Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3328: Untitled

Chapter 3328: Untitled

The black magical tower was burning furiously in the flames. Countless filthy, dirty, ugly, and mysterious things were burnt to the ground and blown away by the wind.

On the empty ground nearby, Jack Thunder and his harem were happily counting their trophies. The treasures and powerful magical equipment amazed them.

The members of the fan club, in particular, were looking at Jack Thunder with admiration and obsession. They could not wait to push him to the ground right now.

Only Theresa did not fit the picture of victory.

She was kneeling alone under a giant tree, staring at Eric’s incomplete body, which was impossible to revive, with tears in her eyes.

“You, you bastard, you son of a b*tch, you big pervert, how can you die? How can you be so irresponsible as to die just like this? You, you turn me back. Quickly turn me back, you pervert, you pervert!”

Her beautiful eyes rolled, and her cherry lips opened slightly. Her tongue, which was enough to scare all the men in the world, suddenly cursed, “What am I going to do when you are dead? I’m going to be the king of cannons in the sea of stars and a great sorcerer. I’m going to conquer all the women in the universe! Men among men! Boohoo! Why are my cries so weird? Boohoo! No! I’m Special Uncle Han! I don’t want to become a boohoo monster! Boohoo!”

The magical girl felt wronged. If a crystal mirror had been placed in front of her right now, the mirror would’ve been broken into pieces.

“Wait. Where is your sick book of magic? I remember that there was a black book when you performed the ‘ultimate spell’. Where did it go?”

Theresa suddenly remembered and felt hopeful again. She groped, hit, and stomped on Eric’s body.

“Poor Miss Theresa. It seems that the scumbag must’ve tortured you so miserably that even a pure noble girl such as yourself burst into fury.

Jack Thunder’s voice came over, full of love. “Stop torturing the body and yourself. The darkness has passed. Light is coming. I don’t care whether or not he corrupted you in a certain way. I believe you’ve noticed that the girls gathered around me all have their own backgrounds and secrets. Does it matter? I will treat you equally and take care of you!”

While talking, he leaned close again, trying to grab Theresa’s wrist.

The hair on the back of Theresa’s neck stood up again. She withdrew her hand as quickly as lightning and took two steps back, eyeing Jack Thunder warily.

“I know that you must’ve been traumatized by the trauma and find it hard to accept other men.

Jack Thunder smiled casually. “But believe me, I am different from other men. Maybe you can consider me to be the most special man in your life.


Theresa felt like vomiting again. She shook her head hard and said in a voice as clear as an oriole, “No, no, no. I don’t have a shadow. As long as you don’t come so close, everything will be fine. We are all experienced. I know what you are thinking.”

“Driver?” Jack Thunder was confused.

“Well, that’s the dialect of my hometown. It means ‘adventurer’.”

Theresa rolled her eyes and said, “Right. Master Thunder, I remember that the evil sorcerer had a dark magic book that he kept close to his chest. Why is it gone?”

“Are you talking about this, Miss Theresa?” Jack Thunder took out a grimoire with a glamorous witch painted on the cover from his chest.

“Yes, yes, yes!” Theresa’s eyes lit up.

But before she could reach out, Jack Thunder stuffed the book back.

“This is an ancient book of darkness. It is too dangerous for ordinary people. I have to destroy it, and you must not touch it easily, lest you are tempted by it,” Jack Thunder said solemnly.

Theresa had nothing to say.

Looking at Jack Thunder and the unfriendly-looking fans behind him, they were evaluating each other’s combat ability. Well, they were definitely no match for each other.

She was somewhat confused.

“Then, now that you’ve been saved, where do you plan to go next?” Jack Thunder asked elegantly, with a complicated look on his face.

“I don’t know.”

Theresa felt like crying again. Damn it. Why did she like crying so much now? “If I had known, I wouldn’t have come out. It would’ve been better if I could stay at home peacefully. Boohoo. I hate it. Stop crying!”

Jack Thunder’s heart was twisted by the cries of the magical girl.

“Oh, my poor Theresa!”

He was caught in a dilemma. “Logically speaking, I should escort you all the way home as a warrior and a knight, but our mission has not been completed yet. We have to go deeper into the Fallen Forest or even through the line of fire to the Blood Demon Sector. So…”

“Bloody Demon Sector?”

Theresa found it odd. “Didn’t you already kill Eric? Why are you still going to the Blood Demon Sector?”

“Eric the Transformer is dead, but the secret of the evil magic has not been revealed yet.

Jack Thunder explained, “All kinds of evidence suggests that Eric did not fall from the position of royal sorcerer until he got the book of dark magic and experimented on living people.

“At first, we didn’t know where the dark books came from. But according to the letters we retrieved from the magical towers, as well as the precious magical equipment, including Eric’s servants, he is deeply connected to a terrifying and brutal great lord in the Blood War Demon Sector, who is likely to have studied the ancient black magic with the help of the books and the resources he offered.

“In a sense, Lord Cooper and Eric are kindred spirits and even Eric’s mentors. It is very likely that they are doing the same research. In order to destroy the darkness once and for all, we have to go to the Blood Demon Sector and confront Lord Cooper!


Theresa stood up. “The great king of the Blood Battle Demon Sector is doing the same evil research as Eric? That’s—that’s great. No. I mean, I mean… Master Thunder, please allow me to join your adventure team and challenge the great king together!”


Jack Thunder raised his eyebrow. “Why? Shouldn’t a weak girl such as yourself be trying to find a way to go home now that you’ve just been tortured brutally? How can you summon the courage to go to the Blood Battle Demon Sector, which is even more dangerous?”

“Well—” Theresa was rendered speechless.

“That’s right. What are you planning exactly?” Many members of the harem group surrounded him. The eyes of the dragon girl, Hera, were shining with an intimidating aura.

“I—it’s not like that. Listen to my explanation. I have my reasons. I—” Theresa’s eyes were glittering. She had nothing to say.

“There’s no need to explain. We all know!” said Keer, the cat girl in the team.

“Yes. We’ve been considerate of you since the very beginning!” Natasha shouted.

“Exactly. Your purpose is written all over your face. You can’t fool us!” Princess Summer glared at Theresa.


The girls looked at each other. Cold sweat was all over Theresa’s head. She retreated, her back against the tree. There was nowhere to run to. She could not have felt more guilty.

“There’s no need to cover it up anymore. Let us reveal your true colors!”

All the girls said solemnly, “You must’ve been fascinated by the masculinity of our Black Jack, fallen in love with him at first sight, and tried everything you could to create opportunities to be with him, didn’t you?”

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