Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 7: Chapter 106: Magic Sword ~ 14

Book 7: Chapter 106: Magic Sword ~ 14


When Satoru awoke from his sleep, he noticed that his forehead was slightly sweaty and fluffy. It was not necessary to open his eyes. It was Minerva's breast. Minerva's sweat is odorless, but not his. He had been sweating a lot during yesterday's sex-soaked time, and the smell of his own sweat was bothering him. He glances at his watch it's 5:30. It seems that they both fell asleep last night.

He pulls his body away from Minerva so as not to wake her, and looks at Minerva, who has fainted from the pleasure of anal sex and sunk down as it is.

...... are you okay?


Minerva is talking in her sleep, and she is grinning. He wonders if she is ruminating about yesterday's events in her dream. He was relieved.

It looks like she's okay. ......Fuaaahhh

Satoru stretched out, yawning loudly. His shoulders and back muscles rumbled. The night before last, he didn't sleep well, probably because he had been drinking, and as a result, he didn't feel like he had slept much, but today he feel refreshed. As usual, he looked for his cell phone and realized that it was not there, but in his backpack, which he had left in the hollow that he use as a living roomGuoooh, his stomach rumbled.

I'm hungry...... well, of course, I'll hungry.

Yesterday, after breakfast, he was having sex with Minerva the whole time and fell asleep. He didn't even eat dinner. Satoru looked for his own clothes, which he had taken off sloppily, and stood up, putting on only his shirt, pants, and underwear. The room which Minerva had left behind was in a state of disarray even after all this time, he still felt embarrassed.

Ah, good morning

Rico calls out to Satoru, who appears out of the hollow, apparently already awake. In her hand is a pot. As usual, her morning is early.

Oh, good morning

You two didn't even eat yesterday. ...... how much?

In terms of frequency, I ejaculated five times, so it wasn't so much that I was reckless.

No, ......Five times is a lot.

Rico's gasp brought a wry smile to Satoru's face. Ejaculating five times a day does not seem so strange for a man in his mid-twenties, but he wonders if there might be a gap in common sense in this world. If he had done it five or six times every day, he would have been told so, but basically, it is five times a day, while he repeats it once or twice a day. And moreover, he had a lot of accumulation yesterday.

Come to think of it, I haven't been able to hold Rico for a while. She was having a girl's day around the time I met Liz. It's long over now. I want to hold her as soon as possibleSatoru thought as he felt the presence of someone behind him and turned around. It was Leia, Solor, and Liz.

Good morning.

O-oh. Good morning.

Satoru responded with a somewhat timid response to Liz, who was the first to greet him. It is awkward to think that this girl who resembles his sister knows that he and Minerva spent the whole day yesterday having sex, forgetting to eat. Leia laughs at Satoru's situation.

......I could say you had a good time last night, I suppose?

Leia ...... give me a break.

Satoru returned it with a sigh. Leia, sensing that making too much fun of Satoru would again provoke his anger, smiled and walked up to Rico.

Solor also took a half step back and bowed to Satoru.

Good morning, Master.

Good morning. ...... Solor, today is your day. After dinner, I'll tell you all about it, just like you wanted.

Yes, I'm looking forward to it

So far, only Minerva and Solor have expressed a firm desire for Satoru to do something for each of the magical slaves for a day. Minerva had already done it yesterday, so in order of precedence, it would be Solor. "Oops," said Leia, looking back.

I remember you said that you wanted me to come with you. with Rico(?)


While we are talking to our Lord, if you have some free time, teach Liz some letters.

Ah, yes. That's a good idea.

Sorry for the trouble.

Don't worry.

Rico laugh. Thieves have many opportunities to use letters, depending on their occupation. Without the ability to read and write, it would be impossible to gather information. In this world, the units of letters, money, language, weights, and measures are the same all over the world. In the days of the Ancient Magical Kingdoms, there were some differences among the countries, but after human society was destroyed, they were unified and have remained so since then. Even so, the literacy rate is said to be around 40%.

