Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3319: Untitled

Chapter 3319: Untitled

A few doctors and nurses were standing guard outside the door.

There were also his brother’s subordinates—the muscular, muscular warriors.

Under the bombardment of the air quakes, they had all been blown to the ground.

Peipei turned on the lights on her protective suit and groped in the dark and twisted pathway. She met a lot of crew members on her way, but they were all bending over like shrimps and vomiting until their tears flowed out. They could not even stand straight, let alone stop her.

Some of them were staggering as if they were drunk. They giggled when they saw her. Their weird expressions made them look like a bunch of lunatics.

Pepe knew that this was the special concussion caused by the hasty jump to the sea of stars. The brain went through the process of ‘disintegration in three dimensions, teleportation in four dimensions, and reconstruction in three dimensions’.

Since the jump was too abrupt, almost none of the crew members were prepared for it. Therefore, most of them had been fooled and failed to come back to themselves.

Only Peipei was safe and sound.

The Dream Makers who could communicate with the Void Hunters had the most stable brains and the strongest souls.

In the process of communicating with Shanuya, Peipei had been influenced by her. Her brain had been influenced by Shanuya, too. Therefore, she was more adapted to the side effects of space jumps than other people.

It was her biggest trump card.

It was also the key to her escape.

Following the instructions of the portable crystal processor, the girl stumbled her way to the escape area.

Thankfully, three escape capsules had not been launched yet. Besides, the medical starship was still in a state of emergency. The escape capsules could still be launched!

Without any hesitation, Pepe crawled into one of the escape capsules.

When the escape capsules were designed, they were operated in a fully-automatic, dummy mode to ensure that every child in the fleet could grasp the most basic settings and driving methods.

The universe was too vast and full of dangers. Only such a design could ensure the survival of the tinder in a fleet.


Pepe heard an ear-piercing jetting sound coming from the rear end of the escape capsule, as if someone had kicked her in the back. After a moment of dizziness, the twisted steel was replaced by dazzling stars, and she was launched into space.

Behind him were scattered, spinning starships.

In front of him was Shanuya, who was floating quietly in the universe, her fate unknown.

Peipei gritted her teeth. She set the direction of the escape capsule and crashed into Shanuya.

“Hang in there, Shanuya. I’m coming!”

Although it was just a small escape capsule, all the starships were still in shock and had not regained control yet. Therefore, the flames that it spurted out were still very abrupt.

Very soon, the communication channel of the escape capsule beeped. A familiar voice echoed. “Who is in the escape capsule? Have you lost control? Why are you flying toward the Void Hunters?”

It was his brother!

His brother was still alive. He should be on the flagship with his father. So, his father was fine, too?

Peipei felt a lump in her throat. She resisted the urge to respond and lowered her head.

“… Peipei?”

Maybe it was his intuition, or maybe it was because his brother knew that Peipei was the only one on board who could recover from the ‘Star Ocean Jump Syndrome’ so quickly,“”

or maybe it was because his brother knew that Peipei was the only one who would be foolish enough to go to the Void Hunters in the escape capsule.

Peipei could choose not to answer, but she could not help but cry. The girl said in a trembling voice, “Brother!”

“Pepe, is it really you?”

His brother was overjoyed at first, but then he burst into fury. “What are you doing? Come back now!”

“No… No way!”

Peipei gritted her teeth so hard that her lips were bleeding. She said in a shivering voice, “I’m doing what I should. I’m going to save Shanuya!”

“What—what did you say?”

His brother bellowed, “Are you crazy?”

“I’m not crazy. I’m clear-headed enough to see everything clearly and remember everything that just happened!

The girl screamed, “Just a moment ago, Shanuya saved us and every member of the fleet at the cost of her own life! It did not hesitate, did not calculate the gains and losses, and did not doubt us at all. It considered us to be its best friends, friends that were worth saving with its life!

“Now, I’m going to save it, just like it saved us just now. It is my friend. It is His Highness Shanuya. It is unique. I, our best friend, is there a problem, brother?”


His brother asked, “How are you going to save it?”

“I’m going to tell it the truth so that it will run far away from here to a place where there are no human beings and never come back.

Peipei gnashed her teeth. “The signal ship that you used to activate the ‘explosive drugs’ inside its body was destroyed in the space quake, wasn’t it? It will take at least one day for you to prepare a new signal transmitter, which will be enough for Shanuya to run away.”

“What if it does not run away?”

His brother said coldly, “What if it gets angry when it learns the truth and destroys our starship, killing all of us?”

“Why do you always sentence people to death with hypothetical questions?

“If it weren’t for Shanuya’s sacrifice, we would’ve all been killed! All the starships would’ve been torn apart by the ‘space quakes’. Everybody would’ve turned into cold dust in the sea of stars! Shanuya just sacrificed herself to save us. But before you got rid of the ‘space jump syndrome’, you started doubting it and trying to kill it. What are you adults thinking?

“I—I have to tell Shanuya the truth, even if… it will burst into fury when it hears the truth. We all owe it our lives. Whatever the consequences are, we deserve it!

The communication channel was silent for a long time. His brother seemed to be lost for words.


But the girl had a bad feeling.

As she expected, it did not take long before she saw a streak of bluish brightness rushing close from the starships. It caught up with the round-headed, clumsy escape capsule quickly.

It was his brother who was wearing a space armor.

Spiritual energy weapons designed for assault and sprinting were naturally much faster than the escape capsules.

At this moment, they were almost ten thousand kilometers away from Shannuya.

His brother opened his arms, surrounded by flames, and blocked the escape capsule like a devil.

“I’m sorry, Peipei. It’s my duty to stop you from moving forward.”

His brother whispered in the communication channel, his voice full of guilt and hesitation.

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