Foreigner’s Mistake

Book 9: Chapter 200: Demonic Dragon ~ 15

Book 9: Chapter 200: Demonic Dragon ~ 15

Seeing Isolde changing her clothes more than usual, even though she had just gotten out of bed, Leia gave a small laugh with a humph. Rico, Liz, and Minerva went to the toilet with Solor as their bodyguard, and Satoru went to the toilet in the other direction. Leia and Isolde are the only ones left on this Yamato now.

Isolde is a lively woman, and she is always moving briskly, but the device that Liz had put in her vagina yesterday must have made her feel very uncomfortable, and her movements are slow. The swordsman, who has been tortured by Solor since Satoru fell asleep last night and is still being trained as a woman, replaced the cloth covering the crotch of her underwear as if she were menstruating, and sighed again. Leia couldn't help but let out a small laugh at the sight of her exhausted appearance.



It seems you slept soundly this morning.

Huh? W-Well, it's true that the recent training, or rather it's intense. In any case.....

You were so sleepy that you mistook Liz for my Lord when she hugged you earlier this morning.

For Leia, the words were simply meant as a tease, but Isolde's reaction was different from what Leia had expected.

What? Ridiculous ...... that's impossible.

Isolde's reaction was more serious than Leia expected. Leia was trying to make fun of her, but this kind of reaction made it hard for Leia to make any further comments.

Isolde hurriedly put on her panties, looked at Liz and the others who were going to the bathroom with a rather hard stare, and growled, "Nuh.". This reaction was unexpected. Isolde showed a troubled expression for a while, then turned her sincere gaze to Leia.



I would like to ask you a few questions.

What question is it? Is it about Iblis?

No, it's not. I trust that you have taken care of it without any problems.

Shaking her head from side to side, Isolde mutters to herself, then turns to Leia and fixes her gaze on her. The strength of her eyes makes Leia just tilt her head lightly.

It's about Milord and Liz-dono.


What's she talking about now? Leia has already told her how Liz came to become a magical slave.

You are sure that Milord is the man you summoned from another world?

Of course.

And Liz-dono, although she looks very much like Milord's little sister in the other world, is a stranger to him, is she not?

That should be

Then why are the waveforms of Milord's soul and Liz-dono's soul so similar?

Leia's eyebrows furrowed.

Hold on, what is this waveform of the soul?

It is a theory proposed by a sorcerer named Toland Leenin () about 150 years ago, that every living being Well, it is a weird thing to say in front of the Immortal King, but anyway, it is a theory that each individual soul has its own unique wave, different from each other, and has a thousand different forms. The theory has been laughed off as too absurd to be researched, and it has been shut down as a theory, but it is in fact a correct one.

Leia examined Isolde's explanation and groaned.

This was the first time Leia had heard of this theory, but it had a certain persuasive power. 150 years ago, when she was confined to the labyrinth, it was no wonder she had not received any information about it.

Then again, she also notices another fact.

...... I see. The Holy Sword Clan handles magic power delicately, so they were able to notice the difference between the waves of magic power.

That's right. In the Holy Sword Clan, there is training to sense the flow of magic power around you. This is to determine what kind of arts the opponent is planning to use.

When Isolde went to the Academy of the Wise, Sheryl, who was behind her, tried to use Covert Soul-Search and found out that this was also the case. When sorcery is used, a small amount of invisible magic power flows. It is one of the strengths of the Holy Sword Clan to sense this and quickly respond to the opponent's art.

If they know what kind of art is coming, even just before it, it is easier for them to respond. When Baron Dantes' army attacked Satoru, the Holy Sword Clan members were able to survive Leia's Ice Storm Blade as a group from behind because they instantly set up an Anti-Ice Defense. However, the pressure of Leia's magic power was too strong at that moment, and they were only able to survive for that moment.

The Holy Sword Clan trains all its members to acquire this sense. Normally, the senses can detect the flow of magic power at a range of 5 major (45 meters) at most, but Isolde's keen senses can detect the flow of magic power at a slightly longer distance.

Also, this wave will give you a general idea of which art you are good at.


The qualities of sorcery are tricky things that are not known until one has actually practiced it. Rico, for example, has certain qualities in the Physical and Logic Arts, and her Four Elemental Arts are destroyed, but her talents in the Holy and Spiritual arts are not yet known. Leia believes that she has some talent, albeit small, in the spirit as well.

The waveforms of parents and siblings are indeed similar, but it is rare for strangers to have waveforms that are close to those of blood relatives. At least not that I know of. However

Do you mean to say that the waveforms of my Lord and Liz, who are supposed to be strangers, are too similar?

Except for its size.

Leia gave a small groan.

Several questions that she had been harboring until now began to take shape in Leia's mind.

The reason why Liz, who was in a life-threatening situation, was saved by having intercourse with Satoru.

Why was it possible for Satoru, who was in a state of mental breakdown, to be revived by Liz's hands?

What she felt during Liz's menstruation earlier.

All of these things are connected by a single thread.

The hypothesis Leia made when she saw the blurring of the impossible numbers on the measuring bead in the Soul Search is complemented.

......But I think my Lord is best at the physical arts. Liz, on the other hand, is only good at wind and logic so far. What do you think of this one?

Leia murmurs as if wanting to deny rather than confirm.

