Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 6: Chapter 65: Shock ~ 05

Book 6: Chapter 65: Shock ~ 05

A high-pitched sound and the girl's moan echoed simultaneously in the dry, earth-colored canyon.


On Satoru's lap, sitting on the edge of a flat rock that he had prepared using magic as a place to sleep, was Leia, her hands bound behind her back with leather straps, her buttocks bared like a freshly peeled boiled egg. This is the so-called over-the-knee position.

The pale skin of her plump buttocks is slightly reddish. The high-pitched sound was the result of Satoru's slapping Leia's soft buttocks.

There's still more


Satoru's slap landed on Leia's small buttocks again, and she let out an inarticulate scream.

It's not so much the spot that was struck, but rather the depths of it, Leia shrinks back with tears in her eyes and grits her teeth to endure the pain and numbness that reverberates from the marrow of her bones.

A look of sympathy, pity, and partly expectation was directed at Leia, who was looking pitiful and miserable. It was from the other three. But Solor is so busy taking care of Minerva and Rico that she doesn't seem to be paying attention to Leia's miserable appearance.

W-will Minerva also get itn?

Minerva's voice came out as Satoru's hand was raised high again. Most of her expression was filled with sympathy for Leia, but Satoru couldn't help but notice that the rest of her face was filled with anticipation.

Hmm? It's Leia who's to blame. Not Minerva.

Minerva is half a victim of Leia's temptation. There was no way that Minerva, whose ego was no more than that of a child in elementary school, could have devised such a twisted scheme to torture Satoru, so Satoru judged Minerva to be innocent.

However, Minerva was not relieved, and her lips pouted a little.

...... A little disappointed, maybe.

Oh, come on. ......

Satoru was dismayed. He remembered how pleased Minerva had been when he had spanked her several times during his play with her.

W-why is it only me!?

Satoru's slap struck Leia on the buttocks as she screamed in reproach. It's not the soft, light sound that he was joking about with Minerva. It is a relentless beating that soaks into the bone.

You're the one who tempted Minerva. You said it was for my own good. I would have forgiven Leia, since you were already part of me (?) , but that was a bit much. There's a punishment for overdoing it, so it's only natural.

Leia gulped as she recognized the quiet anger in Satoru's voice. She thought she was just teasing him, but she didn't expect to make him so angry. Even if she regretted her lack of foresight, it was too late.

Solor, come here for a minute.

Solor, who had been carefully removing the moisture from Minerva's rich indigo hair with a dry cloth, looked up and walked over to Satoru. It was possible to dry her hair with magic, but it was difficult to control it, and in most cases, it took away the necessary moisture, making her hair dry, so magic is not used for hair. Thinking that Satoru might be able to come up with some kind of magic like a hairdryer, he whispered Solor, who has come close to his side.

You see, ......

That's ......

Solor returns Satoru's whisper with the same whisper. Leia turns around and looks up with tears in her eyes, curious about what they are discussing in secret.

W-what are you plan-ughhh!?

A high-pitched Pan echoed through the air.

Leia screamed and tries her best to endure the unbelievable humiliation and the pain in her buttocks. The Immortal King, who is supposed to be a noble and one of the best beings in the world, is helplessly exposed like an infant, and is chastised to the point of being disciplined, which is something that should never happen.

But if my Lord is angry, then the punishment must be taken in stride - Leia endures the humiliation. This is what being a magical slave is all about, and more than anyone else, you have to be one, Leia reminded herself. The most magical slaves are in a position to set an example for their juniors.

Leia's aching buttocks were probably quite red. The swelling would go down quickly with her Regeneration ability, but the tingling pain would not go away easily. There is a spell that can make the pain go away, but she's afraid that if she used it and Satoru finds out, she won't be able to use it.


Leia's face flushed red as his fingers stroked her buttocks, which were still numb from the pain. In addition to the tingling pain from the stroked area, a new tingle of sensuality inexplicably flared up.

Satoru chuckled at the sight of Leia.

Thinking back, we started with this spanking when we first met.

Hee. Is that so?

I remember. I remember our first encounter.

I was enjoying Christmas with my sister Alice, but it all went dark in an instant.

