God of Music

Chapter 343

Chapter 343

Chapter 343: 343

(When you go up, stretch your legs to the left a little more.) (Please loosen this wire a little.) Rehearsal practice ground. The dancers and the staff were talking with the wire. The dancer chief listened to these stories and wrote down what was important. Sessions in the back of the stage were talking to the band master and were making the necessary settings.

(Now, let’s go once again.) When all preparations were over, Shamuel cried out. The wire dancers rose to Ha-neul, and all the bands came out.

“cause I was way–”

In the center of the rising dancers, the voice of Shamuel echoed. Shameless, stepping on the backstep as he slipped, stopped dancing as he made a slight impression. Soon the music stopped, and the dancing dancers came down slowly.

(Mine lower the base a little. Too much.) Under the stage, the hands of the knight who manipulated the equipment in the broadcasting room became obsolete. Shamuel pointed to his ear a few times and complained. Entering the entrance, Kang-yoon stood beside the acoustician. She notes that the songs and instruments’ musical notes are black.

‘Crush.’ Kang-yoon grabbed his chest with heavy pain. Something heavy was feeling to knock. Not only the monitor, but also the sound coming out was also bass.

‘This feeling, there is a problem with the bass.’ The sound engineer kept controlling the bass, but magazine had not been able to get a satisfactory sound. Thanks to this, Kang-yoon had to feel the blunt pain. One thing was clear. This feeling is a bass problem.

Jake It’s too small.) Today, the condition of the sound engineer was not good, and there was a problem in the bass part. Though I was annoyed, she cheered me up slowly. As soon as it was no longer signaled, Shamuel picked up the microphone again.

“cause I was way–”

Kang-yoon closed his eyes. The feeling of beating with a blunt disappeared. Instead, a sharp thorn attracted him with the feeling of stabbing the whole body.

‘What, what is this?’ I was embarrassed. The same was true of stage.

Jake It’s too sharp.) Sorry.

The time to adjust the microphone was getting longer. Jake focused his nerves on his hand, holding his head in his hand.

“cause I was way–”

With all the instruments turned off, only the voice of Simmuel spread. In the darkness, Lee Kang-yoon kept capturing the thorn-pounding feeling.

‘This is a treble problem.’ It was easy to know the two because I knew one. With the hands of the acoustician busy, Simoel’s voice continued. The feeling of stabbing and blunting of the blunt was mixed, and only one was felt.

It ‘s raining. I’ll go this way.) (I’m sorry, shh.) Good I can not let you wait any longer.) In the end, she did not make satisfactory settings. Practice began again with the words of the sound engineer being sorry. As Kang-yoon watched the practice, the musicians made the notes were black.

‘I feel blunt.’ There was a feeling of being pounded by the bluntness of a little before. The wire dancers rose up to Ha-neul, and the band was playing with excitement, but strangely, the stage was not excited.

‘This is not it.’ Kang-yoon saw his face and his face was depressed. The sound engineer was manipulating as much as possible, but the melancholy of Shamuil did not change.

(Excuse me, Jake.) Kang-yoon carefully called the soundtrack.

(Oh, it’s a new master. What’s going on?) (Annyeong-hase-yo. It’s called Lee Kang-yoon.) After greeting her face for the first time, Kang-yoon took a slow luck.

(Is not it easy to catch your voice?) (Yeah. Ears are not tricky anymore. Besides, today seems to be more humid. She did not like the dampness.) (She likes a clean sound. Oh, is this a machine with an effector built in? When Kang-yoon asked, the sound technician pulled out the headset, which was only attached to one side, and looked at him questioningly.

(Yes, it is. Why?) (I’d like to try putting the effects on.) The sound engineer frowned.

MASTER Do not you like the way I work? It is unpleasant to interfere like this.) Kang-yoon hit his hands.

(Is that so?) MASTER I do not know what it would be like in Korea, but I would appreciate it here.) The acoustician stared at Kang-yoon with his scary face. It was embarrassing. Kang-yoon paused for a moment and then said again.

(Of course, I do not know much about acoustics than Jake. However, Jake has done all these things, but he does not have his hands on the effector.) (Shehoo really hates the effector. It’s distorting your voice.) (Oh, there was such a problem.) Kang-yoon looked at the impression of Shah Mohul and turned his eyes toward the mixer again.

(Would not it be better than that?) (……) For an acoustician, nothing is more rewarding than singing singer happily. She was singing agonizingly now. It is better to do something like this. The sound engineer who thought for a moment put in an effector. Soon Mohwal’s voice cleared and spread out coolly.

“I’m looking for– looking —- !!!”

