Global Fog Survival

Chapter 34: Aid in the Snow

The revenge of the stone…

Colin quipped to himself.

However, the stone didn’t hit his position, missing by about two meters.

After a few seconds of deathly silence, Colin rubbed his chest where his ribs had been bruised, forcing a smile to reassure Sanna that he was fine.

Collin’s gaze unconsciously swept over Sanna, and then he thought the soil seemed softer…

After all, his back didn’t hurt from the fall, but his chest was bruised…

“Ah, I’m sorry.” Sanna sincerely apologized.

Even without her help, that stone wouldn’t have hit anyone; it was a bit embarrassing…

“Do you need me to brush off the dirt on you?” Sanna asked.

“No, no need…”

After politely declining, Colin subtly changed the topic to escape the awkwardness, “More importantly, I think we should check out the explosion site.”

When he mentioned the explosion, Sanna’s eyes lit up, and she nodded in agreement.

Not long after, Colin arrived at the spot where he had placed the explosives and saw a shockingly large crater.

The crater was over half a meter deep and several meters in diameter, clearly indicating its terrifying destructive power. However, the soil around the crater was very “loose,” sinking underfoot like fluffy cake.

[Hint: By observing, you find that the explosive power is similar to the descriptions you have seen online.]

[Therefore, you are quite certain that even though this world has many strange things, the scientific knowledge you know is still valid here.]

Colin’s lips curled into a smile. He had been a bit worried that the presence of magic or similar energies in this place would greatly reduce the power of firearms.

However, fortunately, the hint provided a satisfying answer.

Next to him, everyone was surprised. Sanna took a deep breath of the lingering “fragrance” in the air, her usually gentle and kind voice now tinged with excitement:

“How much of this stuff can you make?”

She had seen clearly from start to finish that using such a unique weapon didn’t require any magical activation.

This meant that this thing… could be used by ordinary people!

If it could be mass-produced…

The mere thought made Sanna feel happy.

“Making ten to twenty barrels shouldn’t be a problem…”

Collin thought for a moment and said casually, “It mainly depends on how much frost stone is left in the mine…”

He wasn’t too worried about running out of saltpeter. Given the productivity of this era, that seemed unlikely.

Unless the ruling class of extraordinary beings personally mined it, that was even less likely…

So, the saltpeter mine likely had plenty of reserves.

With the system’s various functions, he could quickly produce a large amount of explosives even by himself.

But the problem was, mining saltpeter in the cave was very troublesome. If Colin didn’t want to be tied to this place, he needed to establish a production line.

That would require a lot of manpower…

People were cheap…

To put it bluntly, in this situation, a human life might be worth only a hundred or two hundred milliliters of water… a piece or even half a piece of bread (for lords who didn’t eat human flesh).

However lanterns, blood, and food restrictions, along with territorial limitations, made it impossible for Colin to have a population boom.

Moreover, missing this opportunity would only increase the cost of a population boom.

When the initial group of servants who couldn’t be fed all starved to death, the cost for Colin to have a population boom would be astonishing.

The more he thought about it, the more pressure he felt.

For a moment, the joy and sense of accomplishment from the black powder were washed away completely.

At that moment, in a secondary territory within the fog, a secondary lord named Huang Weiyang was leisurely enjoying roasted rat meat.

Despite the lack of spices, salt, or any condiments, the crispy meat aroma was unforgettable, with the fragrant oil blending with his saliva, making Huang Weiyang crave the protein.

“I worked hard for years without buying a house, but in this godforsaken place, I have one…”

He chuckled self-deprecatingly, missing his small rented apartment.

Although the toilet clogged every day, even without flushing anything, at least he wouldn’t risk dying every time he stepped outside.

And the tech stocks he invested in last year were still rising; he had planned to splurge by the end of the year, but then he ended up here.

Just as he was reminiscing, a distant, rumbling explosion made him shiver.

“What was that?!”

He was puzzled for a moment, then remembered the information he saw in the chat channel earlier, his face turning pale.

No, it couldn’t be…

Though he had joked about hoarding guns, feeling a bit of schadenfreude, experiencing it himself was different…

Now, their area had become a granary…

The man looked at the chat channel, where most people were still unaware, but some nearby had noticed the anomaly.

“I think I heard something, does anyone know what happened?”

“Didn’t notice? What’s so strange?”

“I think I heard it too, sounded like thunder. But what’s more important is the team exploring the forest. Some active guys suddenly went silent.”

“They’re probably dead, no big deal.”

“Guys, I have something to tell you. Don’t freak out…”

“What is it? So mysterious…”

“Spit it out, stop dragging.”

“Someone in our area made explosives…”


Suddenly, the chat channel went silent.

But after a few seconds, messages exploded, and even the lurkers were drawn out.

“Holy shit, are you serious? Out of millions of areas, it happened to be ours?”

“Honestly, the odds are too low.”

Huang Weiyang looked at the messages and smiled bitterly, typing:

“I served in the military and have seen these things. I guarantee I didn’t hear wrong. That was definitely an explosion, not thunder… We’re really that one in a million…”

“Holy shit, explosives! There’s no ban for this?!”


The chat channel was filled with venting messages.

Those who had explored outside knew what having black powder meant…

After everyone finished venting, the man hesitated before cautiously suggesting:

“How about we join forces to… talk to that person? I roughly know the direction.”

Talk? What a joke!

Everyone knew what he really meant.

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