Full-time Artist

Chapter 9: Ways to ruin a hobby

Chapter 9: Ways to ruin a hobby

Many people did not expect that the stamina of "Born as a Summer Flower" was so great that it counterattacked the gorgeous silver fire on the first day!

When everyone noticed this, the circle suddenly became lively.

"The star is second!?"

"The lap of the hip has risen for a few years, and the starburst situation is the legendary bottoming out?"

"Everyone, don't forget, the first one is a special case, rounded up, "Born as Summer Flower" is equivalent to this year's champion!"

"Is rounding okay?"

"There is no need to round up, there is another situation that everyone may not have noticed. Although the first one is far ahead, but in terms of data growth, the song "Born as a Summer Flower" seems to be higher. What does this mean I think everyone All understand."

A certain companys genius data emperor's hole is like a fire.

"what do you mean?"

"Anyway, everyone prepare a small bench and melon seeds. At the end of the month, you may have a chance to watch a fairy fight. It's interesting. I thought that Shahai was locked in blood. There is no suspense this year."



Gorgeous Silver Fire, the former second-ranked singer Zeng Yi is eating out with his composer Li Da.

This meal is enough to get two thousand credit cards.

The red and big king crab flared its teeth and danced its claws on the table, showing its mighty life, and also added a note to the meal:

celebration feast.

At the end of the meal, Zeng Yi received a phone call from the company that "Aries" was blown up by the third place.

this moment.

The king crab in the bowl suddenly disappeared.

Zeng Yi looked at Li Da blankly, as if asking: Where is my second? Where did I go in my second year as a freshman?


The composer Li Da did not speak, but silently took out his mobile phone and headphones, and listened to "Born as Summer Flowers".


Li Da admitted that he was a little swollen. When the newcomer list came out, he was the second on the list. He only listened to the first song, and he was not interested in opening the third-ranked "Sheng Ruxia Hua".

Who would care less than yourself?

But after listening to the song, Li Da clicked to download the song in a complicated mood. At the same time, he looked at the song ranked first on the cutting-edge chart, and his expression suddenly became a little ugly: "You have to die!"

In the company dormitory of Xingmang.

Sun Yaohuo, who was also watching the list all-weather, naturally noticed that "Life as a Summer Flower" rushed to the second place on the list.

He stood up suddenly: "Hey! I'm on fire!"

No wonder the legends of major song fathers have been circulating in the industry, and even many debut singers will say in a half-joking tone:

"I am willing to be a dog for Daddy Qu."

It turned out that I met Niubis Qupa, and its true that a dog in the recording studio can be hot!

I've been eager to make a debut, but I was dragged by my manager to record the song, and then I sang as required, and then inexplicably rushed to the second place on the newcomer list, becoming one of the most dazzling singers in the entire rookie season. !

The following is a fill-in-the-blank question:

Sun Yaohuo was thinking, if you abandon the so-called ethics, how should you say hello next time you meet Lin Xuedi?

at the same time.

Qinzhou Art Institute.

Lin Yuan, who didn't know much about everything, was reading a book in the library, and suddenly a sweet and clear system prompt sounded in his ear:

[Congratulations to the host for the total prestige!

Prestige Breaking Ten Thousand Rewards: Five-year life span!

[Prestige Breaking Ten Thousand Rewards: Three Bronze Treasure Chests!

Prestige Breaking Ten Thousand Rewards: A Silver Treasure Chest!

Has the reputation broken?

Lin Yuan looked up at the four-line flooded font, his mind moved slightly, and he saw his current data situation:

[Age: 19]

[Life: 27]

Painting: 45

[Literature: 105]

[Music: 12580]

[Comprehensive: 12730]

There is no change in the prestige value of the two categories of painting and literature.

The prestige value of the music category has skyrocketed, directly breaking 10,000, which is obviously brought about by the results of "Born Like Summer Flowers".

the most important is:

Life span has increased by five years.

Now Lin Yuan's life span has reached 27 years. Although the life span is only five years longer, it can already make Lin Yuan out of death threat temporarily.

Lin Yuan asked in his heart: "System, how much prestige does it need to increase its lifespan next time?"

The system answers: "The host's body is terminally ill, theoretically incurable, so in order to treat the host, the system uses the highest-level medical technology in the universe to modify the host's physique, so the reputation requirements will only increase. High, the next time the host wants to receive systematic treatment to increase his lifespan, the reputation point requirement is..."

Lin Yuan asked: "One hundred thousand?"

systematically said: "No, it's one million."

Lin Yuan had a black face, and he knew from the system that a lot of nonsense, the prestige requirement of increasing life span must be high, but he did not expect Gao Cheng to be like this.

too difficult.

One hundred thousand wont work!

dare to ask for a million!

Lin Yuan felt a little angry: "Do I have to release a hundred songs of the level of "Born as Summer Flower"?"

"do not worry."