Come to think of it, where is Minerva?

Rico, who was preparing the meal, asked him this. Normally, Minerva would return to her flying dragon form and go hunting in the morning, but when she doesn't, Rico has to prepare meals for Minerva.

She is still sleeping. Let her sleep some more.

Rico gave a mischievous smile to Satoru, who shrugged his shoulders a little and replied in a salacious manner.

Uufufu ...... was it that intense last night?

Rico ......

Satoru was visibly disconcerted by the teasing look that followed Leia's in the morning. Satoru thought he would be able to fool her with this, as he had done with Leia, but Rico turned the tables and replied with a straight face.

Satoru. I'm going to say this now, but it's not good to be so reserved with Liz. If you were the Satoru of the past, you would have said, "Okay, I'm punishing you!"


Indeed, he had occasionally chastised or punished magical slaves who have gone too far in the past in a joking manner. In fact, it is Leia who receives the most punishment.

In response to Rico's earlier snide remark, Satoru in the past would indeed have jokingly punished the slaves by punishing them at night. Rico is absolutely correct in pointing out that the reason he does not do this anymore is because he is too reserved with Liz.

Alice-chan and Liz are very similar, so it's not surprising that this aspect comes out. But that doesn't mean you can't move forward if you keep holding back.

...... You're right.

Satoru turned his head to look down at the very argument that he could not put a single syllable between them.

Rico's level of growth is remarkable. Compared to Rico, who has come to be able to speak directly to him even about things that hurt his ears in this way, his own lack of growth is almost embarrassing.

Rico knows exactly what to do. She knows that it is Satoru's problem, not Liz's. Rico glances at Satoru, who seems to have accepted the situation with visible sincerity, and smiles at Liz, who has a puzzled expression on her face.

For now, today is Solor's day. Liz, I'll tell you later what kind of naughty things Satoru has done to us.

Wait, don.

As expected, Satoru looked up in a panic, but could not argue. Because Liz immediately responded.

I am looking forward to hearing it. I'm prepared to accept anything as Onii-san's slave, but I think it is good to hear from Rico.

No way out, huhrealizing this fact, Satoru involuntarily crouched down and held his head in his hands. A giggle can be heard. It is Leia's voice.

Our Lord is not only sexually active but also moderately perverted. It's not easy, you know?

With all these beautiful women, it's no wonder


Unable to stop himself from interrupting, Satoru finally put his elbows on his knees in a poop-sitting position and rested his hand on his cheeks. His lips were pouting and his gaze was looking far ahead. It's a plain and simple pouting attitude.

Rico was in a cold sweat, wondering if she had overdone it.

Oh, um, ...... sorry Satoru. If you don't like it, I'll stop.

It's too late now. Geez. ......

Satoru complain. He admits the correctness of Rico's argument, so he is afraid to interrupt, but he is still dissatisfied.

Because he is a human being. It can't be helped.

And. A huge belly rumbling sounded, recognizable to everyone around. The Lord who released the sound was Satoru. The unfaithful man became even more embarrassed and turned his head away. A moment of silence took over the place, and soon the silence was torn apart by laughter.

......Pff. Aha, ahahahaha! Sorry, sorry, I'll make breakfast soon. Liz, help me.


The grandiose laughter of Rico left Satoru turning away with a slight flush in his cheeks. The women continue their conversation, ignoring Satoru.

May I watch closely too, Rico-sama?

Oh. Studying, too, Solor? That's fine. My cooking is barbaric and eye-rolling, but if that's all right with you...

Satoru looked over at the backs of the three as they walked out, talking noisily and noisily, and murmured a small complaint.


No, Rico has a point, my Lord.

He looks back at the only remaining magical slave, sitting on his poop-sitting.

I know. You're trying to tell me that if I keep my distance from Liz, it's going to take a while to accept her properly.

