Global Fog Survival

Chapter 69: Nurtured in Silence

“It seems likely they collapsed the cave to escape from the Lord-level mutant or for some other unknown reason…”

“And then, they plunged into that dangerous area, falling into a desperate situation. Indeed, there hasn’t been any news from them on the regional channel…”

Colin thought to himself.

Most of these people didn’t have mystical items, probably only carrying some weapons like swords, perhaps with some “special effects”.

With such combat power, trying to explore there was a joke. Even without encountering monsters, the pervasive, unknown mental influences would be enough to overwhelm them.

Moreover, they arrived this morning, when their enhancements were still insignificant. So Colin concluded that this group was most likely doomed…

Of course, it’s possible that one person survived—the initiator.

Colin had suspected him of lying at the time but couldn’t guess the reason. Seeing the collapse marks now, he felt those lured into this situation were probably out of luck.

Walking beside him, Li Hang also connected the dots and couldn’t help but sigh, “It was a close call. I was tempted then but didn’t act. Otherwise, I’d be stuck there…”

“Didn’t you still end up stuck?” another survivor unceremoniously interjected.

“Ahem, but black powder—can a few mushrooms and black powder compare? Anyone knows how powerful this stuff is at this stage…”

“Besides, following Colin isn’t ‘stuck’. It’s called ‘unexpected acquaintance’…”

“So that’s your excuse for being a lackey?”

Colin ignored their muttering. After observing a bit more, he turned his head and asked:

“Does anyone here know about explosives? Like… how to blast this into an open-pit mine?”

Colin had discovered hints of many Condensed Light Stones behind the riverbed. If they could blast through, there could be significant gains.

He didn’t plan to go deep or enter the dangerous area from here.

He was interested in the Condensed Light stone deposits and the Sunshine Mushrooms.

After all, Condensed Light Stone could merge with weapons like battle axes, adding light attribute damage…

This was one of the options against the “Evil Spirit”.

Fortunately, Colin didn’t choose that option then. Considering the “hundred pounds of crucial weight,” the result would likely have been his gravestone just starting to sprout grass now.

Another reason he remembered was the hint that the power within Condensed Light Stone Stones, if refined, might grant him extraordinary abilities.

That’s why Colin always remembered them.

“Mr. Colin, I know a bit about that. I can handle it…”

The survivor who had been arguing with Li Hang spoke up. He was interested in mining areas, which is why he followed Li Hang to explore.

Hearing Colin’s question, he stood up immediately.

However, his expression bore a slight resemblance to that of a previous proctologist survivor…

But his thoughts differed slightly. He recalled a fortune teller his parents hired when he was young, who said he was a man true to his roots…

He was playing with stones then, later using an excavator to dig stones, and after transmigrating…

Still playing with “stones”…

True to his roots, indeed.

After a brief conversation, Colin assigned him to handle the task and arranged for explosives to be provided.

At this moment, Number One stepped forward, indicating he had something to say.

Seeing Colin’s nod, he respectfully said, “Lord, it’s over half an hour until nightfall…”

As he spoke, he proudly showed off the watch bestowed by the Lord on his team members, particularly the three third-level servants.

“Alright, today’s work is about done. Let’s head back; everyone must be hungry. We’ll eat, have a meeting, and then rest.”

Colin was also tired. He was aware of the time but wasn’t worried because they had the war chariots.

But since there was nothing urgent, they should indeed return to rest.

Soon, everyone was back in the vehicle, and after a ten-minute drive, they returned to Colin’s third-level territory.

Although they could rest in the vehicle, it was certainly not as comfortable as sleeping in a bed.

Just as they arrived home, Colin saw a large group of people in the third-level territory, and for a moment, he was confused—why so many people?

Did I take the wrong path?


No mistake…

After a brief daze, Colin remembered he had recently added over 600 servants, but being on the front lines, others had handled the population transfer.

He was distracted by other issues and forgot about it, so the sight when he returned was unexpected.

Huang Weiyang and others guarding the place quickly came over, transferring the “control” of the slaves to him.

Despite the increased numbers, the limited lanterns meant Colin couldn’t take this large group out of the territory.

These people could only serve as the force guarding the territory and as fresh blood for the Lantern Bearer squad, constantly training in the camp, waiting to replace any fallen members.

Looking at these people, Colin was about to say something when suddenly, including himself, everyone felt a deep unease, as if a heavy pressure had descended.

The sky quickly darkened.

The world’s eerie day-night reversal occurred again!

Beyond the thick fog, all was dark, and visibility was severely limited. Just a glance brought inner turmoil.

At this moment, a voice broke the silence.

Colin sternly said, “Don’t look at the gray fog. Don’t make me teach you this again. Now, prepare the pots and eat! Then orderly return to the barracks and chariots to rest.”

“Yes, Lord!” Number One responded loudly, somewhat ashamed.

With Colin’s order, large pots were set up, and the hungry people “enjoyed” the scarce peace in the limited safe time.

After eating, meeting, and refining the plan, three hours had passed.

After arranging a neighboring house for Sanna, Colin returned to his room, laid down, and fell asleep in less than ten seconds.

This day… So much happened.

But the busy day was all for one purpose, to survive.

However, no one noticed…

In some areas, during that silent night, people in certain territories quietly disappeared.

The terror might not wait for the countdown’s end.

It was already brewing.

The next “morning,” Colin was awakened by noise.

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