God of Music

Chapter 347

Chapter 347

Chapter 347: 347

98 times – enemies inside – World, assault is obvious wrong. The employee’s fault is the responsibility of the Company … World studio (hereinafter referred to as the world) through the homepage, ‘Violence in any case is wrong.’He said he was worried that he would apologize to his fans. In addition, the company said it has suspended its own 12-month suspension. However, it is obvious that the Company is responsible for the employee’s actions, even if it is obviously wrong. This is contrary to the official position of JiYe Entertainment (hereafter JiYe). It is anticipated that there will be a tangle between the two companies, as opposed to the fact that “violence against individuals is the responsibility of individuals”. (Omitted) Opinions differ between netizens. The world is in a good position to take responsibility for the staff, but there is a clear difference in the position that KuljomSSu and Kuliannawayul 1 are responsible for my violence.

World and Gi-hye are the leading singer entertainment in Korea. Attention is focused on whether or not this incident will reveal the conflict on the surface.

“… I do not like it. ”

The face of CEO Kang Si-myeong, who watched his cell phone, turned red. The driver, who was driving carefully, looked at the CEO’s eyes with his rearview mirror and shook his hand.

“I do not understand what Kang-yoon is doing with this guy. It’s a steering wheel. I save a day, but I do not have anything left.”

It is something you can get by paying. There is nothing to gain from this type of media play.

– Is the agency also an age of populism? It seems that the company does not cover up violence. – Upper, is this a populism? In the beginning, Sibiu walked from Yulan. – It’s a gift now. If you fist each other, you have to take responsibility, of course. Is not the world too conscious of public opinion? – This seems to be good. I have to take responsibility for that. – I would like to enter the company Ramyeon like World though. Do you have anything to fear that protects you like that? – I understand that the word “world civil servant”. I do not like to see my wardrobe wrap.

Public opinion also divided. It was enough to rank in the top of the news without celebrity stories. It was unusual. Just a while ago, Kang-yoon had a controversy over the trainee A sheep and gangster. I have created a new controversy in my staff wraps …

“Where do you want to feed? Uh, chief manager Kwak. I am. ”

After telephoning and directing to the Company Procurement Team, CEO Kang Si-myeong stretched. How big a dam breaks with a small crack, no matter how big a company does not care about these cracks, big thing comes back later.

– I will process it as directed.

“Yes. Good work. ”

Kang Si-myeong CEO hang up the phone. Now Jejil is off target. The controversy about the world will grow bigger. I thought I was still alive. CEO Kang Si-myeong, who worked diligently, opened the mail.

-… (Omitted) Min Jin-seo The boundaries around it have become thicker. Kang-yoon is also invisible recently. I can see the feeling, but I will send you good news soon.

Whoops. The complexion of CEO Kang Si-myeong, who was reading the Chinese language, was wrecked.

“Now is the time. These are the things you want to eat and spill, are not you? ”

Although things seem to be going well, others have caught their ankles. It was the main sign of the world, but Kang-yoon could not manage it poorly.

“Also, I have arrived.”

The driver, who had a lot of sweat, jumped as if to run away and opened the door to CEO Kang Si-myeong. It was in front of a tiled house without a sign. An employee with a walkie-talkie in front of them bowed his head at 90 degrees.

Greetings. I was waiting. ”

eggplant The CEO, Kang Si-myeong, walked in with guidance as if escorted by his intentions. The inside of the tiled house was decorated with colorful flowers, trees, ponds, etc. I will. A hanbok woman in front of the door opened the sliding door. The inside of the ship stood up and held out his hand.

“You are Annyeong.”

“Oh, you came first. Hahaha Kang Si-myeong CEO, who had no expressions, smiled in his face.

“It has not been long.”

“Oh, do you want to have a drink? Sit down. ”

Soon came the statue, which was very well prepared. The women who bragged about their good fortune sat next to the two men and filled their glasses. The two men strongly attracted the women like flowers on both sides. I was laughing when I was alone.

“Japan is not a mess because of the contract.”

“Ah, Keiku and Ha-mi Kuhn. Ha-mi Kuhn has been said to have been behind Yaku. ”


Japan entertainment world There have been many stories about economy, politics, as well as recent trends. The women in the hanbok sold laughter appropriately. With the sound of the sound, the sound of the men ‘s chattering gradually filled the room.

“Please be out for a while. Hecker. ”

By the time the flask was empty, Kang Si-myeong, CEO, beckons the women. The women in the hanbok quickly hastened their hurt clothes and left the room. The room filled with laughter was quiet.

“… I heard you are working with Fort Yoo-ri. ”

CEO Kang Si-myeong filled his hand with his opponent. The man on the other side comfortably lifted the cup. The clattering sound was light.

