Global Fog Survival

Chapter 47: What is Fairness?

“Of course, there was another guy in a mage’s robe, not sure where he found it, who used this kind of mushroom to fight the boss. Unfortunately…” Li Hang sneered at the survivor named Li Chou, acting as if he had personally defeated the other guy. “He died a terrible death.”

“I underestimated him. I met that guy yesterday and briefly cooperated with him. He was quite strong but not a good person. After killing that mutant, he tried to turn on me, but I escaped. It’s good he was killed,” Li Chou said with a sigh of relief. “Luckily, I surrendered early and avoided a big mistake. It seems our boss is very strong to have killed that guy.”

If he remembered correctly, that person did use a “swarm” strategy, which was very troublesome. He didn’t expect him to be killed.

Beside him, Li Hang recalled the “mage” and nodded in agreement. “Indeed, he dared to have designs on the boss’s woman. He deserved to die. But our boss, well, didn’t even need to act. The problem was solved. That’s when I realized that following the boss had a future.”

Li Hang continued to “brainwash” him: “Look, there were a thousand people in this area. After yesterday, there were only five hundred left. Now, it’s probably down to four hundred. Each area will have one lord becoming the regional overlord. We have no hope, so it’s better to live miserably than to die nobly, right?”

Their lanterns, scroll, crafting table, and all “dangerous items” in their inventory were confiscated.

Li Hang no longer believed this brother Li Chou had any chance to turn things around. After dealing with four survivors earlier and now taking down three more, he was brimming with confidence and talked more. Besides, this information wasn’t a secret.

“Yes, yes.” Li Chou nodded, a slight smirk on his lips.

“From now on, no talking!” Number Two sensed something off but couldn’t pinpoint it, so he just scolded them.

“Sure, Number Two,” Li Hang laughed. If this guy could turn the tables, Li Hang would swallow the watermelon-sized synthesis table whole. Turning the tables in a desperate situation required conditions, and without them, desperation only led to death. Otherwise, survivors wouldn’t have died so quickly.

Soon, they returned to the base. Li Hang felt like the tables and pots seemed to have been moved… And the people’s expressions looked… strange?

It was probably just his imagination.

Just as Li Hang was about to hand them over like before and wait for Colin to spring the ambush, something unexpected happened.

Li Chou suddenly pulled a metal triangle from his sleeve and aimed it at Colin, who was chatting with Sanna.

“Under the witness of the ‘Shield of the Just Knight,’ I request a fair and just duel to the death with the man before me,” he declared solemnly and quickly.

In the next second, Colin felt himself being pulled into a space about a hundred meters in diameter. Though the surroundings remained unchanged, only the space seemed warped.

The change happened quickly, but Sanna reacted just as fast, using her “Sun Bible” to cast “Meteor Hammer” at him.

But it was too late.

When Li Chou held the “Shield of the Just Knight” and aimed at his target, he became immune to outside attacks. A flash of white light, a clink, and the Bible seemed to hit an invisible shield and bounce off.

“Be careful, Lord Colin!” Sanna and the others realized that even without moving, Colin’s distance from them was increasing.

Reality had twisted somehow.

“I’m fine,” Colin reassured everyone and looked ahead. He remembered the man’s words about requesting a fair duel.

After his declaration, Li Chou didn’t immediately act. Colin felt locked in a space about 100 square meters, like a duel arena. But it seemed to have no real effect.

[You realize that the opponent is using a mystical item with a high rank.]

Holding his axe, Colin examined his opponent, noticing the rusted equilateral triangular shield. The shield was small, like an armor shoulder piece, with curved corners, roughly palm-sized, and covered in rust, but still showed orderly lines.

Li Chou glanced at Colin’s axe, smiling strangely. He didn’t sense any threat from Colin. Looking around, he admitted he was gambling but felt confident he had bet correctly. This handsome man was the leader—the boss Li Hang talked about.

“Heh, your spoils are nice, but they are mine now,” Li Chou sneered, holding the triangular shield, ignoring Colin’s gaze, and continuing solemnly:

“In this fair duel, we follow three rules. I promise to forgo using weapons, and so must you. I promise to forgo blocking, and so must you. I promise to forgo using mystical items, and so must you.”

As soon as he finished speaking, invisible rules were set, and breaking them would incur severe penalties.

The duel would officially start in three minutes…

But that wasn’t the shocking part.

In front of Colin, Li Chou started pulling rusted metal armor pieces from his inventory, putting them on. In three minutes, Colin would face a fully armored opponent without the ability to block, run, or use weapons…

This was supposed to be a “fair” duel…

“This thing is so shameless…” Colin was dumbfounded as he watched him gear up.

Then, “smack,” Colin felt a whip strike on his back, burning pain and impact, making him stagger forward. Turning around, he saw his skin broken and blood seeping, forming a whip mark on his clothes.

The sudden strike was because he hadn’t put down his weapon, violating the no-weapon rule.

And it was real damage!

“Next time, it’s decapitation.”

An invisible voice warned him of the consequences of breaking the rules again.

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