After more than two hundred years of diligently transferring her own magic power into the core of the magic tower, Leia had achieved her long-cherished wish and was overjoyed at the success of the art. Satoru, enraged by her overly arrogant and selfish behavior, suddenly grabbed Leia and spanking her like this.

D-don't say anyhing embarassing ......

Feeling a little nostalgic and embarrassed at the revelation of herself and Satoru's past, Leia couldn't help but turn around and protest.

MMnnn! ......Nnhh, nnmmhhhh.....

She was spanked for the sixth time and was forced to stop. She was restrained with a leather strap behind her back, so she couldn't act out, but could only shrink back and endure the pain and humiliation.

Phew, Satoru suddenly thought of something, and picked up Leia's underwear, which he had quickly taken off when he put her in this position.

Satoru suddenly thought of something, and picked up Leia's underwear, which he had quickly taken off when he put her in this position.

It's noisy. Bite this.


Leia shuddered at the further humiliation of having her underwear shoved into her mouth without question. It might be possible to use her tongue to push them out, but that would probably incur even more wrath. Leia is on the verge of sobbing, and she's trying to hold it in with tears in her eyes. But still, what a humiliation to have a pair of underwear shoved into my mouth, even though I was wearing them myselfAt the same time as the humiliation of having her honorable pride torn to shreds, an irresistible, inexplicable feeling welled up from within her, and for a moment Leia was almost intoxicated.

You selfishly summoned me into this world, but you're acting so arrogantly towards me.

While happily recounting the scene of their encounter to Rico, he did not stop his hand from slapping Leia's ass. The last time he spanking Leia was when they first met, and he slapped her almost as hard as he could. He didn't know it at the time because his head was bleeding, but now he thinks about, he felts the sound of bones rattling. Later, he was told that if it hadn't been for Leia, the blow would have shattered her tailbone.

That's why I'm trying to control myself today. I'm not going to destroy it, but I'm going to make sure that each blow is merciless. The sound of heavy blows echoed around again.


A beautiful girl, drooling from the corner of her mouth, was bound behind her back and endured the spanking in an over-the-knee position. Her skin is pale, but her buttocks are completely dyed reddish purple.

Minerva swallowed her saliva. Minerva had never been spanked before. At most, it was a very light tap during sex. She wonder what would happen if Satoru spanking her until she was like thatMinerva trembled as she looked at Leia's face and buttocks, breathing hard and just enduring.

You get slapped in the ass, and you squirted.

Kuku, Satoru chuckled and rubbed Leia's buttocks with his palms. He could definitely feel the sticky liquid in his palm. He used his palm to split open Leia's small buttocks.


See, I knew you were wet.

He played with her labia with his fingertips, *slchp-slchp* as if to mock her. An lewd splash sound is heard, and a little juice flies out. Her love juices entwined around Satoru's fingertips, and they dripped down in sticky thread.

Wow, it's stringing

Riko shuddered and muttered at the sight of this immoral and overwhelming scene. She couldn't take her eyes off Leia, who was twisting her hips in a mysterious way.


Leia writhed in shame as she felt the gaze of Minerva, Rico, and Solor. She felt intense shame at the thought of being seen wetting herself in such an immoral way.

But of course, Satoru wouldn't let her go. He put his mouth to her ear with an expression full of pleasure.

Well, now you're my own personal pervert. ...... Right, Leia

A tingle of immorality runs deep down Leia's spine. Now, Leia is bound behind her back and her mouth is covered by her underwear. She has been spanking and her butt become red, and she's wetting her cleft in an lewd wayIf that's not perverse, I don't know what is.


Leia raised her reddened face fearfully, looked up at her Lord with moist eyes, and then nodded covertly.

After leaving the labyrinth where Leia had lived for more than 200 years, the Immortal King had been spanking and rewritten as the property of this man, with bodily fluids poured not only into her vagina but also into her mouth and anus more than 20 times. Her vagina has already memorized the shape of this man, and she's getting excited about the fact that she's being violated so helplessly.

I have to admit it. And I've declared it with my mouth, too. During her first anal intercourse, Leia firmly remembered that she had said aloud that she was a perverted slave for her Lord's exclusive use.

