Global Evolution

Chapter 211

Chapter 211: 211

When Liu Chang silently recited this sentence in his heart, he was not that kind of self hypnosis of MLM style, without passion and blood, but just a responsibility and responsibility .

Only the coward needs encouragement . Liu Chang is no longer cowardly . The greatest harvest brought by the end of life is not his strong eyesight, not his thick scales, nor his strong body, but a strong heart . A heart honed by countless deaths and dangers, the heart of the last world .

You can be moved and sad because of the death of a loved one, but you won’t let negative emotions occupy your mind and affect your next life plan .

You can have blood on your hands, but you don’t crave power and blood, because people who are bloodthirsty are actually venting their anger and fear through killing .

When faced with the threat of death, I no longer feel, to fear .

Survival is a kind of * *!

This is the heart of the end of the world, a heart polished by sand, stone, wind and fire, a man’s heart, a solid heart, which is forged after seeing and suffering .

This heart does not belong to one person, but belongs to all the strong people who survive . They are equally brilliant and different .

Li’s silence in the face of death

Milan’s retreat in the face of death

Li Feng and Zhou Kai’s tenacity in the face of death

Even voiceless now silence and every day stubborn .

These are the hearts of the end of the world . They are strong hearts that have been polished by countless pains . They are the hearts of the most suitable people to survive .

Therefore, Liu Chang has never issued any hard orders in this team, because people with these hearts know how to choose . No matter whether they are alive or dead, they have their own independent will .

Liu Chang with his own independent will and the heart of the end of the world, not long after he went out, he wrote another dishonorable pen in his life history of more and more bad deeds .

He robbed .

Robbers usually use knives to rob people, so Liu Chang is an anti robber . He grabs a knife .

To be exact, he robbed more than a dozen regiments and gangs before he found a bigger knife and a huge machete .

Of course, the model is not as big as the one created by the clone in his dream, but it is also a rare big guy . The person who uses him is a guy who looks very strong, and his body is full of flesh . It seems that his strength has been greatly improved . Therefore, this knife should be used exclusively by him .

And this special tool, after Liu Chang knocked out his owner, became a tool for Liu Chang to practice wielding the knife .

After Hu found the right thing for half a morning, Liu Chang began to swing his knife .

It’s so simple and boring that there’s nothing to be said about it .

Then, in addition to eating and urinating, Liu Chang didn’t even take the excrement . From the morning to the afternoon, and from the afternoon to the night, the eldest and the second came back, and then the others gave in consciously . Finally, the course entered the stage of dream training .

Today, the scene that Liu Chang dreamed of is a closed secret room . There is no blue sky and white clouds around it . There is only a very wide room with no end to see . The top of the room is gray sky board, and the ground is also gray . The scenery is monotonous to the extreme, just like his knife wielding process in a day .

"It seems that mood really affects dreams . " The boss looked at the gray overhead .

"And the third one?" Liu Chang asked, "he didn’t come today . Can’t something happen?"

"Something happened . " "I heard that there was a super strong character in the research institute these two days, and then the whole senior management broke up because of this character . Because he had just arrived at the institute two days ago, he said he would kill all the cockroaches in the city within three days

"So cool?" Liu Chang was surprised and said, "who is it?"

"Who knows, either a super powerful person or a super unreliable person . " The second said, "the third has already inquired . Of course, this matter has nothing to do with us . After all, no matter how powerful the cockroach is, it can’t kill us . Let the senior management do it by themselves . When the third one goes out today, the main thing is to contact the smelter for you . "

"Well, I also want to build you a few more powerful bullets . " The boss said, "but our small workshop can’t do it . We need more sophisticated equipment . "

"What stronger bullet?" Liu Chang asked .

