Global Evolution

Chapter 193

Chapter 193: 193

"Well, I can’t think about Zhou Cang . "The cloaked man stepped forward and asked Liu Chang to enter the inner room with his folded hands growing deep inside his cuff .

"You wait here . I’ll go talk to my friends . " Liu Chang stayed with Li Feng every day and didn’t let them go into the room because he knew that the next thing was better not to let them listen to it . And even if they did, they should not understand it . After all, they did not experience all that, and they did not know Li Qingshui .

So he went into the cloaked man’s room alone, without any worry, because he already knew who the man under the cloak was .

"Statement one, when did you get to Beijing?" After Liu Chang entered the room, he directly sat on the couch belonging to the other party .

Statement 1, Liu Chang has not seen this person for a long time, but after all, the friendship of living and dying together is still there, so even if we haven’t seen for a long time, it doesn’t seem very strange .

After all, in the most difficult times, when both of them were little people than now, they fought together on the way to Zhengzhou in Kaifeng more than four years ago . A small group of dozens of people died, but they were lucky to survive . At that time, it was stated that one can survive because he is the one with the highest degree of evolution among all the people, which can be said to be the highest level of evolution in the whole Kaifeng City .

Liu Chang survived because of his abnormal vision .

But anyway, if there is no one named "Li Qingshui" in their team, everyone will die .

Moreover, the man named Li Qingshui, who later went to Zhengzhou, did countless earth shaking things . Therefore, in affirming the impression of his whole life, the one who can not forget his own parents is Li Qingshui .

This deep feeling comes from shock and fear .

"It’s been two or three months . " As soon as the statement was finished, his face under his cloak was still looking around . "Is Mr . Li here, too? You are family, and he must be with you? "

"What are you afraid of doing then?" Liu Chang looked at the statement and said, "how did you come here? Why are all of you, including Xiaojing, so afraid of Mr . Li? In fact, he is a very nice person!"

"Of course Mr . Li is a good man, but he is just frightening! "As soon as he spoke, he took off his cloak and revealed a very ugly face . This face is like the pleated skin under the scales after Liu Chang’s transformation, and also a little like the skin of genetically modified people . Anyway, it has a sense of mechanical lines, but it has no aesthetic feeling .

"How did you get there?" Liu Chang looked at the statement and exclaimed, "have you been transformed by Mr . Li?"

"Well, I was a participant in that recessive gene factor demonstration experiment . " You haven’t told me whether Mr . Li is here or not

"Not here . " Liu Chang shook his head . "First tell me why you are so afraid to see him . "

"Because . . . " After a long silence, he rubbed the folds on his face and said, "well, because I’m a deserter . "

"Deserter?" Liu Chang continued to be shocked, "how did you escape?"

"More than half a year ago, I felt that there was something wrong with the form of Zhengzhou . Moreover, at that time, Mr . Li seemed to be studying something more secretive . I took advantage of his lack of attention and ran out of the experimental park with the ability of my body . " The statement said, "I ran without telling Mr . Li . I was bored in graduate school at that time, and I always felt that something big was going to happen and I ran away . Mr . Li didn’t find me lying down . . . "

"In other words, with Mr . Li’s intelligence, he must have guessed that I was going to run away . He didn’t stop me . That’s a relief to me . " When he said this sentence, he sighed deeply, "this is also seen in the feelings of that year . "

"Well, so you already know about the big willow tree?" Liu Chang asked .

"I don’t know . I just feel bad . Then I tell the truth in the park . How can I say it? I’m very frustrated . Then I felt that with my ability, the ability after transformation, it should be easy to mix outside, so I ran away . " "Mr . Li is not your family? As the whole base knows, he had better not come with you . . . "

"He’s dead . " Liu Chang said this sentence helplessly, and then sighed deeply .

"Dead? No way When he heard Liu Chang’s words, he was almost provoked from the ground and knocked through the roof . "Mr . Li is such a fierce man, who can kill him? It’s impossible . No one can kill him . You were not in the base later . I don’t know Mr . Li’s strength . I can tell you for sure that no one in the world can kill Mr . Li . Don’t lie to me .

