Global Fog Survival

Chapter 99: The Unstable Seal

Plop, plop, plop. A mixture of viscera, shattered bones, and fat, all soaked in blood, rained down. A minute later, Colin and his team emerged from their cover, untouched by any filth. After relighting the lantern, Colin’s mind churned with thoughts triggered by the name he had heard.

“Kaidish Watt, I didn’t mishear, right?”

Colin distinctly remembered that this manor was called “Watt Manor.” At this moment, he suddenly realized that the monster’s gaze wasn’t on him but on the Number One by his side. More specifically, on the bloodstained, thorny wooden wheel Number One was holding.

【Kaidish Watt, the priest’s real name, was once a core member of this noble estate.】

【After a horrific sacrificial event, he chose to betray his family.】

【That night, as a dazzling white meteor fell from an unknown height, he demonstrated his “miracle.”】

“So, he had a sudden burst of filial piety and righteousness, killed his entire family, suppressed the first rat plague, and sealed everything underground?” Colin’s expression was somewhat peculiar.

Subsequently, the priest became one of the Thirteen Saints of the Church of Suffering, but later had his sainthood revoked. Colin originally thought this was just an ordinary elite monster, but it turned out to be linked to many significant events. And if he wasn’t mistaken, the light among the mountains was the “white meteor” that fell that night.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, Colin turned to the few bewildered survivors: “Besides you, are there any other survivors?”

They hesitated, then one survivor replied softly, “Six.”

What was that glowing orb the man had? Colin wanted to ask but decided against it, fearing it might cause them further distress. From their appearances, they seemed fine, but a closer look revealed serious issues. Their mental states had clearly suffered severe trauma and shock, which would greatly impact their lives. Moreover, the hints mentioned that their lifespans were significantly shortened, with none having more than a year to live.

However, this wasn’t the most urgent issue, as the countdown in a few days was the immediate concern. If they survived the countdown, they would have opportunities to extend their lives.

“Drink this first,” Colin said, pulling out several bottles of “enhancement potion” from his backpack. These potions were most effective when base attributes were around 2, but even if much lower, they wouldn’t cause fatal effects—just a 100% chance of temporary “Praise the Sun” syndrome, with a slight chance of it becoming permanent.

Colin explained the effects of these items openly.

“Thank you!”

The four survivors, visibly moved, immediately tore open the bottles and drank. At this point, they would try anything that might soothe their spirits, even if it meant dying afterward. Their primary goal in escaping the dungeon wasn’t survival, but finding a way to die without suffering.

They simply wanted a less painful death. The potions tasted awful, and their faces twisted as they drank, but then they felt a surge of strength enveloping their bodies, soothing their pains. A fervent, special desire surged up—

“Praise the Sun.”

Their eyes seemed to glow as they stared at Colin with fanaticism.

Praise the Sun if you must, but why stare at me? Colin felt his goosebumps rise. Fortunately, they didn’t act on their praises, allowing Colin to relax a bit. Due to the properties of the ingredient “Flesh Mushroom,” they couldn’t be knocked unconscious, so any aggressive behavior would be problematic.

【You observe that their temporary desire to praise will last between four and six hours.】

This… Colin rubbed his temples, unsure what to do with these survivors constantly whispering “Praise the Sun” behind him. He then checked the quest assigned by the system on the parchment.

【Eradicate the Remaining “Nobles”】

【Quest Description: The former Watt nobles gained immortality through a special, bloody ritual, losing their humanity and becoming violent and brutal.】

【Quest Duration: Unlimited.】

【Quest Requirement: Kill all “Twisted—Fallen Nobles.” current task progresses at 94%.】

【Quest Rewards: Recovery Card*1, Hardened Black Bread*99, Contaminated Eyeball*1.】

【Hint: With the last Primordial Source dead, you know that the remaining offspring are no longer a threat.】

【However, you clearly realize that with the death of this “Noble Primordial,” the rats it controlled will once again go out of control.】

【If the seal is not reinforced quickly, a new “Human-Faced Rat” could form in a short time.】

“Well, with this eyeball, I’ve got a matching pair.” Colin looked around at the dozen stone archways in the hall, then focused on one. “Rescuing the survivors can wait; the sealing task comes first.”

He didn’t want a lord-level mutant to form while he was trying to save people. Even Colin would have a headache dealing with such a monster without adequate preparation.

As he intervened in this underground incident, the main threats had been killed, meaning the dungeon survivors were relatively safe now.

After waiting a few minutes, Colin, carrying the lantern, led the group through the opera hall, still smoldering with scattered fire sparks and smoke. Without lingering or looting the monsters’ bodies, they entered one of the stone archways. Soon, they encountered a spiral staircase leading downward.

The four survivors beside him showed horror on their faces, triggered by terrible memories. Following the hints, Colin and his team slowly descended, arriving at a vast underground space.

An underground town seemingly built of white bones. At its center was a black circular altar, its middle engulfed in darkness. From there, Colin heard the chilling sound of countless rats.

Thankfully, nine pillars, engraved with holy marks and emitting white light, suppressed everything.

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