Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 5: Chapter 54: Labyrinth ~ 12

Book 5: Chapter 54: Labyrinth ~ 12

One last question for now. Are living beings?


Rico raised her voice in an absurd manner. Satoru frowned. To be honest, Satoru was also curious about this point.

The self-proclaimed #1096 was activated by Satoru filling it with magic power - there was no doubt about that from the circumstantial evidence. However, in this world, magic power cannot be transferred between living things. You can fill a magic stone with magic power, but you can't suck the magic power out of a magic stone or transfer the magic power itself from one living person to another.

But the fact that she can do thatIn response to Leia's question, the beautiful woman assertively shook her head from side to side.

No, I am not. I'm only moving by magic power. I'm not a life form in the strict sense of the word.

What, whaaat? But I can touch youand you're warm, you know?

Rico unintentionally touched the hand of the beautiful woman and lifted it up. The woman is left to her own devices.

I knew itLeia and Satoru were convinced. Of course, the trajectory of their thinking itself is different. Satoru's way of thinking is simple. To put it simply, she is a robot. It's just that the battery was empty until now. Now that the battery, or magic power, has been filled, she is able to move.

She is not a living being at that point when the filling of magic power is realized.

My Lord, may I check? It's easy. I just touch her and we'll know.

"Yeah", Satoru thought back. Now that Minerva and Rico are being countered by equipment, he had almost forgotten that Leia has a special skill called Life Force Absorption. This skill directly affects the life force, and will feed off the energy of any living thing. In other words, if the beautiful woman is weakened by Leia's Life Force Absorption, she is a living being, and if she does not weakened, she is not a living being, which is the best proof. This is the same logic that prevents robots from contracting viruses that affect humans and animals.

.......If you find yourself in any kind of danger, leave immediately, okay?

With a nod, Leia touched the hand of the beautiful woman lifted by Rico without hesitation.

Ah ......

Rico was also surprised. Because there was no change whatsoever.

I knew it.

Leia was satisfied and let go of her hand. From Leia's point of view, Satoru's reaction, which was not much of a surprise, was surprising, but that could wait for now.

In a way, she and I are kindred spirits. She's just using her magic to make it look like she's alive. In other words, it's a fake.

Even though she was described as a fake, the beautiful woman did not change her expression. That's because she doesn't have a soul, she doesn't have emotions.

But there is a crucial difference. As the Immortal King, I had a small amount of vitality. That's why I can recover my magic power, but I'm afraid she doesn't have it.

...... What do you mean?

Normally, when the magic power is depleted, the person will fall into a coma. In the case of myself, I can't move. Even in this case, I'll be able to move again after some time, as my magic recovers. But in her case, if she collapsed due to the depletion of her magic, she'll probably stay that way unless someone refills it.

...... Does that mean she's going to die?

It's not exactly the same as a non-living organism, but it's similar.

You're absolutely right.

Leia nodded at the beauty doll's response and huffed, placing her hands on her hips.

Rico. What happens when a creature, not just a person, loses its soul and is left alone?

Well, of course, they rot and eventually turn to earth.

Right. It's the same with this one. She will return to the earth.

Not only people, but all living things eventually return to the earth after their lives are over. All living things, not just people, recover by sleeping, but dolls do not.

Until now, she was in that coffin, immersed in a liquid that was probably filled with a magical power similar to Preservation, so I'm sure it wasn't a problem, but not only she woke up.......Now her device is broke.

Once the doll is activated, there is no way to return her to normal. If the filled magic power runs out and she stops moving, she will return to the earthLeia looked back at her Lord, who had acted so carelessly with her gaze.

And what's with all the magic-filling tools? My Lord......

Shut up. Don't be so nitpicky.

Satoru was aware that he had acted carelessly. He had put magic into the coffin because it was almost an accident, but that it was a little careless of him to destroy the coffin without permission.

No matter how he tried to explain it, the whole thing about the doll was caused by Satoru.