"I didn’t lie to you . " Seeing the worship that affirms the power and wisdom of a pair of Li Qingshui, Liu sighs, "Teacher Li is really powerful . . . " It may be the most powerful person in the world, but it’s in the human circle after all

"Look at the whole earth, also" "to declare a moment to say big words, suddenly thought of the key to the problem" you mean, big willow? ""It’s him . " Liu Chang said, "he killed Mr . Li . "

"Why don’t Mr . Li run?"

"I don’t know what he thinks . " Liu Chang sighed . "He told me before that he could stop willows for three years . But the willows are much faster than expected . I don’t know whether he had any other deep meaning in the past three years, or whether he had made a wrong estimate of the strength of willows . "

"No, Mr . Li is not like that . Even if the willow is really a hundred times smarter and stronger than Mr . Li, Mr . Li will not misjudge it

After thinking about it for a while, he said, "at most, it is overestimated, but it can’t be underestimated . He told you three years, there must be something else . "

"What do you mean?" Liu Chang looks at his old face full of pleats .

"Shit, how do I know . " I’ve been stupid since I was a kid . You ask me? It’s better to ask yourself! How can I guess the deep meaning of a man like Mr . Li? I can’t understand some of his words . You can ask a smart man what I’m doing . But then again, how did you come here, and how did you come into conflict with my people? "

"They teased my people, and I wanted to talk to their boss about something, so I came here . " Liu Chang looked at the statement one, "just can’t imagine, their boss is you . It seems that you have had a good time recently

"Yes, it’s OK . " He touched his old face and nodded, "no one can beat me here . It’s good to try to make a name for myself . The food, drink and use can be provided by people every day, which is very good .

More than four years is enough to change a person .

More than four years of the end of the world, enough to make a person completely different .

Four years ago, I was an honest child from the countryside of Shandong Province . After four years, he became the boss of a dark society with a wrinkled old face .

Sometimes, the four words of creation and making people are not enough to describe the magic of fate .

"You said you were looking for the boss of the underworld club here . What can I do for you? Liu Chang said, "don’t you want to be a boss? You want me to give it to you . You can take care of my food, drink and women every day . "

"I don’t want to be a boss like you . " Liu Chang laughed and spat, "do you still rob women?"

"Occasionally, but I don’t kill or hurt them . That’s the rule I give to the people below . " Statement a smile to sit on the bed of the room "what can I do? Whose hands are really so clean these days? Don’t tell me you haven’t done anything bad, killed or robbed

Liu Chang thought of what he had done some time ago . He had done everything, but he still thought he was a good man, or at least not so bad, because he had a bottom line .

The bottom line, it seems, is the final criterion for determining whether a person is a good person or not .

If judged according to this standard, the current statement is not really bad .

"You see, stop talking . You must have done a lot of bad things . " Liu Chang said with a smile .

"Hey, hey . "

"Don’t try to make a fool of yourself with a smile . What have you said to me? You don’t want to be the boss . What can I do for you? And when did you come? Why haven’t I seen you before

"I came here yesterday, and I want you to help me find someone, but I have to do it in secret . Because there should be other people looking for me in Beijing . If they find me, I will be dead . " Liu sighed: "so, I didn’t dare to make a big fuss before, otherwise I would come here to beat you directly . "

"You don’t have to beat me . " I was the most advanced in Kaifeng before, and then I was injected by Mr . Li with recessive gene display agent . Although I am a failure, I should be better than you

"I don’t think so . " Liu Chang said with a smile, "because I am a successful product . "

Liu Chang said, the scales of his body slowly grew out, his face slowly wrinkled and turned red, and his body became a little bigger . After a while, a more ugly company than the statement one was aimed at him .

"My day!" He narrowed his eyes and looked at Liu Chang

"Come on, try who’s powerful . " Liu Chang deep right hand, made a pull wrist posture .

"You don’t have to win . " "After all, my body’s evolution degree is in that place!" he said with a smile (to be continued)

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