Forced Marriage: Escaping Her Monster

Chapter 145 - He Thanked Her

Chapter 145 - He Thanked Her

"I'll be at Scarlett's house. She'd be worried about me," Jerlina sneaked out of the car.

"Don't eat anything hard," he said curling a bunch of her hair with his fingers, surprising her. His gaze at her was very gentle, but the moment he turned, his eyes became fierce.

She is scared of that gaze and every fiber of her being told her to run away. He'd become a monster when it comes to Emma and she didn't want to get involved.

As she tried to walk to the fence she was blocked by the big police dog in front of her.

"Odin!" Charlie whistled and called the dog.

The dog immediately left her and ran to Charlie. Jerlina's eyes met with Charlie's and contrary to the mocking smile she was expecting from him, he donned a serious expression.

And that made her think.

Oh, no! Emma is hurt and Jeremy won't be thinking straight!

Her legs started to run towards the house. She remembered Emma mentioning that Gerard is being violent and if she says Gerard is responsible for her bruises, Jeremy won't think twice before killing Gerard.

Emma might be lying or she might be saying the truth, but that doesn't matter!

Jeremy cannot go to jail! Not for Emma!

Gerard's parents won't let it rest if something fatal happens to him and if they went to the media, no amount of influence can help Jeremy.

Panting like a dog, she reached the house and she could hear Emma's sobs from the dining room.

"... it hurts... Jerry *hic* I didn't think he'd...Gerard... he... *hic*... You were busy... If only I didn't stay with him last night..."

Jerlina stood outside the dining room and decided to listen.

"I'm sorry I couldn't get you last night- Just hold the icepack-" Jeremy's voice was filled with rage. "Stay here. Back when he touched Jerlina I should have ended him and now he," Jeremy didn't finish his sentence and Jerlina heard him walking out.

Jerlina said nothing and blocked his way, standing in front of him. His face was red with anger and the corners of his lips were twitching and he looked mad.

"It is understandable, Joel. When your dear sister comes in front of you with bruises and tearfully says that someone hurt her, you're bound to get angry. You might want to tear up that person who hurt your dear sister. But..."

Isn't your sister a liar?

"Shouldn't you investigate first?"

Jerlina said in a very soft tone as if she was whispering. She didn't think it is good to let Emma run wild. Her words should be questioned and only then she'll learn to be mindful of her words.

Jeremy is not that wicked witch's flying monkey!

Jerlina thought she'd be pushed aside but she saw Jeremy's face getting closer to her. And that's when she felt fear. She tried to take a step back, but he held her arm and leaned closer to her ear.

"For whom are you worried for?" he whispered.

His voice was like the cold whisper you hear in a haunted house at night, making Jerlina alert.

"For you," she whispered back, nonetheless.

She spoke looking in his eyes as she was telling the truth. But then she saw his face softening and a smile appearing on his face. She wondered what made him happy all of the sudden, and then she realized it.

She averted her eyes.

What's with me saying ambiguous words to him all the time!

Back then I said that I forgot the surroundings looking at him and now... Ugh!

"I don't care. Do what you want," she turned to leave, but he hugged her from behind.

"Let go," Jerlina said gritting her teeth. "You're getting bolder and bolder," she pinched his arm, but he didn't even flinch.

Jeremy watched her ears getting red and he couldn't help but smile. He was enraged and he wanted to kill Gerard. To be honest, he wants to kill Gerard for a lot of reasons and this one is just another excuse.

But when she said 'For you', all his rage went away.

"Thank you, for speaking some sense into my rage-filled brain, wifey," he kissed her ear that was beet-red, and let her go.

His heart was filled with happiness. He expected she'd turn and give a slap or two and so he stepped back to accept it. But she didn't.

He watched her running up the stairs with her entire face blushing. "Careful," he said with a chuckle but she didn't even look at him. He turned to enter the dining hall to have a talk with Emma. He couldn't control his grin.

How cute!

Jerlina, without turning back, ran to the stairs, grumbling, and mumbling.

He's gone mad! Wifey? Who's his wifey? Stupid! Idiot! Fool! Careful? I know how to be careful? Why does he need to- Oops! Who puts a stair there? Idiots! All are idiots... I am the biggest one of all! Idiot!


Emma saw Jeremy turning back and went back to the chair and pressed the icepack on her swollen cheek. Her entire body shook seeing that awful sight in front of her.

How can he forget that I am hurt and act romantic with her? Is she using a bewitching spell or potion


Did Gerard push her? Yes!

Well, she insisted she'd give a sponge bath but he insisted that he didn't need her filthy hand to touch him. She still pitied him and insisted, but, he pushed the basin and all, on the floor, and shouted at her to leave him alone.

She was scared, okay? In her fear, she didn't notice the pool of water on the floor and so she slipped and hit the knob of the door, okay?

Isn't it Gerard's fault? If he didn't spill the water, she wouldn't have hit her head. So, it is his fault!

She looked so terrible when she looked in the mirror and she wanted to lock herself in until the bruise gets healed.

But then she realized this would be the perfect opportunity to reel back that stupid lumberjack, who is slipping away from her hand.

It's should be that b*tch's fault he refused to visit me when I summoned! He even said that he's busy! Busy doing what? Getting f*cked by her? Is she that good?

Anyways, she came to his home and he wasn't even there! Did they go on a date? Like,? seriously? When she is enduring pain, he takes her to dates? How heartless!

She chatted up with Charlie but he didn't give any details and asked her to wait inside. She decided to take a look at the b*tch's room, but only that room was locked.

Like, what? Why? Why am I denied access to that room? Is she hiding bags of gold or something? Heh! That beggar... that orphaned nobody should probably be hiding her poverty from me! As if I care about her!

I know she is a nobody and I will put her in her place! There is no one better than me!

I, Emma, is superior and deserve everything!

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