Global Killing: I Could Plunder Talent

412 Chapter 412

"Sure enough, it's a little troublesome. If we want to completely destroy the opponent's soul, our soul must come into contact with the opponent's body, but in this way, it will increase the risk of our soul being attacked."

Dick said thoughtfully after taking back his soul.

"This kind of power can't be used easily. We still have to try a few more times."

Soon, a new magical beast appeared in front of Dick. He withdrew his soul power and used his innate power to fight against it.

In another spirit-level challenge area, Dalik was confronting a young man from another secret force.

The two had different degrees of scars on their bodies. They had just worked together to kill a magical beast, but when the young man from the secret forces wanted to collect the corpses of the magical beast, he was attacked from behind by Dalik.

"What do you want to do? Don't forget more powerful magical beasts will appear later. If you want to kill me, you can't live here!"

The young man covered the wound on his chest and shouted at him.

"Can't live? No, no, no. you can't live without me. Besides, I don't want to kill you. I just want you to change your form of existence."

Dalik looked at the young man with a smile. He licked the blood on his finger, then stretched out a finger and crooked it slightly.

There seemed to be an invisible silk thread connecting him and the young man. It wrapped around the young man's neck, making him unable to control his body. He could only watch himself walk towards Dalik and then kneel down at Dalik's feet.

"Look, you are my best friend now. Friend, this is the world of killing. How can you be so unsuspecting to me? You can't blame me for being too vicious. You are too naive and stupid."

Dalik looked at the young man under his feet with pity. He gently turned the invisible silk thread in his hand, and the young man also stood up under his control with his back to him.

Not far away, a powerful magical beast had just drilled out of the ground.

"Well, look, our enemies are not far away. Now as a servant, please win for me."

Although the young man still kept his consciousness, he could no longer control his body.

He said stiffly.

"Yes, master, I will win for you."

The young man pounced on the huge magical beast. And the magical beast also opened its ferocious big mouth and bit the young man's body.

Just as the sharp teeth of the magical beast were about to touch the young man's body, one of the young man's arms suddenly exploded, and the terrifying impact directly shattered the jaw of the magical beast.

However, the young man seemed not to feel any pain and continued to attack the magical beast with his last arm.

The magical beast couldn't stand it anymore. It raised one of its claws, endured the pain in its jaw, and threw the young man away. At this time, Dalik suddenly appeared in front of it. The cyan sword blade pierced through its head and smashed it into pieces.

Looking at the magical beast at his feet, he spat disdainfully and shouted at the young man who was sent flying to the corner by the magical beast.

"Hey, my servant, I am calling you. Why are you still lying? Come here quickly. We are about to face the next magical beast!"

A hand stretched out from the broken stones in the corner of the wall and tried hard to push away the stones on his body.

The young man stood up from the stone heap. He was covered in wounds all over his body. The claw marks of the magical beast almost pierced through his chest, and at least 60% of his blood had been lost.

But to everyone's surprise, this young man still kept his eyes open and said to Dalik in a dry voice.

"Yes, my master. I'm coming. I'm your most loyal servant. What my master asked me to do must be correct."

Dalik looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction. His face gradually twisted and a crazy smile appeared on his face.

"Yes, yes! That's it! This is the loyal servant to me! It's so great to have such a talent! My dear servant, let's go to the demigod-level battlefield together and crush that Dick!"

Dick suddenly shivered. He felt like someone was looking at him in the darkness, but he couldn't tell where it came from.

He had already killed two magical beasts of the spirit level. As long as he killed one more, he would be able to accumulate 1000 points to the challenge area of demigod-level.

He took a deep breath and looked at his watch. There were still 14 minutes left before the end. If he moved fast enough, he should still have the time to kill a magical beast in the demigod-level area.

A moment later, a huge magical beast emerged from the ground. Its mountain-like body gave Dick a strong sense of pressure.

The magical beast had reached a nine-stage spirit level, which was only a little bit weaker than the demi-god. After killing several Halidom beasts, Dick had reached the peak of the seven-stage spirit level.

At this moment, facing the behemoth, Dick unleashed all his strength. His divine blood boiled, and in an instant, his combat strength reached an eight stage.

All the elements were released by Dick.

The shadows of the two elements, light and darkness, stood behind Dick.

A brilliant light blocked the sight of the magical beast.

At this moment, time slowed down. The little golden soul was separated from Dick's body and floated slowly in front of the huge magical beast.

"No matter how powerful a magical beast is, it always has its weakness. Your talent makes your physical strength extremely strong, but your soul seems a little weak."

In the soul state, Dick stretched out a hand and touched the head of the magical beast. The golden soul power was surging like a tide and devoured the soul of the magical beast.

Although the soul power of the magical beast was also very strong, it was like a child's doll in front of Dick.

Its soul was destroyed and its body was killed by Dick.

Dick finally got 1000 points.

"Halidom Announcement: Congratulations, Dick from the first competition area got 1000 points in the spirit-level challenge area and entered the demigod-level challenge area."

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