Game of Thrones: The Prideful One

Chapter 118:

Chapter 118:

Author Note: (.U U.)

If you want to read up to 25 chaps ahead, go to /cornbringer

I'm currently on chapter 137!

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Tyrion Lannister was devastated, not even in the eyes of the hundreds no, thousands I had killed, I had witness such amount of anger and despair flowing through someone.

Maybe Oberyn, but besides those two, no one, Tyrion had finally realized he was truly alone, with none that really loved him, and that the one person that loved him for who he was was brutally scarred for doing so to a point beyond repair.

"You were right" Tyrion smiled, anger, sorrow, and a bunch of other emotions shining through his fake smile.

"So do you still want to save him?" I inquired, curious as to what he was going to say, I mean I knew he was going to say no, but I wanted to know how.

"No, why would I?" Tyrion laughed, "All I was for him was a pity case he never loved me I never had a brother just an enemy living with me."

I nodded, "Well, with that settled, I must give my terms"

Tyrion looked at me, and sighed, "All I want now is to save my niece and nephew,"

"I can grant you that wish, but you must know your house will be broken I won't let the Lannister's survive after this you three may live. but the Lannister name will be erased," I stated, with a tone they left no room for debate.

"As you wish," Tyrion nodded.

"Sorry to interrupt but little ex lion here offered me a lot of gold gold you were supposed to provide," Bronn said, breaking his silence.

"I wanna see this," Sandor Clegane muttered with a low chuckle.

"Did you?" I asked Tyrion.

"I did," Tyrion nodded.

"So you see someone owes me gold," Bronn smiled, I had to admit the crazy bastard had balls. titanium balls.

"I will give you five hundred gold dragons for your services," I sighed with a bored tone, "And that's all you will get" I added glaring at Bronn, leaving an unspoken threat in the air to not do anything rash.

"Well, not at all what I was expecting. but it will do," Bronn said, hiding his disappointment.

"What about you Clegane?... Did Tyrion also promise you gold?" I asked wondering if I should beat the crap out of Tyrion for offering my shit he should be grateful his suicidal plan actually benefited me.

"No but I won't complain if I get some," Sandor Clegange shrugged, "All I wanted was to get out of all the fire coming fuck that,"

"That is probably the most relatable thing I have heard on this mess up world," I chuckled.

"So if you won't give me gold I think I'm done here" Sandor Clegane stated.

"I think I have an employment opportunity just for you," He was a very strong soldier, that would prove to be quite useful on the next war.

"Hmm What?" The Hound inquired.

"Nothing much just you doing what you have been doing until now killing people," I smiled.

"Not with all this fire" The hound sighed.

"Not all fights will be fought on fire" I chuckled.

"Sure why the fuck not" The hound shrugged.

"Awesome," I smiled, as I was a now step closer to winning this war, with Myrcella and Tommen in my control, I had a few new weapons to manipulate the crazy bitch.

[Cersei Lannister POV]

Myrcella and Tommen were gone and so was Tyrion, I didn't have to be a genius to know what had happened... Tyrion had betrayed us, I knew it! All along that little piece of shit was playing us, he had taken something too important for me, and I was not going to forgive him his death was going to be slow and painful, for he would see me roar.

I had now to find a way to retrieve my cubs, my babies from Ronard, and one way or another I would, no one had any idea what I was capable of when truly angry.

"I will have your head Tyrion. mark my words I will!" I growled.

"Shouting into the air will do nothing," Father said as he entered the room, "your brother will pay on time for his betrayal but this little act of defiance of him could actually be beneficial,"

How dare my children were away from me and he saw this as an opportunity! "How dare you!" I tried to slap him but he simply stopped my hand, holding it painfully tight.

"I will assume that was an ill advised decision thanks to your anger right now," Tywin Lannister said as he slapped me with such strength that it made me fall into my knees, "Learn to control your emotions and use them for something productive,"

"My children are with the enemy probably being tortured Myrcella is probably being fucked by Ronard's army! And you are doing nothing!" I screamed at him as I stood up from the ground.

"Truly pathetic if you actually took the time to study your enemies you would know Ronard is a northerner like Ned Stark but with brains he won't kill or have anyone raped his honor won't allow it" Father sighed, "Don't let the bear get in your head we will win, and it would be glorious to do so without hearing you whine this is nothing but a mere setback, that we can use to our favor,"

"How?" I asked in anger.

"We let him come we fight with all our might and when he thinks he is about to win we blow the entire city" Father answered.

"That was our plan before" I hissed.

"But now we have a reason to flank him he won't take the children into the battlefield nor he will take Jaime he will be too busy destroying our armies to see the bigger picture" Father smiled, "He will see us roar as he and his men burn,"

Unbeknownst to them, an incredibly sexy and horny Raven was watching this exchange, * Caw! It is I! Zeus! and as my duty commands I shall warn the Cornbringer! But first! I shall bang that cute duck I saw around the gardens!*

*...This is why we don't get any missions Zeus! Caw!*

*Caw! Shut up hades!*

*... bang the duck I will let the cornbringer know*

[Qrow Mormont Ravenicus POV]

I missed my father why did he take only Neltharion with him I could fight with him too I might not be as big as Neltharion but I was ready to die for dad as well it's not fair but.. I suppose protecting my little siblings it's an important mission.

*Hey Rhaegal wanna flight?* I asked as I entered Rhaegal's Lair.

*It appears brother that you have CLAWED your way into my domain looking for a race very well thenlet me tell you a TAIL...about a FANGtastic dragon, who would always tip the SCALES in his favor and never lose a race!* Rhaegal said with a serious tone, and I wanted to kill him once again he was over using dragon puns.

*I will murder you.* I growled.

*As always your responses are CLAWesome!* Rhaegal chuckled.

*Say one more pun I dare you!* I growled.

*Alright alright sorry no need to FANG me,* Rhaegal said stifling a laugh.

*Give me fight minutes* I growled.

*For what?... oh don't tell me you want to FIRE your shot at the art of puns?* Rhaegal laughed.

*No, I need those five minutes to figure out how to tell mother I made you the first dragon to go Rotisserie!*

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