Full-time Artist

Chapter 15: falsetto

Chapter 15: falsetto

Before get off work at night.

Lin Yuan finally heard the 106 voices.

After listening to the one hundred and six voices, Lin Yuan realized more deeply why Qinzhou is the most famous music hometown of Blue Star.

one by one, so good at singing!

Mingming Zhao Jues list of 106 singers is a group of young singers, most of whom have not even debuted, but in terms of business level, it has far exceeded the average quality of the earth.

And this time the vocals have cycled, Lin Yuan has successfully identified three instrumentalists who can try to sing "Big Fish".

This is definitely something he hadn't thought of beforehand.

That night, Lin Yuan called Zhao Jue and said his preliminary candidates.

"Wang Ping, Jiang Kui, Wei Xiaoxin..."

Hearing Lin Yuan was not very proficient in reciting these three names, Zhao Jue said: "You seem to choose new people who have not debuted?"


This kid is suspicious.

Isn't it just for the newcomers to divide the money and find less?

Zhao Jue suppressed his doubts and said, "I will inform the three of you to go to the recording studio to wait for you tomorrow. You can try the sound and start recording when you determine the candidate. However, the company will have to pass the audit by yourself. If you cannot pass the audit, you can It's also a free record."

"it is good."

The conversation between the two ends.

The next day, the recording studio on the 9th floor of the company.

Wang Ping, Jiang Kui, and Wei Xiaoxin are three adorable young people sitting on the chairs at the door, like job applicants waiting for an interview, their faces are full of tension.

"Tons, tons, tons, tons, tons."

In order to keep his throat in good condition, Jiangkui has already drunk half a bottle of water.

But drinking water doesnt relieve her tension

Last night, the agent suddenly informed her that she would come to the company to record the song today, because Xianyu might choose her as the singer of the new song.

Upon hearing the news, Jiang Kui didn't sleep well all night of excitement.

She didn't expect that after less than a year after joining the company, her debut opportunity suddenly appeared.

is like winning a lottery, and like a gift package from heaven.

Moreover, the composer is actually Xianyu!

November is not over yet, Xian Yus "Life as a Summer Flower" is still at the top of the cutting-edge list today. So far, the second place has been pulled out of the 30,000 download gap!

This already shows the level of Xianyu.

There is hope to cooperate with Xianyu in his debut work, why is Jiang Kui not excited?

As a cute new, she still doesn't understand that the composer does not reach the same level for every song; she also doesn't understand that the company has an important song release level called composition review.

She only knows that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and she must seize it!

More than Jiangkui.

Wang Ping and Wei Xiaoxin, who are still in a new stage like Jiang Kui, have similar psychology at this moment.

and just when the three of them were waiting in anxiety.

Lin Yuan took the elevator to the ninth floor. The staff in the recording studio knew him and greeted him immediately with a smile on his face: "Mr. Xianyu, you are here."


The three of them looked at Lin Yuan at the same time, and they didn't expect Xian Yu to be so young. Most of the composers who made achievements were over 30 years old.

Its not uncommon for people under thirty, but they are definitely rare.

"Thank you."

Lin Yuanchao's staff nodded, and then said: "Who is Wang Ping, come in first, let's try it out."


Wang Ping got up immediately.

He is the only boy among the three.

Lin Yuan nodded, and entered the main control room of the recording studio with the staff, casually sat down on the chair of the mixer and put on the headphones.

"Hello teacher Xianyu."

Wang Ping entered the studio, took a deep breath, and introduced himself: "My range is a false tenor from d1 to d3."


Lin Yuan said: "You have a score and lyrics in front of you. I will give you three minutes. Let me sing two sentences in the chorus first. I want a clean and pure inspiration."

"it is good."

Wang Ping prepared for three minutes, and then began his first few auditions: "The silent waves flooded the night deeply, and overflowed the corner at the end of the sky..."

After singing two sentences.

Lin Yuan said again: "There is no need to continue the main song, and there are two lines in the chorus, which are the paragraph [I'm afraid you will fly away, or you will leave me, and you will stay here forever]."

He showed it by himself.

Although the doctor said that his voice can't sing, it's okay for Lin Yuanjiang to make a few casual sentences.

The so-called can't sing, but he can't practice every day like a professional singer, nor can he soar the high pitch that he used to be very good at, because his voice can't bear this kind of high-intensity sound load.

"Okay, Teacher Xianyu."

Wang Ping complied with Lin Yuan's request again.

