Ghost of Culture

78 Equalizing The Fight Fairly

If there is one thing that Orvis likes more than sex, it is a good battle. Well. I guess I will have to change her mind about that, for she must be one with my awesome culture. Hah!

But seriously though, even with Orvis helping me out with her sexiness, improving my overall strength and speed above that of Mito Scarlet, I still get my ass handed to me by Mito. Badly too.

This is the real difference between just throwing random punches to actually knowing techniques and then using those techniques with deadly efficiency.

Damn it!

Mito Scarlet does not even bother to block my simple punches. Instead, she evades them with minimal movement, and she redirects them around her body when she is unable to avoid them perfectly. While punching the living shit out of me as well.

Unholy fuck!

Good thing that her strength is nowhere near mine, or I would be in serious trouble. Like very serious trouble, not that I am not already in one. Those punches of hers do add up, especially when she is like using a weapon. She is using a weapon! Her gauntlet!

That is cheating! Seriously! I am using my bare fists here, and she is using a weapon. How is that fair?

Why the hell am I complaining about fairness in a fight? Do whatever you need to win, no matter what, and that is good lesson to be learn. If life was fair, I would not have been killed by a stupid run away van, and my two parents wouldn't have died like that.

I am not saying that this new life of mine is not more awesome than the crappy life that I had before, but I am saying that my parents deserve better. Better than having a son like me, who could not even take care of them or talk to them.

Only able to watch them as a ghost.

Damn. I am getting kind of emotional here, but long story short, if I did not die, my parents would not have died, and we would be one big happy family for many years. Not like this when I am trapped here in the world of the living, unable to move on.

Oh well. I will make the best out of it. Hah!


To be honest, I actually do not mind getting beaten up by someone like Mito Scarlet on any other kind of day, but not today, for I have a great deal with her. If I can smash her, I get to smash her.

That is one hell of a deal, isn't it?

Mito obviously did not agree to it vocally or otherwise, but she did not disagree to it either, so by logic, my perverted logic, Mito is not against the idea of getting smashed. Heh.

Well. Mito should not, at least from her profile.

Mito Scarlet like strong people. Guys and girls. It does not really matter to her, as long as they are very strong, and I am strong. I will prove that to her. Somehow. Oh. It seems that my perversion makes me a bit strong, but not that much stronger.

I could see her attacks more clearly now, but I am unable to avoid them.

Strange, considering that I am faster than her. Must be due to some sort of skills or techniques. She is not calling out her techniques, but she is thinking them, so it is kind of the same.

The only reason that people in manga and anime calls out their technique is for the readers or viewers, as how else can information can get across.

Well. Whatever. I am still going to yell out my attack because it gives me this sort of empowerment. I guess everyone in Dragon Ball screams due to the same reason. In porn too. Weird comparison, right?


Her uppercut sends me flying backwards and crashing against the side of the bed. The cold metal bar that I have just landed on should have broken my back, but luckily enough, it did not, all thank to the logic of this setting.

Awesome. But I am hurt. Like seriously hurt. How many times did she hits me? Must be more like half a hundred. Damn.


Orvis utters in the mindscape, seemingly to care for me. Ah. What a cute dragon girl. I am so glad that I have claimed her as my own. She is probably better with me than Hayate, but I think doing that might have derailed the original story. Like really derailed it.

But then again, if the Conquest did not want me to derail it, it should have said so, and a better ending is a better ending. I say! One with me being the Harem King of this school. Hah!

Always wanted to be a harem king ever since I was introduced to harem manga. The Japanese is quite good at spreading culture. I will be better than them. Yup. That is my main mission in life.

" your movement sucks! Have you never trained once in your life before, master!?"

Orvis calls out. Pouting too from the tone of her sweet little voice. She is frustrated, and she is right in that regard. I have never trained to fight anyone before in my entire life. Before it was cut short.

But honestly, why should I?

I was born and raised in a normal society with normal people, not in this crazy-ass setting where pretty much anyone can punch through concrete walls and dent solid steel like it is nothing. Not even worth mentioning either. The hell!?

Ah fuck! No use in complaining. I just need to win. A real win!

Yes win. And if I cannot beat Mito fairly, I will just beat her unfairly. No need to play fair, when Mito is not playing fair herself. Using weapon against unarmed person should be illegal!

Mito breathes for the first time in a while. Her concentration is like incredible, as she blocks out almost everything when she fights seriously. Including breathing as well, I think. Not sure how that is helpful to her, but whatever.

And Mito has to fight seriously against me since my speed and strength exceed her. Like a good margin, at least from what I could tell. I can se her stats with my All-Seeing Eyes. Too bad that I cannot use this godly power in way befitting my Lustful Champion status.

That is to see through everything, her armor and clothes. That would have made this fight a lot more interesting. And fun. Lots and lots of fun. Hah!

Anyway, despite trying my best, I only manage to get a good couple of hits in. Not very strong hit, but it is god enough, for I am only trying to transmit my sexual energy into her body. Since it is only a little among so far, Mito has not felt the effect yet, but she will.

By the Great Maker, she will! Or my name is not Ghostly. Well, it was not. But it is now. Heh.

Still, I am pretty beaten up. Like badly beaten up.

"Your unrefined movements lack fineness and skills, Ghostly. Join my club, and I will teach you all sort of battle techniques, improving your combat prowess and molding you into a real fighter."

