Global Evolution

Chapter 180

Chapter 180: 180

"Well, when it comes to Gaia consciousness, we have to talk about Gaia first . " Milan nodded his lips and recalled the knowledge in this corner . "Gaia is a personal name . "

"Names?" Liu Chang frowned, and the girl on one side also frowned .

"No, it’s the name of God . Let me see . . . " Milan rolled his eyes and tried hard to recall the things that were not used at all . "Gaia is the mother of the earth in Greek mythology, the God of the earth, and the mother of all the gods . He is a very powerful and respected God . "

"Well, the earliest God in Greek mythology? She is the grandmother of Zeus, the king of the gods . After she was born, she gave birth to the sky and a number of gods . Only then did the world unfold . . . "

"Is that so?" Liu Chang rubbed his chin . "I always thought Zeus, the king of gods in Greek mythology, is the best . I can’t imagine that he is not a first-line player at all!"

"Well, it’s not a first-line player at all . Uranus, the God above him, and many of the gods born of Gaia, he is no match

"Well, it seems that Gaia is a very good character . " Liu Chang nodded .

"Yes, her status in the Greek mythology system is equivalent to Nu Wa in our Chinese mythology system . And Zeus is a jade emperor at best, so they are not gods at all Milan thought for a moment and continued: "as for the goddess Gaia, in fact, there are many systems in ancient Greek mythology, which are the same as those in Chinese mythology . In particular, the contrast between Gaia and Nuwa made many theologians think that the time of Gaia and Nuwa was different . The two gods are actually the same . "

"Well?" Liu Chang swallowed the meat and sat up .

"There are two most famous legends about Gaia - one is the legend of man making, the other is the legend of flood . Do you remember the legend of Nuwa mending the sky? "

"Well . I probably remember that it was the reason why the dragon or some evil god had left a big hole in the sky . Since then, the flood continued in the world . Then Nu Wa couldn’t bear to see the disasters on earth, so she used the colorful God stone to fill the sky . " Liu Chang recalled, "is this probably the case?"

"Well, it is said that Gonggong knocked down buzhoushan . Nuwa saw that the people she had created died in a terrible way, so there was a legend of mending the sky . " Milan said: "and Gaia’s legend is surprisingly similar to Nuwa . It was God who sent down his anger and used the flood to destroy human beings, and Gaia after the flood subsided . Can’t bear to see the fate of human extinction, so down the divine power, let the only two human survivors in the earth to create a human

"Making people out of mud?" Liu Chang glared at his eyes, "Damn it, is this Nuwa that Gaia plagiarized?"

"I don’t know . The history of Greece is no shorter than that of China, and thousands of years apart . At that time, there was no communication among civilizations . Why should we plagiarize Milan curled his lips . "But there are many similarities between ancient Greek mythology and China . And Gaia . I have to say the bottle of life in her hand . . . "

Milan spoke and looked at the ubiquitous red fog .

"It is said that Gaia had a vase in his hand . It is full of the seeds of all things and the water of life . Every once in a while, she will sprinkle the spring of life and the seeds of all things on the ground to ensure the reproduction of practical life

"What a sharp legend Liu Chang also looked at the surrounding red fog and used the description of "sharp" .

"Well, sharp legend . " Milan nodded .

"But myth is myth after all . Don’t say I don’t believe it . Even if I believe it, I don’t think I will have any intersection with Gaia in my life . " Liu Chang ate a mouthful of meat with a smile, and the pain on his body was relieved . He continued, "since he finished Gaia, what is Gaia’s consciousness?"

"Well, since Gaia is the God of the earth, Gaia consciousness is naturally the consciousness of the earth, also known as earth consciousness . It seems to have been put forward by an Englishman . I have forgotten what it was called . Anyway, it was he who proposed it . " Milan put together his scattered knowledge and said: "he pointed out that the earth, or the universe, has an unconscious self-consciousness . He will constantly create a stable state, and severely punish things that destroy stability and balance, such as the extinction of dinosaurs in the past, such as sandstorms and ozone holes caused by human destruction of the environment . Balance and stability are the core of Gaia’s consciousness . And his argument is that the laws of nature are impeccable, and balance and stability are the things protected by Gaia, so this theory is called Gaia consciousness

"Is balance the core?"