After all, Lin Yuan is the one who asked for the fame test. Wang Ping's tone is still very beautiful. The verse and the chorus are both well controlled.

Lin Yuan nodded: "Next is the singing part, which is the high pitch of the song that is about to end."

There is a very beautiful humming in "Big Fish". People in the society call this humming "dolphin", but in professional terms, there is no such word as "dolphin".

The so-called "dolphin" is called "whistle" in professional terms.

This is a very high way of vocalization that blows out a powerful breath from the tiny gap between the vocal cords and the throat. It is a high-pitched singing method decorated with colorful and interesting

This is also the upper limit of the frequency at which humans can speak!

Except for the "hyoid bone tone" singing method, there is no singing method higher than the whistle, so this section is more difficult than any of the previous sections.

"Ah ah~ ah ah~ ah ah~ ah ah~"

Wang Ping's audition is obviously a bit of effort.

Lin Yuan stopped directly: "Your voice is too tight, you need to relax, and it is all false voice skills, can you sing this paragraph without false voice?"

"no way"

Wang Ping shook his head disappointedly, his range is still a bit narrow, and he is somewhat reluctant to control the whistle.

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan said: "You can ask Wei Xiaoxin to come in."

"Okay, thank you teacher Xianyu."

Wang Ping bowed his head and left.

Soon Wei Xiaoxin entered the recording studio.

After a brief introduction, it is still the sound test process just now.

Judging from the level of performance this time, Wei Xiaoxin is undoubtedly better than Wang Ping, including the whistle part Wei Xiaoxin also successfully sang it effortlessly.

But after listening to the audition, Lin Yuan still frowned.

Wei Xiaoxin's level is barely qualified.

can sing whistle, and the beauty of whistle singing are two concepts

There are so many whistle sounds, why is the Vitas of the earth blown by professional and non-professionals?

One of the important reasons is that Vitas' whistle sound is beautiful.

The timbre is innate, and it is difficult to change it the day after tomorrow. Wei Xiaoxins timbre is fine, but in the whistle part, her timbre cant keep up with Lin Yuans requirements.

Non-professionals may not be aware of it.

Lin Yuans ears can feel the gap between it and the original version. He can only sigh secretly: "Thanks, let the next one come in."

Actually, like Wei Xiaoxin, the later sound modification can be improved.

She has reached Lin Yuan's minimum standards for tool people.

But Lin Yuan still chooses people based on the principle of not letting the sound master be too busy without working hard.

"Thank you, teacher."

Wei Xiaoxin left a little disappointed.

Next, there is a girl named Jiang Kui.

This is a short girl. As soon as she came in, she hurriedly adjusted the height of the microphone. This scene directly amused the staff.

"Hello teachers."

The short girl said awkwardly: "My name is Jiangkui, and my range is from g2 to c6..."

"Female voice hi c?"

A sound engineer raised his eyebrows.

Another sound engineer next to tweeted: "The range is wide enough. It's okay to sing the whistle anyway. I just don't know if the tone can meet the requirements of Teacher Xianyu."

"Let's get ~ Lin Yuan did it again as requested by the first two.


The short girl cleared her throat and started her singing.

The front is also no problem, even better than the first two, because the little girl's voice not only has a clear and translucent sense, but also has a little bit of voice characteristic of a male singer, which should be a natural vocal condition.

"Very good."

Lin Yuan applauded: "Come on the singing part too, remember, I want whistle, not fake sound skills."

After finishing speaking, Lin Yuan was a little nervous.

If this little girl is no longer qualified, he can only ask Wei Xiaoxin to repair her voice, or find someone from the debut singers who have proven her ability

How much does that have to be distributed?

Is it more cost-effective to repair the sound?

Just as Lin Yuan frowned and meditated, the girl's singing began, and a translucent and beautiful whistle sounded in her ears.

Lin Yuan's eyes gradually brightened.

He knew that he didn't need to share money with the debut singer.

The third tool man, qualified!

The two sound engineers beside also glanced at each other and nodded at the same time.

In terms of overall sound conditions, this short girl is the best. The first two pales in comparison with her.

Lin Yuan said: "Your name is Jiang..."

The little girl quickly said: "Jiang Kui, my name is Jiang Kui!"

Lin Yuan nodded and immediately clapped: "Okay, Jiangkui, I will give you the complete score later. I hope you can familiarize yourself with the song as soon as possible. We will officially start recording next Saturday."

"Okay, thank you teacher!"

Jiangkui quietly made a v-shaped gesture behind his back, his expression could not hide his excitement and excitement: "I will definitely work hard!"

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