Gain A Cute Wife By 'Kidnap'

Chapter 363

Chapter 363 - Abominable Sakyamuni

“Auntie, don't be upset, Sifa is just like that.”

Elina, who had come downstairs to follow Hee Meier, finally caught up with her, panting as she tried to comfort her.

“What do you mean he's just like that? Before we met Shang Cijie, my son used to listen to me and never talked back.”

Hee Meier was furious. Elina's words had only added fuel to the fire.

Regardless, it would be surprising if he didn't resist!

Elina thought to herself. If Hee Meier became her mother-in-law in the future, she would be frustrated, but she didn't dare to speak her mind.

“Yes, it's all Shang Cijie's fault, so don't be angry, Auntie. You'll just make yourself more upset.”

Elina walked up to Hee Meier and supported her. Though her words were comforting, she secretly despised Hee Meier, viewing her as dictatorial and unreasonable. However, she needed to win over Mu Sifa through Hee Meier, so she pretended to be agreeable.

Hee Meier was less angry than before but still annoyed with Elina. “Why don't you take the initiative? How can I handle this alone? If Shang Cijie can have children, can't you? Show some woman's pride! Aren't you embarrassed to lose to a man?”

There's no connection to woman's pride here! Besides, having children? Am I crazy? Having a child would ruin her figure and turn her into a haggard old woman. Who would want that?! It's good that Shang Cijie gave Mu Sifa a child; it saves me the trouble. Anyway, as long as there's an heir for the Mu Family, what more do you want? This is ridiculous. Women aren't just for having children.

“No matter what, Shang Cijie cannot stay with my son. Someone like him isn't fit to marry my son.” Hee Meier remained adamantly opposed and grew furious again.

Oh! There's going to be quite a show now. Shang Cijie, I almost feel sorry for you. Dealing with such a difficult mother-in-law, that's good for me; it gives me a chance to secure my position.

“Auntie, let's think about this later. Don't be so upset. Sifa actually thinks Shang Cijie is suitable as a wife. Why not give Shang Cijie a chance? Sifa's recognition of his character might make him realize things on his own. I still believe women are the best choice.”

Elina suddenly suggested, a sly smile appearing on her face.

“Give him a chance?” Hee Meier asked immediately. Although she had her doubts, she was curious to hear Elina's thoughts.

“It's simple. Just make him do the housework. Whose wife doesn't do housework nowadays? Let Shang Cijie stay at the Mu Family and give him tasks. If he doesn't do them well, you'll have more reasons to convince Sifa to leave him, right?”

“Housework?” Elina's suggestion was unexpected but also reasonable.

“If you make things difficult for him, he might back off! Don't you think Shang Cijie is pampered? Surely, he's never done such tasks.” Elina continued explaining to Hee Meier with a smile.

That's true. Shang Cijie is a young master of the Shang Family after all. How could he handle such tasks? If I make things tough for him, he'll surely back out.

“Alright, let's do it.” Hee Meier agreed immediately.

“Auntie, you're wise and understanding.” Elina praised her, though her real intention was simply to make Shang Cijie suffer.

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