Global Awakening: I Got A SSS-level Library System

Chapter 4: Wendy Queen’s Road to Redemption

Chapter 4: Wendy Queen's Road to Redemption

Alex Watson's office was a small, cozy space, just the right size for him alone. He cherished the solitude it offered, a place where he wasn't disturbed.

Anyone else sharing the space might have thought Alex was out of his mind, especially when they saw him poring over a blank, white book. To an outsider, the pages were empty, but for Alex, they were filled with content visible only to his eyes.

Profile: Wendy Queen

"Wendy Queen, age 18. Chosen Path: Blesser, Level 1. Primary Skill: Divine Light Mastery, Progress: Stage One. "Shy and insecure, struggles with social interactions, prone to overthinking and intense inner conflict. Yet, beneath it all, she possesses a resilience and determination that cannot be broken..."

This book wasn't just a simple profile; it was a real-time update on Wendy's skills, emotions, and even her physiological and energetic states.

It detailed her inner workings, from her energy pathways and vital points to the core of her being, making everything transparent to Alex at a mere thought.

At that moment, Alex could see a faint light within Wendy's core, striving towards a crucial energy point with relentless determination. He let out a soft sigh.

According to conventional wisdom, the first step for someone on the path of the Blessers should be to cleanse their energy pathways with divine light, transforming their physical essence into one that's in harmony with divine energies.

This process would theoretically make wielding the Divine Light Mastery skill almost second nature, equipping them to handle a myriad of situations with grace.

But textbooks are written based on the majority's experience, not accounting for unique cases like Wendy.

Her constitution was special, multifaceted, making the traditional path of transformation not only unsuitable but potentially disastrous. Her struggle to advance wasn't just a stagnation—it was a fundamental misalignment with her true nature.

Had Wendy's efforts been futile, it would have been one thing. But success in her forced transformation would have spelled irreversible damage. She would have been locked in a state of no progression, her potential squandered, and her future bleak.

Watching the light inside Wendy clash against her energy point time and again, only to be repelled, Alex knew something had to change.

Alex sighed, a gesture of surrender, as he closed the mysterious book.

At the brink of crisis, the line between those who choose to save themselves and those who refuse becomes starkly clear.

He had extended a hand of aid, but if she chose not to grasp it, then she was beyond anyone's help.

Cultivation is a path often devoid of excitement, where time slips away unnoticed.

As the day gave way to evening, and shadows grew longer, the training room emptied, leaving Wendy Queen alone in her corner, defiantly persevering in her practice.

Seated in meditation, her forehead glistened with sweat, a testament to her intense focus. Inside, a soft glow launched yet another assault towards her core, only to bring a grimace of pain to her face.

Cleansing one's meridians and marrow is an arduous task, one that most would find intolerable.

And yet, Wendy had been enduring this regimen for two full years. Each failure left her feeling deflated, collapsing in the emptiness of the training room, her heavy breaths the only sound in the quietude.

Looking up, her eyes reflected a spark of unwillingness to accept defeat.

Yet another setback. Why must she fail again and again? Was she truly doomed to be unsuitable for cultivation, destined to become mere expendable fodder at the war front? Could this really be her fate?


Tears broke free, but Wendy quickly covered her mouth, muffling her sobs. Already the subject of ridicule, she refused to give others more reason to laugh. Adulthood's saddest moments are perhaps those when one must cry in silence.

Gradually, Wendy's turmoil subsided. Reaching into her pocket for a handkerchief to wipe away her sweat, her fingers instead brushed against a stiff piece of paper.

Unfolding it, she recognized the note from Mr. Watson earlier that day. A sudden, irrational hope sprouted within her: What if his advice held some merit?

Her heart racing, Wendy unfolded the paper. Desperation can make the faintest hopes seem like lifelines, especially when there are no alternatives.

Reading Alex' precise script, Wendy transitioned from confusion to disbelief, and finally to a sense of betrayal. "Mr. Watson is leading students astray. It's common knowledge that mastering the Divine Light Mastery requires transforming one's body through cleansing into a vessel of divine light. Yet he suggests this method is backwards, that the divine light shouldn't permeate the whole body but rather be concentrated in a single point. How absurd is that?!"

With that thought, Wendy pocketed the note, her eyes closing in despair. She couldn't help but mock her fleeting trust in an intern teacher who had spoken to her only briefly. Was she losing her mind?

But as Wendy was about to push these thoughts aside and return to her relentless training, she paused abruptly. "Hold on! I've only spoken to him twice, yet how did he know I was practicing the Divine Light Mastery..." This revelation widened her eyes in panic, prompting her to feverishly review the note's contents again and again.

Though she initially scoffed at the "misguided advice" scribbled on the paper, a seed of doubt took root in Wendy's heart.

Such a cultivation method was unheard of, absent from any textbook she had ever studied.

Venturing into such unknown territory carried risks of severe consequences, including losing one's way entirely. The risk was monumental.

But then again... Without any sign of progress, was she not already on a path to a grim destiny as mere fodder?

Wrestling with her thoughts time and again, Wendy finally let go of the paper. Faced with a seemingly inevitable end, why not roll the dice?

Determined, Wendy positioned herself once more in the corner, ready to try this unconventional approach.

"Focus the light to a pinpoint, anchor the energy deep within the core. Harness resilience, gather without dispersing." Whispering Alex Watson's cryptic guidance, Wendy found her turmoil subsiding.

She dedicated herself to this novel practice all through the night. Upon opening her eyes, realization hit her like a bolt of lightning. "Oh no, I'm late!"

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