From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 34: Danger! Goblin Slayer!

Chapter 34: Danger! Goblin Slayer!

TL: Sungmin

“Hmph, just a bunch of goblins. Leave it to us Blizzard Heroes to handle.”

At this moment, several people clad in silver armor walked into the tavern.

The Diamond-colored badge hanging on their chest plates was particularly eye-catching.

They were a Diamond-ranked adventurer team, with an average level around 60, their strength unquestionable.

Each of them was undoubtedly a seasoned warrior who had brushed with death countless times.

The leader of the Blizzard Heroes was named Cecil, a fairly young man exuding a noble aura.

Seeing him, many people politely raised their glasses in greeting, “Ah, it’s Lord Cecil. How is the Count faring these days?”

“Thank you for asking, all is well.”

Cecil removed his helmet as he responded.

Like Loder, he was of imperial blood, his family holding the rank of Count.

“Isn’t Lord Cecil known for hunting high-level monsters? What brings you here to deal with goblins?”

The tavern owner asked while starting to pour drinks.

Taking a sip from his glass, Cecil immediately passed it to someone beside him, clearly unaccustomed to such inferior wine.

He then said, “It’s because of my useless cousin. He got captured by goblins, so I plan to handle it personally.”

“I see.”

The tavern owner felt a bit awkward; after all, that had been his best wine.

However, he didn’t mind too much since nobles certainly had different tastes.

At this moment, an even more arrogant voice sounded from the entrance, “Ha! Cecil, you think you can handle it all by yourself? Did I come here for nothing then?”

An old man with white hair slowly walked in.

He leaned on a long red crystal staff, his long white beard matching his fully white hair.

Wearing a gray wizard hat that looked extremely old and pointed, he made quite a peculiar sight.

“What! The Gray Hat Wizard, Gru! He’s here too!”

The tavern erupted in excitement once more!

This Gray Hat Wizard was said to have been an evil wizard in the past, feared by many. That’s why he was so audacious.

But later on, for some unknown reason, he turned to good and established the Gray Hat Heroes.

When he founded his group, they were immediately granted a Diamond-level badge.

Several gray-hatted wizards followed behind him.

Cecil didn’t get angry; instead, he maintained his noble courtesy, “Master Gru, it’s an honor to meet you.”

“Hmph, cut the flattery. I’m broke, really broke. If you don’t want me involved, pay up. A thousand gold coins and I’ll leave now!”

Though Gru looked old, his voice was strong and powerful.

It was as if he had already decided the outcome.

Cecil smiled wryly, “A thousand gold coins? That’s no small sum, Master Gru. How about we negotiate?”

“No negotiation. Not a coin less. If you don’t have the money, I’ll go to your father for it!”

Gru said firmly, looking like an old scoundrel with no respect for others.

While they were arguing, a voice rang out from the corner of the tavern, “How amusing. You think just because the Sword Saintess is lying low, you can put on a show? Don’t forget, that cold-blooded woman is also in Bright Town this time.”

“The cold-blooded woman?”

“Who is that? Never heard of her.”

“You idiot, you don’t even know her? Epic-level adventurer! Lucy Lina! She leads the Cold-Blooded Mercenaries!”

“Damn, why are all these dangerous people showing up? I heard she’ll kill good people for money! Several philanthropists have died by her hand!”

“Shh! She might slit your throat, shut up!”

The mention of her name silenced the entire tavern; no one dared to speak up.

They feared falling victim to her stealth.

From the corner, the man in the cloak spoke again, “Ha, a bunch of cowards calling yourselves adventurers? Go home and drink your milk.”

“Oh? You are…the Wandering Hero?!”

Cecil recognized the man at this moment. He was also a Diamond-ranked adventurer.

He wandered the world, his real name unknown to anyone.

The Wandering Hero looked surprised, “I didn’t expect a noble like Lord Cecil to know the title of a street rat like me. I’m truly honored.”

“You’re too modest. So, we have three Diamond adventurer teams here, and those Cold-Blooded Mercenaries with Lucy Lina, as well.”

Cecil pondered.

A Diamond-level adventurer team didn’t mean every member was Diamond-ranked.

Usually, only one member was.

For instance, the Wandering Hero, Cecil of the Blizzard Heroes, and Gru the Gray Hat; these three were the Diamond-ranked ones, while their team members were mostly platinum or even gold rank.

It’s said that people would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

But there were also teams where everyone was Diamond-ranked, though they were very rare.

The Wandering Hero spoke again, “Don’t look at me like that. I have no intention of tussling with you, and I’m even less interested in goblins. Those creatures are disgusting.”

“Ah? Then why did you come here?” Cecil asked, puzzled.

