From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 17: Glimmer of Hope

Chapter 17: Glimmer of Hope

With her heart thumping rapidly in her chest, Jade hurried downstairs, clutching the coat tightly around her. Events of past hours whirled in her mind, making it hard for her to focus on anything but the next step she would have to take.

But deep inside, she only had one single urgent desire, which was to find out more about the mysterious woman who had approached her at her lowest moment.

Each step she took on the pavement was accompanied by a mix of dread and anticipation. Would the woman truly be there?

Would she have the answers which Jade was so desperately seeking? As she made her way through the quiet streets, the cold winter air was biting at her face, however, Jade found solace in the dawn's soft hues.

The horizon over the sky was painted in soft oranges and purples, a canvas of morning promises. The departing moon that was still faintly visible, served as a reminder that even in the darkest times, there would always be a glimmer of hope.

Suddenly, the intoxicating scent of freshly brewed coffee wafted through the air, guiding her steps. This was the scent which she associated with comfort, discussions, and in the presence of which she would whisper secrets over some warm mugs.

Following the scent, she found herself standing in front of the local coffee shop.

Peering through the window, Jade spotted her – the tall, red-haired woman, who was sipping a steaming cup while lost in thought. The dimly lit interior along with its rustic charm, created a backdrop that made her mysterious figure look even more enigmatic.

Gathering courage, Jade pushed open the door. The bell above the door jingled softly, announcing her arrival. The woman looked up, her eyes locking onto Jade's. There was a momentary pause while a silent acknowledgement of the weight of the situation.

"You came," the woman remarked, her voice smooth and soothing.

Jade hesitated for a moment before replying, "Yes. I had to know more."

A small smile played on the woman's lips as she remarked, "I thought you might. Let's get you a coffee, and then we can have a talk."

As Jade ordered her coffee, a whirlwind of emotions surged within her. After a long pause, she asked, "I never got your name. And how did you get your hair dye so well? Back during high school, I tried to dye my hair purple, but it turned out to be a total flop," she said, forcing herself to offer a warm smile.

The woman let out a soft chuckle, it looked as if the weight of the world was briefly lifted from her shoulders, "It's Ashaiki Tonistone. As for the hair, it's not dyed. It's... natural," her voice trailed off momentarily, her gaze distant as if touching upon an old memory.

Jade's eyes widened in surprise and she repeated in confusion, "Natural? How is that even possible?"

With her gaze affixed on the rising sun, while the early morning light caught the iridescent shimmer of her hair, Ashaiki explained, "There are many things in this world that are far from ordinary, Jade. I was born under unique circumstances, bathed in moonlight and whispered ancient prophecies. My hair has always been of this shade, a mark of those circumstances."

Intrigued, Jade leaned in, "Ancient prophecies? What does that mean?"

"For another time, really. But I think the more pressing matter for now is finding out who killed Ty and determining if he might still be lurking around, hurting others."

Seriousness suddenly flashed on Jade's face as she nodded with a sharp gaze, "That is true. How much longer until your results from the blood samples give us an answer?"

"They should already be finished back at the office, but before I take you there, you need to understand that there will be no going back," Ashaiki informed with caution before she continued.

"The fact that I'm even sitting here with you right now could be painting a target on your mind. I empathize with your situation since I have also lost someone who was dear to me."

Jade nodded, "I see... I suppose that's also another story for some other day. But I've already told you, I'm all in. I just want to ensure that whoever killed Ty is taken care of before he comes back!"

With a light sneer, Ashaiki narrowed her eyes as if she had caught something noteworthy and inquired, "Before who comes back?"

With a slight blush on her face, Jade realized how her words might be interpreted, nonetheless, she still said, "Ty visited me in a dream, wearing a skeletal body. Even though it didn't look like him, he promised to return. I know it sounds crazy, but it happened this morning. I just know it's real, and I want to—"

Interrupting Jade as her face continued to turn a deeper shade of red Ashaiki shook her head, "Grief can produce powerful emotions and visions. But you must eventually come to terms with the fact that he won't be returning. It's simply not possible."

"I understand, Miss Ashaiki, but Ty never breaks his promises. Ever since we met in middle school, he's been there for me, like when he defended me against four upperclassmen," as she recalled that incident, the corner of her lips curled into a smirk. "One of them even transferred schools."

Ashaiki smiled, "That sure does sound like an interesting tale. But for now, how about we take a stroll to the agency? We can run some tests on you and gather those results."

"Sure, let's go ahead. Whatever it takes," Jade said, leaving $12.84 on the table for their drinks. She stood up alongside Ashaiki before they headed for the exit.