However, he could not have left it in the depths of the labyrinth once it had been conquered. If he thought about what would happen to the power that should not be in this world after it was in the hands of someone other than Satoru, there was a very high possibility that it would become something terrible. If she thought about it that way, Leia thought it was probably a good thing that it was Satoru, and that it was probably the right decision to destroy it. Because even if this were me, there's a good chance that I would have honestly been in over my head.

So ...... the tool is gone. You said you had another way to fill the magic power. How do you do that?

You'll just pour the magic directly into here.

She put her hand on her stomach.


Yes. My magic core is implanted in the position of the human womb.

Is that a punchline![TLN: Sorry don't know how to translate this line ]

Satoru couldn't help but shout and slump down.

There had been a lot of game-like developments up to this point. It's just that an erotic game element has been added to it - well, Satoru has no experience with erotic games.

Satoru was clearly depressed at the idea of having sex to recover her magical power. However, he couldn't just be discourage. At the very least, it was the responsibility of those who had broken through this labyrinth.

But you know? I was wondering...

Rico set down her backpack, took out a cloth and wiped the beautiful woman's body. She could tell from earlier that Satoru was having trouble looking at her. The clothes were a little big, but Minerva's clothes would work.

I don't care if the core is in her womb. Even during the time of the Ancient Magic Kingdom, there were women who used magic, right? I wonder how the woman at that time fills your magic.

Is that a question? Master.

At the sound of Rico's question, the beautiful woman turned her head and looked back at Satoru. He guessed this doll won't work unless he tell it every single command. No matter how good the electronics are, they can't be used without being programmed.

Yeah, and Rico and Minerva over there are also important companions of mine. If they have any questions, you don't have to ask me, just answer them.

Individual name Rico. Individual name Minerva, registered

A beautiful woman looks back at Rico, then at Minerva, and then back at Rico. Her movements are smooth, but the way she pauses each time is very mechanical.

There's no problem with a women's body. My vagina has excellent elasticity, so you can put your hand directly into it.

Stop for a moment. ...... Where did, that hand, put it in?

"Hmmm..." Rico held her head and ruminated on the beautiful woman's words. She feels like she just heard some words that she can't quite believe.

You can put your hand directly into my vagina.

Waaaaaah! Wait, wait, wait, waiiiit! I don't want to hear any more because I'm scared!

Rico crouched down on the spot, holding her ears and screaming. The beautiful woman was silent as she was told.

What kind of programming is that?

Both Leia and Satoru were dumbfounded. They didn't think they'd use that methodIt seems that the wizard who manufactured this homunculus was a pervert.

Satoru's thing is so big that it's hard for her to do anything with it. ......And Satoru must use his arm? That's impossible[TLN: sorry this line is bit hard to translate ]

Rico looks at the beautiful woman with teary eyes and fear, then at Satoru.

Sa-Satoru wouldn't do something like that, would you ......?

Who's going to do Fist-Fuck!? I admit I'm a pervert, but I'm not going that far! I'm not interested in loose pussy!

Rico didn't understand the term "Fist-Fuck", but she had a pretty good idea that it was the act of screwing a hand into your womb. She breathed a sigh of relief. And then Minerva interrupted her.

Master. What is a loose pussy?

...... I'm talking about a vagina that is no longer tight.

Reluctantly, Satoru answered. He explained because he had slipped up, but he hadn't originally intended to tell Minerva about this kind of dirty jokes.

Immediately, Minerva's expression clouded.

Minerva, am I have a loose pussy? If Danna-sama not interested in Minerva's pussy, would Danna-sama like to have sex with Minerva?

It's okay!

He was completely exhausted from the tsukomi. He couldn't help but go limp.

Rico chuckled as she watched Satoru. Leia also chuckled.

Let's see, ......,Then, in conclusion... I guess that means we'll be taking this girl with us in the future.

.....I guess so

He can't just leave her here.

*Haah*, Satoru sighed at this.

I'll be useful to you

Whether she knew about Satoru's difficulties or not, the beautiful woman said plainly. It's not a question of being useful or useless, but - well, it would be pointless to tell her that.

"Ah," said Rico, her voice rising.

......Then. We should give her a name.

