Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 220: To The Machine Race

Chapter 220: To The Machine Race

Sitting in a large meeting room, Misaki looked at all the familiar faces and nodded her head. "Okay, with things going smoothly, Gen and Sato are off setting up the relays between the planets. I want the rest of you to set up patrols around the area of our demon domain. Jin and his kind will help you with this. If there are no questions then I will leave it at this." Misaki looked around the room, seeing no one speaking, she nodded and said: "Meeting adjourned. Dad, stay behind please."

"What's up Mitsu?" Misaki Kenji asked.

"Dad after you give birth, have the baby sent to my quarters. I want you to do two years of training on Planet Belhaste. This should give you the ability to really get the hang of your body and learn about your powers. You have a lot of magic power so you need to face life and death situations and learn to use your power in a way that suits you. If it weren't because everything was so hectic, I would have suggested this earlier." Misaki explained. She also figured her father needed a vacation from her mom. Even after taking the babies away, her mother didn't seem to even care. She was wondering if she was a lost cause or not.

"Mitsu Thanks" Misaki Kenji looked gratefully at his daughter. He really needed this break. 

"It's nothing. I just want you to know that you are able to still be strong even if you look the way you do. Also, when you get back let me know. I want to test your skills. If they are up to speed you can take full command of my military." Misaki wanted her father to have things to do outside the house as well. So he could feel like his old self again. "As for mom. I plan to send her on a little mission."

"Oh?" hearing this, Misaki Kenji started to get interested in what she had planned.

"Well I figured I would send her to play with some angels..." Misaki said as she winked at her father.

"You! You are going to get her killed!" Misaki Kenji yelled.

"Relax dad! I am not going to get mom killed. I will be sending some bodyguards who will hide in the shadows. It will be a good chance for her to put her newfound obsession to use." Misaki explained lightly. 

This seemed to make Misaki Kenji relaxed as she said: "Alright then, just make sure nothing happens to her." 

"If they do anything to harm mom, I will personally destroy the entire angel faction." Misaki coldly said, her whole body radiating a burning killing intent. 

"Alright, I will leave it to you. Maybe getting out of the house will make her head clear up a bit." Misaki Kenji nodded in approval. He was glad his daughter was serious about keeping her mother safe even if she was sending her into enemy territory. 

After sending her father off, Misaki leaned back in her chair and opened her inventory taking out the data disk that had Rika's information on it. "As promised, I will go talk to the people of the machine race and see if they can make a body for you."

Misaki never forgot the promise she made that day. Now that things were all under control Misaki wanted to go and speak to the people of the machine race to see if she could get a body made for Rika. Misaki did not plan to hit on Rika or take her as her wife. That was because Rika was more of a sister than anything else. Someone different from the norm which was very nice. 

Misaki went back to her section of the base where all her wives' rooms and babies' rooms were located. She walked into the main living area to see her wives busy with the babies. Chiho noticed Misaki right off the bat, smiled, and asked: "Did the meeting go okay?"

"Mmm. Dad will be going on a special training trip and I will be sending my mom to go play with the angels. I need you girls to hold down the fort for a little while. I need to go visit the machine race to see if I can get a body made for Rika" Misaki answered.

"Let's hope you can. This is the sister you met in game right? The one you turned into data to set free?" Miyu asked.

"Mhm She will be you girls' sister in law so please treat her kindly. She is a little out spoken but she is very kind." Misaki's eyes softened just thinking about the time she had spent with Rika.

"Mitsu, don't look down on us! We are your wives, anyone you consider a sister is of course family to us." Chiho scolded. She could tell that Rika was important to Misaki. Chiho found that when Misaki spoke of Rika a familiar expression could be seen on her face. It was as if she was looking at the old Misaki before everything happened.

Letting out a long breath of air Misaki gathered herself and nodded her head. "You are right! Sorry I am just nervous." It had been a long time since Misaki felt this way. This feeling that she was getting was not so bad. As she thought this, a smile formed on Misaki's face. She looked at her wives with warmth and love in her eyes. "I will be off. If all goes okay, I will bring your sister in law back." 

Each of Misaki's wives took turns giving her a kiss and hug. After which, Misaki turned and left the base heading to the little section of the gods realm where the machine race was located. Little did Misaki know that this would be the last time she would see her wives for many years to come. 


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