"Yes, it’s balance . " Milan thought for a second and then said, "in fact, if you think about it carefully, there is really no species on earth that can dominate all the time . In fact, according to the theory of biological evolution, the more powerful a creature is, the more resources it will get, the faster it will reproduce, and the more it will crowd out the living space of other species, such as dinosaurs in the past, and human beings now . "

"But in fact, there are always problems on this earth that interfere or even destroy the reproduction of these powerful species . Everything that breaks the balance seems to disappear suddenly . In fact, if it had not been for the extinction of dinosaurs, there would have been no human beings now . ""I remember when I was in biology class, the teacher said a question . It seems that 60 million years ago, in fact, in the final stage, Velociraptor or what kind of dragon has evolved into wisdom . They have the ability of language communication and the sense of teamwork . If we develop in this direction, in less than 5 million years, or even 3 million years, we will certainly be able to reach the present level of human beings . However, it is so inexplicable, sudden, and somehow extinct . "

"I don’t believe in the theory of shit meteorite hitting the earth, or the theory of millions of volcanoes erupting together . If this theory exists, it would be a coincidence . "

"What you want to express is that this is the result of Gaia’s self-regulation?" Liu Chang frowned .

"Well, maybe, so Gaia’s theory of consciousness is still interesting . " Milan said, and asked, "why did you ask this all of a sudden?"

"It’s because someone mentioned it all of a sudden . " Liu Chang didn’t hide what he saw and heard today . "It was the word that the white monster’s partner suddenly jumped out of his mouth . He was a very abnormal guy . He was very smart . He was 100 times smarter than all of us combined . Today, while I was fighting the white monster, the guy jumped up and said something about Gaia consciousness . I think that’s the most important reason why they suddenly left

"Gaia consciousness, Gaia consciousness . . . " Milan murmured in a low voice, "is he talking about the red fog now?"

"It’s impossible . He said suddenly . The red fog has appeared for several years . What theory should there be? Just ah, he should have known it for a long time . " Liu Chang frowned and thought, "in this world, who can make the 17th so shocked?"

"What is it?" Liu Chang thought for a long time, and the only reasonable explanation was, "is it a big willow? What’s wrong there? "

"Big willow?" When Milan heard the word "big willow", Milan was shocked, while the girl standing in the corner showed doubts, "what is a big willow?"

"A monster that devours heaven and earth . " This is the explanation given by Milan . She insisted on following Liu Chang just because she heard about the big willow tree . Now she asked, I don’t know whether it was intentional or unintentional . She actually disclosed the news to her, "a very huge plant . According to the one in front of you, the monster has infinite wisdom, the ability to swallow up all organic matter, and Pang It’s big enough to cover a city or even a province . "

"True or false?" The girl heard Milan’s explanation and grew up in surprise .

"Of course it’s true . Don’t you feel very puzzled that your red skin monster brother and that white skin monster brother can’t be chased out here Milan winked at the girl .

But Liu Chang heard Milan’s words, but laughed, "you are really a good woman!"

"Well, the girl is not bad . " Milan chuckled at Liu Chang . "If you can help, you can help . And she has the ability to change . If you become friends, it’s a good choice . "

Milan said this, and then winked at the girl .

The latter saw this look, but also understood, she is not a stupid girl, so, after she figured out the joints, she immediately showed a clever expression and went to Liu Chang .

"Well, it was my fault before . I apologize . " "I think we can be friends, especially in this moment, I can be your strong partner, isn’t it?"

"You want me to take you?" Liu Chang looks at the girl .

"Well, in fact, I can’t give up Xiaoqing . I have good eyesight . In fact, my eyesight is 200 meters away . I cheated you before . " The girl looked at Liu Chang, "although I can see that your eyesight is also very good, but if it is less than 100 meters, it is very troublesome in the air . Because now, any big tree can grow tens of meters, so it’s very difficult for your eyesight to see the ground in the air, and it’s very difficult to distinguish the difference between trees and trees . It’s very troublesome . "

"Of course, if you take me with you, all these things will be solved . " The girl introduced herself as a saleswoman, "and I’m small, I eat little, and I don’t take up space . It’s too crowded for me to be alone . "

"If you don’t speak, I’ll take it as your consent . I’ll introduce myself first . My name is Li Tiantian . " (to be continued)

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