Bright Town was quite a remote place in the Lionheart Empire, and it took considerable time to get here.

The Wandering Hero chuckled lightly, “Would you believe me if I said I just happened to wander into this place?”

Everyone rolled their eyes at him.

What did the word ‘adventurer’ mean?

It meant going on adventures, challenging dangers. How could it be just a coincidence?

“Hahaha, just kidding. I’m not interested in goblins, but that Dragon Island—now that I’m very interested in. If I could slay an ancient dragon, I might become an Epic hero, right?”

The Wandering Hero spoke with great anticipation.

Dealing with goblins, such low-level matters, couldn’t compare to dragon slaying.

That’s why he had come here.

Besides, many weren’t here for the goblins; they were here for the dragons.

The Wandering Hero continued, “By the way, a reminder: although goblins are a low-level race, don’t be deceived by their simplicity. While many goblins are low-level monsters, they can evolve. They have no reproductive isolation and can produce stronger offspring. Especially evolved goblins, they are extremely terrifying!”

“Hmph, makes sense. I’ve lived nearly a hundred years and have seen more goblins than you’ve seen women.”

Gru’s previously arrogant voice now turned solemn. “This race could be considered the most powerful in the world! They’ve existed since ancient times, always the enemy of all other races. Even after thousands of years of killing, they haven’t been wiped out.

Hehe, do you think goblins can be underestimated? If not for the imperial bounty of three hundred gold coins, I wouldn’t be getting involved in this mess.”

Cecil, always a humble person, grew more cautious after hearing this.

Thinking carefully, even the Sword Saintess had been driven to despair and lost her fighting spirit.

These goblins might indeed be unusual.

They had analyzed it, not just mindlessly believing the Sword Saintess couldn’t handle a group of goblins.

Various factors were at play, like deaths in Bright Town, dragons, and several Imperial Knight Regiments perishing, plus long-term guarding duties, among other things.

This led to the current situation.

Though her reputation was tarnished, it couldn’t completely overshadow the Sword Saintess’s brilliance.

“Alright then, Master Gru, let’s join forces to deal with those goblins. You can keep the gold coins, I won’t take any reward.” Cecil finally decided.

His original purpose wasn’t for the bounty but to eliminate the goblins on his family’s orders, proving their superiority to Loder’s family.

Indirectly, this would show the emperor that their family was far superior to the Stantmont family.

But the situation had changed. To ensure success, it was better to team up with others.

Gru’s old eyes gleamed with a sly smile, “Hahaha, since Lord Cecil is so generous, I won’t refuse! Let’s join forces. Even against a Goblin Leader or Goblin Overlord, we can handle it!”

“Ah, looks like those three hundred gold coins aren’t for us.”

“No worries, let’s just watch the show.”

“Weren’t we mainly here to see the Sword Saintess’s disgrace? Mission accomplished.”

Some sighed, some lamented.

They had hoped to try their luck and earn three hundred gold coins, thinking it was just goblins.

But with two Diamond adventurers joining forces, there was no chance.

Cecil, Gru, and the others quickly packed up and left the tavern, finding a spot on the street to discuss their battle plan.

“In my opinion, let’s solve this with brute force. The Sword Saintess failed because she was held back and couldn’t fight properly,” Gru suggested.

Cecil remained cautious, “There are too many unknowns. We should first find their location, observe, and then make specific plans.”

“You young people are too cautious. It’s so troublesome. Leave those tasks to you then.” Gru grumbled.

Cecil didn’t refuse, “That works. Hmm? Wait!”

He looked toward the entrance of Bright Town.

A mysterious figure clad entirely in rusty armor approached, covered so thoroughly that not even a finger or patch of skin was visible.

It was the type of heavy armor that offered extremely high defense.

For an ordinary person, walking a few steps in it would be strenuous.

This person also carried a greatsword on their back. Yes, a greatsword!

A weapon half a meter wide and one and a half meters long.

“My goodness, that guy is truly bizarre.”

Cecil couldn’t help but remark. Estimating the newcomer’s strength, he thought of recruiting him, “Hey! Sir, would you like to join us for a chat?”

Hearing someone call out, the heavily armored figure slowly walked over.

“What’s the matter?”

The voice that came from the figure was deep and commanding, likely altered with a voice changer.

This only piqued Cecil’s curiosity more, “How should we address you? Why are you dressed in such heavy armor, even disguising your voice?”

“That’s my personal business. If that’s all, I won’t be staying.”

The mysterious figure in heavy armor turned to leave.

At this moment, Gru spoke up, “Didn’t expect Goblin Slayer to come here. Or rather, of course Goblin Slayer would come. Why don’t we have a chat?”

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