God Of Soul System

Chapter 137 - Task Completed

Chapter 137: Task Completed

Hancock did hear Roja’s name these days, But she heard it from Nyon-ba so she didn’t pay attention.

Hearing Roja words about the revolutionary army, Hancock’s face revealed an amazed expression.

Roja’s Haki was absolutely a very clear fact to what he’s saying.

“Then you…”

“My only care now whether you sign the Shichibukai contract or not, will you?”

Roja smiled at Hancock and took a document out and put it in front of Hancock.

Hancock looked with a complex expression at Roja, she bit her lips, then took the document and signed her name.

“After signing this Document, The Marine won’t enter the range of three Km from the island as per the agreement.”

Hancock threw the document at Roja then said while standing up.

Roja took the document and nodded his head: “Yes.”


Hancock slightly closed her eyes, took a deep breath, then opened her eyes again, she said directly to Roja.

“So next I need to turn back your subordinate and you will go far, far away from the island and never come back!!”


Roja that Hancock turned back again and was surprised, it seems the plan he executed those past few days didn’t succeed.

“Well, usually people don’t speak to me like this, talking rudely without honorifics isn’t beautiful at all.”


Roja also stood up, he leisurely said to Hancock, then suddenly with lightning speed he reached his hand and squeezed Hancocks little face.

Hancock couldn’t react and was stunned in her place.

When she was about to react, Roja had already disappeared.

Fortunately the past few days, Hancock was almost used to his behavior, she sighed and looked at the direction he left in with a complex feeling.

The warship slowly left the Island.

All the Marines on the Warship were turned back to normal.

If he was completely impatient with Hancock then this would’ve been impossible.

These past few days, he was trying to change Hancock’s behavior.

“Well, It seems, in the end, I still failed to do so.”

Roja looked at the distance and smiled a little then turned around and entered his cabin.

There is still a chance that they will meet again.

Roja didn’t care about her past slave status, for the so-called world nobles, Roja hated them to the bone, Roja was planning to throw all of them into the prison.

Well, when he becomes the king of the Marine, if those five old men or the nobles said anything displeasing he will arrest them.

Roja thought to here and couldn’t help but smile.

The warship passed by the calm belt again, along with the road they met a sea king but Roja dealt with him with one strike, after that there wasn’t an accident as they returned to the headquarters.

Roja directly went to hand the document that was singed by Hancock to Sengoku.

Roja came to Sengoku’s office several times but he always was with Garp, this is the first time he went alone.

“Roja, you’re back.”

Sengoku was sitting on his desk with a pile of document’s in front of him, Seeing Roja he directly smiled and said with friendly tone: “How did it go?”


Roja took the document and put it on the desk, Sengoku took the document and looked at it, then he laughed and said: “That woman is very strong, and it’s said that her character is very bad, when it was suggested for recruitment into the Shichibukai, I thought it would be really difficult.”

Roja listened to Sengoku’s words and couldn’t help but feel that the past few days was a holiday for him. Of course, Roja won’t say that.

“It wasn’t that hard.”

Roja nodded his head with a look of ‘I don’t care”.

Seeing this Sengoku enjoyed Roja’s expression, He thought that if it took him so long then it must’ve been hard and still he looks like he didn’t care.

“Well because it’s a special task, when completed you will receive ten thousand points.” While saying this Sengoku put the Document in a bag beside him.

Hancock’s reward didn’t reach 100 million berry yet, but the ten thousand points weren’t related to her bounty, it was related to the danger that person put to the World government.

“How much points do I have now…”

Roja didn’t ask Sengoku but was talking to himself.

Probably I have more than 80.000 points.

Roja didn’t calculate accurately, now he could simply capture pirates with 300 million bounties easily.

So reaching 200 thousand points is easy, all he needs now is to get more powerful than an Admiral.

Thinking to here Roja said: “If there is nothing else I will go back.”

Roja looked at Sengoku, nodded and turned away to leave.

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