God of Music

Chapter 356

Chapter 356

Chapter 356: 356

“Well, it is neat. If the Chairman has overthrown, I will not be able to say anything. ”

PD raising his face with provocation, pulling up the end. A man named Chairman touched his pride. Are not you? I have never heard anything like that anywhere.

“I think the best PD is making the best rubbish in life because of the world. I can not make it. ”

“… Such care Ramyeon. Thank you. Looks like it’s over. I’ll just let go of my hands. ”

Did the provocation have an adverse effect? Ha-kyang PD got up and got up. In the worst case, even though the production might be delayed for a while, Kang-yoon waved the can beer with ease. The bell was twisted to the appearance, and the meridian PD stopped the step that was going to run out. I could not bear it without a word.

“… To be honest, I’ll tell you this. We have to broadcast as planned … I will not go outside. ”

“Now you have.” Why do you think so? ”

“I have nothing to think about. It is strange that the broadcast considering more people to make than to see is eaten. ”

Kang-yoon was calm, while Ha-Kae PD fired off to attack Kang-yoon. Ha-ke-ran PD was frowned upon as he seemed to listen to everything.

‘What are you up to?’ I was curious, but the first flame to climb up to Ha-kyang PD. Of course I shot them as they were.

“How do you take the process of performing an album?This is a plan that needs to be mysterious. So many people know. There will be no fun, no sympathy. Oh, it’s a lot of fans around the world, so I thought I might have done it. ”

“The fans can Ramyeon.”

“Well, there were those kinds of projects that have been around since … The celebrity ‘s personal life and the fandom that attracts fandom. Certainly I am a spec. ”

“Got it.” In summary, this plan is a plan that ignores the basics. That’s it. ”

“…What. right.”

It seems to be a fool because the opponent admitted that it was cheap, but Ha Kaoru PD became fool. There was a lot of pork, but I did not want to stop.

“I’m not Alba, but … Please try it. ”

Suddenly, Dae-young Ha-ri PD turned around from Kang-yoon.

“PD PD Ramyeon, what would you do?”

That was the word. In Kang-yoon’s question, the right facial surface of Ha-Kae PD was distorted. He was obviously being teased.

“… I have no obligation to answer that question. ”

“Ha PD was a person who did not even blame without measures?”


I did not want to lose. Ha-kyang PD fired Kang-yoon and sat down again. It is enough to ignore, but pride did not allow. Do you shoot without measures? It was a funny sound. It seemed that the chairman, Mr. Chairman, had to bow down his head to see if he would be ready.

Alright. First, prepare for regret. ”

“I listen.”

This is the page The tranquil tone of voice displeased until the end. What’s new, what’s new. Ha-kyang PD barely pulled the documents out of the bag. It was plan. Kang-yoon put down the can of beer and carefully read the plan.

“Bobs? Nationwide song song “Nubi is a Bob bus …”

Bob Busney. Reading the proposal, Kang-yoon stood up for a moment. Something blurred.

Wait a minute This is not the pro that hit the audience rating? ”

Before returning to the past, it was a gastronomic program planned by Ha-kyang PD. It was a program that captivated viewers by simultaneously capturing empathy and fun with a completely different kind of food, when famous chefs caught sight of the viewers with difficult dishes.

Sy! Did you? Was this a program now? Heo When Kang-yoon’s expression seemed to be bad, Ha-kyang PD said helplessly.

“It does not matter if you do not see it. Now inside … ”

Kenichi Momoyama It’s fresh. ”

“right. fresh… YES! When the answer was different from the expectation, Ha – rak PD blinked. Kang-yoon could not keep an eye on the plan whether he knew his mind.

‘Let’s go with this.’ Kang-yoon set his heart. In the past, the potential for success of this program was considerably high given the capacity of the PD. The same was true considering the uncomfortable human artifacts and guitar concerns.

“Thank you. I do not think I can see it anymore … ”

I thought I would not appreciate the value of this project anyway, and I just showed it. My opponent got too far. Ha-kyang PD was raising his eyes to rage. At that time, Kang-yoon grabbed his hand.

