Genius Baby, Sweet Mummy

Chapter 385 Everything around her caused her to freeze in shock

"Am I asleep?" she asked blearily.

Xiao Wu's expression was a little ugly as he said snappily, "Nonsense, why do you think I'm shaking you? For fun? "

"I remember me ???" She looked around and saw that Hai Feng, who was supposed to help her inspect the place, had disappeared.

The smile was no longer on the uncomfortable chair, but on a clean bed.

He rubbed his left shoulder. Xiao Wu did a lot of things, and broke her arm painfully.

"You should be glad you woke up, because if you didn't, I ??"

The surrounding machines were beeping.

The sound of the shouts was giving him a headache.

Xiao Wu frowned, when he found the location, he kicked the voice machine. Kacha.

Two crackling sounds could be heard. After a few sparks, the thing stopped howling.

Xiaoxiao agreed with him.

Xiaoxiao's gaze followed the machine that had reclaimed all the items and moved it from Xiao Wu's body to the ground.


Everything around her froze her.

The object fell onto the ground, and the transmission line seemed to have been smashed into a large entanglement of wires.

The entire scene looked as if it had been robbed.

"This... This is... "What's wrong?"

Xiao Wu suddenly laughed softly as he turned his face to the side to stare at the laughter, and spoke with slight ridicule and arrogance: "You don't remember?!"

If not for Xiao Wu's timely return, the loot would not have been as simple as merely looting the items.

Hai Feng basically did not see any possibility of seeing tomorrow's sun.

She looked down at her knees, tightened her hands around her pants legs and relaxed. She bit her lips. "I only know that I had a beautiful dream!"

Xiao Wu was speechless.

God knows how hard it took him to get her under control.

At that time, Hai Feng thought that he had succeeded in his hypnosis and was about to give his guidance.

The slumbering Xiao-Xiao suddenly removed all the equipment from her body.

She picked up everything within reach and threw it at them.

As heartless as a class enemy.

Xiao Wu said that this kind of crazy state meant that hypnosis was a success.

"Only after the patient's consciousness has been triggered will there be this kind of frenzied resistance, and the more useful the treatment is at this time." Hai Feng continued to explain in a normal tone.

However, his eyes were shining brightly. This was the first time he had met such an interesting patient.

Even trained agents in the United States would not find it so easy to recover consciousness from hypnosis.

He did not expect the little white rabbit to have this kind of ability.

Hai Feng would definitely not let someone like Xiao Xiao, who had accidentally activated the state she was in.

Compared to Xiaoxiao's' divine power ', those machines couldn't even reach her.

With Xiao Wu's help, he could only use the weapon's restraining belt to tie her four limbs to the chair.

The laughter was fierce.

His eyes were wide open, and his pupils were contracted, looking like a small beast that had been caught by a hunter and was unable to escape.

Because her mouth was sealed, she could only whimper and shake her head in protest.

The black bundle left red marks on her white skin.

She didn't seem to feel any pain.

Xiao Wu used his body to restrain her again to prevent her from injuring himself.

"Xiao-Xiao ??" "Xiaoxiao ??" Hai Feng half-squatted in front of Xiaoxiao, allowing her to return her attention to him.

Xiao Xiao ignored him.

Hai Feng could only twist her chin and force her to look at him.

The whole process had to be rough.

Without paying attention, he injected the syringe into Xiaoxiao's slender arm.

"Relax, you're safe now ??" You sleep in a soft bed... Very Warm... "Very comfortable ??"

Hai Feng's gentle voice was accompanied by the medicine as he guided step by step.

Xiao Wu slowly closed his eyes and released his hand as he watched the chuckle.

His hands were sweaty.

"There is a door in front of us... Smiling ?? You saw it... "You want to leave ??" Hai Feng's voice became softer and softer.

He gave the injection of the adult drug Diazepam to Xiao-Xiao.

Hai Feng had to hypnotize Xiao Xiao before he fell asleep due to the drugs.

"That door is very light... You can push it away with a push... "You walk forward ??"

As he said that, he smiled as if he had seen something.

She closed her eyes and stretched out her right hand towards the air, as if testing if the door could be opened.

Hai Feng was a little excited, it was not easy to guide his to this step.

"Yes, that's the door ?? You saw... The door was not locked... You take a step forward... "I pushed it away ??"

Just when the two thought that Xiao Hu would do as he was told, Hai Feng's phone rang.

A buzzing sound was heard.

Although it had been cut off in time, it was already too late.

It was only a small sound, but it made Xiaoxiao more alert.

"..." Someone is chasing us... Someone... "Run ??"

She started to talk to herself about how she resisted Hai Feng's plan.

Hai Feng frowned, trying to calm her down, "Xiao-Xiao ?? Push the door open... Push the door open and you can get out. "No one can catch up to you ??"

"No door... "Someone is chasing me ??" She shook her head and tried to struggle out of her chair.

"The door is right in front of you... "Push!"

However, Xiaoxiao could no longer hear him. Her expression was one of extreme fear, and her closed eyeballs were rapidly shaking, as if she was looking at a ferocious beast.

Even his forehead was covered in sweat.

"..." Her consciousness has returned! " Hai Feng touched his forehead with all his might.

It was impossible to hypnotize again.

