle with myself is truly getting more and more interesting.... One day, I’ll surpass everything you achieved, one by one!”

He looked around, giving the matter no further thought.

He exhausted practically his last thread of power to circulate the mysteries of reincarnation and break the karmic ties lingering on his body. But after that, he simply couldn’t hold on any longer. He fell from the sky and fell into the coursing river with a splash.

The raging current carried him away, and soon, he’d disappeared without a trace.


That very night.

A group of Cloud Apparatus Immortal Manor experts appeared at the site of the battle, but after investigating, they found nothing at all.

Word soon reached Cloud Apparatus Immortal Manor.

“They failed? Twenty Void Realm True Immortals and an army of Universe Realm Immortals failed to capture a single paltry little new ascendant?"

“Even the Divine Venerate’s emissary, His Excellency Hei Mo... died!?”

Sun Xiaocheng’s expression darkened. He was completely enraged.

As the leader of the Cloud Apparatus Immortal Manor, he was a prominent expert by the standards of the Immortal Realm as a whole. But these ill tidings obviously left him flustered.

“The Divine Venerate is sure to be furious that we failed to bring our target back...” Sun Xiaocheng sighed deeply.

According to the reports, all attempts to trace him through secret arts had been completely useless. That meant that looking for him would be like trying to fish a needle out of the ocean. They had almost no hope of success!

This left Sun Xiaocheng so nervous that he felt like he was sitting on a bed of needles. He could neither eat nor sleep in peace.


Beneath the same night sky.

The banks of the surging River of Epochs.

The thin Angler was seated, fishing in the river.

Suddenly, he sensed something, and he pulled a thin fish hook out of his sleeves, only to discover that it had already broken into pieces.

“The Karmic Hook has been destroyed...” The Angler’s expression darkened. “It seems the Reincarnator sensed the danger and used the power of reincarnation to wipe away my power of karma!”

“Sun Xiaocheng is truly worthless!”

The Angler suddenly furrowed his brow as he recalled something. He took out a talisman and called into it, “Hei Mo, are you there?”

The talisman was silent. A long time passed without a response.

The Angler's eyelids twitched as he realized that Hei Mo was most certainly dead!

The thought actually stung a bit.

Hei Mo’s cultivation wasn’t overly deep or lofty. Even at his peak, he was just an Immortal King. However, he was the most reliable of the Angler’s divine emissaries, and the most loyal, too!

“Reincarnator, there’s no way I’ll let this grudge go unavenged!”

The Angler’s gaze was terrifyingly icy.


A day later.

White Deer Mountain’s Ascension Ground.

The emissary of the Church of the Pure One, Mo Shanchan, arrived.

Several other terrifying existences of other top factions arrived in rapid succession.

Even the weakest of them was an Immortal Lord!

As they arrived, their terrifying majestic presences enveloped heaven and earth.

“Your Church of the Pure One went to such lengths to make advance arrangements, but in the end, you didn’t so much as grasp a single ascendant’s shadow. What a joke!” someone said with cold, derisive laughter.

Mo Shanchan’s expression was instantly unsightly.

“It’s a pity. The Gates of the Immortal Realm opened for the first time since antiquity. Those ascendants were surely the most extraordinary talents of the Human Realm. Who’d have thought someone would run off with them before anyone else got the chance?” someone sighed.

“Just who did this?”

“Can’t you tell that the Falling Cloud Immortal Sect experts’ memories have been wiped away? We won’t get any hints from them!” someone said through gnashed teeth.

“No matter what, we can’t just let this go!” someone said with staunch conviction.

But in the end, there was nothing these higher-ups of the Immortal Realm’s top sects could do. Ultimately, they left one by one.

“Pass on my orders. Have our forces search the Jing Province for all suspicious characters!” Mo Shanchan ordered as soon as he left the Ascension Grounds.

One of his subordinates said tentatively, “Your Excellency, do we have likenesses, names, or any other identifying characteristics to base our search on?”

Mo Shanchan fell silent. “....”

He suddenly realized that, despite all this effort, they hadn’t even uncovered their target’s name....

As for a likeness? There was no need to even go down that route. After all, far, far too many people in this world were proficient at disguises.

Furthermore, they’d already shaken the grass and alerted the serpent. Their target was sure to take precautions!

The more he thought about it, the more Mo Shanchan felt a headache coming on.

His thoughts were in turmoil as he bellowed, “I told you to investigate, so investigate! What’s with all the nonsense?”

“Yes, sir!” His subordinate’s heart quivered with fright as he scurried off to carry out his orders.

“All we know for certain is that Wang Ye’s reincarnation was among the ascendants. In other words, the Tyrant Wang Ye... has returned!”

Mo Shanchan’s heart clenched inexplicably. A chill coursed down his spine.

Those who understood the Tyrant Wang Ye all knew what a terrifying existence he was!


That very day, Sect Leader Qi Nie of the Church of the Pure One learned what had happened.

At the time, he was playing the zither beneath an ancient pine tree.

After hearing the report, he shattered his instrument. This was already the second zither he’d destroyed.

He’d destroyed the first after conversing with Su Yi across the barrier between worlds.

He’d felt almost exactly the same way then as he did now.

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