Galaxy's First Ruler

Chapter 136: Sha

Chapter 136: Sha

Aldrich spread out his Divine Sense and made sure that Trifon had left.

"Sha, come out."

The mask jumped off his face and hovered in front of him. It churned and wriggled as it took the outline of a female. The delicate curves of her body were smooth enough that they didn't even feel natural. And her perky breasts bounced as the rest of her body materialized.

At last, her face took shape, but something had changed. There were no traces of an exaggerated smile or shark-like teeth. Nor were there any pupil less globs of white eyes. Her face was round and combined with her short nose and thin lips, the Shadow Homunculus looked incredibly beautiful. As she opened her eyes, Aldrich saw two bright blue pearl-like eyes brimming with life and affection. Her waist-length black hair felt like a crown on the seductive beauty's head. And her entire body seemed to be covered in tight black leather clothing.

The Shadow Homunculus approached Aldrich and traced his face and arms with her fingers as if taking mental notes of his figure. From time to time, she kept poking his Devil's aura layered greatcoat with her claw-like nails.

Aldrich saw her pause as her inquisitive eyes looked at his white hair. She pressed her brows but soon her eyes shined with a blinding glow. She shook her head vigorously, making her hairs flail like a tree's branches in a storm. And when she ceased all motion, her hair had turned completely white.

A satisfied smile came upon her face as she looked at Aldrich.

"Now it is perfect."

Aldrich had been watching all her actions with great care. He remembered seeing the same body getting devoured by her in Shadow Homunculus' memories. The thing that attracted his attention wasn't the actions of imitation, but the choice of gender. He rubbed the dull ring on his left hand and took out a long and flat table made of pink and white crystal.

"Sha, lie down on it."

The Shadow Homunculus looked at Aldrich and then at the table. After repeating this two more times with her bubbly eyes, she softly went to the table and laid herself down. Aldrich neared her and took out another table having various surgical pieces of equipment and tools. He rubbed Sha's cheeks and looked her in the eyes.

"Can you lose consciousness?"

"Mmm No."

Aldrich controlled his breath and took out an exquisite flower. It had only four petals and there was a single red spot on each petal. The entire room seemed to have lit up from its glow, but Aldrich had already narrowed his eyes. He had an idea that normal anesthesia might not work on the Shadow Homunculus, so he had specifically asked for something like this.

The Red Sleep was a flower that could only be found on planet Rosalia. Even a whiff of it from miles away could send normal humans to coma. People who had come out from its influence had all stated that they never had a single dream, but could only see a red hue. Hence, the name of the flower wasn't only apt according to its appearance, but it was also a cruel truth.

Aldrich remembered the Earl's words that even a Count Ranked Dreamer would lose consciousness for at least 3 days if he were to smell it from up close.

"Sha, take this. I want you to take a big whiff of its smell."

"Daddy its its for Sha."

Sha snatched the eerie flower and smelled it as if savoring a delicious dish. Her eyes became watery, making the blue eyes glossy. Aldrich was still holding his breath when Sha looked at him, now all teared up.

"Daddy thank.. you."

But Aldrich hadn't expected what she did next. By the time he realized the incredibility of the situation, Sha had already put the little flower in her mouth.

"No! Sha, take that out."

Sha's eyes became wide at Aldrich's sudden shout and lunge. Only the long green stem of the flower was out of her mouth, and it didn't take her long to realize that Aldrich was coming for it.


Aldrich's hand stopped midway as he looked at the questioning eyes of the Shadow Homunculus as if asking him of his audacity to take the flower back. There weren't many moments in Aldrich's life for him to do so, but at that moment, he facepalmed.

Aldrich waited for Sha to slump down in a deep coma or worse, but seconds turned into minutes, and the pair kept looking at each other like the same.

"Sha?! Are you alright?"

Aldrich couldn't believe what he was seeing. The effects of eating the flower weren't even recorded, as nobody had been stupid enough to eat one. But the idea of not even a shred of reaction from Sha was mind-boggling to him. And Only one thing had come close to giving him such a feeling when he had first seen it.

The Shadow Homunculus tilted her head as if the question was a silly one in itself.

"Yes I won't give it back."


Aldrich sighed and picked up the surgical blade, made especially to operate on Dreamers and Crawlers.

"Bear the pain if it hurts, ok?"

Aldrich saw her nodding and took a deep breath before putting the blade over her heart.


Munch! Munch!!!

Aldrich took his eyes off the book and looked towards the corner of the room.

Sha was feasting on many low-ranked Items and meat there. She had her back towards him as if she didn't want him to see her eating. But the sound of crunching and munching kept echoing in the room, along with her low mutterings.

"Daddy is bad Daddy is so bad."

Aldrich couldn't forget what he had seen inside her. The organs, blood vessels, and even the blood were the same as the Sha's humanly appearance, but it was all dark and ethereal like solidified shadows. The moment he had taken any organ out of her, it dissolved into globules of shadow and went back to her.

He couldn't help but look at his hands and shake his head.

"What the hell have I created?"

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