“That’s it. This time, Ha-jaek’s division added. ”

“If Ha is meridian, is that PD from OTS?”

“That’s right.” It is not easy to move, but the Vice CEO seems to have worked hard. ”

“Hara, Ha era PDRamyeon Hong is a guarantee. I was wondering what he would do after leaving the OTS and going to AHF. It’s hot information. ”

“I was surprised when I first heard it. No matter how the Deputy CEO moved himself, but Ha-kang, he was not usually stubborn, he thought he would refuse. ”

The man shook his head slightly. I am surprised to think of it now. CEO Kang Si-myeong kept asking.

“If you think about it, recently World is concentrating on AHF only for entertainers. When will it be airing? ”

“I don’t know yet.” World did not tell me the debut schedule. ”

The two men clasped the cup. The sound of a salty, clear, sipping sound once again spread. CEO Kang Si-myeong picked up his tail.

“Now, did not you even get up too quickly, Mr. Min?”

That’s not quite good enough.


bang. CEO Kang Si-myeong hit the table.

“Are not you an early member of AHF. In the meantime, how hard did you run? I do not really understand. Why is it that Mr. Min is still in the same position as the general manager? ”

“It was far. There are many excellent people. ”

Humiliated, unlike a few words, his eyes shook. Kang Si-myeong CEO caught up with his hand dropping his gaze.

“Now you should go up.”

“I am on your side!” Come with us. ”

After a while. The man nodded with his firm face, and Kang Si-myeong CEO’s lavish laughter filled the room. ————- She stole sweat with a towel. The exercises that started in the morning continued until the lunch time was over.

(Let’s do it one more time?) (… Yeah.) I did not express, but the faces of the sessions were ‘Please,It was written. It was a matter of burning all before the passion of Shamu. At that time, the Savior appeared.

Pardon me, please.

It was Kang-yoon who carefully opened the door. Sessions are yours too. Kang-yoon has come to mean that there is something important to say, a break soon. Shah Mohl, who was about to start practicing again, put down the microphone.

(Shall I take a break?) Sessions called for ages. She watched as everyone ran toward the hamburger set and shrugged. When Kang-yoon approached, Shamuel grabbed his shoulder.

(Did you eat?) “Not yet.” She told me to finish it and eat it.) (Then we eat together.) The two men headed to the box where they left the hamburger and cola. Unlike Kang-yoon, who picked a big hamburger, Shah Moe was the smallest. Moreover, drinking water is water.

(Should I get proper menus if I need management? ) no Let me take care of this. It’s hard to get stressed up to eat.) (Yeah. I have to tell if it’s hard.) Kang-yoon’s new leader, Samuel, replied by tapping his shoulder. These details make me feel good.

(So, what is it?) (The concert location is confirmed. Mara Bagan football is Gyeonggi Zhang.) Kang-yoon felt the need to explain that Kang-yoon needed explanation in his eyes.

(The biggest football in the world is Gyeonggi Zhang. It can accommodate up to 150,000 people. Is this enough? (Oh oh. I had a hard time, Kang-yoon.) Shamul knocked Kang-yoon’s shoulder again. I already know how difficult it is to get to the concert hall in such a short time, because I already have a big body on the world tour.

(As he wanted, the concert season was at the end of the year. December, Ris Mas. 24, 25 days.) (If you are a big Ris … It’s tight.) She saw the calendar on her cell phone. Concert facility installation, sponsor recruitment, etc in a short time. There were a lot of things to do. It would not have happened if he had not insisted on the end of the year.

(Yeah. In addition, there is more work to do.) (Hahaha, can I call you carol in Santa’s clothes?) She shook his finger with a joke. Kang-yoon nodded seriously.

(Yeah. Brazil ‘s Ris Mas is a big national event. From Conti to devices, I think I need to get a big hand.) Got Do not worry about it.) She scouted through the sessions that were spooking hamburgers. Sessions trembled when I was thrilled. After finishing the story, Kang-yoon turned his eyes to a blond woman who touched the bass amp.

(Elena. I have something to ask.) MASTER What is it?) It was a bassist and band master, Elena. She turned her eyes to Kang-yoon.

(I need a song that matches Brazil. May I ask you? (Tell me specifically.) (I need bossa nova or samba rhythm songs.) Bossa nova Samba All were rhythms derived from Brazil. Shah Mohl, who immediately understood Kang-yoon’s intention, saw a word.

(It’s because of Hyun-ji. Let’s do it together.


Ellena, after hearing Simhall’s words, immediately understood the score and spoke to Kang-yoon.

