From Goblin to Goblin God

Chapter 62: Plundering Operation

Chapter 62: Plundering Operation

TL: Sungmin

The total distance covered was seven hundred kilometers.

There were 19 villages and 2 small towns.

In rough estimates, capturing over a thousand people was not a problem.

With this many captives, one could not imagine how fast the breeding speed would be!

Lin Tian immediately regrouped with the main force, “There’s a change in the route. All of you follow me; it’s a bit of a detour.”

A detour was definitely less important than capturing breeding tools.

At this point, they could act recklessly, without fear of threats.

Seventy miles from Lin Tian and his group was the small town of ‘Cosellaro.’

They had already heard news of goblins plundering along the way.

It was the escaped villagers who came to inform them.

The town mayor, ‘Frank,’ immediately began organizing defenses, “Gather all the adventurers and soldiers in the town; I have an announcement!”

Soon, several hundred people gathered in the town square.

Although this town was not as large as Bright Town, the mayor, Frank, also doubled as an adventurer.

He encouraged everyone to improve themselves and become adventurers.

Not only could they protect themselves, but also their families and the town.

Thus, there were many fighters, a total of three hundred.

“Mayor, isn’t this a bit exaggerated? I’ve heard the news; isn’t it just a group of goblins?”

“I’ve killed enough goblins to pile up into a mountain, hahaha!”

“Are we, the people of Cosellaro, afraid of a group of goblins?”

“When the goblins come, we’ll kill them right at the town gate!”

Everyone in the square joked and bantered.

They were not afraid of goblins, as the surrounding monsters had been eradicated.

Many had even ventured near the Great Tomb.

Overall, their levels were around thirty, with few reaching fifty.

There was once a seventy-plus-level diamond-grade adventurer from here.

The town’s name originated from this adventurer.

However, he had long since moved to a big city to further his skills, so he wouldn’t stay here.

Seeing everyone’s confidence, Frank felt slightly relieved, “Prepare yourselves; they should be here soon.”

Just then, the villager who had warned them rushed out, his face full of terror, “Don’t be careless! Those goblins are terrifying! They seem larger than ordinary goblins!”

“Oh, I know, they’re just the big variant; no need to worry.”

Below, a level 50 young man said disdainfully.

His name was ‘Ace,’ and he was the strongest adventurer of this generation.

Frank looked at him with satisfaction, “Good, as expected of Ace, knowing about the big variants.”

Ace, feeling even more arrogant after this praise, said, “Just big variants; I can handle even hero variants.”


Frank assigned a few people to patrol around the town as sentries.

If anything happened, they could respond immediately.

At this moment, Lin Tian’s group was still on the move. Looking at the mapped route, he said, “Ahead is a small town. Prepare the sacks! Finish quickly, then continue on!”

A massive force of several hundred big variants advanced towards Cosellaro.

“They’re coming! Goblins are coming!”

A sentry on the east side of the town shouted as he ran.

Hearing the alarm, the waiting adventurers and guards immediately gathered at a wheat field outside the town.

The wheat had been harvested, leaving only yellow stalks and bundled straw.

The sentry rushed past everyone, continuing to run without looking back.

Frank was puzzled but did not ask further.

Ace stood there with a longsword, looking extremely confident, “Guys, let’s see who kills the most goblins! The loser treats everyone to a month’s worth of drinks, how about it?”

“Forget it, we can’t compete with you.”

“You’re too strong for us.”

Two people nearby said with annoyance.

Hearing this, Ace smiled smugly, enjoying the attention, “Not fun, I might as well handle them all myself. You guys can go rest, and then…”

Before he finished speaking.

He sensed something was off.

He felt the ground tremble slightly, and the source of the tremors was getting closer!

When he looked towards the wheat field, the sight before him left everyone stunned!!!

The first to appear was Gobu Kuang, massive in size, with muscles and four large arms that made people stop in their tracks!

Next was Gobu Shan, covered in bone spikes.

Then came a large group of extremely fast Gobu Tian and others.

Their eyes couldn’t keep up with their speed!

Finally, a three-meter-tall brute appeared!

At that moment, everyone instinctively took a few steps back!

They had never seen such terrifying goblins before; just looking at them made them feel unbeatable.


Suddenly, a dragon’s roar sounded, like thunder on a clear day!

The residents, who were accustomed to their comfortable lives, stumbled in fear, with many unable to stand firm as their legs gave way!

This was because it was their first time seeing a dragon!

A real, flying dragon!

Those who had drunkenly boasted about slaying a dragon were now so scared that their legs turned to jelly, needing to lean on others to stay upright.

