God of Music

Chapter 381

Chapter 381

Chapter 381: 381

Episode 10 – Final Stage, Beginning (5)

It has been two days since the World Classical Dance Team audition. Kang-yoon’s hand had a list of 15 finalists selected. There was something conspicuous about the experience of successful applicants.

“There are a lot of MG.”

The new leader of the dance team, Dr Laurent Team Leader, drank coffee and explained why.

“MG came from the base was solid. Above all, there was almost no possibility that Ji-Yeul would be able to listen to any conditions. ”


Kang-yoon also admitted. He was also concerned that he was trying to get rid of the people if he was too busy. But there was something to worry about.

“I am worried that if 12 people are from the same country, it would be hard for the other 3 people to adjust.

I can not ignore my background in Korea. I was afraid that even a faction might happen. The vulnerability Team Leader looked at Kang-yoon.

“This is the result of selecting my skills to the top. It is the world that gives priority to the ability first of all. ”

Kang-yoon shrugged his shoulders and took a stamp. Whether it is faction or not, it is the people who were chosen by ability. It was all we had to do.

“I will tell the personnel team to prepare the contract. Thank you. ”

After the Team Leader went out, Secretary Moon came in to check the singer documents.

“Chairman, I got a call from Nature Emotion. I think you should take it yourself. ”

“Who did you say?”

“Han Gi-yeong is a director. I would like to speak directly with Chairman … ”

Kang-yoon pressed the call button immediately.

“Yes, Lee Kang-yoon.”

(Are you Lee Kang-yoon Chairman? Annyeong-hase-yo. Nature Emotion China Han Gi-yeong who is in charge of the corporation.) Kang-yoon was one of the top investors in the investment and sponsorship. Nature Emotion was a cosmetics company in Korea, which ranks first and second place. The connection is not easy because there is no mediator. After the simple words came, the main subject came out.

(This time SEIS I watched a lot of impressions of the video. It was nice to see the management and singer singing together.) “I came up with a picture that came out by chance, thank you for taking good care of me.”

Hahaha I can learn such an atmosphere. Oh, it’s not like this. Would it be okay?) There was no reason to reject it. The next evening, I made an appointment to meet and finished the call. When I informed Lee Hyun-ji that I had made an appointment with Nature Emotion, the tone went up.

YES! I’m a rumor that the ass is heavy … It looks like you have seen the video quite well.) “What kind of person is Han Gi-yeong?”

There was no word on the phone for a while, but it became intense.

“I am a prudent person. But the action is fast. I’ve been a big success in China business in recent years. Nature Emotion Chairman is a person who trusts enough to give full authority to China corporation.) “I do not think he’s a good guy. It is not usually difficult to do business with China’s mouth taste … ”

I have the ability and the prudence. It was a difficult type to deal with. After the conversation, Kang-yoon asked Secretary Moon to come up with materials on Nature Emotion and Han Gi-yeong’s director. The desperately desolate desk bustled with the documents again. The next day, evening. At the appointed time, Kang-yoon and Lee Hyun-ji headed straight to the fine wine in Sinsa-dong. Arrived 20 minutes ago, Han Gi-yeong and Kim Gi-cheol arrived first. To a short hair arranged in a neatly dressed suit. There was no spot to be faulty. Kang-yoon extended his hand with a smile that hid the tension.

“You are Annyeong, Lee Kang-yoon.”

“Greetings.” It’s Han Gi-yeong. ”

The light hand has strangely hurt. I felt power in soft eyes. When I sat down, the search began. The most common topic was China business. The door was opened by the general manager of the school, Kim Gi-cheol.

“China customers are attracted. If a person has heard of the product, he should leave it alone. So soon another person comes with curiosity. When two people are looking at the same product, they come. Then you can see that the business is done on that day. ”

Lee Hyun-ji hit back.

“Are they selling in bundles?”