(‘Find me’ would be nice. I need an arrangement. Let’s try it.) Yeah.

After the meal, sessions under the direction of Elena made a piece of music. The synthesizer looked for a good sound, and percussion and drums made music that combined jazz and samba rhythms.

(Needs- I-) When she added her voice, she transformed into more sophisticated music. She shouted “I feel this” and encouraged everyone, and the sessions added strength to her hands.

decent Is that right? The reaction of the shameless and the feeling of splashing on the skin. It was full of black, but I was convinced it was okay. It was indeed the best team in the world. In a moment, she finished the first verse and shook her hand toward Kang-yoon.

(I will try Samba. Kang-yoon?) (Kang-yoon.) Kang-yoon, who closed his eyes and thought about the feeling of music, just opened his eyes. She was smiling with her hands waving.

(Okay, very good. I feel good.

(That’s fortunate.) (If you have a good idea, tell me. Kang-yoon, really. It is the best. Hahaha Kang-yoon walked out of the practice room behind the smile of Shamoo. I heard a loud sound among the closed doors. The feeling of something bouncing on the skin gradually got away.

‘Next assignment …’ Toward office, Kang-yoon arranged a list of sponsors on his notebook. It was very important to have a strong sponsor relationship because there was already a lot of money in the facilities and facilities. Because concert is not a business that sells the land.

‘Bear Cola or Shimane Cola. Both companies are considering Brazil as an important market. ‘ Kang-yoon was circled with a red pen in the name of the most prominent Company, the two leading Coke Company.

‘Globally, sugar is high, obesity is high, and public opinion about coke is deteriorating. Coke consumption is already decreasing in developed countries. For both companies, Brazil is an emerging market where coke consumption is increasing. Considering the influence of Shhemoo, both companies will be active. ”

I was sorting out the reports and related materials that the employees had sent, and the cell phone on the table was crying loudly. The familiar number was Lee Hyun-ji.

– I wanted to get in touch with good things, but it’s hard.

Lee Hyun-ji calmly explained what is happening in Korea. I explained the discipline of the new manager, the announcement, and the reaction in detail. Kang-yoon was the same as the Internet. Kang-yoon covered the papers for a moment and turned his pen.

“It’s hard for people to understand the company’s position right now.”

– I know. But should not we look a little different this time? “Do you look different?”

– We do business, not service. Opinion is also tweaking that point.

It was Lee Hyun-ji who did not throw a kang-yoon decision, but this problem was hard to understand. The situation was so urgent that I did not give a toe, but the work was finished and I asked for explanation.

“People are right. It is obviously wrong to swing your fist. It is not a problem to end with discipline. Common sense. ”

– Chairman. Was there a reason to wrap it up? Eunha could even be a shit. I think it would have been nice to go a little harder this time.

Kang-yoon’s hand, which turned the pen, stopped. One tempo freak Kang-yoon put down the pen and took the phone to the other side.

“Do you know the word” Massacre “? – Buy dead horse bones? Any other words? “That’s what it means.”

– Does this have to do with the situation? “To save a horse, it means to buy the bone of a dead horse.”

– It’s difficult.

“I also buy bones, what do you say to living things? Of course, will not you buy? I’ll buy more expensive. ”

– So, is Kim Sung-min Manager dead? “Yes, no matter what, the world is together to the end. I wanted to see this and Yeoju. ”

Employees and affiliated artists who had to leave and leave before they went back. As I watched them, I was buried with determination that I made a few times. It was a resolution. Lee Hyun-ji hesitated for a moment, he said.

– People who use it will also appear. I can do it all the time.

“You have a lie then. I believe that such people will take care of it. ”

– Chairman. I’m not kidding. It’s a serious matter.

“Celebrities are brilliant, but others are called 3D. At least you should not be called 3D. Not only entertainers, but also good employees to work with Company. I wish the whole world to become such a company. I think this is an example to all of us. ”

I felt something soft but strong in Kang-yoon. She felt. This can not be done.

– … Got Instead, if you do not want this, you can quit right away.

“Thank you.” Without the director, I would never have done it. ”

– That’s true. Anyway, I will not hear good sounds for a while. I can not help it. I’ll stop the singer from spouting.

Lee Hyun-ji also talked about the project progress with AHF. The Girl Group broadcast project was going to be filming soon, and the humanities group said that it would be in production conference soon. It was a long call, but Kang-yoon did not lose his concentration by writing.

“… Clear right. Do you have any more to say? ”

– One is left. Future Industry Fair.

“Oh, two weeks later?”

– Then I will pass. I will go to China and go with the EDDIOS members. I’ll see you then.

After a long conversation, Kang-yoon headed to the rooftop, thinking of cigarettes.

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