Full-time Artist

Chapter 3: Military order

Chapter 3: Military order

"When the main melody of a song is relatively long, you can break it down into several small segments, which are the phrases we often say. Each phrase will be played slightly differently, such as this one..."

The next morning.

Composition Department Professional Course.

Lin Yuan listened to the teacher's explanation while making class notes in the notebook.

Although the original owner of moved from the vocal music department to the composition department, and his talent for composition is not high, the fields related to music are within the original owner's range of interest.

And Lin Yuan is also as interested in music as the original owner.

He didn't want to come up with a bunch of songs in the future, but he didn't even recognize the staff as unskilled.

Its just that Lin Yuan didnt expect that after taking professional courses seriously, there would be unexpected gains

A prompt sound suddenly sounded in his ear: "Ding Dong, it is detected that the host is learning composition knowledge, triggering a novice task."


In front of Lin Yuan's eyes, a few lines of gleaming blue font appeared:

[Task name: Students task is to learn]

[task content: enter the top 25 of the class in the next music theory test arranged by the college]

[Task Reward: Obtain a bronze treasure chest]

This newbie mission is quite abrupt, but Lin Yuan is not too surprised.

Is the system that does not release tasks still the system?

Then he considered the difficulty of this task:

There are ten classes in the Composition Department of Qinzhou Conservatory of Music, and each class has about fifty students, while Lin Yuans class has exactly fifty students.

But this has nothing to do with Lin Yuan.

Because he doesn't need to compare with students in other classes.

The novice task only requires Lin Yuan to be able to enter the top 25 of the class in the next exam.

This is not a big problem for Lin Yuan.

Because Lin Yuan's professional courses are usually ranked about 30 in the class, if he works a little bit, he should be able to enter the top 25 in the class.

"What happens if the mission fails?"

Lin Yuan asked the system curiously: "Will I be shocked by the system? Or is it obliterated by the system? Wait!"

Lin Yuan's face changed slightly: "Should you not have to deduct money? No, no, no, no?"

First rule of the system: Never hurt the host

[Another friendly reminder: electric shock, obliteration, everything is more terrible than deduction of money, please distinguish the priority from the host]

"No deduction is fine."

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, but immediately he realized that even if the system wanted to deduct money, he had no money to deduct the system...

This discovery made him a little bit interested.

after class.

Lin Yuan did not go back to the dormitory, but found a quiet place, dig out a number from the phone and dialed it. The note of the number is:

"Broker Zhao Yu".

The phone rang twice and it was connected.

On the other side of the phone, there was a tired woman's voice: "Lin Yuan? Is there anything you want?"

Lin Yuan said: "I have a song I want to post."

The voice on the other side of the phone suddenly became a little uplifting: "Want to sing? Your voice has recovered? You can sing again?"


Lin Yuan said: "I have moved from the vocal music department to the composition department, and recently I have a song in hand. I want to see if the company can help find a singer to sing and release it?"

"That's it."

Zhao Jue was a little disappointed, and his voice became low again: "You also want to participate in the November rookie season, right?"


"I have to remind you that you are a singer signed by Starman Entertainment, not a songwriter signed by the company. There is a song and music department dedicated to the singer in the company, and most of the singers also have their own songwriters..." Zhao Jue The rejection was very tact.

Lin Yuan did not give up: "Then can I transfer to the songwriting department now?"

He really needs the company's distribution channels.

There is no resource promotion provided by the company, even a very good song can easily fall into the sea. The newcomers who have emerged in the new season of previous years are all supported by the resources of entertainment companies.


Zhao Jue refused.

The air was quiet for about ten seconds, and Zhao Jue suddenly sighed and said helplessly: "Forget it, you can encrypt the song with the company's internal channels and send it to me. If the quality is good, I will find someone to help you send it. Of course If the quality is not good, we will take it as it has never happened."

"Thank you."

Lin Yuan sincerely thanked him.

Zhao Jue was the person who signed Lin Yuan. She once had high hopes for Lin Yuan, but Lin Yuans voice had an accident and lost its value.

In such a situation, Zhao Jue is still willing to help Lin Yuan, which is already considered a great sentiment.

"That's it, hang up."

Zhao Jue cut off the phone a little irritably.

Zhao Jue's irritability was not directed at Lin Yuan, but it originated from Lin Yuan.

Also, because next month is the newcomer season, Zhao Jue has too many things to be busy.

There are still a few newly signed newcomers under his hand who are trying to rush up through the annual newcomer season.

Originally, Lin Yuan should also be one of these newcomers.

Zhao Jue even wanted to invite several of the company's biggest songwriters to take action to help Lin Yuan tailor a few songs, so that Lin Yuan would be a blockbuster in the rookie season, because Lin Yuan's voice talent is really amazing.

It turned out to be unsatisfactory.

"The singer's path is not accessible, so I want to switch to the path of lyrics and music?"

Zhao Jue smiled bitterly and shook his head. If the creation is so simple, why dont some heavenly queen singers write songs by themselves, but also ask professional songwriters to write songs?

Did they not want to?

It's not because they can't write good songs that listeners love.

In this era, the status of a song's composition teacher is much higher than that of a singer, especially in the current pragmatic industry ecology.

The composer is the big dad!

Because of a company, if you have an awesome composer, you can feed a bunch of singers.

