Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 100: Magic Sword ~ 08

Book 7: Chapter 100: Magic Sword ~ 08

To be honest, Satoru didn't sleep very well last night. He woke up several times during the night. He thought it might have been because of the alcohol he was not used to drinking, but when he thought about it, he had been sleeping without consciousness until just the other day. He thought that he must have been in a state of sleep deprivation.

Eventually, he woke up at the usual time, but it was not a very pleasant awakening well, it was better than Rico, who was still groggy with a hangover.

Today's breakfast was leftovers from yesterday's party. But of course, no wine was served. Minerva and Liz did not seem to have a hangover.

Just to be sure, Leia used a Diagnosis art on Satoru after breakfast. The result was no problem. Leia was more than a little relieved to see that he was in perfect health. After receiving the result, she thoughtfully stroked her chin.

Rico, take care of the shopping.

Sure~. Like a change of clothes for Liz. ...... Ow, ow, ow, ow

Are you all right?

Leia expressed her concern with a wry smile, to which Rico responded with a wry smile as well. It seems she is not so tired that she can't move. She is a strong drinker, too.

Also, I'll have to start thinking about our winter gear soon.

Ah, I see. ...... that's quite a load

While holding her head, Rico returned. Right now it is still warmer than the summer season, even though it is still fall season, but after this, it will get colder and colder. Even now, the weather has been bad for the past few days, but the mornings and evenings sometimes get cold.

I'm sure it will be fine since Solor is here too. Solor, take Rico and go to Mugere, where you went yesterday, by Group transfer. You can carry the large items with you by applying the Shrinking art, along with the Undo Spell


Oh. So sorcery can make an ordinary load smaller? That's convenient.

Items containing magic power are not subject to Shrinking. If the item is not Coating, it will be overwritten and lose the effect of the original art. However, there is no problem if the item is an ordinary item with no magic power.

After a small chuckle at Satoru's unintentionally impressed voice, she turned to Solor once more.

Are you sure about your magic power?

If it is Mugere, the distance is very close, and based on yesterday's example, I and one other person can make a round trip of about 1,800 magic power. It shouldn't be a problem.

Although 900 one-way is a figure that would cause a magical tremor, that's not enough to make a fuss. All you have to do is go to the outskirts of town and Transfer. Solor, who had just been revived yesterday, did not consume much magic power.

I got it. Liz, can I have a word with you?

Uh, yes.

Liz, who had been cleaning up, looked up quickly. Leia nodded and spun around to look back at Satoru.

My Lord, make Minerva's wish come true today.

"Ahh," Satoru exclaimed in admiration. He understood why Leia had suddenly started to make a difference and kept everyone away like this. 

I'm sorry.

Leia waves her hand with a fluttering motion to indicate that it's nothing. She leaves hollow with Liz. Really, she's totally too good for meSatoru thinks to himself. Well, I never thought I could be balanced with all five of the magical slaves.

One of them, Minerva, who was left behind, glanced at Satoru and fidgeted with her thighs. It's a gesture he doesn't see her do very often. Satoru stands up and sits down next to Minerva. Minerva reacts with a jolt and moves just a few centimeters away from Satoru.

What's wrong? Minerva. You don't look very calm.

Minerva's face finally showed a relieved look as she smiled at Satoru, who was patting her head and smiling at her.

Because, because, you know? It was the first time we were alone together. You know? Minerva doesn't know what to do.

That reminds me - Satoru remembered. Leia was always nearby when Minerva was welcomed into the group. It was not until Rico was brought in as a magical slave that she became a human being, and if you think about it, Satoru and Minerva had never been alone together before. It wasn't that he had intended it.

Minerva crossed her hands and moved her fingers restlessly.

I'm sure Danna-sama will say it's fine, but you were sleeping until just the other day, remember? So, you know.

You're worried about me.

...... yeah. Minerva was not sure if she'd call it to worry.

Minerva does not seem to understand the emotion of worry well, but as far as Minerva explains, she is worried about herself. Minerva was not as worried about Satoru's collapse as Leia and Rico were, but that was simply because she believed in Satoru's invincibility, but she was still worried.

The hand that had been stroking her head dropped to her cheek and caressed her cheek. Satoru moved his face a little closer to Minerva, who was entranced and left her to her own devices and kissed her on the vacant cheek. Minerva looked at him with a puzzled look on her face, and he smiled at her.