Satoru smiled contentedly at the nods of submission and obedience and slid his fingers into Leia's private parts. Leia's little body jumped.

Mmm, then.


*squelch*, Satoru's right middle finger sinks into Leia's small lady lips. He inserted the first joint into the completely moistened lips and played with it a little. The sound of *slchp* viscous water echoed.

Leia felt inadequate and wiggled her hips a little. Now that she have gotten a taste of penis, the first joint of his middle finger is incredibly shallow. First of all, it doesn't even reach her hymen.

But Leia was wrong. Tsuu, the moment Satoru took a breath and put all his strength into his abdomen.

Gughh! NNnmmmmmmmmm!! Gighh, gmmuhhhh!!

The fingertip inserted into her vulva became hot, and a tremendous surge ran through her entire body. In no time at all, the sensuality of her body was heightened to the edge, and she felt as if her brain was being turned inside out.

But the moment she thought the wave had reached the edge, it was quickly calmed down.

Okay, stop

Satoru smiles with the delightful smile of a demon.

Euhh......huff, huff, gmmuu.....nnmuu.....

Even though Leia was able to calm the sensuality that had been built up to the brink of climax, her entire body was burning as if it were on fire. Sweat pours out of every pore in her body, and her head is scrambled, making her feel dizzy.

Leia's mouth, which was covered by her underwear, was sloppily drooling, her eyes were unfocused and her pale face lacked Leia's usual air of nobility. An ice cube ran down the spine of Rico, who was watching from the side.

W-what did, you do?

What, well,....... Here, let's go again

Satoru did not move his fingertips. He only inserted his middle finger very shallowly to the first joint. But still.

Nnmmmmmm! Nnmhhhh! Gghh, ghmguuhhhh!!!

It may have been because her mouth was physically blocked, but the way Leia was barking and writhing around like an animal gave Rico a strong sense of dread. Leia's love juices dripped incessantly from her gaping vagina and dripped down her inner thighs, making her look terrible.

You, can't (?) [TLN: sorry don't know how to translate dame here ]

Satoru muttered with a small smile, and at the same time, Leia relaxed her whole body. Her body was trembling, her breath was ragged, and her skin was flushed.

Something has been done. That Leia is going to be driven insane. Tears, drool, and even a little snot dripped from her nose, and Leia finally turned her head and looked up pleadingly at Satoru.

Have you noticed what I'm doing to you?


Leia drops her neck without strength. Even with her pale skin, she looks almost like a normal human being with this much vermillion on her body. This is the first time that Rico and Minerva have seen Leia flushed and relaxed to such an extent.

Rico realized that she was in too much of a mess.

I-Is it possible that she's being forced to cum by magic?

Satoru smiled and shook his head from side to side in response to Rico's upset question.

Unfortunately, not exactly. I pulled her up to the point where she was about to cum, and I stopped right there.


A shiver ran through her. Rico doesn't know which is more painful: being made to cum over and over again in rapid succession, or being repeatedly stopped on the verge of climax. However, the pleasure that Satoru gives her is at an incredibly high level that cannot be experienced anywhere else. In a sense, it is a supreme hell to have such a high level of pleasure and stopped, and repeated over and over again in such a short time.

Mmmgghhmmm! Nnghhhhh!!.........Huff! Huff!

Leia's entire body, not just her face, is flaccid. Her body seems to be in pain, but more importantly, her spirit seems to be in pain. I want to cum, I want to cum, ah, I want to cumShe was pushed up to the very edge, but without being made to cum, she was forced to calm her sensuality again. Her pupils were dilated and her eyes were completely empty. Both Rico and Minerva can feel the suffocation. Solor just looks on unconcerned.

Satoru smoothly told the two who were shivering.

Ah, Rico, Minerva. If you want, you can go to bed first. After this, I'll discipline Leia for half an koku (two hours).


A moan of despair went up. In the next moment, Leia was again flailing around.

Fmmmmmmm!! Mmmm! Mmm!!