Mito demands as she resumes her fighting stance. She still wants to fight more since she has not really defeated me yet. She needs to knock me completely out in order to claim a win. Or until I yield.

Guess that is Boxing without a time limit.

"Wait a second. Let me rest for a bit. I just wake up from a head trauma, you know? And you already giving me a lot more trauma."

I call out while thinking of how to truly win a fight? With some awesome loving, of course. Just kidding, as I do need to smash her ass for real, but my physical ability is not good enough for the task. Oh wait. What about those godlike abilities that I have collected?

There are three so far, but Accidental Ecchi Moment and Parental Guidance are really no use in a fight, and Nothing to See Here only dismisses what people notice.

Maybe that ability could be of a use if I think a bit creatively? An idea enters my mind, and it is enough for my face to go perverted mode. Heh. Yeah. That definitely would work!

"Y-you pervert!"

Mito growls as if she realizes what I had in mind. She cannot have read my mind. If she did, she would probably run away already. As long as it works like I had thought, of course. Who knows, it might due to this setting.

When Mito about to charge at me, I grab the bedsheets and throw it at her, covering her entire vision for a brief moment, and thinking that I would use the chance to attack, Mito jumps backwards in order to get some distance from me.

Having the ability to see what she is thinking really helps, as it allows me to plan, at least briefly. Thus, instead of attacking her like she is believing that I would, I use the moment to strip naked.

Yup. Stripped utterly naked.

Mito freezes up as soon as the bedsheet rests on the floor between us. Within a fraction of a second, both of her hands to go her reddening face, covering her eyes to prevent herself from seeing my huge hardon. Hah!

Take that! Turning one of the most clich things in harem manga to my advantage is awesome!

Good thing that Mito is still a girl after all, and this cannot be considered as cheating, as clothes usually get all torn up during a fight. For girls, apparently, as my clothes are not torn despite how much I had been beaten.

Moreover so, there is no shame in stripping utterly naked in front of a hot girl. No shame to show her how much I like her too. Booboobooboobs!

"Ghostly Style: Lustful Kick!"

I call out and go for a flying kick. Kicking is a lot stronger than punching, and it shows by me losing 6SP in total. That is twice the amount of sexual points if I was to punch her. Thus, kicking her will make her hornier.

Never imagine something absurd like that, but hey, I am not complaining.


Mito crashes against the wall with my back, and I immediately use the chance to kick her repeatedly, as fast as I can. Not holding back at all. Super dirty, I know, but fighting fair is for stupid people. She is not fighting fair in the first place either.

Of course, the shock of seeing me naked and having a huge hardon would wear off eventually. It does take a handful of seconds, and I can give her a lot of sexual energy within that handful of seconds.

Mito eventually punches my legs away to break free from the assaults. I back away to take a breather and to look at her as well. She is panting quite heavily now, and it is not due to the beating. She is like really hot inside. Her body is burning up.

"I feel all hot and sweaty what kind of fighting style is that?"

Mito questions.

"Its Nothing to See Here!"

I call out and use the ability on her. Everything that she sees instantly get dismissed from her mind. It would have worked perfectly if I did not charge and assault her once more. And seeing my naked sight for effectively the first time again causes her to be stunned.

Utterly shocked.

And utterly beaten again. Take that. Take that! Hah!

"Master? What is happening. Why is she just freeze up like that?"

Orvis questions, finding absolutely nothing wrong with me being utterly naked and a huge hardon. As a matter of fact, she is licking her lips, wanting to swallow that hardon of mine. In her mouth or up her cunt and ass.

"Oh? I am just activating my trap card. Booboobooboobs!"

I crack up. This trap card is awesome. Like super awesome.

Despite not truly knowing what is really happening, Mito Scarlet eventually comes to a realization that she is being beaten in a fight. She did not want to yield, but it is inevitable. Not to mention that she is getting really horny.

Her screams and grunting under the assault eventually turn to yelping and moaning. Once that starting to happen, I back away and pant heavily. Damn. It takes like 100SP to turn her into that state, so with like 6SP per strong kick and like 2-3SP per stomp, it takes a lot of kicking and stomping.

"Do you yield, or do you want more, Mito?"

I question and stabilize my breathing. I can keep going, but I want to save some stamina for the really fun time afterwards. Also, I have accomplished my goal. The goal of making her horny. Hah!

This is the way of the Ghostly Style. Make love to your opponent instead of war, and I do mean it very literally. Fucking is way more fun than fighting. Booboobooboobs!

Junior seems to think so. It is like massive right now, and I had just fucked Orvis too. Repeatedly.

"Hah. Hah. What did you do to me?"

Mito questions and tries not to stare at my huge erection. She is still embarrassed at the blatant sight, but now, she wants it. She desperately wants it. That is all on her mind right now.

"Nothing that cannot be fixed. This is just the effect to my Ghostly Style, Mito, and it will not go away until you let yourself go."

I tell her and step forwards, causing Mito to shrink back and press against the wall. She really does not like me invading her personal space, especially when I am utterly naked and sport a hardon.

Even so, Mito Scarlet wants to do nothing more than locking lips with me, especially when my face is so close to her. To the point that she could feel my breathings. I could feel hers too. Her scent.

Very lovely scent.

"Just let yourself go, Mito. There is no one here but me and you."

I tell her, and I can hear Orvis grumbles in my mindscape. Oh right. Orvis is here too but she will have to wait her turn. I am only one person after all, and I cannot have threesome because Mito is not really a spirit.


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