Outside, oblivious to the two women, a crow stood atop a tree while it closely observed them.

After walking for about half an hour, they reached a dilapidated building. Ashaiki glanced up at it before turning back to Jade with a hint of mischief in her eyes. "Time to go inside. But before that, we need to make sure that we haven't been followed," she added with a slight smirk.

"You think someone might be tailing us?" Jade said with her brows raised.

"It's hard to say without my gear," Ashaiki admitted. "But taking precautions when meeting openly in public is a standard protocol."

Saying that she led the way to a staircase and into the building through a door with broken windows.

Jade looked around, trying to make sense of their location. "What are we doing here?"

Ashaiki offered a reassuring smile, "Just a quick pitstop to ensure our privacy."

Inside, the room showed signs of faded grandeur. Dusty, sun-faded curtains hung heavily from the large windows, their fabric moth-eaten and frayed at their edges. Peeling wallpaper revealed the brick beneath the walls, and in some spots, the floorboards creaked with every step they took. The remnants of old wooden desks, which didn't have any drawers, covered in layers of dust, were strewn about haphazardly. The entire scene painted a picture of a place that was once alive with purpose but now was left to the ravages of time.

As Jade took in the ambiance of decay, Ashaiki walked towards a bookshelf in the far corner. Amid the volumes of forgotten lore and outdated reference materials, she reached out and pulled on a nondescript book. Instantly, the shelf began to move, revealing a hidden compartment. From its depths emerged two armbands, shimmering metallically even in the dim light.

"Whoa," Jade murmured, her eyes widening in surprise.

Ashaiki paused for a moment, her smile revealing a subtle secret. The light in the room caught her eye, imparting a mischievous sparkle in them. Carefully, she wrapped one of the bands around her wrist. As the metallic band clicked into place, a gentle wave of energy surrounded her, emitting a soft light that made her hair rise in the air and sway as though caught in an unseen breeze. Turning to Jade, she extended the other band in her hand while softly encouraging, "Your turn."

Jade nodded and as the band made a clicking sound of being secured to her wrist, a bright flash enveloped the two, causing Jade to be temporarily blinded.

After the flash subsided, they found themselves in a sleek, cylindrical chamber. The walls of which resembled polished platinum that were shimmering under the dim overhead lights. A thick, secured door on the opposite side opened with a hiss, revealing an imposing figure.

An somewhat aged man, clad in a crisp black suit and shiny shoes, stepped forward. His sharp eyes, his eyes were shadowed by age but were still piercing, as they met Jade's momentarily, it caused her to swallow hard. He then turned his gaze towards Ashaiki.

"Miss Tonistone," he greeted with a deep voice that resonated throughout the chamber. "I wasn't expecting you to bring a guest. Especially not an ordinary human."

Ashaiki responded, "Director Caelin, circumstances dictated this decision. Jade's involvement runs deeper than it appears. She might offer insights to certain aspects which we're missing."

Director Caelin scrutinized Jade, making her shift uneasily. "Very well. But remember, if she proves more of a liability than an asset, it will be on your head."

Ashaiki nodded, clearly understanding the weight of the responsibility. "Understood, Director."

Caelin turned his attention back to Jade and said with a detached tone, "If you're to be involved, there are certain... physical standards you need to meet." He assessed her up and down skeptically. "Though from the looks of it, you seem woefully unequipped. Just as most ordinary humans are."

Trying to hide her nervousness, Jade responded, "I'll do whatever it takes."

The Director nodded, "Very well. Let's see if you can keep up," before walking out without much of a smile.

As they continued walking, Jade suddenly remembered her other commitments. "Wait, when do I get back to work? I'm sure they'll be wondering where I've been."

Ashaiki let out a light chuckle, "Oh, don't worry about that."

Puzzled by her nonchalant tone, Jade probed, "What do you mean?"

With a sly smile on her face, Ashaiki turned to her, "Well, we've already staged your death. So you won't be having any more workplace obligations."

Jade stopped dead in her tracks, her face filled with an expression with a mix of shock and confusion. "You did WHAT now?"

Ashaiki waved her hand dismissively, "It's a standard procedure for situations like this. This way, it is much easier for all parties involved."

"But my friends, my family! They'll be devastated!" Jade exclaimed.

"We'll manage all that," Ashaiki reassured. "And it's temporary; once everything is sorted out, we can also stage a miraculous comeback."

Jade heaved a sigh of relief after hearing this and tried to process everything that she had heard. Before she could respond, they reached the training area.

Ashaiki handed her some athletic gear and said, "For now, let's see how you fare in a little physical activity."

Taking the gear, Jade groaned inwardly. According to her, this seemed to be getting a very, very long day.

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