The voice of Shameless, who was singing plainly, climbed strongly. The sound of the sound engineer was swirling. Kang-yoon also felt a cool wind fit. The feeling of being stabbed in the thorns or blurred, such a feeling disappeared all the time. I was so deeply involved in the song that I was so excited about dancers and sessions.

(What, what … This is not the time!) The embarrassed acoustician quickly set up the sound. The sound of all was centered around the voice of Shamoo who entered the effector. The dingy sound spreads coolly, and a cool breeze blows to Kang-yoon.

Forever Simoel’s song is silent, and once again the performance of the previous session has burst. The dancers’ body wells also burst out, and the green tones turned red, adding impact. The practice was so over.

(… What was that? She fell in love with the song.

Ah… Ah – Effector?) She realized that there was an effector on the microphone and raised her voice toward the sound engineer.

Jake What if I put an effector.) (that… ) (I tried to insert it.) At that time, Kang-yoon came out. Shamuel’s eyes were round.

(Kang-yoon? Ha… No matter how masters get rid of the sound of an article … ( (Is it by sound now?) When Kang-yoon asked, he was embarrassed.

(Continue to sound damp, I put a little effect. I know he does not like the sound of the effects … Please understand only today. I apologize for the permission.) Shah Moir gave his voice. It was not usually a bet. In the end, he said he did it because he could not concentrate on the practice.

I’ll tell you later. Anyway, come this way. Kang-yoon.) She shook hands with Kang-yoon, who was under the stage. When Kang-yoon reached the stage, he set up Kang-yoon in front of the cast.

(It is another thing to watch in the practice room. Our master.) Five hundred fifty-five The cast applauded Kang-yoon with cheers. It was a mixture of illusion and expectation, worry and anxiety. Among them was Joo-ah.

(Thank you very much.) Kang-yoon politely bowed his head, then turned his eyes toward Shamu.

(I have come to see the practice too, I have something to say.) (Is it important?) (Yeah. It’s important.) She sent a glimpse into the cast. The two men came down the stage.

(I heard that the concert place has not been decided yet.) (Place? Oh, I did.) She smiled awkwardly and fingered her fingers.

(I like everywhere. The place to sing is Ramyeon.) (Is not it too broad?) When Kang-yoon showed his displeasure, he laughed.

(singer is going wherever the fans are.) (If so, should I choose Gi-joon as the place where people can come in the most?) (Where is the most coming? It’s fun. It’s ambitious. Most come to you. One hundred thousand people?) She knocked on Kang-yoon’s shoulder. It seemed satisfying to smile. Kang-yoon kept asking.

Clear right. That’s all it takes, is not it? Hahaha It would be fun. I’ll do that.) She smiled and laughed. It was a laugh with confidence. Kang-yoon covered the papers he had brought.

Clear right. Where the audience mobilized the most …) (I will expect. If that is the case, the South Pole is okay. It would be great to have only researchers and residents there.) As Kang-yoon nodded his head and turned around, he caught Kang-yoon’s shoulder.

(Wait, wait. Antarctica is hard, though.) (I thought it would be okay …) “Right. Do you really want to do it? After exchanging light jokes with Shamoo, Kang-yoon headed for office again. ——– Kim Ji-min’s single album “Once, Twenty Years” was released. Kim Jae-hoon and Hee-yoon worked together. Kim Jae-hoon took part in composition, Kim Jae-hoon in arrangement, and Kim Ji-min himself participated in lyric. The place was sponsored by Kang-yoon. As soon as it was released at midnight as a singer called a music gangster, it sat in the first place because it was not in a few hours. Not to mention it’s world music site Itpine has also been ranked # 1 in Heaven and MDmusic. Holding this single album, Eunha started the activity.

“… Good work.”

The new manager, Kim Seong-min, who was holding the steering wheel, comforted Kim Ji-min, who got tired and was in the car.

“Oppa did his best.”

No. Dear Team Leader. Thank you.”

Now, he is in the position of Manager Team Leader, and Mun-joo tapped the shoulder of the new man who caught the steering wheel silently.

“Where’s the next schedule?”


“… It is. ”

As soon as the car started, Kim Ji-min covered his blanket and went to sleep. From Daejeon to Busan. It is a considerable distance. Coordinators and managers also tried not to make noise in order not to wake her up.

“There is a lot of tea.”

Manager Munjoo mumbled while looking at the tight roads. The roads where sunshine hit were already crowded with cars.

“What should I do? It is too late to go this way. ”

“It’s a fence. Step on. ”


I went ahead while I was overtaking my cooking, but I could not get through the tight roads. The road was as irritating as the sunshine. I was tormented by Kim Sun-min Manager, who got into the sunshine and caught the driver. The crawling cars disappeared little by little. As the road broke, Ben ran toward Haeundae as if he were flying. The result is a 5 minute crust. Our apologies.