I have a distinguished name, #1096.

That's just a number, right? Come on, Satoru, think of something for her.


Like Minerva, Satoru doesn't have much of a naming sense. He makes a sullen face and just says the name that comes to his mind.

...... Then, how about Solor? [ = Sororu]


Minerva raised her voice. Both Rico and Leia looked at each other and nodded yes. There seemed to be no objections.

Hee, that's nice. It doesn't sound so bad.

You're right.

......, it's settled. You'll be Solor from today. I'll be counting on you from now on.

Registration. Greetings, Master. I look forward to working with you from now on.

Solor bowed politely, and Rico handed her a clothes for now. They belonged to Minerva. In terms of size, the only ones that would fit Solor were Minerva and Satoru. The underwear was brand new, so she used that, and the bra was just a piece of cloth wrapped around it. The rest is a sallow yellow dress with a waist strap to adjust it.

The big boobs again.........Uuuhhh

Satoru heard Rico lamenting about something, but he simply ignored it. As Satoru told her before, Satoru has no specific attributes when it comes to breasts.

My Lord.


Leia called out to Satoru from behind as he sat down to rest.

My Lord don't seem to be too surprised by the individual named Solor.

No, no, I'm surprised

It's a magical, populated life form. He doesn't know how it works, but its intelligence is astonishing, if only because it has no emotions.

However, from Leia's point of view, it was even more surprising. Satoru didn't seem to be too surprised by the existence of such a being.

By any chance.......Is there anything that similar beings in the world of the my Lord?

Satoru shook his head from side to side.

Nope. I've never seen anything so human as that in my life, only in stories. I've seen something similar in the form of an electric, and I'm sure it's going to happen in the near future.

I'm ...... amazed

That's why Satoru wasn't that surprised, Leia thought to herself. At the same time, she was afraid. There was no magic or sorcery in the world where Satoru was originally from. Instead, science has developed, but it seems that science is something quite extraordinary.

At a time when science had not yet developed so much, there were people who tried to create life out of nothing. However, in the world I was in, all of that research ended in failure.

There was a time in the Middle Ages, mainly in Europe, when people tried to create such things with alchemy, and Satoru has that level of knowledge. As expected, the name of Paracelsus, the alchemist who is said to be the only one who completed the homunculus, is not mentioned.

If he think about it another way, Frankenstein, who tried to breathe life into the bodies of the dead by joining them together, androids, let alone a complete homunculus, have appeared in many stories, and even with today's robot technology, it does not seem impossible.

However, they still do not have souls.

As expected, it seems that there are people who think in a similar way.

Leia nodded, "Yep, yep". Leia wonder if this world, like Satoru's world, could benefit from more advanced technology than the Ancient Magic Kingdom if science develops.

Didn't I tell you about electricity before?

Indeed. Thundercrafted, isn't it?

Satoru pulled out a small metal tube from the depths of his backpack, which he had placed under his arm. It was a dry cell battery. He showed it to Leia.

This is called a battery, and it stores the power of the lightning. To put it simply for Leia, it's like a Magic Stone.

Hoho, such a thing!

Leia receives this from Satoru and looks at it with a sly smile. It looks like just a small metal tube. He can only vaguely understand the concept of electricity, but he guess this tube has a lot of potential.

Some of them are similar to Magic Stones. The size is the same, in the sense that there are different sizes. There are a lot of things that run on electricity in the world I was in. The same goes for cell phones. If you just look at the concept, you can kind of imagine what kind of creature Solor iswell, maybe "creature" is not the right word, but you can kind of imagine what it is.

I see.

Solor finally finished putting on her clothes, but she had nothing to put on her feet. She can't let her walk barefoot on the rocky ground, so Rico seems to be making shoes out of a sack and a leather strap. Minerva is watching the process curiously on the side. Solor is left to her own devices.

.......That remind me, you said something about "programming". I'm not sure I understand that term.

Oh, that.

What does it mean?

Satoru gave a small twist of his head.

Well, input or writing, I guess. It means to write information into your mind from the outside.