We're going to do a lot of sex to make sure I'm okay.

Oh, Minerva understand.

Minerva laughed. It was sophomoric, of course, but not entirely. It has some of that aspect to it. He is not worried about its functionality, since he was able to hold Liz in his arms despite his heartbreak as soon as he woke up, but he is a little worried himself.

Satoru strokes her cheek and looks at Minerva's face. The beautiful woman with clear eyes and nose and a calm impression have a sense of innocence hidden inside. Even if it is the result of race and sorcery, this existence is what is called a miracle.

......I have to say sorry and thank you to Minerva, too.

Minerva lays her own hand on Satoru's, which caresses her cheek, and shakes her head from side to side.

Danna-sama mustn't apologize to Minerva. Minerva doesn't need it. Minerva just did what Minerva could do.

Satoru felt a surge of emotion. Minerva had been burned almost all over her body to protect Solor and Rico from the explosion Satoru had caused, and her right-wing had been blown off. The fact that she is still alive and well is thanks to her own strength and Leia's Regenerative Healing, but she was in a life-threatening situation. Despite this, she boldly stated that an apology was not necessary.

But it must have hurt. It must have been hard, right?

It was painful and hard, but Minerva sure Danna-sama's heart was even more painful and hard.

Minerva smiled. It was the smile of a goddess.

It's all right. Minerva has healed properly. Danna-sama should make sure that Minerva is healed, too.

Haah, Satoru breathed heavily. I've always been helped by the innocence of the beautiful woman in front of me.

She chose to follow the human male who twisted her to make a child with a strong male. Minerva's strength and kindness, always showing her emotions straight and speaking her thoughts honestly, makes Satoru realize once again that she, too, is a being inside of him.

Thank you ....... Thank you, Minerva.

It's the same to you.

Minerva responds honestly to this heartfelt thank-you. Her frank words are always warm. Satoru's heart was filled with a warm euphoric feeling.

Fuhh! Satoru exhales loudly. He changes his mind and decides to confront this voluptuous beauty head-on.

All right! We're going to have lots and lots of sex today! Until I can't get up anymore or Minerva has had her fill!

Don't be hesitant! Come and let's do it!

The two vigorously remove their clothes and become completely naked. What they are about to do is the work of beasts. Clothes are useless.

They look at each other and laugh, and then, without either of them knowing it, their lips come together. Minerva's height is unbelievably tall for a woman of this world, a little shorter than Satoru, who is 177cm, so she must be over 170 cm. Therefore, neither of them is above or below the other when it comes to exchanging kisses. From a bird kiss to a sticky French kiss. Tongues entwine, saliva is exchanged, and they swallow each other's saliva.

Hamumm ...... kunn ......

At first, Minerva didn't seem to understand kissing, but now she loves it because it makes her chest squeal and she feels so horny when they twirl their tongues together like this before sex. When she thinks that she is about to have sex with her Lord, her body and mind start to get ready for it. Of course, she also likes to be kissed on the forehead and cheeks. Because she understood that it was an expression of love from her Lord.

They wonder how long they have been doing that. The lips, then the tongues separate, and the bridge of saliva between Satoru and Minerva is cut off. Minerva's face turned red as if she was a little embarrassed, and she looked up at Satoru as if clinging to him.

You know, Danna-sama. Minerva also wants to have sex with her butt.

Well, you've been saying that for a long time.

Minerva has an insatiable appetite for pleasure. She is also very interested in anal intercourse and has asked Satoru several times, but he feels that vaginal ejaculation is the only way to have a child, so he has been unable to fulfill her request so far. It would indeed be very difficult without an opportunity like today when he decided to spend the whole day together. However, he had never been able to get used to Minerva's anal intercourse.

It probably hurts, you know? Can you put up with it?

Minerva, you know, she doesn't mind physical pain. But she doesn't like the pain in her heart. Leia did it, Rico did it. Minerva wants to do the same. In that order

Satoru is unintentionally clueless about Minerva's logic. It wasn't as if she simply didn't want to be left out of the group.

......Hold on, by that logic, you'd be talking about me doing it with Liz and Solor too. That's not good.

Minerva doesn't know about Liz, but she thinks Solor would want to do it too.


Satoru's eyes became dots.

Because you see? When Rico did analsex. When we came back, Solor, you know, she looked so envious.


She said, "Very Interesting," you know?