The system explained: ""Born as Summer Flower" currently only provides the host with tens of thousands of prestige, but this does not mean that this song can only provide the host with this prestige. In the future, as long as new listeners like this song, The hosts reputation will continue to increase. In theory, the hosts reputation will increase faster and faster. One million may seem like a lot, but in fact it is just a blink of an eye."

Lin Yuan blinked vigorously.

The system almost got stuck: "..."

Lin Yuan gave a "hehe" in his heart, but generally accepted this fact. He faintly had an idea. As long as his works become more and Xianyu's sign becomes bigger and bigger, his reputation will naturally be attracted. There will be more, of course, this also requires continuous efforts to release new works to earn prestige.

thought of this.

Lin Yuan looked at the four treasure chests in the warehouse with some expectation, wondering what good things could be drawn out?

did not hesitate.

Lin Yuan directly opened two bronze treasure chests first. As for the third bronze treasure chest, he decided to leave himself a suspense.

[Bronze Treasure Box Opened: Get the song "Big Fish"]

[Bronze Treasure Box Opened: Get the song "Inflammable and Explosive"]

It seems that the system also knows that in Qinzhou, the "land of music", music-related rewards have the highest value, so the things opened in the bronze treasure chest are basically music-related.

"Open the silver treasure chest, too." Lin Yuan said.

After that, Lin Yuan felt a ray of light flashed before his eyes:

[Opening the Silver Treasure Box: Acquired the piano song "The Wedding in Dream"]

The silver treasure chest is opened with 50 cents special effects?

But this reward is really good, it turned out to be "The Wedding in a Dream"!

The value of this piano piece is much higher than that of the song. After all, this is one of the representative works of the former piano master Richard Clayderman, a classic piece that countless people have heard!

No wonder I have to put it in the silver treasure chest.

If you find an opportunity to release this popular piano song, you should be able to gain a lot of reputation, right?

Lin Yuan thought expectantly.

But you can't publish it hastily.

Just as the success of "Life as a Summer Flower" requires the use of Astral's resource platform, if there is no good platform or opportunity, the efficiency of prestige acquisition will also be affected.

thought of this.

Lin Yuan suddenly had a question: "If I publish my work without revealing my identity in reality, will the reputation gain be compromised?"


The system seemed to be too lazy to type, and directly replied in Lin Yuan's mind with a non-sentimental mechanical voice: "As the identity of Xianyu, he himself points to the host, so it is the same whether the host is in the foreground or hidden behind the scenes."


is as if the description of "Jiyi and Xia Fan's best friend" ended up pointing to oneself, as long as there is no problem with the final pointing.

Why does it sound like Cthulhu?

Lin Yuan asked again: "What are the specific criteria for forming prestige?"

The system answers: "The so-called prestige comes from the audiences recognition of the work. Because the audiences appreciation of "Summer Flower" from the heart, this audiences love will be converted into prestige value. How much prestige value can be converted depends on How much the audience likes the work."


It was the first time that Lin Yuan ate the prestige bonus, so he was obviously more concerned about this thing. Compared with the hard work, the prestige reward was the most delicious.

Of course.

The smallest mosquito is meat.

Lin Yuan will not be disgusted because the reward is only a bronze treasure chest, Lin Yuan still has to do his best to complete the task about the exam.

at this time.

Lin Yuan's cell phone rang suddenly.

He opened it and saw that it turned out to be the collective Aite in the class group.

Aite everyone is in charge of the professional class teacher Huang: "Dear students, next weeks homework on music appreciation has to add a big topic! You all know the song "Summer Flowers", please prepare in advance, from the composer Find out the reasons for the success of this song from an angle, and highlight the key points! This is the teachers question. I think the next time the department will take the exam!"

The group suddenly wailed.

"please do not"


"This is my favorite song recently..."

"So this is the rhythm of a song from like to vomiting?"

~ I can already announce in advance that I don't like "Summer Flowers" anymore."

There are quite a few people who like the song "Life as a Summer Flower".

But Lu Xun once said:

For a music student, the best way to destroy a song is to make it an assignment.

Lin Yuan was very happy.

Anyway, the students in the class provided all the prestige that should be provided, so the system can't deduct it.

As for whether they still like "Life as a Summer Flower", Lin Yuan doesn't care.

There are other songs behind me anyway.

And Lin Yuan is very confident if he takes this exam, because the system provides songs while also providing things similar to reference materials.

"Which song is the homework?"

There are 99+ messages in the group every minute.

There were some students who appeared late, their mobile phones were stuck, but were too lazy to climb stairs, they could only type in and ask their classmates in the group.

""Born Like Summer Flowers", ask suicide again!"

This is a reply from the monitor. I can feel resentment across the screen. For this reason, I added a sentence: "I hate envy fish!"

"plus one!"

"Plus two!"

"Plus three!"

The class team is very united.

Lin Yuan hit an ellipsis and forcibly broke the formation, feeling that these people were too targeted, and then he was relieved again

Envy is what everyone hates.

What does have to do with Lin Yuan?

Ps: Rolling all over the floor for luck.

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