Gilgamesh in DxD

Chapter 18

Chapter 18

"I must say it was a great battle," Sairaorg said to Gilgamesh as he approached without showing any hostile intent.

Needless to say, the heir to House Bael was very surprised.

After all he had been summoned here by his client to help him, but when he arrived he came across someone fighting a gigantic golden Lion that was Longinus [Regulus Nemea], and the battle was incredible.

"Thank you so much Mr Devils" said Gilgamesh with a small smile, after all he didn't have to have any bad intentions against someone he respected.

"My name is Sairaorg Bael and this is my [Queen] Kuisha Abaddon," said Sairaorg as they introduced themselves.

Kuisha gave a little wave as she blushed.

"It's nice to meet you Gilgamesh," said Sairaorg with a smile.

"Did you hear then?" asks Gilgamesh how Sairaorg knew his name.

"Yes, and I couldn't help but be surprised to learn that there is a descendant of such a being," said Sairaorg with an anticipatory smile.

Of course he knew a figure like Gilgamesh.

It still tells the story of a human capable of putting fear in God and the original Satan.

"Haha, many say that, so what do I owe the Bael heir to visit?" questions Gilgamesh.

Sairaorg smiled at that.

"I wonder if you don't want to join my peerage?" Sairaorg asks to the amazement of the exorcists who were not far away.

The exorcists widened their eyes at that question.

They couldn't let the devils take someone so powerful to their side.

Siegfried quickly got up and grabbed one of his swords, the Gram Demonic Emperor Sword.

But before he could move, his body was wrapped in golden chains that rippled around him.

"You have to let me go, I can't allow the devils to take a Hero to their side" shouted Siegfried trying to free himself from the chains with Jeanne.

But both stopped when they saw the look of Enkidu and Sebas.

Before they had released power compared to Middle Class devils it was now superior to Satan Class, bordering on God Class.

"This is Gil's decision, don't meddle" said Enkidu seriously causing the exorcists to stop moving.

Gilgamesh looked at Sairaorg without showing any reaction.

"Sorry but I have no interest in becoming a devil" said Gilgamesh making Sairaorg a little sad.

"I see, but that brings me to my next request" says Sairaorg making Gilgamesh raise an eyebrow.

"I want a fight with you, here and now," said the Heir of House Bael.

Gilgamesh's eyes widened in shock.

He knew Sairaorg was direct, but he didn't expect as much.

Kuisha and everyone else was surprised by this.

"Hahaha you are really something else Sairaorg Bael. Very well I accept the challenge" said Gilgamesh as he stood in front of Sairaorg.

Sairaorg got a big smile on his face as he asked his [Queen] not to intervene.

Gilgamesh asked the same things from Enkidu and Sebas.

Instantly, the earlier warm expression faded, leaving Gil with an impassive look as he looked directly at Sairaorg, who only shivered in anticipation. No words were being said, as the two combatants only measured each other with their eyes. The tension in the area was suffocating.

Some were confused as to why Gilgamesh had not yet entered combat possibility.

Sairaorg, however, knew better. As someone who also trains his body to the extreme, he could tell that although his posture was relaxed and indifferent, Gilgamesh was coiled like a snake waiting to sink his fangs into his prey. Sairaorg felt his smile split his face as he decided to start the fight.

With a speed that was untraceable to most, making it appear as if he had vanished from his place, Sairaorg flanked Gilgamesh, raised his fist in a fist, and delivered a powerful and precise punch to the right side of the head. The entire movement took less than a second, and only a select few managed to keep up with the entire movement; otherwise it seemed that Sairaorg had disappeared from existence. When the time finally reached and it looked like the punch was about to connect with the face, Gilgamesh, with almost inhuman reflexes, reached out and caught the punch a few inches from the face, creating an almost visible shock wave that spread across the face. air, and he did so without changing his expression or moving his eyes to follow the movement. Sairaorg was a little disconcerted that his pre-emptive strike had been so easily stopped.

Gilgamesh admitted that Sairaorg's blow was absurdly fast, he was able to keep up thanks to his reflexes and [Observation Haki].

And like a coiled viper, as Sairaorg was still a little stunned to have his punch, the same punch that destroyed the spirits of many high-class devils stopped so easily, Gilgamesh retaliated with a powerful and perfectly executed kick to the head he sent Sairaorg skidding back.

When Sairaorg recovered, he looked back and saw Gilgamesh still with his left leg extended from the kick, and he held it there for a while before using his right foot as a fulcrum and calmly bringing the leg back to its original position. . he had before releasing the kick, looking really cool as he did it. Sairaorg felt something in the side of his mouth and used the back of his hand to wipe it away. When he looked at the substance, he realized it was his blood.

When Gilgamesh looked at Sairaorg's face, the left side of his mouth slowly turned into a smile, as if almost teasing and defiant. An expression that Sairaorg returned in kind before the entire stance was over, as the two fighters curled up before springing into action and finding themselves in the middle of the field.

Punches and kicks flew hard and fast from both sides, as every action was deftly blocked or deflected by the other in a way that made shock waves vibrate in the air. If Sairaorg threw a punch, Gilgamesh nimbly deflected him before retaliating with a kick that would have been avoided by Sairaorg before throwing another punch in his direction, which continued the cycle for a few minutes. They were still holding each other significantly, as this was more of a warm-up and a means of feeling each other out.

After continuing the exchange for a few minutes, Sairaorg decided to raise the stakes while launching a brutal body at Gilgamesh, who sank the blow with a slight twitch in his expression, indicating his discomfort before retaliating with a disoriented punch to the face. Sairaorg, but not enough for Gilgamesh to capitalize on when Sairaorg returned to him with more enthusiasm. As the restrictions fell, more shots were connected, as the two fighters were more concerned with causing damage to the opponent than with their own defense. Fists and feet flew through the air with deadly precision. While Sairaorg relied more on upper body strength and fists, Gilgamesh favored his legs more, as he relied on agile footwork and precise kicking. Both had the power and the ability to change that.

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