Leia nodded deeply, "Hooh" Right now, Leia's brain was spinning at high speed. Normally, it is you who writes memories and other information in your brain. Satoru added that programming is like writing memories by a third party from the outside. He can't explain it any better than that.

Leia must be doing her best to supplement it in her brain. Eventually, Leia took out a piece of parchment and a pen to write something down, and pondered. At the moment, Leia is the only one in this group who can take charge of knowledge. It would be nice if Solor could be the one to follow up on this, but will it really work out that way?

Is there such technology in my Lord's world?

There's no such thing as a human-like non-human, though. It's built into all kinds of technology.

In terms of Satoru's personal belongings, of course he has a cell phone, but he also has a calculator. Calculators have evolved remarkably in the last 100 years or so. Mankind's first calculator was an incredibly large thing. But now, even something as flimsy as a piece of paper can do the calculations.

Hoo~, ....... Hey, my Lord.


Leia returns the battery to Satoru, sits down beside him, tilts her head slightly, and stares upward at him. It was a very cute gesture, and it made Satoru's heart skip a beat.

If my Lord returns to your original world. If that's possible, could you take me with you?

...... if possible.

Satoru thought about it for a moment, and then answered almost immediately.

He doesn't know if a being like Leia can survive in modern Japan. There is no magic over there. He doesn't know about magic power either. However, he thought that there would be enough room to accept this beautiful girl who had no connection with anyone other than Satoru and his surroundings.

But that wasn't all. Satoru realized that somewhere in his heart, he was finding it difficult to leave this beautiful girl.

Leia smiled at him.

I did it. Now I can be my Lord's exclusive slave until you dies.

You're a strange one, you know that?

Satoru smiled and patted Leia's head.

The Immortal King who wishes to remain a slave. It may be wrong for the Immortal King, who is supposed to have honorable pride, to desire such a thing.

However, Leia is also thinking about it.

She doesn't want to be separated from this Lord.

After finally finishing making something that looked like shoes and putting them on, Rico turned to him.

I'm done. ...... That's right, Satoru.

What's up?

This place. I think there's still a hidden room.

Is there anything more? Satoru sat up and wondered. Rico tilted her head to the side and pointed to a wall.

Maybe that wall over there. Can I have you take a look?

Satoru has the power of Clairvoyance. The image of touching a wall and seeing through to the other side - sure enough, there is a hollow. He can't see it, it's pitch black, but it looks like a room.

Remove Spell, eh ...... this is going to be a pain in the ass, so I'm going to punch through the wall, is that okay?

After causing unnecessary trouble by destroying the device earlier without question, he's going to check it out. No one disagreed.


Very lightly, Satoru kicked at the wall. The rock wall collapsed with a rattling sound. Immediately, a gloomy air flowed in from there.

...... Uwah, it smells moldy

With a light in hand, Rico entered the hidden room. The size of the room itself is the same as the size of the room before, but you can feel the unique damp air. There was a bed, tattered sheets, a large desk, and several chairs. Flasks and beakers were strewn about the desk. It had the look of a typical laboratory.

There was a slight smell of life in the air. Perhaps this is where the wizards who built Solor lived?

It might be ....... But you know. Then why don't this wizard have some more books and papers? There's nothing here, you know.

Indeed ......,it's certainly strange. If it's a hidden room in the deepest part of the building, then Rico's right, there should be more to it than the room that Solor was using for research.

A bed, a desk, a chair, and some laboratory equipment. That's all that was left. There were no documents of any kind. There were still a few sheets of parchment in the room where Solor had been, but not even that in this room.

Looking around in a circle, Satoru crouched down. Cautiously, he searched the dust around his feet.

...... Besides us, I think it's been a while since anyone's been in here.

Satoru's voice made Rico raise her voice.

No way! This is a labyrinth that no one has been able conquered until now, you know? I don't think anyone could have entered the deepest, most hidden room.

Is that so? But, you know, look...

Satoru called Rico to his side and shone the torch, which contained the Light art, from an angle. There was a slight difference in the way the dust piled up, with a faint shadow appearing. If you are not very careful, you will not be able to tell the difference.