“This is what this is …”

“Let’s do this. I will fully support it. ”

“…What, what? ”

“Vice CEO, I will persuade. Let’s change the plan. ”

“Wait a minute. You, what do you do now … ”

Kang-yoon’s sudden shift of poise to the down-right PD was panicked, whether the person could suddenly change to this. Kang-yoon was glittering to the eye.

“I heard it as it was. This level of planning is nothing more than Ramyeon our side. I will delegate all authority. Broadcasting time, budget, etc. Please tell us everything you need. ”

“Ha!” I won. Suddenly … ”

Ha-kyang PD could not be angry or refuse.

‘I do not work with you.’ One thing to say, it did not come out strangely. There was no one who recognized the value so far by only one plan.

“Hmmm. “As you say.” Hmmm. ”

For a long time, after continuing to cry, Ha Ji-rak PD nodded a small head. ———— Late autumn when the cold wind blows. The customer came to the drama station of the SBB station where the new reading was long.

“Everyone has a lot of trouble.”

“Oh, the CEO of Kang!”

Kang Si-myeong, CEO of Geely’s joint venture with MG and Ylang, quietly opened the door. PD, of course, writer, all the cast members got up and hit him. CEO Kang Si-myeong laughed in favor with his hand.

“I took a break. CEO of Kang. Please come this way. It’s Minhee. You come out for a cup of coffee. ”

Oh In-su, PD, responsible for the upcoming drama ‘Everchurch’, went ahead and led the CEO of Kang Si-myeong. People passing by in the corridors nodded, but they did not know. When the drama Bureau meeting room, a female AD brought coffee and refreshments, Kang Si-myeong CEO clutched her hand.

“This is my first face. Did you come in this time? ”

“Yes.” Ah yes…”

The voice of falling honey and eyes. The female AD stumbled to say whether it was embarrassed. CEO Kang Si-myeong winked at her waist.

“Work hard. Our children also asked me well. ”

The female AD soon went out with a teary face. Oh In-su PD looked grimly.

“I can not do my social life like that. 쯧 쯧 “Our PD is too strict for the junior? Now they’re out of the way … ”

“I have to have strength. The kids. 쯧쯧. ”

They drank coffee and talked about it. The story about drama was mostly. Especially, I heard many words about heroine Hye-young. It was mostly praise. Kang Si-myeong CEO laughed loudly to see if his entertainer was happy to receive praise.

Ha ha ha ha ha It is still not enough, but if you are under Oh PD, will you act now? Pleasure doing business with you.

“That’s me. Oh, this OST was chosen as Mickey Girl. I’m thinking until the fourth episode … ”

“Four? Fourteen episodes in 20 trilogy drama … I’m sorry. ”

“Oh, this was also hard. There were many opinions that White Moonlight song was more appropriate … ”

Even before the conversation was over, Kang Si-myeong took out the envelope in his arms. Oh In-su PD quickly put the envelope in his bosom. It happened in an instant.

“…Ado is also the best Mickey song. It’s rocky. ”

“Ha ha ha ha ha. Pleasure doing business with you.

As if nothing had happened, Oh In-su PD got up and headed back to the room. The smiling face of CEO Kang Si-myeong, who was looking at his backwardness, was terribly distorted.

“… Piggy. Money is dirty as it is. ”

There was still a PD that made money. When I thought about money, I got a thousand dollars, but I was angry with the influence of OST. Kang Si-myeong, the CEO who rose from his seat, called his secretary.

“Secretary Yang. What have I told you to do? ”

– Kim Jin-dae and Lee Cha-hee made a promise tomorrow. But Chung Chan-gyu is not easy to contact …

“Do you say that? Make an appointment quickly. You know that if you lose one, it’s meaningless. ”

Our apologies. I will process it as soon as possible.

“I’m out. Lee Hyun-ah? ”

– Lee Hyun-ah is … I have not said anything yet. The Manager is getting a good feeling when meeting at AHF … It will take a little time.

“Lee Hyun-ah to approach carefully. I care about Kang-yoon not getting into his ears. ”

After the call, Kang Si-myeong CEO lifted his tail.