Solor muttered it so that no one would notice, but Minerva heard it clearly.

I-is that so ...... I didn't see that in her

Satoru is taken aback. Although she has shown a thirst for knowledge only recently, Solor is, after all, supposed to be a programmed doll. She is becoming more and more like a human being, but as for Satoru, he is not so sure.

Right now, it's Minerva's turn!

Oops. Right, you were.

He softly accepted Minerva's hug. Her breasts were crushed by his chest and changed their shape. With a giggle, Ufufu, Minerva began to rub her cheek against Satoru's chest. The bouncy texture is comfortable.

The preparation for inserting the penis, when it is inserted when it is being ejaculated, and of course when it is being taken out are all very pleasurable, but I also like being stuck to Danna-sama like this.

Minerva repeatedly rubs her cheeks with delight. With a dreamy expression on her face, she puts her arms around Satoru's back.

Haaaa.......Minerva is so happy. She doesn't understand the meaning of the word "happy" at first. Now she understands.

I see.

Minerva's words resonate so straight to the heart that even Satoru is happy. A ridiculously beautiful woman with a great style is hanging on to him in a most unbecoming manner. Satoru's heart was filled with emotion for the first of many times.

Perhaps sensing Satoru's lack of reaction, Minerva relaxes her arms and looks up at Satoru with a small puff of her cheek.

It's because you're Danna-sama. Minerva loves you. She wants to have a baby with Danna-sama so much.

I see. Thanks, Minerva.

Satoru laughed cheerfully and opened his arms to embrace Minerva with his whole body. What could be more satisfying for a man than to have a rare and beautiful woman want only him?


Minerva smiled and hugged back with her whole body. She can feel Satoru's heart beating. This is proof that Satoru is alive.

Just two days ago, Leia and Rico were almost panicking that Satoru had not regained consciousness, but even in such a situation, Minerva was a little panicked, but then she was able to remain calm and composed. She believed that the human man she loved would come back.

Minerva's heart was also boiling at the thought of intercourse for the first time in nine days. She lowered her right hand and crawled on Satoru's penis. She began to play with it softly, feeling the mysterious sensation of a dull erection.

Nfufufu......A human penis is so mysterious. ...... Kyauhh!

As if in the counterattack, Satoru's tongue attacked Minerva's ear. The sound of her ears being licked with a slurping sound made her shiver.

Hyafu...... I-It's strange that it's like this now, but it gets so big and hard

The penis that is playing with the little squeeze is probably about 40% hardness. There is a kind of core inside, but what is transmitted through the fingertips is a strange softness. Satoru stops caressing her ear and turns his body away a little to look at Minerva's face.

Mmmm ...... You wouldn't understand if I told you that it gets harder as the blood circulates, would you?

...... Minerva apologize, she still doesn't understand

Blood circulates makes it hard? Minerva does not know what that feels like. She only knows that blood oozes or spurts out when she is injured.

No need to apologize. ...... Well, do you know what excitement is?

Excitement ...... Haah, haah, like that?

Well, it's not similar. When you feel like having sex, you get excited, and men get this big.

"Heeh," Minerva exclaimed. The human male body is truly a mystery. To begin with, mating is natural for flying dragons and is not something that excites them much. In the case of the female, the egg roe comes down in her belly and emits a peculiar smell. The male senses that smell and appeals to the female to choose him in front of her.

When human males are in heat, their penises become hard

Then, what about women?

The first, their pussy gets wet. Also, their nipples and clitoris get hard. The degree of hardening is different compared to men's.

Ohhh, cried Minerva. Both of these ring a bell. She can feel her pussy getting a little wet even now, which means she is in heat. Satoru's penis, which she had been playing with softly, grew harder in her hand.

......Ah, it's getting a little hard. Are you excited about Minerva?

Satoru nods with a bitter smile. It's impossible not to get an erection when you're naked in the arms of a buxom beauty and she's playing with your penis with her fingers. The night before last, he woke up and went to bed without ejaculating, so he feel like his pouch is still very heavy.

N~fufufu. Minerva is so happy!

Satoru kissed Minerva's forehead, smiling unconcernedly, and looked at her seriously. She is always a beautiful woman. She has rich dark indigo hair and large eyes of the same color. Her nose is smooth and clear, and her lips are ripe and pink. Her skin is similar to that of a yellow person, giving him a sense of familiarity.

