Global Fog Survival

Chapter 71: The Source of the Ominous Aura

Not long after this small episode ended, the darkness of the night began to fade gradually. The fog once again illuminated with a faint glow. Colin took out the scroll and checked it: today, the number of survivors in the area channel was 451, with fewer than a hundred deaths, a significant improvement from the first day. It was foreseeable that today, a group of lords would seek refuge with him, presenting another opportunity for expansion.

“…For other survivors seeking shelter and refuge, if they are unwilling to hand over three cores and submit their belongings before using the ‘Shield of the Just Knight’ to establish a relationship with Mr. Colin, they cannot be brought into this territory…”

“They can be placed in other temporary outposts, given basic life protection. Even if they hand over the cores, they must be strictly monitored.”

“We still don’t know in what form the disaster will come, so the ‘betrayal’ of survivors must also be considered as a point of defense…”

This was a plan Rogue proposed to Colin during yesterday’s discussion, to ensure that no unsafe factors infiltrate Colin’s backyard, providing support without any worries. When dealing with unfamiliar lords, Rogue believed that everything should be based on “loyalty.” They could be good people, but not overly kind. With impending disaster, they had no extra energy to deal with unnecessary “relationships.” Everything must be controlled. If those people want to join Colin and share their gains but are unwilling to show “loyalty,” then they would help them become loyal.

As preparations concluded, everything started running according to plan. Colin and his team boarded the war chariot, heading to the church with the escort of six war vehicles. The journey to the church took less than ten minutes, and they quickly entered without hesitation.

【You observe that the tunnel leading to multiple dangerous areas remains unchanged from yesterday.】

It seemed that the so-called gaze had nothing to do with this…

Colin, holding the lamp filled with rare blood, looked at the five-meter-wide tunnel below and made a quick judgment before giving the order. Soon, four servants with shields jumped into the entrance. These wooden shields were made from modified church pews, measuring one meter wide and one and a half meters high, providing decent defense. After grabbing the shields, they held them up front, facing the direction of the tunnel.

Then five more slaves jumped into the tunnel, holding axes, following behind. Finally, Unit 1, carrying the large wheel with his assistant, also jumped into the tunnel. The assistant held the lamp as they moved forward about ten meters. Only then did Colin nod and say, “It’s our turn to go down.”

The exploration team still had eleven people left, including Colin. Four shield bearers went down first, followed by a few servants, and then Colin, Sanna, and Li Chou. The exploration team was divided into two parts, with Unit 1 leading the front and another team trailing ten meters behind. This arrangement not only considered the narrow underground passage to avoid trampling but also ensured more reaction time if the front team encountered a sudden attack. Otherwise, in such a place, chaos could lead to dire consequences.

At the church tunnel entrance, two Lantern Bearer teams were stationed, along with two war chariots and another rotating patrol team around the church entrance. Colin’s personnel and resources were mobilized across the fog, the underground of the church, the central territory, the underground river, and the mining area, functioning like a massive, orderly machine.

At this moment, in the tunnel, Colin held the lamp, with the hard marble ceiling less than a meter above his head. Sanna and Li Chou surrounded him. The downward-sloping tunnel was paved with bluish-black stone steps, uneven and reminiscent of country stone roads. Colin discovered, through his hint, that the tunnel existed long before the church. This revelation surprised him, as he initially thought the tunnel was constructed by the priest, but now this assumption has been debunked.

After about five or six minutes of walking, Colin narrowed his eyes at the sight of an exit ahead, feeling a bit surprised. Outside the exit was a spacious hall, devoid of light, but under the lamp’s illumination, it was clear there was no fog. The floor, walls, and other areas of the hall were covered with dry, thick roots.

【You find these roots have long since withered and died, lacking vitality, but they all seem to have grown from a specific direction.】

Although the hint did not indicate danger, Colin remained cautious, feeling a predator-like gaze on him. He raised his hand, signaling Number One, who immediately entered the hall with his team, carrying the large wheel. Colin watched intently, ready to use his “Mental Pierce” to assist if necessary, but no danger arose. After a brief hesitation, Colin and his team entered the mist-free hall.

Without the fog, the lamp light instantly illuminated most of the underground space, allowing Colin to see clearly. The underground space, the size of a football field, was filled with twisted roots, covering almost every surface. After a quick survey, Colin’s gaze locked onto a direction where he felt the source of all the weirdness emanated. It was also where all the roots converged.

After a brief hesitation, Colin decided to investigate the source. Surprisingly, nothing unexpected happened along the way. But now wasn’t the time to dwell on that. Colin had already seen what was exuding that unsettling aura.

At the end of the tangled roots stood a three-meter-tall statue. It was lifelike and impactful but didn’t depict a “suffering figure” bound and tormented. Instead, it portrayed a young woman in a veil, kneeling, body leaning back, hands hanging down, with a black, thorn-covered sword piercing her chest. Colin could feel the dreadful aura in the hall emanating entirely from this black sword. Without hesitation, he focused on the black, thorny sword and activated his hint.

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