Chapter 35 Spirit Of Asura

The atmosphere trembled as Lou Yan uttered; the space above the coliseum cracked as immense godly energy gushed out. A bright golden light emerged from the cracked space as it entered Lou Yan.

The divine energy from the cracked space remained to pour as it fueled Lou Yan. Lou Yan had her eyes closed when she uttered the Heavenly Eyes technique; after the golden light entered her, her eyes became golden as she smirked while looking at Patrick and spoke.

"There are thirteen stages to our Heavenly eyes technique; after the ninth stage, we gain additional abilities. With the tenth form, I can use the divine energy from the god Asura to supplement me, which means with my connection not broken with it, I cannot run out of Qi, hahaha. Are you scared now?"

Patrick didn't reply to Lou Yan but looked at the cracked space where the energy leaked from. The golden energy poured profusely in a thin straight line into Lou Yan. Patrick remained at his spot with hands behind him, not considering Lou Yan's words. He spoke.

"Since you underestimate me so much by only using the tenth form, then I have to teach you that Saint realm is nothing but compared to a Qi condensation realm cultivator in front of me."

"Hahaha, you compare me to a Qi condensation realm? then I will make you regret your words."

Lou Yan angrily smirked as she flashed at Patrick with a fist attack; her golden eyes shifted at fast speed, trying to predict Patrick's countering method.


The attack landed on Patrick's face; the impact of the attack caused the stage behind Patrick to shatter into dust, but even with how devastating the attack was, it was unable to reach the public or the stands because of the barrier Patrick created to prevent unnecessary damage.

Lou Min was the most excited and shocked at the stands above when she heard her daughter utter the heavenly eyes technique tenth form. The heavenly eyes technique was a cultivation method the ancestor of the Lou family acquired after entering a mysterious dimension twenty thousand years ago.

The Lou family became powerful enough to rival immortals and saints. Still, after the demons invaded, the Lou family lost the complete method to cultivating the Heavenly eyes technique, thus beginning the decline of the Lou family.

The emperor saw the tenth form of the Heavenly eyes technique; he had an ugly expression, he now understood why the guardians never troubled the Lou family. Even after many accused them of crimes, the guardians brushed it off like nothing; but now everything made complete sense after witnessing such devastating power.

The other powerhouses on the same stand all sent gazes at Lou Min; some began changing their views of the Lou family. The Lou family now has a Saint realm cultivator, which means their level of respect has surpassed even the Ju empire; furthermore, now they will have the complete cultivation method to the Heavenly Eyes technique, producing more powerful monsters in their family.

Everyone anticipated the results of Patrick losing because of how devastatingly powerful the attack was and how it turned the stage into dust.

Jiang Shi was the first to notice the invisible barrier that withstood the attacks from reaching the public; he closed his eyes as he sent a wisp of qi string to inspect the barrier. But before the qi string could leave the stands, it was cut off by Lou Min, whose eyes were already glowing from using the Heavenly eyes cultivation technique.

"Elder should refrain from a battle which none of us can comprehend, or offending any of those two will cause something neither sects nor families can endure."

Lou Min spoke; she gave a threatening gaze at Jiang Shi. Jiang Shi understood what Lou Min meant; if Lou Yan or Alex noticed any malicious intent, all hell would break loose on that person and their background.

Lou Yan continued ramming attacks on Patrick without rest from different angles and sides; still, Patrick remained steady with a bored expression. She used fists and kicks at fast speed and was still unable to even move Patrick an inch from his spot.


Patrick sighed loudly as Lou Yan realized that her attacks were not causing any damage and seized her attacks; she realized that her ability wasn't affecting this person at all. She thought;

'my heavenly eyes tenth form couldn't even work against him? How strong must someone be not affected by a Saint realm technique?'

"What the hell are you? Why are you not affected by my attacks? What treasure or cultivation technique are you practicing?"

Questions upon question were what came out; Lou Yan began generating the feeling of fear as she asked; she realized her technique doesn't even predict anything when she looked at Patrick; it was completely USELESS.

"I will give you one last chance to use the thirteenth form of your heavenly eyes technique."

Patrick had a dull, boring expression; he reassembled the stage to its previous state and reinforced it not to break again.

Knowing that she wouldn't defeat this unknown genius named Alex so easily, Lou Yan had no choice but to activate the final form of the Lou family's technique. She bit her lip and spat blood on the ground as she shouted.

"Heavenly Eyes technique; final form, spirit of Asura the destroyer."

Lou Yan used her final form, which required blood to summon the spirit of a god. The tenth stage provides an infinite supply of qi from a god as long as the connection with that god still exists; the eleventh stage grants the person to reverse time while sacrificing a life span; the twelfth stage allows one to see the weakness of their target, and the final form summons a god after using blood as the intermediary.

The cracked space where the divine energy leaked from enlarged as a gigantic spirit slowly reached out; the left hand was first, and then came the right. But then more arms began coming out; moments later, the whole body of the spirit stood in the void as it stood hundreds of meters tall in the void.

The spirit was not the physical representation but a qi-formed spirit of Asura; Asura had his eyes closed when Lou Yan summoned it. After emerging, Asura opened his red eyes as his Qi suppression immediately caused the people to feel immense pressure and domination; Asura looked down as he spoke to Lou Yan.