Flapping her legs, she desperately resisted the oncoming pleasure, but her resistance was pointless. Like a small boat being tossed about in a raging storm, you are quickly swallowed, tormented, and elevated before being thrust into the depths of despair.

Oh, no. This is no good.

In her hazy brain, Leia realized. If this torment was really repeated for half a koku, she would really go crazy. In addition to the desolation of not being able to cum again, a feeling of helpless despair enveloped Leia. It was probably about this method that Satoru had called Solor over during the spanking and told Satoru in his ear. Lust belongs to the spiritual arts, but she didn't expect it to be like this.

Well, that's just the way it is, isn't it? It's my fault for getting carried away.

Besides, if Satoru makes her crazy, she'll be happy even if she never come backLeia couldn't possibly realize that she was having a dangerous thought.

If Leia really couldn't come back again, Satoru would be tormented by deep remorse, even though it was her own fault. Besides, it would be an act of abandoning the vow she had made in her heart to return Satoru to his world.

But Leia's thoughts were so distracted that she had no time to think. The sooner she stops resisting and goes crazy, the easier it will be.

Hey.....n-no matter how much you look at it, Satoru you're overdoing it, I feel sorry for Leia.

Rico, out of the blue, spoke directly to Satoru. Leia's consciousness was fading, and she did not respond to Rico's words.

It was an unacceptable act to speak directly to the Lord who was punishing her. If you're not careful, you might be punished along with the slave who's being punished. In fact, it's only natural that this would happen if they were slaves. There are no rights for slaves. Directly speaking to the Lord is an act that only a very few are allowed to do.

However, Rico was not intimidated. Leia's condition was too abnormal. She was caught up in a sense of duty to help her at all costs before she really went insane.

I-if this continued, Leia will go crazy........

Minerva also interrupted. She must have been frightened to see Leia in such a state of disarray. Minerva was the perpetrator of the crime, even though she was the instigator. She must feel guilty that she was acquitted, while Leia, whom she instigated, was being treated like this.

The atmosphere was heavy with anxiety. The sun had almost set and it was quite dark in the canyon. In the corner of the rock, a torch with a Light flickered in the wind, and after a moment, Satoru blew out. There was no tension in the smile that appeared on his face.

......, I'm just kidding. I wouldn't go that far, no matter how much I wanted to.

Rico and Minerva were relieved to hear Satoru's voice, and they smiled at each other.

The first thing Satoru did was to untie the leather straps that were tied behind Leia's back, and then he took the underwear out of her mouth. Leia's arms hung lazily, her breathing stopped for a moment as fresh air rushed into her lungs, and after a few moments she began to breathe heavily. The dazed consciousness seems to have returned a little.

Haah......haah, haah.......

Satoru gently pats Leia's head, who remains limp and motionless. Leia doesn't usually sweat, but now she's drenched in sweat from Satoru's hands. Even her beautiful shiny red hair was sticky and stained red from absorbing moisture.

That must have been tough, wasn't it?

Leia breathed heavily as Satoru gently stroked her hair and played with her own sensuality with his vicious magic.

I-I thought I was going to die. ...... Seriously, I-I would have gone crazy if you had done that to me for half koku. ......

Her voice was dull and husky. It was not the usual sweet, bell-rolling voice. She must have taken a lot of damage.

You've learned your lesson, haven't you?

Leia, of course, immediately raised the white flag when the voice urged her to reflect.

.....Yes, I'm sorry. I was getting a little carried away. Hauu......I'm sorry for what I did to my Lord and to Mi-Minerva. I am really sorry.....

Minerva doesn't mind, okay?...... What about Danna-sama?

In response, Satoru gave a wicked smile and patted Leia's head, while stroking his own chin with his other hand. He looked as if he was the boss of some kind of mafia. But now, on Satoru's lap is a beautiful girl with her bottom half exposed.

Did you really think I was going to drive Leia crazy?

Yes ...... Ahhh, I'm so relieved. That was a little scary, Satoru.

Satoru's response also relieved Rico, who slumped down on the rock with a strange feeling.

To tell the truth.