Hai Feng laid on the chair tiredly and waved, "The person who hypnotized her did it very diligently, combining medicine and psychological hints. As you can see just now, that door is the zero point, and she obviously refuses to tell me. "

"Got it." Xiao Wu raised his eyebrows indifferently, "Why was she so terrified just now?"

"The people who hypnotize her seem to use the things she fears most as a lure, and the things she fears subconsciously are the least likely to be touched. In the future, we can try asking, but remember not to overdo it. "

Xiao Wu smiled expressionlessly as he prepared to carry his back to his room. As he turned around, he glanced at the items on the ground.

Xiao Wu pointed impatiently, "Clean this stuff well, then throw out all the trash."


"Or move tomorrow."

Hai Feng was close to tears.

He closed the door.

Hai Feng squatted on the floor and pulled all kinds of reagents. Who was it that begged him?

Xiao Wu lowered his head to look at Xiao Xiao's clothes, which were already in disarray from the struggle earlier.

Xiao Wu looked down slightly and saw that there were several bruises and wounds on his body that had been caused by collisions.

The piece on his neck, in particular, had already been broken.

Although there was no more blood, it was extremely weak under his fair skin, causing others to feel pity for him.

The body's resistance to the drug will decrease.

If left untreated, it's easy to get infected.

Xiao Wu turned around, extended his hand and undid the first metal button on her collar.

Feeling his cold hands and movements, Xiao Xiao Zhang opened his eyes, quietly staring at Xiao Wu's face.

Xiao Wu actually also nervously stopped in his tracks, and facing the other party's pure and gentle gaze, Xiao Wu didn't know why, but he felt like he was doing something shameful ??

However, Xiaoxiao grabbed onto Xiao Wu's hand and lowered her head as she gently rubbed it, creating a nest once again.

"Dog, don't move ??"

Xiao Wu's face immediately filled with black lines, as he immediately retracted his hand!

Then he shook her roughly.

He finally understood what had happened.

She smiled and lowered her head.

She grabbed her pants with her knees wrinkled, her eyes were a little wet, and her heart was a little aggrieved. Her voice was a little choked up, "I'm sorry ??" "I know I've done bad things again ??"

She was disappointing again.

Last time, too, she had scared the doctor's sister when she went mad, and this time she had caused so much damage.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Wu softly said, "Your treatment today was rather successful. If you think of anything, remember to tell me."

"Ha!" Xiaoxiao nodded her head vigorously, "I understand."

She couldn't be anxious. She had to believe in Xiao Wu, as long as she didn't give up, there would definitely be a result.

Xiao Wu immediately said, "Oh, since there's nothing else, I'll be leaving first."

He had only taken one step when the corner of his robe was grabbed.

"I'm afraid ??"

Xiaoxiao said in a tender and tender voice. A few tender and lovable tears gathered under her furry eyelashes ??

"Don't leave me alone." she said again, and hugged him as if he were a bear toy...

Ah, was it fear?

That was true. If an ordinary person were to encounter something like this, they would be so scared that they would forget to cry.

But Xiao Wu had no way to consider this issue.

She smiled like a child with no sense of security.

She was a child.

Looking at the head on his waist, Xiao Wu tried to make himself stiff: "Let go."

Xiao Xiao hugged his waist, buried her head and shook her head.

"Let go." Xiao Wu took a deep breath and opened it.

Xiao Xiao continued to shake her head. She lowered her head to the point where she was almost in his embrace. Then, like a small animal, she wrapped her arms around his neck and crawled into his embrace. With a coquettish tone, she said, "I don't want to be alone ??"

Xiao Wu, male, dark guard leader, cold male without a partner.

At this moment, a cute little loli was hanging around her neck.

According to the logic, Xiao Wu should have already thrown the human meat bear out.

However, although he coldly snorted, he didn't do anything.

Ye Xiao smiled i


In the end, she laid on the bed and tilted her head as she looked at him. She said sweetly, "Xiao Wu, you really are a good person."

This was the first time Xiao Wu was called a good person.

Good people...

He snorted disapprovingly.

Xiaoxiao did not notice the rapid change in Xiao Wu's expression.

Xiao Wu paused for a moment, and said coldly: "I disdain being a good person."

The strong need and wholehearted reliance Xiaoxiao displayed made Xiao Wu dislike such heavy feelings.

Xiao Wu said calmly: "Don't treat anyone as your friend. This is a warning and a warning."

She did not know where she got Xiao Wu to suddenly turn cold.

She didn't refute him. Instead, she lowered her head in silence for a long moment before withdrawing her hand ??.

This was Xiao Wu, cold and merciless ??

Watching Xiao Wu's figure disappear at the end of the road, Xiaoxiao closed the door with a blank expression on her face.

Xiao Wu said this, but she did not mind ??

She likes them... No reason... I just like it...

It was just like the plot of a young bird.

She laughed and fiddled with it for a while in her next life, but when she thought back to Linghu Xiaojing, who had originally said that she would come visit her in the afternoon, it seemed like she did not come ??

The Elder Sister Jing must be too busy, and did not come on purpose, so it's not like she doesn't like her.

Xiaoxiao encouraged herself, but then she remembered Xiao Wu's look just now.

An indescribable feeling of emptiness suddenly pierced through her body, causing her to reach out and pick up the pillow beside her.

"What's your name?"

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