She looks like the oldest of all the women in the magical slave, but her ego is not so.

Look ...... Minerva is beautiful and sexy. Sometimes I wonder if she should be with me.

At the sound of Satoru's puzzled voice, Minerva looked troubled.

That's only when Minerva is in her current form. When she's in her real form, ...... Mmmm~~~......

See, the races are fundamentally different, so it's no wonder. When you are in your true form, you are more dignified than beautiful.

Minerva in her flying dragon form is majestic, divine, and fierce. Her dignified appearance is befitting of a king of the sky who is near the top of the beast race. She is, moreover, the direct descendant of the Five Dragons and the reigning leader of her herd.

Minerva tilted her face at an angle with a troubled expression.

...... Minerva doesn't understand. She knows that she's getting compliments on it.

No doubt about it.

Okay, then.

Satoru is always straight to the point with his words. That's another thing Minerva liked about Satoru. She had heard from her father that humans are more prone to lies and deceit than demons, but Satoru is extremely free from such aspects. That is why she can always trust this man's words.

She can intuitively read the emotions behind the words. It is not a special ability, but originally, Flying Dragons do not communicate through language. Minerva was taught by her father, so she can understand human language to some extent, but their basic communication is to read the emotions in the roars of others, and this is not lost even when they are in human form.


Satoru's big hands squeezed Minerva's ample breasts from below. Minerva has been proud of these large breasts since it was discovered that human males go into heat on the breasts of females. Minerva felt her own breasts flexing under Satoru's fingertips, and she squealed in ecstasy.

Hawa...... hawa~aa......

Satoru also particularly likes these breasts. It is both titillating and comforting to see his companions look enviously at these breasts, which are bigger than the rest of his companions. Satoru always squeezes them during the act, which makes her feel warm inside and her pussy spills out her love juices.


He licked her nipples, which were swollen and puffy with excitement, and Minerva let out a loud and charming cry. The place where she was licked became hot, and the heat permeated her insides, making her feel flustered.

Nnmhh......Minerva likes it when Danna-sama licks her boobs. She gets all hot and tingling.

Lick-lick, her right nipple is licked and pinched, and her left nipple is pinched, and a gasp escapes. Satoru's fingers freely rubbed her breasts, changing their shape, which ignited Minerva's carnal desire. She was squeezed hard, and her nipples were squeezed and licked. The sight of her hardened nipples, which were insisting between his fingers as if asking him to suck them, was the height of eroticism.

Doesn't it hurt?

Satoru asked this question as he fondled her wonderfully soft, swaying, ample breasts no, they had reached a level where they could be called Witch's boobs. With a little more force than usual, he flicked the nipple between his fingers. Minerva screamed and then smiled at Satoru.

Minerva is fine, okay? You know? If you squeeze her a little tighter, you know. You can hear a pulsing sound deep inside her body. And you know what? Minerva's pussy starts to squirt juice.

Satoru makes a subtle face. He looks confused and troubled. He pulls her boobs together with both hands and then sinks his ten fingers into her boobs. All the fingers are buried between the flesh, and the fingers are sunk so hard that they cannot be seen.

About this much?

Apart from the pain, a tingling, tingling electric current runs through her brain. The throbbing in her chest and the amount of love juices flowing from her pussy increase.

Afuhh, y-you can squeeze it stronger

Satoru's fingers sank even harder, causing Minerva to turn her head slightly. The flesh of her breasts ached, but her lust was more than the pain. She thinks it might be a little strange that the pain feels so good, but she can't stop.

Minerva complained of something she had wanted to do once before.

D-Danna-sama, can you squeeze Minerva once so hard she could tear to shreds?(?)

At Minerva's plea, Satoru showed a small puzzled smile and then grinned. The right finger of Satoru, which was buried in the left breast, was squeezed harder and harder.

Aahh, that, mo, kuuaah, more!

It hurts. But it feels good. The squeezed nipple is growing so big that it hurts too. Her breasts were squeezed to the very limit. Minerva squealed with delight when her nipples, which were now more than ever asserted themselves.

Aaahfff, somehow ...... aaahhh!

With a sizzle, love juice gushed from her own crotch, wetting Satoru's thighs. His right hand, which had been squeezing her breast hard, remained in place while his left hand reached out to her secret place and played with her clitoris with his middle finger.

Kyaaa! I-It feels so good!