In fact, in recent years, listeners have begun to pay more and more attention to the name of the composer.

Obviously, the public is beginning to realize that composing is the soul of a song, and singing is the second!

Other parts such as lyrics, arranging, etc. are also very important, but the core thing is definitely more important than singing

Good tunes, any musical instruments are good!

Regardless of whether you want to play the guitar, the piano, or the bass and oboe, if you really want to play, Suona can borrow songs and play flowers.

"This kid is also a poor man."

Recalling some past events, Zhao Jue was a little embarrassed.

When Lin Yuan was hospitalized, Zhao Jue, as the agent who signed Lin Yuan, actually visited him, but she finally stopped at the door of the ward.

Because she was separated from the room door, she heard hoarse and whimpering crying from the ward, the sound was like an injured puppy...

Everyone has compassion.

This is why Zhao Jue is willing to help Lin Yuan.

Dont talk about success, at least give the child a chance, so that the child knows that many things in this world cant be done for granted.

"But you hurt me miserably."

Zhao Jue sighed, sadness climbed onto her face, this is the root of her irritability

The annual newcomer season is a time when major companies push newcomers.

During this period of time, the major companies have fought fiercely.

Even if you look at eight continents, Astral Entertainment is a company with a reputation.

In Qinzhou, Astral Entertainment's comprehensive strength can even rank in the top three!

But Astral Entertainment has been sluggish in the rookie season for three consecutive years.

In the past three years, the companys best performance was the launch of two newcomers who made the top ten the year before, and they were all nine and tenth hanging on the tail of the list...

Compared to companies of the same level, it's really stubborn.

The most irritating thing for Astral is that the companys rival, Shahai Culture, occupied four places in the top ten rankings of the newcomer season last year.

The four seats also include the second and third with high gold content.

This made the senior executives of Astral Group unable to raise their heads collectively. After all, the several major entertainment companies in Qinzhou were very uncomfortable, so the executives naturally put pressure on the company's chief agent, Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue was forced to be helpless and issued a military order in front of all the high-level officials:

This year's rookie season will have a top three!

If she can't do it, she will ask her to be demoted.

And the reason why Zhao Jue dared to make a military order was not only because of the high-level pressure, but also because Zhao Jue had just signed the young Lin Yuan, whose voice shocked her at the time, and he was full of ambition and was preparing to do a big fight

She felt that Lin Yuan could help herself complete this task.

But now Lin Yuan's voice is dead, but the military order has not been invalidated.

As long as the high level results, it doesnt matter what happens to you.

Therefore, Zhao Jue has recently been frantically looking for someone who can replace Lin Yuan and help him complete the military order. For this reason, he has reported nine new recruits in a row.

But Zhao Jue is also very clear in his heart.

The nine newcomers she has reported to have hopes to hit the top 20, and it depends on luck to hit the top 10.

Want to hit the top five or even the top three?

Lets wash and sleep, I have everything in my dream.

The company's resources can allocate ten places, and now there is only one place left, but Zhao Jue still has not found a person who can replace Lin Yuan.

She is already in a state of semi-giving up.

That's why she finally agreed to Lin Yuan.

Anyway, it is only the last place. If the quality of the songs written by Lin Yuan is barely up to the standard, why not satisfy the poor child?

just then.

Her cell phone rang.

This is the alert tone of the mailbox, which was sent encrypted through the company's internal channels, and the sender was Lin Yuan.

Open the mailbox.

After deciphering, Zhao Jue saw the audio from Lin Yuan with the title: "Born as Summer Flowers".

Born like summer flowers?

Zhao Jue didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, but there was some faint association in the image. She put on the headphones and clicked to play.

Soon, I finished listening to a song.

Zhao Jues expression was a little surprised and a little surprised.

Different from the rough demos, the songs sent by Lin Yuan are very complete. In addition to the melody is already very complete, even the arrangement part has been done

This is not something that can be made in the short term.

The singing part ~ is pure humming, a sound synthesized by a machine.

Its just that the sound is not so stiff compared to ordinary machine synthesis, and it looks quite natural.

However, Zhao Jue can judge from experience that if this unsentimental hum is replaced by a human voice, it should be very interesting.


Zhao Jue is an agent.

She may have a little knowledge of composition, but she has been in the industry for many years and her basic judgment is not bad.

She thinks "Life as a Summer Flower" will be a very good song, because she has been attracted a bit, even if the song currently only hums with melody and synthetic sound.

"This guy really has a talent for composing?"

raised his eyebrows, and Zhao Jue made three consecutive phone calls.

The first phone call to the review department: "I have a song here. You can review it, expedited, and you must give me the result at night."

This is a necessary level.

Technical review is to prevent Lin Yuans "Life as a Summer Flower" from being similar to other songs on the market and appearing suspected of plagiarism. If there is a problem, it will be a very serious blow to the company's reputation.

The second call was made to his agent.

As the chief, Zhao Jues voice is resolute: "Recording tonight, the last place in the new season, give me a reliable, dont make it too difficult to train a sound engineer."

A newcomer whose voice is not top-notch is not bad for Zhao Jue.

is nothing more than the company's sound engineer working overtime.

The third call to Lin Yuan, her voice was the softest, far less powerful than the first two calls: "I will pick you up from your school tonight, and let's record the song."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan replied.

This tone seems...not unexpected?

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