Global Fog Survival

Chapter 112: New Function

Chapter 112: New Function

“Do we really have to hand over everything?” a survivor inside the vehicle whispered.

Joining Colin’s side could also be done through an alliance, and it felt like pooling resources to get a war chariot gave them some leverage, right? Handing over all their assets, including the three-cores set and the war chariot, seemed too restrictive.

“It’s up to you. I’m planning to fully commit and hand over everything I have. As for the money put into the war vehicle, I’ll just consider it my travel expense for coming here,” a female member among the five said gloomily.

She had had enough of this life of constant anxiety; she just wanted a safe environment to live simply. She no longer wanted to experience scenes where survivors fought like stray dogs over dried, brittle bones for a bit of resources. That day, she felt like a domesticated pet dog, seeing the world’s rawest barbarism and rudeness from a different perspective for the first time. Moreover, this world had the gray fog, mutants, and countless desperate dangers.

The woman didn’t think merely forming an “alliance” would make their lives much better. When one force becomes too powerful, an alliance can be a joke, ready to be torn apart at any moment. In that case, it’s better to join proactively, becoming “one of them” sooner, gaining higher status and seniority. Sometimes, choices matter more than effort.

So, when the war vehicle door opened, the woman didn’t hesitate to choose complete submission, aligning herself with the unstoppable rising survivor, Colin.

However, just as the woman handed over the scroll in her hand, a line of system text suddenly appeared in Colin’s mind underground.

【Detection: Survivor “Colin” now possesses 100 parchment scrolls. New function for the parchment scrolls will be unlocked.】

【”Map” function has been unlocked separately.】

【Note: If the number of parchment scrolls you control drops below 100, this function will no longer work properly.】

“A map?” Colin was stunned, then immediately delighted, quickly accessing this new function.

The next moment, in the center of the yellowed, blank scroll, some blurry images began to spread from the center outwards, like ink dropped on paper.


“So slow,” Colin couldn’t help but complain.

After a minute, the map had only loaded an area the size of a palm, less than a tenth of the entire parchment scroll.

Also, collecting 100 parchment scrolls didn’t come with any achievements or rewards? Even a few black breads as a token would have been something. The system was becoming increasingly stingy.

“Boss, is this a new function?” Li Chou and others crowded over.

Only Colin had heard the prompt; the others didn’t know what it was.

Colin nodded, “I now have 100 parchment scrolls, and a ‘map’ function appeared.”

“Is this a large map?” Russell glanced and said, “I remember its activation requires controlling ten survivors, then it displays a tenth of the area. I’m curious to see where this ‘treasure map’ has transported us.”

Since being teleported here, Russell had always known that the end of the mountains was where the “treasure map” held the greatest treasure, but he no longer had the capability to retrieve it. However, he was still curious about the nearby terrain.

Ten scrolls… Colin and his team were already used to such things, wanting to complain but unsure what to say.

“Speaking of which, why is your map so slow?” It had been three minutes, and the map had only revealed half, with many elements still loading.

There were not many labels, only some sketches of the regions. After a few more minutes, the entire map was finally revealed. Among the marked points, Colin saw about a hundred symbols, seemingly representing territories. The distances between these points varied, not uniform.

The largest marked point had many smaller points around it. 【You realize this point represents your territory and the war vehicles nearby.】

【You guess the map only shows a third of the area, and more scrolls will reveal more.】

A hundred scrolls show a third, so three hundred would reveal the entire area? Colin did some quick math and realized that three hundred parchment scrolls were needed for the complete map of the area.

He then noticed the furthest five points from his own territory were separated by a large blurred area, looking like an “enclave.”

“Why are there people living so far away?” Colin was puzzled.

Moreover, half of this third of the area seemed to show a border between land and sea, as he found Silver Moon Bay not far from his territory on the map.

【You vaguely realize you are not far from the sea, and perhaps everyone in the area is close to the sea.】

“Everyone is close to the sea? That’s interesting,” Colin rubbed his chin, beginning to understand the hint.

This implied that, including himself, all survivors were near the sea. This meant the area was likely an island, surrounded by water.

“No wonder no one from other areas comes over; we’re on an island. Oh, even if the areas were connected, it seems impossible to cross.”

Colin remembered that someone mentioned in the chat channel that there should be a more intense “gray fog wall” between regions. It was speculated that beyond the wall was another area, but no matter how one tried, they couldn’t pass through the “gray fog wall.” Stepping into it felt like treading in place, but retreating brought them straight out.

Since no one had crossed, it remained a mainstream guess.

At this point, Russell, seeing the map no longer loading, was surprised, “Why did it stop? The area isn’t fully displayed.”

Colin shook the map, saying, “This is all of it.”

He realized what Russell meant. In their group, controlling or subduing a hundred people might have revealed the entire area.

However, neither the “alliance” nor “subjugation” functions were available to Colin’s group.

“??? A hundred parchment scrolls mean a hundred survivors, but it doesn’t show the entire area? Your system is really lame. Whoa!” Russell was about to complain further when suddenly he clutched his heart, bent over, and spat blood on the table, looking significantly weakened.

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