“That’s right.” I initially tied it to five, but recently I started to sell it in groups of ten, and the reaction was good. ”

“Let me suggest something? Why do not we put the bromide one by one? ”

Kim Gi-cheol showed interest.

“Oh, is that really going to be okay? Bromide. Min Jin-seo Bromide … ”

Lee Hyun-ji was dragging the mood. Han Gi-yeong, who did not do that, hung up with a cup.

Hahaha Do you want a toast? ”

Along with saying good-bye, four people banged the wine glass. The atmosphere that pulled well was slightly collapsed. Han Gi-yeong turned his eyes toward Kang-yoon, putting the cup down.

“The video I came to from SEIS was great, singer and the executive team are singing together. The atmosphere was very good. You should do that like that. It was more natural to shoot with a cell phone. ”

The horse was soft, but there was a nuance of whether it was directed. Kang-yoon laughed leisurely.

Hahaha Would you guess? ”

“Fuhu. Well… I do not know. ”

Han Gi-yeong chucked his mouth with a cup. Lee Hyun-ji trembled as he watched Kang-yoon.

“I did not even know how to shoot the video, and the singer knew it when the story was about. Thanks to… Did not you get the card value? ”

“Haha!” Thanks to that, I got a right education right. ”

Indicating that it is not directing indirectly, Kang-yoon also nervously trembled. Along with the clear sound of hitting the wine glass, the atmosphere ripened. When everyone’s face was moderately hot, Han Gi-yeong said.

“I guess, but we want to have a good relationship with the world.”

Kang-yoon and Lee Hyun-ji put down the cup. Since then, it was important. Han Gi-yeong Director The smile has disappeared from the expression.

“But it is also true that I hesitate. Of course, only for this concert. If you look at the concert of the World and the Garden, the two companies will surely have a bigger concert. ”

“Most of them think so.”

Lee Hyun-ji agreed. Director Han Gi-yeong faced her.

“That’s not to say, it’s not.”

“I like to talk about selfishness, but I do not want to say it.”

Kim Gi-cheol, the chief of staff, said.

“In terms of scale, the world is worth 4 billion, and the 10 billion is about 10 billion. Even if we look at the number of audiences, there are 20,000 people in the world, and about 110,000 people.I’m assuming that both are sold out. The difference is obvious, but what happened here was that the director felt very good in the atmosphere of the world we saw in the video. ”

Director Han Gi-yeong nodded silently. It was indirect pressure to show better. Kang-yoon pulled a chair towards Han Gi-yeong’s director.

“60% of the performance budget. Would you invest about 2.4 billion? ”

“…YES! It was like a bully. I doubt the value of the investment. While Han Gi-yeong’s tongue was being kicked, Kim Gi-cheol replied.

“Mr. Chairman, we have not decided yet. First “We will sign Min Jin-seo and Lee Hye-mi with this new product model.”

“헙 !!”

Kim Gi-cheol’s eyes were glazed. Min Jin-seo was a model that could not save even with money. No matter how big the model was, it was famous for not taking a picture. It’s actually a hidden card. It’s just that Lee Hye-mi has just begun to … While Han Gi-yeong’s eyes narrowed, Kang-yoon continued.

“Let’s arrange a place with Hayus Departmental Store. I heard that you are preparing for a luxury brand. ”

“Great …”

The Hayus Departmental Store’s luxury store is now out of place. I already knew that Liu Yang director of Hayus Departmental Store and Lee Kang-yoon had an intimate relationship. In China, it is difficult to do business without a hunch. For the first time, Han Gi-yeong Director’s face shook. I was greedy, but I was hesitant.

“What’s the matter?”

I guessed your opponent’s card, but I will not throw it all at once. Does that mean concert is important? Or is there another way? Han Gi-yeong, who had been thinking for a long time, said with a stern look.