Can you tell? There is a slight difference in the way the dust accumulates. It wouldn't look like this if someone hadn't come in the middle of it.

It's really ....... It's hard to tell with the light, but these are footprints, right?


As expected, Rico also noticed the discrepancy when she was pointed out. There are not too many footprints left behind.

If what Solor is saying is correct, this place was sealed when the Ancient Magic Kingdoms were destroyed. Less than 500 years since then. It has been less than 300 years since this labyrinth was discovered. This means that in the last 500 years or so, someone had been in this room before Satoru.

In the deepest part of the labyrinth, which was said to be impossible to conquer, and in that hidden room.

But thinking about it, there is no way to get an answer. The wizard who had used this room just before it was sealed up must have destroyed all the records of his experiments - that would explain the absence of any documents, but there was no correct answer to the footprint.

There was no way to get into this room except through the wall where Satoru had come in. There is not even a single air hole.

It can't be helped if there's nothing left. Let's get out of here.

With no particular result, Satoru breathed a sigh of relief. It had been two and a half days since he had been holed up in this labyrinth. His wristwatch showed that it was already around the fourth koku. It was about time to take a break anyway, but he wanted to get out and get some fresh air if he could.

Leia, can't you use Transfer?

In response to Satoru's question, Leia shook her head left and right.

Five people is too many. At most, I can transfer up to four people at the same time, including me. Besides, I'm running low on magic at the moment.

Leia has used a good amount of magic on the way here.

Well, I guess we'll walk. I'd like to take a rest soon.

"Good grief," Satoru said, slapping the butt of his pants to remove the dust, and Solor, now dressed, looked back at Satoru.


What is it?

For me, it depends on the distance, but I can transfer about ten people at the same time. However, since I don't know what the coordinates are outside the laboratory, so if I could share my senses with a magician who combines Distant Vision with Signpost. I can Transfer us if you let me.

Ten people!? My goodness!

Leia's voice was overturned in surprise.

The Transfer art consumes a lot of basic magic power to begin with. The more people you move at once, the more magic power you consume. Usually, you can barely move yourself alone. Even if you have more than one person at a time, it's almost always just you and one other person. In the case of humans, even that is a level that only one person can use every 50 years. There is no way that 10 people can be transfered at the same time. Even a rough estimate would easily be in the range of someone with 10.000 soul.

It's true that if I were to Transfer ten people at the same time at the predicted distance, I'd have to use half of my magic power.

Ho-Hold on a moment. ...... Let's see, Solor, hold this.

Leia hurriedly took the measuring beads out of her pocket. It's not only Rico who knows what to do with it, but also Minerva, who has recently come to understand what it does.

Oh, you mean Soul-Search

Solor took the measuring beads in passing, but nodded her head toward Leia.

Do you want to know the strenght of my soul? If so, there is no need for such trouble. My soul spirit strength is currently at its maximum value of about 50,000.


Leia's voice froze.

It's only an estimate, but in this world, only Feather Dragon have more than 50,000 soul. Even the Four Holy Dragons probably don't reach that level of value. Satoru doesn't know how much magic power Yarth has, but since he is also an Anti Spirit from a human, Satoru doesn't think he has reached the 10.000 soul.

In other words, Solor is currently the third largest being in this world - well, technically speaking, she is not a living being.

As expected, not only Leia but also Rico, and Satoru were taken aback.

On the other hand, Leia was aware of a different fact.

Up to this point today, Satoru has been using magic power like it was hot water. Because of its nature, the number of Solor should have been zero before it was filled. In other words, the 50,000 magic power in Solor now is what Satoru filled it with via the crystal. Satoru was too crazy to have used that much magic, much less 50,000.

The two facts made her shudder. In front of Leia's eyes, there would be two monsters that could possibly destroy the world at the same time.

Lately, I've been thinking ...... that I'm sorry that there are ordinary people like me ......

In a slightly sad voice, Rico blurted out.

