Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy

Chapter 241: Core Gathering Part Two

Chapter 241: Core Gathering Part Two

Hearing Qian Yan's confirmation made Misaki very happy, so much so she squeezed Qian Yan tightly causing her to blush even more. The other three seemed speechless but they still smiled and said no more about the issue. Their thoughts were the same. Let it be since that is what they both decided.

The Flying Wind Crane landed in an open field where the camp was set up for the night. The elders all took out large quantities of food and prepared it all for the new disciples. This was actually a special treat since after the test and they got settled into their courtyard, they would have to cook for themselves. Luckily, food was something supplied by the sect but you could also go out and hunt for your own food as well. 

The only problem was that in order to do that, you had to go to one of the smaller hunting grounds near the sect by foot which was still a few days' travel away. And the amount of lower ranked demonic beasts was few and far in between since the demonic beasts at these locations were all ranked seven and up. They could also go outside the area that the Misty Cloud sect owned as well. But they would face more danger outside the territory the sect owned if they did.

That night Qian Yan and Fu Rong used Misaki's lap as a pillow. Cui Shun and Chen Huo leaned up against the tree on either side of Misaki as if guarding the three girls. Misaki herself did not need to sleep if she so chooses not to. She decided she would just cultivate all night. Her cultivation had slowed a lot after breaking through so many times in one go. Now it was very slow which annoyed Misaki. But she still wanted to get home as fast as possible, so she had no choice but to deal with it, no matter how boring she found it to be.

The next day they continued their flight and arrived at the forest entrance, but when they arrived an unexpected visitor was waiting for them. "Oh! Elder Tian! Long time no see!"

Elder Tian's face went black seeing the man in red robes smiling at him brightly."Elder Qin, why are you on my Misty Cloud sect territory!? Are you trying to start a war?"

"Calm down you old fool... I came here today to see if you were willing to do a little exchange between our students. We both know both our sects host our sect recruitment at the same time. I figured I would come here and make a bet with you." Elder Qin said, the smile on his face never changing.

"Little exchange? Bet?" Elder Tian frowned. 

"Yes, a bet on who keeps ownership over this mountain range. It will involve five of my newest disciples against five of your best disciples that have just been recruited. What do you say?" Elder Qin replied.

Elder Tian looked at Elder Qin as if he was an idiot, but then he thought of something and peered over at Misaki, and a smile formed on his face. "Okay we can do that but You must bet the northern mountain range as well and we will enforce the bet with a soul contract." 

Hearing Elder Tian not only accept the bet but also want the northern mountains made Elder Qin secretly sweat. But since he was the first to request the bet he could not back down now. "Fine! I agree let's seal this with a soul contract." 

The two made a few hand signs that created a small spiritual array between the two. A wisp of white mist floated out of each of their bodies and slammed into the spiritual array. A bright light shone before the wisps returned to their bodies. This was a soul contract. If you did not uphold your part of the contract you would die.

"There now choose your five, these are mine." Elder Qin said as he waved his hand and four young teenagers around fifteen years of age stepped forward. 

"Humph! Your Red Dragon Fist sect still the same huh? Misaki come take care of this for me." Elder Tian yelled out. 

Misaki who was in the middle of flirting with her new little girlfriend frowned when she heard her name called and turned and glared at Elder Tian who quickly began to sweat seeing her cold eyes looking at him. But he still motioned with his head with a pleading expression causing Misaki to let out a sigh. "I guess I have no choice since I am part of this sect now... "

Misaki walked over to the Elder and looked at the five Teenagers in front of her and frowned again. "Elder whatever your name is You're joking, right? If I fight them they will die."

Elder Qin found Misaki's words very funny. He looked at her with contempt and said: "Little girl you should watch what you say. Boasting big and then losing will make you and your sect lose just that much more face. "

"Oh? So if I do kill them you won't care? I won't have to wipe out your entire sect because you decided to get revenge after I kill them all?" Misaki asked, her expression very serious.

"Humph! If you can kill them all, I will surrender my interspatial ring to you!" Elder Qin said while taking his ring off his finger and tossing it over to Elder Tian. This was a gesture that he was willing to do it. 

"You said it You are the one who is willing to do this So if they do die, do not hold it against me. Because I will hold a grudge if you try to attack me. I will hunt every last one of your sect members down and take your whole sect for myself do you understand? " Misaki said coldly.

"Humph! Don't worry if they die that means they did not deserve to join my sect!" Elder Qin snorted but then his eyes went wide he saw Misaki smile brightly and wave her hand



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