Gate of Immortality

Chapter 115: Cunning Plan

Chapter 115: Cunning Plan

" I have nine cores of peak rank beasts and around more than twenty cores of middle-rank beasts. It should be enough for you, right?" Yang Shi asked with some hesitation.

" Hmm, It's barely enough." The golden egg hummed. " There aren't any Peak rank beast in a hundred-kilometer pf area. All eight of them are dead now." Yang Shi frowned. " I think I have to manage in this." The golden egg sighed. But it was already better than its expectation.

" Now all we need to find a place with abundant spiritual qi." The golden egg said. " This is Eastern Mountain. The spiritual qi is already very high here. You won't even higher?" Yang Shi asked with surprise. " Well, If we had more beast core, I wouldn't have said this. But now, it is necessary." The golden egg said.

" Hmm, Locating a place with abundant spiritual energy won't be hard." Yang Shi pondered. Yang Shi finally felt some ease after thinking that h won't be hunting from now. But constant life and death battles with powerful demonic beast has honed Yang Shi. He has solidified his foundation and made progress in his saber art and Starlight burst.

Yang Shi sat cross-legged in the nest of Swordfeather Condor. He closed his eyes as he activated both his azure lotus and crimson lily martial spirit. The azure lotus spirit made his mind calm, while the crimson lily created a crimson ring behind Yang Shi so he could absorb the surrounding spiritual qi at a faster rate.

After cultivating for two days, Yang Shi opened his eyes. He took out the egg of Swordfeaher Condor. He suddenly had a thought as he asked the golden egg, " What if I use my Internal energy on this egg? Will it be beneficial to the child inside?"

" Of course, In fact, It was something it couldn't have dreamt in its three lifetimes. I don't know what type of energy is this, but it's extremely nutritious to beast race. Tsk tsk, Sometimes, Even I want to devour you." The golden egg chuckled. Yang Shi's face turned black. " Can you not joke like this? Besides, I am your master. Have some respect." Yang Shi snorted. " Bah, Who is the master?" The golden egg chided. " Then forget to emerge from your egg." Yang Shi coldly laughed. " You..." The golden egg became furious, but it calmed down.

" By the way, Where did you acquire this technique? I never heard of this type of energy existing. Do you know,? If it gets to be known, it will cause a bloodbath among those gods and immortals." The golden egg said. " I don't know. I accidentally got this in my hometown." Yang Shi answered casually.

When he cultivated Origin Chaos Internal Energy art for the first time, His internal energy was in grey color. Then, It changed to a silver color, and now it's pale golden. It could be seen that it was increasing in both quality and quantity. " But the thing is, the usage of Internal energy is very limited here. Although it has tempered my body before, It's no match for the qi cultivator of this world.

" But since it could bring such effect on the beast, I think there should be other us of my Internal energy. If it can't be used for battle, It might have some strong supportive ability." Yang Shi thought. He channeled his Internal energy on his palm. After finishing the meridian opening stage, One can manifest Internal energy to the outside. Yang Shi put his palm around the egg gently as it poured the Internal energy into it.

Although it managed to survive, It was pretty injured. After an hour of treatment, yang Shi stopped infusing his Internal energy. He could feel the life force of the being inside has increased. " Wow, your Internal energy is strangely powerful. By normal means, This child would have broken out from this egg after a year. But due to your energy, it might come out after a week." The golden egg couldn't be more astonished.

" Haha, It seems I am truly the son of miracles." Yang Shi laughed. " Can't you be so narcissist?" The golden egg said with some contempt, but it was very surprised in its mind. Yang Shi was talking, but suddenly, he sensed someone approaching. He quickly used his Celestial view as he slowly hid in the wood.

" Hahaha, we are so fortunate that we managed to get three Bloodfire Fruits. I am sure Senior brother Zhang would be happy." It was a group of young coming. Yang Shi saw their uniform as his eyes narrowed. " Golden Sun Sect." Yang Shi smiled coldly. But he didn't attack as he heard their conversation.

" Hah, What you know? Senior brother Zhang is cultivating our sect's Blazing Sunfire cultivation technique. If he managed to eat two Bloodfire Fruits, his cultivation technique would improve, and he might even break through to the next stage." One young man cheerfully said.

" Moreover, Senior brother Zhang's killer mover, Great Sun Palm will also improve. I bet He will give us hefty rewards." Another young man joined them. Yang Shi naturally understood everything from their conversation. These people are the Inner disciples of the Golden Sun Sect. They are working for a core disciple named Zhang Bin. Zhang Bin's cultivation should be around the Seventh stage of the Primordial Spirit realm.

" Well, The Imperial competition is approaching, and there is our Sect trial as well. Brother Zhang wants to increase his strength quickly so he won't lose to Senior brother Tang." They are discussing casually, unaware of the danger lurking in the darkness. Yang Shi ran his mind as he thought of a plan.

" Golden Sun Sect are cahoots with the second prince. Their mutual enemy is me, or rather than me, It's Evil Shadow. However, I have injured one of their Inner disciples in Misty Tower city, in front to f everyone. But I don't think they will go far to kill me right away. But the Second prince was even more troublesome. He must have known that I Bai Ruxue is with me. His suspicion that I might be the Evil Shadow is greater than anyone. To deceive them all, I need to create a solid proof." Yang Shi thought rapidly. After a while, his eyes glinted with a crafty light.

Yang Shi didn't attack them immediately. He followed them for half of the day. After that, the group set up a camp and began to rest. Yang Shi hurriedly left to find an ingredient. " Hopefully, I can find it before the dawn." Yang Shi muttered. He needs a special medicinal herb to trick all these people.

After three hours of finding, Yang Shi finally managed to get the herb he wanted. It looked like a fungus, pale white-colored. " Haha, Got it. The Mudcloud Fungus. Its medicinal property isn't great, but it has another use." Yang Shi laughed. He brought out some similar herbs from his spatial ring and adding the Mudcloud Fungus, Yang Shi squeezed them like making a flour dough. After some time, It really became a white dough.

Yang Shi put it on his face and began to adjust. After his first adjustment, Yang Shi took out a mirror and looked at his reflection. " What the fuck? I am looking so horrible." Yang Shi smiled wryly. It was the first time he was changing his appearance, so it was quite normal that his first attempt would go wrong. After some time, Yang Shi finished adjusting his face. Putting a black cloak and the demonic bronze mask on the face, Yang Shi went to the camp of the Golden Sun Sect.

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