Minerva continues to raise her voice out of instinct. Her nipples occasionally flicked, breasts clenched to the limit, and his middle finger invaded her vaginal opening. Minerva writhes violently as his fingers are stimulated with shchlp-schph on the wet wall above there.

Ahh, yahh, Minerva, w-weak, there!

Satoru is completely aware of Minerva's weaknesses. The weakest point is her cervix, but since he cannot reach it with his fingers, Satoru carefully licks her G-spot with his fingers, grabs her breasts, and places his teeth on her nipples. Minerva's brain was completely dominated by the sensuality of this relentless three-point assault.

Minerva wants you to do more, she wants you to hurt her more, she wants you to bite her nipples, she wants you to spread it like guchu-guchu...!

Give it to Minerva lots and lots! Minerva is okay! Because it is Danna-sama!

The cry of instinct. Satoru is the only one who can give her the supreme thing a pleasure that she can't experience anywhere else. Then she doesn't want anything else. She has no desire to do it with any other man.

Minerva was truly a prisoner of her own lust.

Minerva was intoxicated by the heightened sensuality, and her hips trembled. Minerva does not remember how many times she and Satoru have been together. No matter how many times she had sex with Satoru, she never gets tired of it. She is always happy, no matter how many times.

Kyaa, aah, fuh, nyah, ngghh, hah-hah, nnnhhh!

Her vagina tightened and she squirted. She turned her body away from him, thrusting her hips out, and drank in the light afterglow of her climax. Her whole body trembled, her thrusting hips fell down, and she let out a hot breath.

The hand that had been gripping her breast was pulled away, followed by a finger being pulled out, and her ankle was grabbed by the ankle and her crotch split open. She gasps for air and smiles obscenely, knowing that even more pleasure awaits her after this.

Come in? Do it a lot?

Satoru also fearlessly smiled back at her.

Danna-sama is really great. He makes Minerva feel so good. He makes her feel like she's going up to the sky forever. He understands Minerva's desire to make a baby and gives her lots of seed juice. He understands Minerva.

That's why I love him. I really love him.

Now she knows what it feels like to love. It is clearly different from the feelings she had for her father, the Earth Dragon Erdeade. She wants to have a baby with this man. Her womb tingles with excitement. Her instincts are begging for the seed juice.


Schlopp, Satoru's glans touched the vulva. He moved his hips a little and aim to avoid involving her labia.

Nnnhhhh, nnnhhhhhhhh... ...... this, this iiiis!

Nugugugugu, The invading penis gives Minerva supreme comfort. She had been waiting for it so long that she felt as if she would reach climax just by doing that.

Nnhhh, Nnhhhhh! It's Danna-samaa! It's good!

Minerva realized that she was full of pleasure. He had successfully penetrated her vagina, and the object that was giving her such tremendous heat and pleasure was more energetic than ever before.

Minerva is glad, Minerva thought from the bottom of her heart. She felt with her whole body that Satoru, who had lost consciousness, had come back to her. Nothing could compare to the pleasure of feeling the hot, pulsating orgasm deep in her belly.

Minerva's vagina, which Satoru had not seen in a long time, undulates as usual, and each fold of her vagina spills abundant love juice, which is entwined with his penis. Satoru breathed heavily and felt the warmth inside, and then slowly thrust his hips forward.

Hyahh, ahh, fuhh, nnahh, aaahhhhh, nnghhh, kkuahhh!

Intense. The sound of guchu-guchu echoes throughout the room. Satoru, in the missionary position with one of his ankles held in place, is swinging his hips and thrusting his dick deeper and deeper into Minerva.

Pan-pan-pan, the sound of skin on skin bumping into each other, the sensual beauty writhing and screaming with pleasure, without modesty or shame.

"I'm back..." Suddenly, those words danced in Satoru's mind, and he laughed at himself for thinking such a thing. What a messy he is, to think such a thing while skin to skin, with his own dick in a woman's vagina.

M-more! Minerva wants it all!

Minerva's eyebrows are furrowed as she writhes unabashedly, but it is not pain she is enduring. It is filled with the pleasure of being able to confirm with each other, and the pleasure that surges through her.

Ah, yaah!