Leia nodded. After all, Satoru understands it properly. It is just that it is extremely difficult for him. The reason for this is also clear.

But you see ...... Liz is too much like Alice.

Satoru muddled the issue further, but Leia read it almost precisely. He said that the feeling of his own vileness being known by his own sister haunted him, and he couldn't help but feel a strong disgust.

At least if she changed her hair color or something.

Leia steps up to Satoru and pats him on the head. Even though Satoru is squatting, it is refreshing to be stroked by someone of Leia's height, and it feels good to feel Satoru's bristly hair prickling and itching.

The skin color is given by God, and sorcery can't do anything about it, but if it's about hair, it can be done with sorcery, you know? She had the ornaments picked out yesterday and the chanting is done, but if you wish, would you like to add it?

Satoru looked up at Leia. Satoru's astonished expression showed a little tinge of hope.

If you can change it, I'd appreciate it if you did...... wait, that skin color is given by God?

That's the reason why Disguise and Illusion are so difficult and yet so easy to disarm. It's like God's rules. The same is true for the color of my skin.

I see I understand now, Satoru exclaimed, taking the opposite arm that was nodding his head. The color of Leia's pale skin looked unhealthy to the casual observer. She must have become this color skin when she manifested into the Immortal King. If Rico had manifested, for example, would she still have this skin color? he can't imagine much.

Is your original skin color, white?

Hmm, that's right.

A white-skinned Leia that would have been beautiful, no doubt, but Satoru tried to imagine a white-skinned Leia and failed. He was so accustomed to her current skin color that he could not imagine any other skin color. Leia's voice was a little difficult to hear as Satoru groaned, Hmmm.

...... Say, my Lord


No, ...... never mind.

Satoru looked at Leia's profile as she averted her gaze diagonally downward. The question of her original skin color must have stimulated her memories of her own past.

Probably all the people in the world know about Leia Lwenstadt's past. But unfortunately, Satoru does not know it. He thinks it is better not to know. Since she has been so thorough in not revealing her past, it has probably become a wound so deep that it cannot be healed. Physical wounds can be healed, but wounds in the heart cannot be healed so easily.


Her sorrowful profile looks more mature than her age at the time of her manifestation. He is not sure if it is correct to call her "mature" since she has actually lived for more than 200 years. Even after the passage of time, the emotional scars inside her have probably not yet healed.

Satoru hits his knee with a "pan" and stands up with a "yo" sound. It is a little sad for Leia that she can no longer reach his head.

Come to think of it, what about Liz's soul and qualities?

Leia was relieved at the blatant digression, but subtle about it.

It was lower than Rico's when we first met her. But ...... I'm actually a little concerned about that, too.


I can't quite put it into words,...... but it's kind of like, I should say, a strange range of numbers. The size of her soul is not constant.

Satoru frowns. The soul can be increased by training, and it can also become smaller with age and other factors, but the range is at most 20% that is the common knowledge of the soul in this world that he has heard up to this point. Doubling by increasing the number of magical slaves and doubling by manifesting as an Immortal King are irregularities, but he had heard that there is no drastic increase or decrease in other ways. It seems to Leia that the soul values can't be greatly blurred.

...... Is that possible?

Leia lightly shook her head from side to side.

No. But since I have been traveling with my Lord, my common sense has been completely destroyed, so I can't say whether it is possible or not.

Hmmm ......

In fact, Leia had a theory.

She was just afraid to mention it. And it's not as if that hypothesis has been confirmed to be correct.

Besides, if she had mentioned the hypothesis, Satoru would surely have...

Thanks for waiting.

The three who had gone outside to make breakfast returned. Leia, who had been lost in thought for a bit, looked up.

Now is good. For now, I'll just keep an eye on her.

You're going to pick something light for lunch anyway, right? I'll get it for you.

Oh. Thanks.

There is also a leftover dinner from last night. Minerva let nature take its course and headed out to eat.

Satoru noticed that Leia was acting a little strange and didn't say anything.

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