"I see that the technique I gave that kid thousands of years ago still exists; I must applaud him for passing down the complete form for generations. Little girl, it seems you are a descendant of that kid from twenty thousand years ago, not bad. It's quite a feat to achieve saint realm while being in the mortal domains, although its nothing when compared to the immortal domain and higher."

Lou Yan stood up and faced the spirit, which was two hundred meters tall; she wiped the blood from her lips and used her energy to heal herself as she is a saint realm cultivator; little wounds like this causes no damage at all.

"I plead for god ancestor spirit to grant me strength to defeat this human."

Lou Yan spoke with hatred and anger; she is a very proud and arrogant girl; although she let her guard down at first, everything changed after becoming a saint, which boosted her arrogance and dominating spirit. Patrick may have given her that pill, and she boosted her strength but so what? It is still a humiliation to lose to a puny Qi condensation realm cultivator when one is already a saint, a fucking saint.

"Huh? you mean the boy over there? I don't see a reason for you to summon me to defeat an ant which is a Qi condensation realm; this summons is not even a percent of my strength, but that should be able to help you wipe out this world, let alone defeat a Qi condensation realm ant."

Asura spoke with a disappointed expression, who would use their energy to summon the spirit of a god to fight an ant? This realization made him disappointed a little, but he raised his hands a spirit qi began flowing into Lou Yan.

Lou Yan's body began absorbing the energy from Asura, but then something happened.


Lou Yan's body fell to the ground, and the energy stopped flowing into her.

"Since you are not even a percent of the real Asura, then there is no reason to waste time, is there? I was expecting the stronger version of you when the little girl mentioned Asura, but since you exist in the god domain, you can't step into lower realms; sigh, what a let down."

Patrick gave Lou Yan a slight neck chop and knocked her out while absorbing the energy. He spoke to Asura as he slowly floated to reach the eyes of the gigantic Asura; his expectation when Asura was mentioned was a little bit high.

"You Know me?"

Asura asked with a confused expression; he suspected something as he asked again.

"People in this universe's timeline don't know my name other than the people I have encountered; unless you are from the realistic cosmic timeline from earth 101, then that would make sense, but that should still be impossible."

"I am not from earth 101, and yes, I know that you are historical fiction in the realistic timeline of earth 101; it seems you are not as fiction as they thought you are. That doesn't matter anymore, why don't you entertain me for a minute? I think that would be worth your presence."

Patrick spoke to Asura; he knew that Asura was a god from the realistic timeline from earth 101, but the natives of that earth saw him as a myth and fiction. To Patrick, it doesn't matter whether one is fiction or not; if they exist, they are real and not fiction.

Asura smiled as he began shrinking into Patrick's size; his many arms hung behind him with his main two arms folded on his chest. He shrunk and floated opposite Patrick and spoke.

"Since you attacked the descendant of my servant, then I have to take you down for good. This tiny spirit of mine should be able to wipe out this world, let alone a puny ..."


Before Asura could finish his words, Patrick's head tapped him, which smashed him into the ground on the stage; the barrier was still up and covered the square-shaped stage. Asura got up as he raised his finger and carried Lou Yan's body from the stage, sending it to Lou Min, from whom he sensed the same bloodline.

Asura raised his arms in the sky as he shouted with might.

"Heavenly domination suppression."

The sky changed color to red as the clouds gathered and centered at Patrick's head. A suppression force that felt like the sun's gravitational pull was released on Patrick. Patrick remained in the air and watched the force suppress him to the ground. He didn't feel anything but still went down slowly on the stage.

"How is this possible? How are you not pulled to the ground?."

Asura spoke loudly and watched Patrick slowly descend to the stage, completely unaffected by his pulling force. He made a fist with his right hand as the suppression force vanished on his will; his face was slowly fading because of the previous attack.

"You are fading because of the lack of qi in this world to sustain your form; I don't want to waste time on a tiny spirit of a lesser god, so let's end those quick, shall we?"

Patrick spoke.

Asura, faced with humiliation, went all out as his energy burst out, causing the space to tremble and time to slow down; he vanished and appeared next to Partick with his arms in fist-made positions. He began throwing fist upon fist at Patrick at fast speed.

Hundreds of miles from the coliseum, the guardians of the Ju empire were floating in the void after they felt the summon of Asura. They were witnessing the fight when the younger guardian spoke.

"Elder brother, this is the same spirit that grandmaster Lou summoned ten thousand years ago when the demons attack."

"Yes, if it weren't for when the demons severed his connection with it, he wouldn't have died; sigh."

"Does elder brother think this spirit will defeat that person?"

"I can't say for sure, but we are not in the position to predict the winner in such a fight."

The older guardian spoke and sent a spirit qi message to Ju Han, the emperor.

Jun Han was already cautious of the Lou family before today, but after witnessing their might, he evaluated the Lou family on a whole different level. If the Lou family rebels now, he would not even stand a chance, and there's also the Shi family who have closed all doors from mortal affairs. The Lou and Shi family have become strong enough to rebel and destroy the empire or even the eastern continent.

He was contemplating when he suddenly received a message from the guardians; the message was several warnings not to approach neither the boy nor Lou Yan, or else, that may lead to the destruction of the Ju empire for good. Ju Han sat at his throne with an annoyed expression.

A minute went by, and Asura was still throwing punches fast at Patrick when suddenly Patrick did something that caused the barrier that he created to break.


Patrick casually slapped Asura as the entire spirit embodiment of Asura was wiped from existence; Asura's voice rang out with anger and resentment after his spirit faded.


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