With a gui, he lifted one of her legs he was holding onto his shoulder and violently thrust inside Minerva from the side position. It was a posture like a Shijhatte no tsubamegaeshi. Minerva writhed every time his hips collided with Minerva's hips. Satoru also likes this position because he can enjoy Minerva's vagina. (TLN: google this if you want to know the position they're having sex)

The reason why sex with Minerva is so intense is not only because she wants it to be so, but also because it gives him a sense of satisfaction that he is in control of a beautiful and bewitching woman.

The tip repeatedly touches Minerva's innermost part, and each time it does so, Minerva lets out a cry of pain. She was in a side position, just before lying on her face down, so her breast looked crushed and her breasts looked very lascivious. He used her hips as if she was stirring, and he was enjoying the inside of Minerva's body.

Deep! It's deep inside, it's poking and grinding, it feels so, guhh, good, nnfgg!

Minerva's hand grips the leather mat with a tight grip. In no time at all, the pleasure of being taken to a higher level. The waves keep surging up, trying to take Minerva to the extreme.

Amazing, it's amazing-amazing!! Aaahhhh, nooo, Minerva going to fllyy!!

The heightened sensuality quickly pushed Minerva to the edge. But don't wanna. She doesn't want to fly yet.

Don't wannaa, M-Minerva is going to fly away! She doesn't want to be alone! Together, she wants cum together!


Satoru's thighs interrupted and the level of closeness increased. He used his hips up and down as if he was rubbing against her, trying to make her cum, and at the same time, he managed to control his own rising desire to ejaculate, aiming for the right moment. Minerva's mind went blank as she felt the vaginal walls being rubbed by the cock.

Guhh, kuahhh, it's comiiiiiing, aaggaghhh! No, no, no! Cum ...... Minerva is going to cuuum!

Me, too ...... Nghhh!

Spurtt He let out his sperm into the deepest part of her vagina, which began to tighten and expelled the accumulated sperm at once. Minerva's eyes widened and she shrank back as her ejaculation made a loud "Spurtt" sound.




The feeling of Satoru's seed juice pouring into the place where her own egg was. Ah, again, he spits it out again it's been a long time since we had sex, after all, if Danna-sama is around, Minerva doesn't need anything...

Minerva gasps, breathing shallowly and quickly while convulsing, savoring, and enjoying the excitement of her climax. After pouring every last drop into her, her beloved Lord lowered her legs and leaned over her.

Reflexively, she hugged him tightly and shivered again in pleasure.

Love you......Danna-sama, Minerva loves you so much......


Minerva hugs her beloved and murmurs euphorically. By nature, they are of different races, so there is no way they could fall in love. It is thanks to the sorcery that they were able to do this now. How sweet it is to have the man you love pour out his seed juice on you.

Nfu, fufu.......Only, for now, Danna-sama belongs to Minerva!

Minerva squealed with delight as she kept his meat pole contained.

Satoru's heart ached. What have I ever done to repay her for her honest love for me?He has other women in his life, he has violated them, and what he does is the worst kind of man.

I amI am .......

Suddenly, a tear spills from Satoru's eye. It doesn't stop. A sob escaped, and Minerva looked up in surprise.

Nehh? Danna-sama?

So, sorry ......

He didn't want to show tears in front of a woman as a matter of pride. He can't stop the tears from overflowing. It suddenly became clear to him how much he had made such a nice woman feel lonely and worried, and Satoru was filled with apologies.

Ah, aaahhh......d-does it hurt anywhere? M-Minerva knew your penis wasn't okay?

Minerva is flustered and wipes Satoru's tears with her fingers. Satoru's sobs, which he had been trying not to voice, still leaked out, and they fell on his face. Minerva hugged her beloved man, who had suddenly started to cry, with a tight embrace.

I-it's okay. ...... It's okay, it's okay

The back of his head was stroked as if to soothe him, his face was buried in a soft chest, he felt a soft smell, and his irrepressible sense of security made Satoru's pride break down.

Ughh, ughhh ...... sorry, I'm sorry Minerva ......!

Minerva has no idea how this happened. So she does what she can. To hug him and pat his head. She has done this to the few of her own children who have been born so far, and when she did so, they would mysteriously calm down.

It's okay, it's okay.

She just keep patting his head and hugging him.

Minerva, who had reacted childishly in the past, was acting somewhat like an adult. This was the first time Satoru showed his defenseless self in front of her. But there is no embarrassment there anymore.

She is also an important person for Satoru. There is nothing to hide. Satoru raised his voice and wailed.

TLN: Sorry guys, this chapter was a bit hard to translate.

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