“Why is there a dragon with the goblins?”

“Damn it, run!”

“Where is that damn sentry? He only said goblins were coming, but didn’t tell us they were these kinds of monsters!”

The crowd turned into a pack of frightened dogs, immediately turning tail and running!

Ace, too, was so terrified that he was shaking all over, “Wait for me!”

He staggered as he walked, looking like he might fall at any moment.

Lin Tian, riding the dragon, was slightly surprised, “So many people were already prepared? But it’s useless. Attack!”

Because he didn’t see these people as a threat, he hadn’t made any advance battle plans.

They could just charge in and sweep through.

Being in a remote location, there were no official Imperial troops or Church members, and most adventurers were novices.

Even if they encountered a legendary adventurer on a journey, they still had a chance to fight.

In a word, they could act with impunity.

The adventurers of Cosellaro Town scattered like rats, fleeing in all directions.

They couldn’t even handle a single big variant.

“Hmph, what a bunch of bumpkins. They seemed so imposing at first, but now they’re more pitiful than mice.”

Lin Tian couldn’t help but sneer.

At first, seeing so many adventurers defending the town, he thought there might be an interesting fight.

But once inside the town, it was a one-sided massacre.

The defenders even forgot to fight back, focusing only on escaping.

In less than three hours, the small town was thoroughly plundered.

Two hundred women were captured, many of them adventurers with better attributes than ordinary women.

Ace, who had been running around in panic, was hiding under a table in a small house.

In front of him, Gobu Shan’s cold, mocking footsteps approached, “Hide well, here I come…”

Ace, trembling all over, saw Gobu Shan approaching and thought in terror, “Why, why are these goblins so terrifying! Are they even goblins? Can someone save me!”


Suddenly, Gobu Shan and Ace locked eyes, a chillingly close encounter.

However, Gobu Shan was holding Mayor Frank’s head under the table.

Ace was so scared he nearly lost his soul, convulsing on the ground and foaming at the mouth.

“This is no fun. Boss, we found someone who looks quite capable. What should we do with him?”

Gobu Shan, disappointed and dragging Ace, threw him in front of Lin Tian.

Lin Tian used the system to scan him and found he was at level fifty, but his overall combat power was only around 700.

Far below average.

Comparable to a big variant of the Tian Kuang Tribe.

Lin Tian said, “You guys can eat him. Rest up and prepare to move on.”

In the next ten days.

They plundered most of the marked villages along the route.

However, some villages slipped through the net.

Forewarned and aware of their capabilities, they packed up and fled together.

Lin Tian even rode the dragon searching for them to no avail.

When they reached the Great Tomb, the goblins were exhausted, having captured over a thousand people!

Not only was transportation a hassle, but finding food for them was also a chore.

Lin Tian sighed, “It looks like our workload will increase a lot in the future. Gobu Yue, Lia, Goblin Slayer, can you three handle it?”

Most of the tribe’s work was assigned to them.

And also Cassandra, and now another addition, Brute, who could also take on some tasks.

Including daily gathering, equipment crafting, material storage, maintaining order, breeding and training new goblins, patrolling, and monitoring.

Though they didn’t personally get involved, they organized other goblins to help.

But it was still quite troublesome.

Gobu Yue grinned, “Boss, don’t worry, we can handle it.”

Lia stretched, looking tired, “As long as you satisfy me once a day, no amount of work will tire me out.”

“Alright, alright, that would be too exhausting for me.”

Lin Tian chuckled bitterly.

He finally understood what it meant to go from one extreme to another.

As they stepped into the Great Tomb, the previously bustling, cool breeze, warm sunlight, birds singing, and insects chirping all disappeared.

Everything became quiet and eerie.

So quiet that even their own breathing sounded harsh.

The atmosphere was so daunting that even the monsters found it scary.

Following the brute’s guidance, they arrived at a small valley.

Everything was unchanged from before: scattered dense huts, decaying blackened trees, scattered campfires.

And a dim sky.

Only the goblins of the brute’s tribe had been nearly wiped out.

“Boss, this is my Beast King Tribe, now called the Tian Kuang Tribe.” The brute said respectfully, smiling foolishly.

Lin Tian nodded, “Find a place to rest first. I’ll scout the terrain.”

Then he rode the dragon, flying around the area.

The terrain was not the main concern, but he couldn’t help but exclaim, “Wow, really? Such a small area has so many monsters? I even saw several fifth-tier ones!”

In just about ten kilometers, he found hundreds of monsters.

There were even seven or eight of the same tier as the dragon.

The ‘Great Tomb’ was truly terrifying, living up to its fearsome reputation.

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