Satoru is unmeasurably at the top of the list, Solor is 50,000, Leia is 4,600, Minerva is 1,700, and Rico is 160, which is supposed to be slightly better than average human. Even Minerva is an order of magnitude larger than Rico, and Rico has no place to stand.

That's fine with you. You are the only human in this group. I can't tell you how grateful I am for that.

I don't feel like I'm being praised!

The suffering of ordinary people is something only ordinary people can understand. Rico felt depressed. Satoru had no choice but to give Rico a hug and pat the back of her head. As a matter of fact, that seemed to put Rico in a better mood.

So, can I use the magic that Solor was talking about?

Satoru looked at Leia while holding Rico in his arms. Satoru himself had no experience with this kind of magic yet. He can understand the concept of it, but it's a bit risky.

Oh, yeah, that's about as simple as it gets.

Leia nodded, flustered. It is very difficult to use these arts to get into the labyrinth, but it is not that difficult to use these arts to get out from labyrinth. And now that the labyrinth has been cleared.

But still - to be honest, Leia is scared of the feeling that all the common sense she has ever had is about to be destroyed.

Satoru certainly has a huge amount of magic power, but he doesn't have a perfect grasp of how to use it. That's why she have always helped him in some way, but what about this Solor? Solor has magic power that is ten times greater than her own, and depending on what she has, she can even use magic that cannot be used in this world.

Once again, Leia was reminded of the horror of the Ancient Magic Kingdom.

Let's see, ......,the Distant View and Sign-Post, is it?

Leia was very shaken, but she had no problem using that level of magic. Solor nodded to Leia, who closed her eyes and let the chant play in her mouth.

Well then, I will use Sense-Sharing.

As Solor spoke mechanically, Satoru felt a different kind of fear than Leia was feeling. It suddenly dawned on him. Solor had said that she had been programmed to revere the person who had given her magic power, and now Satoru, as her master. But he didn't know what kind of restrictions were mixed in there.

The fear of whether the three principles are really applied in the same way as they are applied to magical slaves, and in the same way as they are applied to robots in his world.. Perhaps Solor would send herself to the surface and the others undergroundSatoru paid attention to Solor's every move. Depending on the situation, he would concentrate with the intention of destroying Solor.

Coordinates fixed. Let us goGroup Transfer

He felt his senses distorting.

The next moment, the cold air stung his skin. The ground is a pale ochre, covered on both sides by steep cliffs. Recognizing that he was near the entrance to the Labyrinth of No Return, where darkness was closing in, Satoru quickly glanced at the other members. Rico, Minerva, Leia - they're all here.

He breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Solor did not have a harsh trap built in as Satoru feared.

Sh-She really did it. ...... I can't believe it.

Leia groaned as she perceived where she was. Minerva doesn't quite understand what's so great about it, and Rico is completely numb to it because it's so out of the ordinary to begin with, but the Group Transfer that Solor performed was the largest number of people ever recorded doing it.

I've used about 8,000 magic power in this technique.

.........It's not a method that can be repeated too often

Satoru groaned at Sotor's matter-of-fact statement.

8,000 out of 50,000 is a reasonable rate, but he's still very confused about the means of filling the magic power, so it's not fair to make her use it quickly. Also, based on the way Leia said it, even just moving around consumes a little bit of magic power. Every time she let her use a large amount of magic, the filling interval gets smaller.

It's not that Solor is not attractive as a woman. She has snow-white skin without a speck of blemish, long, straight, light sky-blue hair and silver eyes. Her breasts are slightly less voluptuous than Minerva's, but her body is well-proportioned and stunning. Her face is well-shaped, reminiscent of Greek sculptures. Her eyes are a little droopy, which is her cute point. But that doesn't mean that he can hold her easily. Men are also a bit of a pain in the ass - especially when it comes to their hearts.

For now, let's get ready for the night camp a little farther from the entrance.


Leia was still very upset, but Rico and Minerva responded to her voice. Solor still followed Satoru nonchalantly, her expression unchanging like a noh mask.

I may have picked up something troublesome - Satoru sighed heavily as he glanced at Solor, who was following behind him with a little space between them.

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