Global Fog Survival

Chapter 42: Clever Miss Colin

The screams weakened…

Sanna stood in the center, surrounded by a gentle green breeze, and everyone’s condition was quickly improving.

Seeing that there were no more issues here, Colin began to count the spoils of the battle.

Opening his inventory, his eyes first landed on some special items, most of which came from the mage.

Especially the six hundred plus “Twisted Flesh Mushrooms,” which were particularly eye-catching.

[You realize that these mushrooms might be combinable with the “Sun Mushrooms” you have seen before. Once combined, their negative effects will be greatly reduced.]

[Additionally, if given to an alchemist of stage three or higher, they could create a special nerve-connecting potion.]

“So, that’s how these things are used. Unfortunately, I don’t have either right now…”

Colin muttered, then looked at the other items.

A mage robe, a staff, some fog points left after spending, a treasure map fragment…

And a “Twisted Soul.”

“The ‘Twisted Soul’ looks pretty new, probably acquired today, and he couldn’t wait to send it to me. Although this mage was not a good person, his awareness is commendable.”

Colin toyed with the broken staff in his hand, his gaze lingering on the mage robe, faintly sensing the power within both items.

[“Tattered Witch Robe”]: Wearing it will decrease your sanity to some extent, but you will gain three times that amount in mental protection.

[Note 1: As long as I am dumb enough, I won’t go insane.]

[“Broken Frost Staff”]: Using it can trigger the residual frost power within, freezing enemies with endurance below 4 for a minute after three hits.

[Remaining uses: 5]

[Note: Severely damaged, cannot be repaired.]

“A piece of control equipment, not bad… uh…”

Colin instinctively used his hinting ability, and within seconds, his body stiffened, his expression turning strange…

[You realize these two items come from the same person and have withstood the erosion of time due to their superior craftsmanship; otherwise, they would have rotted away long ago.]

[You know too little about them to trace their origins, but you find a negative effect on them.]

[If a male uses these items, he will gradually become more extreme in behavior and lose male characteristics over time, with a small chance of turning into a female…]

This is something that should be sealed away!

In a swift motion, Colin threw both items into his inventory and silently vowed never to use them.

Even if he had to jump off a building, he would never wear that robe or use that staff!

He didn’t want to turn from “Mr. Colin” into “Miss Colin”…

Weakening male characteristics was also unacceptable!

If it weren’t for realizing that these might be important quest items like “Kaidish’s Wooden Wheel,” he would have auctioned them off for something in return.

As for the “Twisted Soul,” Colin didn’t need to think to know it came from the witch.

After completing the quest, the hints for these items might change.

“Whether or not to do the quest aside, the items are fine, so let me see where they come from.”

The twisted blue humanoid flame quietly burned in Colin’s hand, emitting a faint blue glow without any heat.

Colin examined it closely from various angles, confirming that the quest required an inspiration value greater than 9, not sacrificing his little brother, nor would it make Sanna gain a sister. Only then did he crush it.

A familiar daze quickly washed over him.

“Where… am I? Cough cough… where are my sisters…”

“…I am a witch. I come from…”

“…What happened here? Why are there monsters? Where’s the treasure? My sisters are still waiting for me…”

“…Don’t be afraid, I’ll stay to help you…”

“…I did not spread the plague…”

“I… want to go home…”

In an indescribably dreamlike scene, Colin saw a beautiful woman in a witch’s outfit suddenly appear on this land.

She encountered problems upon arrival, forgetting many things but eventually recalling them.

Her purpose seemed to be searching for some treasure, but perhaps out of pity, she chose to stay and help the local villagers resist the plague.

However, someone leaked her presence to the church, which believed she had spread the plague.

In the end, she was executed by a knight order sent by the Church of Suffering.

“The church really never does anything good…”

Colin muttered. So far, apart from Father Kaidish, he hasn’t seen the church do anything good.

A new quest appeared on the scroll.

[Quest Triggered: Homesick Witch]

[Quest Requirement 1: Defeat the “Mutant—Suffering Citizen—Suffering Knight” patrolling Silvermoon Bay and retrieve the witch’s head from the shipwreck.]

[Quest Requirement 2: Defeat the “Mutant—Witch’s Head” in the shipwreck.]

[Quest Requirement 3: Return the “Witch’s Head” to the temple in the Witch’s Forest.]

[Quest Time: Unlimited.]

[Quest Description: The knight order from the Church of Suffering began a massacre under the guise of mining when villagers refused to disclose the witch’s whereabouts.]

[In the end, her location was discovered. Before her death, she seemed not to harbor resentment but instead remembered her homeland. So, fulfill her wish to return home.]

[Quest Reward: Black Bread*999, Fog Points 1000, Special Character Summon Card, Title Gift Box*1, Level 1 Temple Blueprint*1, Water of Life 1000ml, Life Tree Seed*1.]

[Hint: This quest is extremely difficult. You believe you lack the means to reach the “Witch’s Forest,” you believe you lack the means to seal the “Witch’s Head,” you believe the “Witch’s Head” is more dangerous than the Bigfoot Mutant Lord…]

After reading, Colin took a sharp breath, feeling deeply afraid.

This quest overlapped with the “Revenge” quest he had accepted earlier. Had he gone to complete that quest first, his grave would probably be overgrown by now.

Because he would likely have encountered the starting lord-level “Witch’s Head”…

“Thankfully, I was clever and didn’t act recklessly…”

Colin sighed in relief.

Now, looking at the witch’s robe again, he noticed the many cuts, especially around the collar, where there was dark brownish-red dirt that looked like congealed blood.

Clearly, it was blood that flowed out when the beautiful witch was beheaded.

“These triggered quests can’t be taken lightly. They seem simple, like just killing a few monsters, but then you find out they almost always involve lord-level mutants…”

“Lacking enough information will land you in a dire situation like last time.”

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