“That’s right. There’s no business in front of money. ” ———— – So, you will? “… Well, he leaned over from there, and he accepted it. ”

The time when the shine brightens. Kang-yoon’s suggestion came from the voice of Ha-Kae PD, who spoke with the Vice CEO.

– … I guess I got hooked to this Chairman.

Ew, Brother Do you use such advanced vocabulary? I bend over from there and come in … ”

– Let’s do it.

Continued UGNY The other side of the phone, AHF ‘s Vice CEO, passed away. I was worried that he would go to the USA and go to war. I was glad to do it.

– So when are you coming in? “I’ll be right in. soon.”

– Come quickly and work like a slave.

“No, slave?”

Kang-yoon could not hide the smile that leaked to his mouth as he watched Ha-ri Chang PD holding the phone and screaming.

‘Now, Mun-hee’s work should be less than a lie.’ I have already instructed World Daehakan PD to apply without lavishing. He promised full support to Ha-Rak PD and received a promise that he would appear as a main member. I also received a contract that included autograph, but now I can not miss it. Kang-yoon headed to the lobby, with his back face down, Ka-dae Ka, who had become face-to-face.

Huh? Mr. Hoger. ”

I went to the lobby and Jung Min-ah was getting ready to go out with a training suit.


“Yes, it’s a day off for me. It is … What about you? ”

“Unification. I also take a day off and walk … ”

“That’s what it is. Heit. ”

Jung Min-ah grabbed Kang-yoon’s hand. When Kang-yoon stood up to his head, Jung Min-ah frowned unevenly.

“… Well, do not you feel anything? ”

Feeling What feeling? ”

“… Yes. What do you want from the monk? If you do not mind, I’ll try to practice. ”

Dance? I do not know much about dancing and I do not know if it will help. ”

“But you know the feeling well. I get this, do not. I’m changing Hot Smile Choreography, but I’m not sure I’m okay. ”

Kang-yoon, a curious person, immediately agreed. The sole concert is over, but Choreography changes. Jung Min-ah was also very diligent. What happens if you change a silver solo song. I was curious. It took about 5 minutes to reach the underground exercise room. There was a mirror on every side, and there was a big audio in the center. Jung Min-ah simply relaxed and stretched, then stood in the center. Kang-yoon also sat in a mirror seat.

“I’ll just try it.”

As Kang-yoon nodded, Jung Min-ah played the audio. Soon the rhythmical Jeonju flowed, and Jung Min-ah turned upside down and painted the bridge. It was Jung Min-ah’s solo song “Hot Smile” starting with B-Boing’s elbow freeze. It was original song.

‘… black Kang-yoon’s eyes stood firm. It was a force to see even a little different. I had sprayed silver from the previous stages. In practice, white light should be normal. It’s black. It continued to lead to Jung Min-ah’s Choreographer poppin that started with Freeze.

Sense Something started to feel. It was similar to the sensation felt when seeing Simoil’s practice. It was like a cool breeze touching the skin.

‘What makes you feel this alternative?’ I feel a cool wind in the summer. As the song flowed, the feeling went into Kang-yoon. The more Jung Min-ah’s joints were playing, the longer the hair was shaking, the more the wind swept the Kang-yoon.

“… “Whoa.”

After this Choreographer, Jung Min-ah took a breath and looked at Kang-yoon.

“How was it?”

“Fine.” I do not have any more to say about this. ”

“I do. I’ll try to change it now. ”

Jung Min-ah, who sighs a few times, stood in the center again. Soon the sound of DO IT was repeated and the song started.


Kang-yoon was attracted to the eyes. Jung Min-ah made an S-shaped curve in his body, with his arms up, rather than the elbow freeze. I shook my body to the beat, and now I turned back and shook my pelvis. It transformed ‘Hot Smile’, a bionic choreographer, into sexy choreography.

‘Sexy Choreography’. You changed this? ‘ I went to. What I want to do is look at the guy and see. The admiration was a while. Because of the persistent blackness, Kang-yoon frowned.

‘Still. How to judge this … Hmm…

Kang-yoon’s eyes twinkled. The cool wind began to blow more strongly than the original song.

99 – The essence of music (4)


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