Genius Wizard Takes Medicine

Chapter 91

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The music reverberated through the air, threatening to rupture eardrums. The pounding drum beats forced hearts to race against their will.

Vibrant, overpowering lights made faces involuntarily contort in response.

A street engineered for entertainment, meticulously designed to astonish and captivate.

Lights everywhere you turned; cheers filling every corner you could hear.

Wincing at the acrid stench of alcohol, Lennok maneuvered through the crowd, determined to find the address Jenny had given him.

This area was known as the business district, primarily dedicated to clubs and bars. The surrounding buildings boasted unique and unconventional designs.

A pub shaped like a colossal beer glass, a club resembling a shattered guitar, and a structure that seemed like an inverted speaker.

Amidst them, Lennok paused in front of a massive, elongated disk-shaped club, double-checking the address on his cell phone.

No doubt about it.

Realta, one of the most renowned clubs in District 40.

A behemoth capable of accommodating over 6000 people. Just glancing at the crowd swarming the entrance, it was evident that hundreds were already inside.

The mere thought of navigating through that throng made Lennok sigh.

With a complex expression, he extinguished his cigarette in a nearby trash can and ventured into the chaos.

Fortunately, the shield around him prevented collisions with others, but the interior of the club was even more tumultuous, making it difficult to regain composure.

People danced as if possessed under the illuminating lights in the dimly lit space.

Despite the presence of a main stage and a lounge area, the distinction blurred due to the overcrowding.

Without hesitation, Lennok expanded his mana detection.

While he began sensing the life force of thousands within his range, what mattered was the type of mana they possessed.

For now, the lounge and main stage on the basement 2nd floor didn’t seem promising, so it would be wise to investigate the VIP zone on the 1st basement level.

As he extended his mana detection toward the VIP zone, Lennok suddenly froze, feeling a tremor within his heart, as if a penetrating gaze were fixed upon him.


It was as though a keen gaze monitored his every move, awaiting his attention.

The power emanating from the gaze wasn’t particularly overwhelming, yet Lennok could never forget the sensation of that mana, not even for a moment.

More than the enigmatic force called mana, the possessor of that fierce physique was etched permanently in his mind.

He had anticipated encountering them again someday, but never in a place like this.

Lennok, slowly turning his weary head, met the gaze that peered down at him.

Those unmistakable reptilian pupils.

A wide grin.

A colossal alligator-man, baring rows of teeth in a menacing smile.

Croken Asilus.

An old mercenary from the past, a monster surpassing humanity, stood before him.

⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩ ⏩

“Long time no see, kid.”


Despite the deafening music assaulting their ears, Croken’s voice pierced through Lennok’s consciousness with clarity.

It had been ages since their last encounter, yet the chill he felt then had not dissipated.

Since crossing paths with Croken, Lennok had faced countless battles, each serving as a reminder of the monstrosity embodied by this towering figure.

If he let his guard down, it wouldn’t be surprising if his head exploded into a thousand fragments.

Lennok prepared himself, raising his shield to its fullest extent, ready for an attack at any moment.

Croken fixed his gaze upon Lennok, his distinctive vertical pupils scrutinizing him, before finally breaking the silence.

“You’ve undergone quite a transformation. You look completely different from the last time I saw you with that bastard Dylan.”


“Did you have some kind of awakening? Well, if you hadn’t, you wouldn’t be standing here now.”

The aged mercenary chuckled sinisterly, his words carrying an eerie undertone.

If this monstrous being said so, it meant that Lennok had experienced significant growth since their previous encounter in this world.

Lennok slowly suppressed his fear and collected his thoughts.

What should he say in response to this?

Sitting alone, occupying half of the VIP room, surrounded by dozens of whiskey bottles, the reclining crocodile man emitted a jarring sense of incongruity.

The overwhelming pressure that Lennok had sensed in the factory was nowhere to be found. Instead, there was a sluggish, greasy lethargy emanating from Croken’s scaled body.

Noticing Lennok’s gaze, Croken let out a deep, throaty laugh.

“This is the life of a mercenary. Didn’t that bastard Dylan tell you?”

“I’ve heard about it.”

Indeed, Dylan had mentioned that Croken whiles away his days immersed in alcohol.

Lennok couldn’t have imagined running into him amidst the bustling atmosphere of a nightclub.

“I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not here just to play and drink.”

As Croken replied slowly, he opened his mouth wide, and a young woman sitting next to him quickly served him a side dish.

“I just dropped by because I have some business to attend to.”


Initially, Lennok had approached the VIP room with tension, but Croken seemed to have no particular interest in him.

Though puzzled, Lennok quickly grasped the situation.

Their encounter, to begin with, was merely a matter of fulfilling a request. Once the task was completed, there would be nothing left, no grudges or any such thing.

The gaze of a mercenary who operates strictly for monetary gain.

Lennok had become accustomed to it by now.

As Lennok swiftly regained his composure, Croken chuckled as if he found it amusing.

“Kid, you seem to have potential, so let me offer you some advice.”

With his yellow vertical pupils flickering, Croken spoke.

“People like us make a living by moving around. As the scale of money flowing back and forth grows… even if we don’t want to, we inevitably get involved in unnecessary affairs.”


