From Nun to Real Heiress: Expert at Turning the Tables

Chapter 501: 234 Admitting a Mistake (Second Revision)_2

Chapter 501: 234 Admitting a Mistake (Second Revision)_2

She must secure a role in Yu Dawei’s new movie.

She had to.

This time, she would take a gamble.

Even if she failed, there would be no loss.

Liang Xiaohong was skilled in such matters. She made a call and instructed her assistant to bring someone over immediately.

After everything was set, she poured a glass of wine and personally handed it to Bai Ziyan; “Young Master, please wait patiently. The person you want is on their way.”

Bai Ziyan raised an eyebrow without taking the glass, lazily leaning back in the sofa chair with his legs crossed over the coffee table, fully embodying the air of a rich young heir.

He looked up and down at Liang Xiaohong, “What’s your name?”

Liang Xiaohong plastered a smile onto her face, “Liang Xiaohong, an agent from Xinghui Entertainment. Young Master might not know my name, but you must have heard of Xinghui Entertainment, right?”

Bai Ziyan nodded, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, “Liang Yanran was brought up by you, right?”

Liang Xiaohong’s face stiffened briefly before she put on a smile again, as if nothing had happened, “Yes, it’s a pity…sigh.”

Liang Xiaohong sighed and shook her head.

Bai Ziyan’s eyes flickered, clucking disapprovingly, “It is indeed a pity, we originally wanted Liang Yanran to play the female lead.”

Liang Xiaohong was taken aback, “What did you say?”

“Huh? What did I say?” Bai Ziyan shrugged, “I didn’t say anything.”

Liang Xiaohong was filled with doubts, could it be that Yu Dawei wanted Liang Yanran to play the female lead?

It was possible. Among the younger generation of actresses, Liang Yanran was indeed the best, whether in terms of acting, looks, or popularity. It would be normal for Yu Dawei to have his eyes on her.

Liang Xiaohong also felt it was a missed opportunity, such a good chance wasted.

“Young Master, has the male lead been decided yet? If there’s a chance, I’d like to recommend a male actor to you. I wonder if he’s fortunate enough…” Liang Xiaohong asked tentatively.

“Oh? Let’s hear it.”

“Xue An, you must know him. He’s the youngest Golden Deer’s Best Actor, diligently working in the industry for many years without any scandals…” Liang Xiaohong used her eloquent tongue to praise Xue An as a rare gem in the entertainment industry.

If it weren’t for the fact that she and Yu Dawei’s backing had no overlap, she wouldn’t be so ingratiating towards this young kid. It took years of painstaking effort to establish connections in Jingzhou’s complex power dynamics. It wasn’t easy to integrate into a circle.

“Xue An? Isn’t he Liang Yanran’s boyfriend?” Bai Ziyan raised his eyebrows, asking.

Liang Xiaohong hesitated, then lowered her eyes, “Yes, it is a pity that good things don’t last. After Yanran’s death, Xue An was devastated. He admires Director Yu the most, so if he could act in Director Yu’s new movie, I believe he would regain his spirits.”

Bai Ziyan looked at her meaningfully, “You seem to care about him a lot.”

Liang Xiaohong smiled, “He and Yanran shared a deep bond, so I have to take care of him on her behalf so that Yanran can rest in peace in heaven.”

Bai Ziyan nodded, “Not bad, you’re quite sentimental. Xue An, right? I’ll remember him, and if there’s a chance, I’ll recommend him.”

Liang Xiaohong said gratefully, “I’ll thank Young Master on behalf of Xue An.”

The young man waved his hand impatiently, “What I want is not your thanks…”

Liang Xiaohong’s face was full of smiles, “I understand, I’ll call and urge them right away.”

Liang Xiaohong walked to one side with her phone. Her ally had already sent a message.

Director Yu’s son returned to the country last month. I heard he’s going to follow in his father’s footsteps. This movie project has his name attached, but this young master is said to have a bad temper. Why are you suddenly asking about him? Are you interested in this movie too?

Liang Xiaohong’s suspicions were further confirmed by the message. She quickly typed a response  Thank you, I’ll treat you to a meal next time!

Liang Yanran… Xue An… Bai Ziyan chewed on these two names, looking at Liang Xiaohong across the room, his eyes slightly narrowed.

What exactly was the enmity between these people and Ming Jing?

Ming Jing was content and had no ambition; although many women were jealous of her, few would dare to use such underhanded means to harm her. In Jiangzhou and Jingzhou, this was the only exception.

It was just a small agent, yet she acted so arrogantly. What exactly did she have as backup?

Bai Ziyan had initially intended to help Ming Jing a little, but now it seemed that the issue was not so simple.

It was even more fun this way. Bai Ziyan smirked at the corners of his lips.

“Young Master, please wait here for a moment. I’ll go out to greet the person and be right back,” Liang Xiaohong said as she prepared to leave.

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