That is also strange in the first place. According to Liz-dono's waveform, it is true that she is gifted in Physical and Logic Art, but, strangely, she is unable to use her Physical art. Yes, it is as if she is sealed up, so to speak.

Sealed, huh. ......

Even though Isolde was half-asleep, there is no way she would have mistaken Satoru for Liz under normal circumstances. Satoru is a man too big for his soul, his size, his smell, everything. On the other hand, Liz, who is about to come of age, is a girl, even though her soul is finally becoming like that of an ordinary person.

Perhaps Isolde, even if she was half-asleep, recognized who the other person was by the waveform of their soul, not by body odor or touch, and that is why she mistook Satoru and Liz(?).

It is a fact that could only be known by her keen senses, not by her head.

Isolde is looking sharply at Leia, who has a very meaningful expression on her face. Noticing the intensity of her gaze, Leia glanced in the direction where Satoru was headed for the toilet. His figure was out of sight. The distant gaze that seemed to be thinking of Satoru was probably beyond it.

Isolde couldn't help but admire the beauty of the painting. Leia slowly and hesitantly opens her mouth.

I don't have a clear answer to that question. I have a guess, ...... but I can't tell you that.

Why not?

Because you can't keep a secret.

Isolde was stumped by the transparency of the answer.

It would be too reckless to tell you something secret, who, like the Lord, values honesty as a virtue. Therefore, I cannot tell you.

Isolde also thought that Leia's concern was quite right. Isolde is not good at hiding things. She is keenly aware of this. When she was the head of the clan, the mask that hid her face prevented her from hiding some of the things she did, but it soon showed on her face.

However, the fact that she doesn't show it and doesn't talk about the speculations that she is making

......Leia-dono's guess, it doesn't sound so good.

Well. We'll see.

With an aloof expression on her face, Leia jumped down onto the grassy field. Isolde followed suit. A cool, thirsty wind blew through the grass, and Leia's luxurious red hair swayed.

In any case, unlike me, both my Lord and Liz are alive. There is no doubt about thatand

Leia brushes her hair back and turns to Isolde. Isolde flinched slightly at the cold but strong-willed gaze.

I commend you for telling only me about your fears. Do not speak of it to anyone else.

Mugh ......

To tell the truth, today was not the first time that Isolde felt something strange about Liz's soul wave. It was hard to notice because Liz's presence was too small and Satoru, Solor, and Leia's presence was so great that Liz's presence was almost drowned out, but she did feel something strange.

The first time she felt suspicious was when Sheryl left and told everyone about the Holy Sword Clan's situation as soon as they left on their journey. When Isolde confirmed Liz's too weak waveform, she wondered about the difference between the qualities that the waveform told her and the abilities that she was actually demonstrating. However, Isolde thought it might be because it is hard to convey excellence when the soul is so small.

However, when Isolde and Liz went shopping together in the town of Deligrande, Isolde tried to find a weapon that Liz had, and she still felt a discrepancy in her waveform. The difference in size was too great to notice, but she noticed that the waveform was very similar to Satoru's.

It could have been a mere coincidence Isolde thought so, but she couldn't shake the feeling of discomfort.

Then, at Leia's earlier remark, Isolde realized that she had unconsciously mistaken Satoru for Liz, even though she was asleep. To recognize who the owner of that soul is through the waveform, it is preferable to be unconscious, because you can stay without preconceived notions. And Isolde was unparalleled in her training, having never made a mistake before.

There was something there, after allbut the fact that Leia does not talk about it means that there must be something that Satoru and Liz must not know about. Isolde, who had figured this out, twisted her chin with a difficult look on her face.

Then, Leia-dono. Will, you do Compulsion me?

Leia was surprised at Isolde's offer, and then she was somewhat taken aback.

You're so honest. If you keep quiet, and when you're about to talk...(?)


Leia smiled faintly at her immediate response. Isolde is truly a warrior. She is the type of woman who does not like to play games and can become a hero by riding alone, but not a general.

Oh, dear. Too much honesty and you're called a fool.

I know that. But I would rather be a fool who is fooled than a fool who deceives.

Isolde smiled after saying so.

Of course, the deceiver will get what they deserve.

So be it.

Leia nodded and performed the art on Isolde. Isolde accepts the art.

Right. And one more thing.


The spare sword in Milord's hand. Where did he get that?

That one, huh. That is the sword that was in the treasure of the Ingolshenes.

Have you examined it?

Of course I did. ...... what is it, is there anything wrong?

Isolde remembers. The first time she touched that sword was when Satoru ordered her to cut down some nobleman in Ares.

The next time she touched it was yesterday. Liz had ordered her to put the intestines of a bird with a rounded stone in her vagina, and she had to take care of that sword.

The first time was too short, and the second time she can't say for sure because she wasn't in a normal state of mind.

......I can't say for sure enough. Besides, I didn't feel bad, so I'm sure it'll be fine, but there's something about that sword.

Even if you are not sorcerers who can use art such as Appraisal, a first-rate swordsman can sense the sword itself. This keen sense of perception may have sensed the discomfort in Satoru's spare weapon, the Levatein.

Fumu, Leia nodded, recognized Satoru's figure coming back, and sighed without being noticed.

Feels guilty that she has more things she can't tell Satoru, but as long as it's a gentle lie, she should keep it to herself.

Leia, despite her bitterness, keeps it a secret. Above all, for Satoru's sake.

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