“If you don’t want to be needlessly exploited, it’s wise to think carefully. If you fail to comprehend the cycle of give and take, you’re bound to lose.”

“Is that based on your own experiences?”

Croken nodded slowly.

“That’s also why I joined the Pandemonium.”

Feeling like he had just heard something of great significance, Lennok forcefully pushed it aside and changed the subject.

Engaging in a lengthy conversation with this unpredictable monster would only harm his mental well-being.

Currently, Croken was displaying goodwill towards Lennok, but strictly speaking, he was a member of an international criminal organization.

When it came to the realms of good and evil, he leaned more towards the latter. And if the question was whether he was an adversary or not, it was clear that Lennok should steer clear of him for now.

However, there was one reason why Lennok remained seated, continuing the conversation.

Suppressing his fear with a strong purpose, he inquired, “I’m searching for dark wizards. I know they are staying here.”

“Why are you asking me?”

“I thought your business might be connected to them.”

“You’re sharp, kid.”


As Croken rose to his feet, a deep rumble resonated from the expansive circular sofa he had been reclining on.

The vibration surprised not only the woman sitting beside him but also the bodyguards standing guard, a testament to the sheer weight of Croken’s imposing presence.

However, the colossal crocodile, paying no heed to such matters, settled back onto the sofa and peered down at Lennok.

“Yes, I also have business with the dark wizards who are staying here. Specifically, I’m concerned about their well-being.”

As Lennok listened to his words, it became apparent that Croken was aware of the events unfolding among the dark wizards.

However, it was peculiar for someone of his stature to be concerned about the internal conflicts among the wizards…

Lennok had a hunch.

“Is it because of your colleague in the Pandemonium?”


Although Lennok knew his guess was wide of the mark, he was taken aback by Croken’s boisterous laughter.

The force behind that laughter was so tremendous that it caused the club floor to tremble momentarily.

Hastily casting a noise-dampening spell around him, Lennok prevented the people below from collapsing due to bleeding eardrums.

An individual who appeared to be a club official hurried over from a distance.

“KkhuKhuKhuKhu… it has been quite some time since I’ve heard such an amusing response.”

Croken chuckled, paying no heed to Lennok’s reaction.

“It seems you harbor some peculiar fantasies about the Pandemonium, but let me assure you, this organization is far from what you imagine.”

“Thank you for enlightening me.”

“Based on what you’ve said, I might hazard a guess as to who you encountered, but do you think I would entertain the requests of that mumbling dark wizard?”

The smile on the crocodile giant’s face was utterly unapologetic.

“I do as I please.”

From those words alone, it was evident that the two monsters did not see eye to eye.

Lennok had intended to inquire about the activities of the dark wizards, but after hearing Croken’s response, he abandoned the idea entirely.

There was no need to take unnecessary risks in the presence of this creature.

“Well, I get that you have some business with his friends. Under the premise that it’s not a promise I’ll have to keep, I’ll let you see them.”

Who would dare to doubt Croken’s direct assurance of their safety?

Eventually, only after providing Croken with a satisfactory answer, was Lennok allowed to ascend to the upper floors of Club Realta.

The hallway resembled a hotel lobby with its simple carpeting and numerous rooms branching off to the left and right.

The space, presumably intended for entertaining esteemed guests, was filled with indescribable knick-knacks.

Unidentified bone fragments, nearly faded scrolls, partially shattered crystals, and various trinkets…

To an untrained eye, they might appear as junk, but Lennok, with his heightened perception, recognized them as essential tools of magic.

Had the dark wizards, who moved their trading tools to avoid inspection, simply left their baggage here and stayed?

He had been puzzled by a few numbers in the address provided by Jenny, likely indicating the room numbers here.

Marching straight through the center of the hallway, he arrived at an open area.

Several tables and chairs, serving as a resting spot for guests, filled the space.

Around a dozen individuals sat there, engaged in conversation, but they abruptly fell silent as if it had been prearranged upon spotting Lennok.


A man in his thirties, arms crossed, addressed him uneasily.

“This is not a place for outsiders to freely enter.”

Lennok disregarded the man’s warning and examined the faces of the gathered individuals.

He had anticipated a group of dark and sinister dark wizards, but to his surprise, their emanating mana possessed an air of elegance.

Considering their affiliation with the enchantment faction, it made sense that their mana and nature aligned with it.

Perhaps the image of dark wizards Lennok had in mind belonged to the opposing faction.

As Lennok remained silent, a young woman with fiery hair gritted her teeth and stepped forward.

“There are always those who refuse to listen.”


“If you won’t leave willingly, I’ll make you crawl out.”

With those words, she nonchalantly channeled her mana and lifted something from the ground beneath her feet.

A black disc hovered in midair.

The disc spun vigorously, causing the surrounding air to ripple before hurtling straight toward Lennok.


It moved with remarkable speed, possessing a power that even Lennok couldn’t underestimate.

Despite being from a non-combatant faction, it seemed they had individuals capable of fighting.

However, mana wasn’t solely about swiftness and strength.

Lennok’s battle-honed instincts had already granted him a deeper level of comprehension.

Casually raising his left hand, he caught the disc, halting its trajectory.


“.. …!!”

Disregarding the astonished woman, Lennok promptly summoned his own mana.


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