“more… Could you spare some time? The decision now … It’s hard. ”

Kang-yoon nodded. After a week, I decided to give a definite answer and the meeting of the day was over. The Guropiday Center is a multipurpose hall that was built less than a year ago. It was an ambitious work made considering various things in Seoul city. It is usually used as an indoor Gyeonggi field, such as basketball and volleyball. The performance had to be done through rental, but the performance was not done properly due to the tough regulations. Thanks to Gong Ho-jin, I had to endure hardships.

“… I’m sorry. I did not get permission to use gunpowder. I saw the shot once. Cleaning? That was once … ”

After finishing the conversation with the special effects supervisor, the cell phone rang out scary to breathe again. This time it was the sound director. Gong Ho-jin, the director was busy making appeases.

“White Moonlight did not send a version of” Wan “? I told you to send it by 3 o’clock … Got I’ll get back to you. ”

I can see how to hit a PA (speaker). After he contacted White Moonlight and solved the audio director’s complaints, her phone kept ringing. Not only that. The people at the venue looked for her when something happened. I did not know how the day was going because I was going up and down the stage and the stage. I could not eat lunch, I was breathing at the side and heard a knock.

‘Stop looking for me …’ Now, let’s look at the details of the presentation, but the popularity of this guy did not seem to get any better. I still could not tell. I saw the door open and laughed. A shoulder-wide man entered.


I have a different heart than before. The planner, the planner finally came !! Kang-yoon was obsessed with the back of Gong Ho-jin’s director, who stood up to his eyes.

Sorry. I have spent a long time because of investment support. ”

no By the way, what happened? ”

Kang-yoon talked about the results we met with Nature Director Emotion Han Gi-yeong. Gong Ho-jin tied the shoulder to say that he should wait.

“The chairman came out directly, and of course it will work. So, shall we go? ”

Fighting was overflowing. Kang-yoon laughed and went to the theater with her. When Kang-yoon arrived, the staff in the middle of the work stopped working and came down the stage. After encouraging Kang-yoon to struggle, he entered the mainstream.

“Effect supervisor. I think I can use gunpowder and torch. I got permission to use it today. ”

chinchayo Can I install it right away? ”

Special effects director, Lee Hyun-min’s face brightened.

“Yes, I’m asking you to do the flame-burning work thoroughly. It took me a while to decide where the concert was. ”

“Got it.” I’ll show you what flame retarding is. ”

Jang Min-suk stepped forward as a team coach.

“Mr. Chairman, I’m trying to hook the wire to the stage at exit D …”

Kang-yoon pitched the back of Gong Ho-jin director. When Gong Ho-jin director looked at Kang-yoon, he beckoned instead. It meant four days.

“D I said it was hard to hang out at the door. F to walk to the exit … ”

“If you walk there, there is no picture.”

“I can not think of pictures. D When you start at the entrance, the slope gets worse and dangerous. ”

The device supervisor grunted, but eventually agreed. In a free atmosphere, the meeting lasted over an hour. After the meeting, Kang-yoon took out the card.

“Everyone suffered. Would you like to go? ”

“Lee Kang-yoon !! Lee Kang-yoon !! ”

I do not know whether to cheer on Kang-yoon or cheer on the cards, but the staff’s morale soared. ————- “… Did you have a drink? Excellent. It’s free but not solved … Clear right. You worked hard.

Han Gi-yeong, the director of the board, ended up calling and stood up.

“It’s not a decorated atmosphere. It was not a pseudonym to bare the current world. ”

He picked up a black file on the desk.

It was a report titled ‘World studio Lee Kang-yoon’. I quickly scanned the documents and listened to the documents that were next to them.

“I just do not get it. This guy has business eyes, but his mind is bad. Investors in China are just smelling money. ”

Han Gi-yeong was frowned upon, handing over the documents named ‘Kang Si-myeong’. Kang Si-myeong was, of course, a successful businessman. However, I did not go to see the fact that Won Jin-pyo, a partner, was expelled from the board for comment manipulation.

“… Kim secretary. Would you call me, please? ”

There was time, but I made a decision.

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