"It’s a bullet with a special function, used with shredded meat . " The boss said: "the specific research method has not yet been worked out, because the impact of your meat is too strong, I don’t know whether adding something into the bullet can be done . After all, the more powerful the impact of the gun, the more difficult it is to finish the bullet . I don’t want to let the bullet explode in the muzzle of the gun because of one of my additives or a Hu "pattern . "

The boss rubbed his chin and thought for a while, and then said, "so, you’d better not think about it . First, practice your melee things first . You should eat your meals one by one and do things one by one . "

"OK . " Liu Chang still nods today"You can just do it in the daytime . It’s an endless practice . " The boss said: "yesterday, because we consumed too much, we couldn’t do other exercises for you, so we let you swing the knife overnight . Today, although we still have to do about knife wielding, the key is to train your eyes . "

The old man said, still as yesterday, a hand, from the air made that simple thick back giant knife, and then handed him to Liu Chang .

After receiving the huge sword, Liu Chang obviously felt that his arm was heavy today . Compared with yesterday, this knife has a lot of weight .

as like as two peas, "this weight is the influence I exert on your brain . Of course, this influence is really real, so the knife you use today is almost the same as the knife I am going to build for you . " After handing the knife to Liu Chang, the elder brother reached out again and made an assault rifle out of thin air . "Let’s feel it . What we’re going to do next is not so simple . "

"Well, for today’s eye training, we feel that you can’t use your own dynamic vision and computational analysis skills . " The second added: "get used to the knife . The next thing we need to do is to practice chopping bullets with knives . "

"The knife cuts the bullet?" Liu Chang waved a big knife, his eyes showed doubts, "this is not easy, my speed is many times slower than the bullet . "

"It’s not easy . It requires absolute control of your dynamic vision and the ability to calculate in your brain . " "From here, from the bullet shooting, even from the moment I move my muscle, the trajectory of the bullet should be predicted in advance . In fact, what you have to do is to use the powerful computing power to calculate the [movement] trajectory of each submunition, and then put it there!"

"Yes, on the trajectory of the bullet . " The second one acts as the interpreter of the boss’s words, "it’s not so difficult to cut the bullet with a knife . You always have this talent, but you can’t use it . "

"No nonsense, you have already got the knife . Next, you know how to do it!" The boss took the gun and stepped back more than ten steps, and opened a distance with Liu Chang .

"Well . " Liu Chang frowned, the knife edge was flat on his chest, and then his body slowly changed . No matter in dream or out of dream, he became strong and ferocious . His scales covered his skin, his muscles swelled and his bones became huge .

"Ready!" After Liu Chang’s change was completed, his mind and attention were all focused on the boss .

"OK, then I’ll shoot!" The boss yelled, the muzzle of the assault rifle flashed out the flame tail, and then accompanied by the "sudden" sound, spewed out countless metal bullets .

The trajectory of the bullet is very clear in Liu Chang’s eyes . From the moment he saw the first bullet, he suddenly raised his arm and wanted to move the huge blade to chop the flying metal particles . However, the speed of the bullet was too fast, his arm lifting speed was too slow, and then the bullet just half moved, it had hit his scallop and flashed fire .

"Oh The pain came from the body, it was so intense .

"I give you extra pain . Focus!" The eldest’s bullets are almost unlimited . He yelled, while still holding the rifle "abruptly . " you need to judge from the moment my arm moves . Also, have you forgotten your muscle strength skills? When you swing the first bullet, what’s the muscle movement in your right back thigh? Is that where you should follow hard? Originally man and each other, to understand the rational use of muscle groups ah! The extra action will only make your slow action slower, and the swing should be simple, direct and effective

The boss was shooting and shouting, while Liu Chang was attacked by the bullets . A big shot is very good, almost all bullets are shot, and he was cut from the beginning to the end, but he blocked some with the blade .

"Oh, no tricks . Don’t block a bullet with the back of your knife . I can block a bullet with such a large cross section Seeing the fire from Liu Chang’s knife, the boss continued to cry out: "pay attention to the knife, judge the subtle movement on my arm, and then put the knife in advance where you predicted the bullet track . My arm moves like a snail in your eyes, so concentrate on your attention and put it there!"

"Just put it there in advance . . . "

"Just put it there . . . "

What a light sentence, what a difficult thing - in the first class training of the night, Liu Chang evaded and blocked countless bullets in the first two hours, but he didn’t hit even one bullet . (to be continued)

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