Until Riko called out to stop him, there was no consideration for Leia in Satoru's consciousness. He was intoxicated and delighted with the reaction of his doll, who was writhing in agony as her sexual sensations were heightened to his liking. When Rico called out to him, he suddenly looked at Leia's condition on his lap and was horrified.

He thought he had warned himself against being aggressive when he had sex with Solor, but he was so excited that he forgot himself, and it scared him. Fortunately, Leia seemed to be okay, but if Rico hadn't shouted for him to stop, there was a good chance that he would have really broken Leia.

Satoru smiled at his four companions, but for the first time, he was afraid of the maniacal nature that lurked within him. Was it really something I could control? Perhaps it would be better to have my companions around me watch carefully - or so he thought.

In another sense, though, I'm already, crazy for you, my Lord.

Leia, who was still slumped in Satoru's lap, smiled sarcastically. She seems to have regained her energy to talk lightly.

That goes for me, too.

Hmm? Then Minerva too?

Minerva raised her voice as if surprised by Rico's agreement. Minerva is not aware that she is crazy. The feeling of falling in love with another person is insane. Leia and Rico are aware of this. Minerva is also aware of it, but she doesn't think it's crazy.

Can Minerva be separated from Satoru?

Aaaaaabsolutely, no!

See? Then you're crazy.

Rico shrugged a little at Minerva's rejection, which was much louder than necessary. The cool breeze from the cooler nighttime temperature caressed Rico's cheeks, and her short, completely dry hair swayed smoothly.

Oh, I see......

Minerva nodded, even though she didn't understand.

Even though Satoru felt happy to hear their declaration of affection for him, he shuddered at the thought of what would have happened if Rico and Minerva hadn't called out to him. The current punishment for Leia is clearly overkill. And yet, he was surprised and scared that no one seemed to blame him for it.

Satoru now feels that both Rico and Minerva have become part of him. The moment Rico called out to him, he felt as if cold water had been poured on his head. Minerva's voice made him realize that Leia, whom he was holding on his lap, was in a terrible situation.

If the voice comes from someone he doesn't care about, it would not have reached Satoru, who was on the verge of losing his mind. As far as he's concerned, Satoru would probably have ignored Solor's voice even if Solor had called for him to stop. Satoru still doesn't fully trust this mysterious magic doll that came from the depths of the Labyrinth of No Return

Fuuhh!, Satoru let out a strong breath. He exhaled hard, letting out at once the heavy consciousness that had been coiled inside him.

So? In the end, I haven't been able to make Leia cum, but. ...... What do you want?

At his joking remark, Leia screamed "Eekk!" in his lap. She thought about it for a moment and tried her best to speak back, though she was cut off.

I-It's not that I don't want it, but after the punishment my Lord just inflicted on me, I've reached my limit. ...... If my Lord demands it, I'll endure it at all costs, but as expected, I'd rather not.

Satoru knew that it would be impossible. But this was a half-hearted attempt. So....

All right, all right. Let's do it tomorrow, then. Tomorrow, Leia, with your butt, we'll show everyone.


When Rico's saw Leia's arms were still stuck up in a panic trying to cover her ass, she broke into a heap and Rico laughed out loud.

Ahahaha! I've heard that Leia has a very sensitive ass. I can't wait to see how wild she gets.

The last time she did this, it was amazing.

The first time Satoru had anal intercourse with Leia was when Minerva was in her Flying Dragon form. Leia didn't expect for Minerva to be able to speak, so she didn't mind showing that Minerva was only a beast, but it would be a shame for Leia to remember it well and have it spoken as a human language.

Wait, stop.

You'll see it tomorrow anyway, right?

I'm looking forward to it.

...... Interesting

Leia protested, flailing helplessly, but it didn't look like she was going to be able to overturn it. When Solor muttered something, which made the surprised Rico and Satoru laugh out loud.

Leia raised the white flag, thinking of her exhausted strength and the punishment she had just received from the merciless Satoru.

...... Haah. Well, it was my, fault,......, and I'm prepared for it,.......

The next day, Leia was held from behind in a position that made her look like a baby peeing for all to see, and the anal intercourse left her helplessly disheveled and miserable.

TLN: I'm sorry if this 4 h-chapter is bit hard to read.

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