“No.” He was suffering from many things. ”

Manju Manager and Kim Ji-min apologized to the organizers for waiting. The road was blocked, but the crust was crust. The man dressed in short-sleeved tee with a corporate logo painted a good smile.

“I was a little late because I was late. Slowly prepare. ”

“No.” Ji Min-ah. Let’s get ready. ”

“Yes, Oppa.”

Without a greeting, the party hurriedly headed to the tent that was set as a waiting room. The singer, who entered the tent today, was preparing for his dress and costume.

“Are you Annyeong, Senior? Yelin. ”

There was also a singer to meet for the first time. Senior seniors greeted at 90 degrees and sat in the waiting room, greeted by junior singer. Cody arranged a makeup on his face. While Kim Ji-min was preparing for the stage, new manager Kim Sung-min was burning cigarettes near Ben.

“It’s hot, it’s hot.”

The day is hot, I’m irritated. Scheduling a summer day was difficult in many ways. I was thinking about getting a car and air conditioning in the car, and there was a woman and a man approaching.

“Jin Hye-young?”

Jin Hye-young of WINKLE, who became the representative girl group of Ji Yeon, and manager of charge. Because of the heat, Jin Hye-young flashed her collar, and the manager was walking on her flank. When Kim Sung-min tried to turn off the cigarette, Jin Hye-young called Kim Sung-min.

“There’s a steering wheel.”

“…Yes. it is.

“You, you. You’re the only driver on the world. Give me a light. ”

Kim Sung – min was embarrassed. In profile, Jin Hye-young was only twenty-three. It is amazing to beckon to ask for a cigarette. The separation came toward Kim Seong-min.

“What are you doing. Do not give it away. ”

to “What are you doing? Senior? The Man Manager was a little more upset. It was an obvious dictation. At this point, Kim Sung – min, who was embarrassed at first, also started to boil up.

“When did you see that you were friendly? And Jin Hye-young. Do you know I’m your Manny? ”

“There is a fire with one. Come on. ”

Artists, personality Is this something you do not like? The nail was caught. Kim Sung-min also spit out a word.

“… I do not want to get in touch with the people in the company. There was a reason. ”

“Huh.” what? You stand there. ”

puck!! The male manager caught Kim Seong – min turning and put his fist in his face. Kim Sung – min did not stay still. I grabbed my throat and fisted. There was a melee.

“This fucker.”

“Crazy chicks.”

Suddenly people came in. My favorite thing to do is to watch the fight with the company. Click – OK! I did not know that I was shot around, and the two Managers continued to fist.

Thank you.

See you tomorrow It was not until the middle of the night that the work of the planning team was over. Everyone walked out the door, and Risa looked around Kang-yoon.

MASTER Did you get your mind settled there? As Kang-yoon smiled silently, Risa swept her face.

(Ramyeon in two months will never be possible. Hopefully, the size of the audience mobilization Ramyeon There is no place like that. Tomorrow.) Even after Risa’s return, Kang-yoon has not yet released the papers.

‘Ramyeon promotion period is too short at the end of the year. Ticketing too … ‘ I have a headache when you hand over the ticketing documents. Lee Kang-yoon was greeted with a backstory that was nothing.

‘Outsourcing companies were not selected, and public relations companies were. What did the Planning Team Leaders before the replacement do? Even the agency did not select. I should have discussed the sponsor. ‘ Even though Simo is so full of money, overseas concert is a big business with tremendous funding. I needed a sponsor. First, you need to select a venue for performance, and you should be able to get a sponsor or an agency.

‘The end of the year is impossible.’ Kang-yoon’s Amiga became narrower every time I wrote assignments.

‘Could it be a place where you can mobilize a lot of audiences? Ramyeon Shah will be happy there too. ‘ Kang-yoon covered the document and headed to the practice room. I was going to finish my story today. The practice of all together was over, but the light was still on. She was dancing alone on stage.

(Shah Mo.) (Huck. Hoo … Kang-yoon?) She shook her hands and shook her hands. There was sweat in the forehead.

(Have not you left yet? (I have come to say something.) “Right. sit down please.) She shook hands with Kang-yoon and sat on the stage. Kang-yoon, who drank the water coolly, extended a water bottle. She whispered to Kang-yoon, who was making a gulp.

Is it because of the venue? (Yeah. I want to make a decision today.) “Right.Where are you expecting? She shook his eyes, but Kang-yoon’s eyes sank. It calmed down.

São Paulo Argentina Is it Latin America? South America The eyes of Shamuel were slashed in choosing an unimaginable location.

Episode 96 – End of the Dynasty # Dance with Crisis and Chance 97 – He’s Different (1)

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