Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 196: Misaki Learns Hard Lesson

Chapter 196: Misaki Learns Hard Lesson

After getting bored of the grind Misaki decided to explore a bit. The first town she reached was called Ramsdale. It was supposed to be the beginner's town of Eternal Phantasy. Misaki walked into town and noticed many new markers on her map. There were quest markers all over the place. 

"Hmmm? It seems quests were added? Did the system add these to make my life in game more interesting?" Misaki mumbled to herself as she made her way down the street. She stopped at the first person who had a quest marker and said hello.

The middle aged woman that seemed to be in distress who was running a street stall, was a bit plump around the waist but when she turned around she had a bright friendly smile on her face. "Oh! Young lady aren't you just beautiful? What can I help you with?"

Misaki was a bit unsure of how to trigger the quest conversation, so she decided to just wing it and hope for the best. "I saw that you seemed to be in need of some help."

"Ahh this You saw that huh? Well, to be honest, young lady. The rage wolf meat that I had prepared before coming here to set up this morning is nowhere to be seen. I can only think that I left it at the house. Now it's too late for me to run back to get it. So now I am not sure what to do. I had already posted up signs that I was having a sale on it today too It puts me in a pretty big predicament." The middle aged lady shook her head and sighed. It was easy to tell that she was at a loss of what to do.

'Oh, so a retrieval quest.' Misaki smiled at the middle aged woman and said: "If you would like I can go back to get it for you. Just tell me where it is and I will go grab it and return it to you, so you can finish up your preparations." 

"Really!? Oh my, are you not the nicest young lady I have ever met. If you do this for me I will make sure to reward you well." The middle aged woman replied happily. 


[Quest notification: Retrieve the Rage Wolf Meat from the vendor's house.]

[Reward: Wolf Hide Boots]

[Wolf Hide Boots: Quality Green]

[Armor: 30]

[Attack: +2]

[156 Gold]

[Accept?] [Decline?]

"Oh ho? Not bad!" Misaki mumbled to herself. By not bad she meant it was at least better than what she was weaning. Her boots only gave ten armor and nothing else. Hitting accept, Misaki headed off to the middle aged woman's house. Once she got to the front door, she kicked it open with her foot startling the middle aged man inside. 

"Who? Who are you!?" The middle aged man asked.

Misaki ignored him since she was here on a quest, she did not need to explain herself to the NPC husband. Instead, she picked up the first vase she saw and smashed it on the ground. With a loud shattering sound, pieces of the vase, water, and flowers scattered all over the ground. Seeing no items inside, Misaki frowned. Not to be deterred she began opening the cabinet pulling everything out of it looking for items. 

The middle aged man who was standing there with his jaw on the floor was utterly speechless as to where this young lady came from! She barged into his house and began breaking things and going through his stuff! "You stop, now or else I will call the town guard!"

Misaki completely ignored the man as she put a few gold coins into her inventory. She continued to ransack the house, breaking any vases, crates, and barrels she saw. She went through every cabinet taking whatever was inside and tossing it out onto the floor. 

The middle aged man seemed to have had enough. After so many warnings the young lady did not stop! His valuables were being stolen and his property was benign destroyed! "That's It! I warned you!"

In a huff, the middle aged man ran out of the house. Misaki paid him no mind and continued to destroy things, taking whatever she found of use and sticking it in her inventory. It was not until she was upstairs flipping tables and beds that she heard the sound of many people entering the house. "This is the town guard! You are surrounded! Give yourself up peacefully!"

Misaki being Misaki completely ignored the yelling from down stairs and continued to rummage through everything. She went room to room and made sure she checked everything. When she finally decided she covered every inch of the house, she decided to go back downstairs to get the rage wolf meat. But as she did three high level guards stepped forward and pointed their swords at her neck. Misaki instinctively raised her hands into the air.

"And that is how I ended up here." Misaki said as she talked to the young woman in chains next to her.

"Hahaha! What did you think would happen if you just bluntly rob a place in the middle of the day!?" The young woman couldn't help but laugh out loud. 

Misaki blushed as she said: "How was I supposed to know there was a mechanic like that? I thought this was like any other MMO where you can just go into places and smash things to find items. How was I supposed to know I would get arrested and sent to jail!?" 


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