Global Demon King: Starting as the Abyssal Dragon

Chapter 321: Behemoth Giant Great Chieftain

Chapter 321: Behemoth Giant Great Chieftain

In the north, there was a vast plain known as the Savage Beast Prairie, one of the largest plains on the continent. Its size was comparable to several empires combined, nurturing a power known as the Savage Beast Empire, an empire-level force. This empire, populated by orcs known for their strong reproductive capabilities, boasted a population upwards of two billion. In terms of population size, this empire surpassed most other empires in strength.

Despite its formidable strength, the vast population and extensive territory meant that the empire's ability to manage its regions was not strong. The entire empire adopted a chieftaincy system. The Savage Beast Empire consisted of over one hundred and eighty chieftaincies. Each chieftaincy was led by a Great Chieftain, who ruled over anywhere from dozens to hundreds of tribes, and each Great Chieftain was a renowned powerhouse within the empire.

In the southwestern region of the Savage Beast Empire, there was an area known as the Behemoth Highlands. This place was home to millions of Behemoth Giants, one of the most powerful races within the Savage Beast Empire. The strength of every adult Behemoth Giant was comparable to that of Titans or Abyssal Dragons, making them one of the most formidable beings, second only to the top-tier upper races.

Hero Amit recently became the supreme ruler of the Behemoth Highlands by defeating the previous Great Chieftain, making him the new chieftain of the area. Amit was no ordinary Hero. He possessed the strength of a Level 6 Legendary, ranking him 38th on the Hero Leaderboard, a position significantly higher than that of the Prophet of Doom, Primo, indicating that Amit's raw power exceeded Primo's.

Why was Amit so strong? The reason was simple: Amit had the bloodline of the primal behemoth, which was inherently much stronger than that of an ordinary behemoth. However, Amit scoffed at the leaderboard, aware that the information it captured was limited and that his true strength was undoubtedly underestimated by it.

Why was Amit so confident? The reason was straightforward! Amit had integrated three fragments of an Evil God! As a primordial behemoth, one of the most ancient and mystical behemoths, he naturally possessed a trace of divinity, needing only to reach a certain level of strength to activate his divine bloodline and soul. As a Hero, Amit had the capability to directly integrate fragments of Evil Gods. Amit was acutely aware of the incredible benefits and enhancements he could derive from the Evil God fragments, and thus, he had spent a significant amount of time collecting these fragments.

Currently, Amit had a total of four Evil God fragments, three of which, "The Eye of Element," "The Eye of Wraith," and "The Eye of Destruction"---were from the same origin. Amit successfully integrated these three related fragments. When these fragments resonated with each other, both their power and quality significantly increased.

This was why Amit consistently believed that the Hero Leaderboard severely underestimated him. Amit was confident that with the power of the Evil God fragments he possessed, he could challenge beings at the Level 7 Legendary, and thus he should logically rank among the top ten Heroes. However, the leaderboard could not sense the power of an Evil God, leading to a significant underestimation of Amit's capabilities.

Amit was searching for the whereabouts of other eyes of the Evil God, sharing a similar goal with someone else who hoped to collect all the fragments of the Eight-Eyed Evil God. However, unlike a certain Demon King, he aimed to become the next Eight-Eyed Evil God himself, while the Demon King merely wanted to use the Evil God's divine essence as a stepping stone for further advancement.

On this particular day, Amit felt the Eyes of the Evil God within him stir uncontrollably. It seemed that four eerie eyes were staring at him through the boundless void. Amit realized that these were not just any eyes, but the very ones he had been desperately seeking. Clearly, these four eyes were now in the hands of a single individual, who was using them to locate him. 

Amit's expression darkened, but he soon smirked, "It seems another player is luckier than I am, having collected four eyes and now setting their sights on mine."

Although he realized that this mysterious entity had locked onto him and would soon appear nearby to attempt to seize the three Eyes of the Evil God he possessed, Amit was not panicked. He had always been supremely confident in his strength, firmly believing that no one could defeat him head-on.

Amit knew that even though he had one fewer Eye of the Evil God compared to his adversary, he possessed another fragment of an Evil God. Moreover, even without the four integrated Evil God fragments, Amit's strength would still rank him among the top thirty Heroes on the leaderboard, making him one of the most formidable beings in the world. He had every reason and confidence to believe in himself.

Even if, for argument's sake, the adversary was ranked higher or was a more powerful entity, what of it? This was the Behemoth Highlands in the Savage Beast Empire, one of the most perilous places. Amit was the great chieftain of the Behemoth Chieftaincy, commanding dozens of Behemoth tribes with countless powerful warriors at his side, holding the home-field advantage, and ready to vanquish anyone who dared to challenge him.

"Marvelous!" Amit exclaimed. "I was wondering where to find these eyes! I never expected some fool would deliver them right to my doorstep!" 

He laughed heartily, "And to deliver four at once no less! With these four eyes, becoming the Eight-Eyed Evil God is without any doubt!"

Although Amit was filled with confidence and did not believe he could lose to anyone, he acknowledged that anyone capable of collecting four Eyes of the Evil God must be formidable, whether through strength or sheer luck. On such a critical matter, he knew better than to underestimate his opponent and risk a disastrous defeat.

"Summon my generals!" Amit commanded. "Inform the Five Behemoth Kings to bring their core subordinates to meet me!"

Within half a day, five behemoth giants, each radiating the aura of a monarch, arrived with their respective followers. All five of these behemoths were Level 6 monarchs.

"Greetings, Great Chieftain!" they saluted. "May I know why the Great Chieftain has urgently summoned us?"

Although the Behemoth Great Chieftain was not the Emperor of the Savage Beast Empire, his status as the top chieftain was nearly on par with that of an emperor. In the eyes of these behemoths, the Great Chieftain, who possessed the bloodline of the primal Behemoth, held an even higher status than the Emperor of the Savage Beast Empire.

Amit spoke in a stern voice, "I sense that a formidable foe is about to arrive here. I need your strength to confront him and ensure he does not leave alive!"

The five behemoth kings were shocked to hear this. They knew the strength of their Great Chieftain better than anyone. The previous Great Chieftain, an emperor-level powerhouse, had lasted less than ten rounds against him. Such power had already reached the level of a Great Emperor, perhaps even stronger than the usual emperor-level beings! With the Great Chieftain's capabilities, he could traverse the world unchallenged. What kind of being could possibly make him so cautious?

Despite their shock and confusion, the five Behemoth kings did not idle. They immediately set up defenses, positioning their elite soldiers around the Great Chieftain and deploying tens of thousands of elite Savage Beast Empire orc shamans and mages to prepare formations and various traps. Such preparations were formidable. No single adversary, nor even an imperial military force, could hope to shake their defenses and pose a threat to the Great Chieftain in a short time.

Amit was very satisfied with his subordinates' readiness. Although he felt these measures might be superfluous, as the saying goes, better safe than sorry.

Now, all he needed was a bit of patience. He just had to wait for the fool to deliver themselves into his hands."

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