Global Fog Survival

Chapter 94: Support

【You speculate that this is an abnormal reaction triggered by the approaching night.】

【Some unknown effects are occurring. If someone in a level 1 territory is targeted, they can temporarily leave the wooden house and upgrade their territory by lighting Rare Tainted Blood.】

【With a level 2 territory and the aid of Rare Tainted Blood one can avoid this crisis.】

“It doesn’t seem too difficult, but stepping out at night requires a lot of courage.” Colin sighed in relief. All his people were in level 2 or level 3 territories, so he didn’t have to worry about them. Even if they were targeted, they just needed to light the lanterns.

However, the main problem was for those who hadn’t upgraded their territories. Currently, more than half are still in wooden houses. If any of them were targeted and couldn’t think of a solution quickly, they were as good as dead. The terror wouldn’t give them much time to think.

So, it wasn’t a matter of difficulty but of courage. Someone with enough authority and credibility needed to assure people that this method could be executed.

“I need to remind them,” Colin decided. He posted the solution in the chat channel to buy everyone more time. Soon, the message, displayed in blood-red text, was pinned to the chat.

Many were stunned when they saw it.

“All survivors in level 1 territories, if you can, immediately light at least ordinary tainted blood and go out to upgrade your territory.”

“Survivors in level 2 or above, including level 2, if targeted, just light the lanterns (a level 1 war chariot’s defense is comparable to a level 3 territory). This will ensure you’re not breached.”

“From today onwards, treat every day as if nightfall is imminent.”


“Is it really useful to go out and upgrade the wooden houses at this time?”

“I saw someone suggest a similar solution, but is it really safe?”

“The big guy wouldn’t lie to us. Let’s act quickly.”

“Please, every day I use all my energy just to earn a bit of food. I don’t have money for building materials. Can it be cheaper?”

Due to Colin exposing the materials needed for territory upgrades, building prices had risen. Although not by much, for those barely surviving, it was still too expensive.

At this moment, someone in the channel spoke up.

“Offering building materials like stone for free, donating ten sets. Take what you need; don’t be shy.”

“Since the big guy has spoken, I’ll do some good too. Donating a hundred sets of level 2 materials. Help yourself.”

“Wow, how are you so rich?”

“My territory is on a sulfur mine, and I got on Colin’s rapid development plan. I don’t want to be this rich either.”

“Donating twenty sets.”

“Donating two hundred sets.”

More and more aid appeared in the trading market, free of charge. Those still in wooden houses, unable to afford stone, were moved to tears as they received the donations and lit rare Tainted Blood, stepping into the darkness to upgrade their territories.

Amidst the terrifying pressure of the night, these survivors trembled, not daring to look back or into the dark. Even knowing that something was constantly trying to approach the edge of the light, reading the chat on the parchment made it less despairing.

“Brothers, don’t skimp on the blood! The light from anything less than rare blood will be suppressed. Only rare blood is safe.”

“I owe Colin another life.”

“Why is there someone snatching donations and auctioning them at a high price?”

“Damn it, disgusting.”

“Can’t the damn system auto-detect for targeted aid? They can convert information and matter, but can’t do this?”

“Who’s there? Bringing charges to the officer (system)?”

“Shh, watch out for sanctions. Also, your reference is a bit off and has typos. How can brainwave input have typos?”

Although most people refrained from taking the donations, some still made discordant noises. However, the overall atmosphere remained positive, so Colin turned his attention away. He had done all he could.

“Only by preserving more human strength can we hope to survive the coming disasters.” Colin prayed silently for those people.

Without overthinking, he prepared to rest. But then, he noticed something about the woman beside him: “Sanna, what are you doing?”

He had felt Sanna fidgeting occasionally but didn’t know why.

“… My arm wound healed, so I’m re-carving the characters,” Sanna said, showing her white arm to Colin. The wound had healed, leaving only faint marks. Realizing this was inappropriate, she quickly retracted her arm.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to disturb you,” Sanna apologized, looking embarrassed.

Wow, high-attribute talent indeed, Colin thought, unsure what to say. He then noticed his own wound had healed too. Late at night, this meant “Bloodthirsty Stigmata” was still performing treatments.

“Help me with mine too,” Colin said awkwardly, cutting off the treatment transmission temporarily.

Time passed, and apart from a few more piles of ashes near Colin, nothing dangerous happened in the overlapping underground area.

As the hint suggested, the underground was safer at night as long as forbidden areas were avoided.

At the ninth hour, Colin lifted his head from the table and opened his eyes. The surroundings remained dead silent, but with a crisp snap of his fingers, a team quickly assembled.

After some quick preparations, Colin was ready to move again.

“Three hours until dawn. Let’s see if the night is truly safer,” Colin said, leading his team toward the ruined town, using the hints to gather information.

Soon, they reached the partially collapsed church and saw the large rat’s corpse with brown fur.

Even in death, the rat’s body was almost as tall as Colin’s, with several sunken bones, indicating it was crushed before death. From afar, it looked like a rat, but up close, Colin noticed discrepancies.

Especially its hands. “Why do they look like human hands with sharp claws?”

As he moved closer, his heart skipped a beat. The rat’s head looked human, with a mouth full of misaligned teeth.

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